Member Reviews

I cannot explain how much i enjoyed the first two books which were full of plot twists and bombshells, keeping me hooked, nervous and on the edge of my seat from the beginning.

And i knew i wanted to savour this one, so i waited and waited until i was ready for it.

Lexie following on from her failed overseas assignment has been told that she's the key to cracking the code to a time sensitive encrypted file. Though, its rarely is as simple as it seems, because solving the mystery requires Lexie to open pandora box and make tough decisions.

I have to say that Lexie is one of my favourite MCs out there, witty, smart yet so damn human and real. Noyes has done a great job creating a character that while we won't necessarily fully relate to, we understand on a human level.

Though the romance trope is second to Lexie's job and solving the existential mystery of her country's security, it played a key role for Lexie and i appreciated that we got to see more of the other relationships Lexie formed from the first book.

I thought the only thing this book lacked though was a chapter at the end that would have provided an extended ending to the current one, more of a cushioned closure.

Otherwise, it was a wonderful read! I would definitely recommend this if you enjoy sapphic spy thrillers.

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What a great ending to a fantastic series. Lexie and her sidekick are tasked with to decipher a code to find the password to a hard drive. The hard drive was her father’s so only Lexie’s mind will have the code. Then she has to give this to the new Halcyon Division head who was her uncle.
Everything about this book was excellent. The Chemistry, intrigue and the writing was superb. Can I rate 6 stars?

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I have been a Noyes fan for a while and I felt this was a solid final installment to a great trilogy. Though the whole trilogy was a departure from her typical style, I really liked the espionage aspect of the story and how this last installment was very cerebral and had a lot of Lexie’s own self-reflection. And wasn’t bogged down but too many action sequences.

The quick plot kept me engaged and I really liked the evolution of her relationships with both Sophia and Jeffrey throughout this series. I found this installment to be a little light on the romance and I longed for a more drawn out HEA but enjoyed the resolution just the same. I highly recommend this series (especially the first book, Integrity) if you are looking for something a bit more intriguing than a standard sapphic romance.

Also if you enjoy Noyes’ writing and haven’t read Alone yet, do yourself a favor and go buy it pronto. One of the best books I’ve ever read!

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Loyalty by EJ Noyes is a spy thriller centred around Lexie, a 'brilliant' intelligence analyst determined to save her country from a perilous Russian plot. While Noyes is one of my favourite authors, I found myself frustrated with this story. The first-person POV often felt limiting, trapping me in Lexie's perspective—a character who bordered on being self-absorbed and glib. Her unwavering patriotism and lack of critical examination of her own country's actions made it difficult for me to fully engage with this story.

The side characters add depth but also highlight the story's flaws. Sophie, in particular, feels underdeveloped and too accepting of Lexie's motives, exhibiting an unrealistic level of hero worship. Her unquestioning support, despite the dangers and moral ambiguities of Lexie's job, do not ring true to me. It just leaves me completely confused by their romance and her character.

The pacing of the book was uneven, with the most engaging parts appearing towards the end. While the plot had moments of intrigue and excitement, the overall execution left me ambivalent about the series. Despite these frustrations, Noyes's ability to craft compelling narratives keeps me hopeful for future works.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Bella Books for a copy of this novel. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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I am not ready to let Lexie go. I’m not. I’m not ready to let Sophia and Jeffrey go either. That said, this third and final book in EJ Noyes’ Halcyon Division series ties everything up neatly, and the only reason I’d want more books is because I enjoyed these so much, not because of any unanswered questions I might have. Yet, at the same time, Noyes leaves the door ajar for more episodes, just enough that I have hope that she may, someday, want to revisit Lexie’s non-spy adventures.

In Loyalty, Lexie is tasked with figuring out the password to unlock a hard drive containing extremely sensitive information. Nothing is ever simple or straightforward in her life, which I guess goes with the territory of doing spy-adjacent work for two U.S. government agencies—especially when one of them is a secret organisation—and inevitably, revelations abound that drive her to question, well, almost everything.

For reasons I can’t explain without spoiling—the acknowledgments may give you a hint—I went into this book already aware of an element of the story that turned out to be a lot more crucial than I expected. I usually hate spoilers but in this case, I was like a kid at Christmas, knowing something exciting was coming, with an inkling of what it would be, but not sure how it would happen nor of any detail. This feeling of anticipation made listening to Loyalty a very different experience than with Integrity and Leverage. Different but just as good.

As usual, Abby Craden‘s narration more than delivers (except for a few words in languages other than English). Lexie is badass, dedicated, out of her depth, terrified, brave, and all of that—and more—is reflected in her voice. Sophia’s is full of sunshine and warmth, and Jeffrey’s resonates with his good-natured and steadfast support and wit.

One thing I love in this series is the way Noyes mixes extremely touchy topics, some with awful consequences, and a definite sense of humour, banter, cockiness, and some super sweet moments. Loyalty, despite the stakes at play being even higher than in both previous books, is never heavy, and after I listened to it, I stayed with a buzz of adrenaline coursing through my veins and the satisfaction that comes from having had a lot of fun.

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What a great final installment in this trilogy! Though I am kinda hoping we see Lexie back for more in the future. I really liked this series from Noyes, it was a departure from her typical book and I really liked the espionage aspect of the story. It was still the well written story from Noyes but with a twist. Lexie and her antics kept me engaged and I really liked the evolution of her relationships both with Sophia and Jeffrey throughout this series. I do wish we had a bit more of the happy ever after but at the same time it also keeps me hoping for a new story in the future. If you are looking for something a bit more intriguing than the standard romance plot but also still with WLW characters this series is a great one!

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I hesitated before starting this book because I've enjoyed the series so much. I was torn between not wanting it to end (or wondering if it truly has) and worrying whether the conclusion could meet my expectations. Thankfully, it did. I should never have doubted it. This book is a wonderfully crafted blend of mystery, thriller, and romance. It's the perfect dessert to a three-course meal that you will thoroughly enjoy. Lexie's character continues to grow and impress, solidifying her role as the star of the show, supported by a cast of intriguing characters.

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Lexie’s life blew apart during her latest overseas assignment. Literally and figuratively. Sophia, her girlfriend, dumped her and her assignment was an epic fail. Back home again, Lexie has been told she is the only one capable of breaking a password code. Without anything else to distract her, Lexie dives deep into her new assignment.

Loyalty is everything and more than what I anticipated after the climatic ending in Leverage. Noyes ties up some loose ends brilliantly. This is not to say the series ends here. Noyes has hinted of more Lexie in the future.

I received an advance review copy  from Bella Books through NetGalley.  I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This is the third book by Ms Noyes set in the world of spies and Halycon. You really need to have read the other two for this to make sense ~ and that’s no hardship. These are not your generic lesfic. There is excitement, danger, betrayal, and lots of angst… will she won’t she solve the puzzle… will she won’t she get the girl?

Lexie is an excellent main character as she is brave and clever but also weak and soppy. You want her to succeed but you also want to buy her a coffee and have a proper chat with her. Lexie spends a great deal of this book wondering who she can trust and who’s speaking the truth ~ whatever that is. Lexie also learns about her parents and her childhood.

This is a clever, well plotted, and perfectly paced book. I was given a copy of the book by NetGalley

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I had the most difficult time conceptualizing how Lexi and Sophia were going make it back to one another. The final installment was a down to the wire not-spy (haha) thriller that had twists and turns I wasn’t expecting. At several points during the 3 book saga, I became paranoid that literally everyone was out to thwart Lexi’s mission and I loved every word. Amazing series that I plan on re-reading many times over. Thanks to the author, Bella books, and NetGalley for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The way I inhaled this book. I still have so many questions after finishing the third book, so I am hoping this was not the last book in the series and the author will give us more. Just like any other work by EJ Noyes, it is really well written, it flows smoothly and you are emotionally invested in the story and the characters. But this series is a bit different from any other of her work. Let's just say that the espionage in this series is "espionaging" and I can't get enough. 15/10 would recommend.

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Lexie Martin is a heroine for the ages and one of my favorite sapphic characters. She lives her life doing the right thing, even if it lands her in dangerous situations repeatedly. After the events in book two, she's tired and recovering from a broken heart as she returns to the states and her job as a government analyst. Life can simply never be easy for Lexie, and she finds herself being brought into a special project looking into the workings of someone very close to her to try to crack a code that will uncover foreign operatives working inside the government.
Lexie has unfinished business with her ex, Sophia and I loved how she works to communicate and open herself up more. Lexie and Sophia are one of those couples who are just meant to be and nothing either of them can do will stop the pull they feel towards each other. Loyalty also continues one of the best male/female friendships you will find in sapphic literature and it's really one of my favorite things about the book.
E.J. Noyes is simply one of the best writers in our community. Her characters feel like friends you simply never want to say goodbye to. I am really sad to see this series end. It drew me in from the first page of Integrity and held my attention until the very end of this book. I have no doubt Super Lexie will continue to save humanity as the world's greatest not spy.

An ARC was received from Bella Books via NetGalley for an honest review.

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Really enjoyed this, an exciting conclusion to a gripping trilogy, with strong characters, and a strong central relationship. Lots of reflecting about family, loyalty and service. A wonderfully gripping read by a reliable writer.

With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the third and possibly final book in the Halcyon Division series and has the reader enthralled to the end.

Can Lexie save the day by cracking her fathers code and win back her woman? Noyes once again has us cheering her on to do both in this highly anticipated conclusion to their love affair and Lexies work as a “non spy”. Well written, filled with plenty of nerdy IT and code stuff, with lots of humour, even in the darkest times, makes this an enjoyable series.

Highly recommend all three books.

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I received an ARC of this book via netgalley in exhange for an honest review. I have read the other books in this series as well as other Noyes' books. The third installment of E.J. Noyes' Halcyon Division series did a good job of tying up the loose ends from Leverage and Integrity. Overall, I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars, but would rate the overall series a bit lower on the star scale. While I enjoy Noyes' writing including their characterization and plot development, I feel as though this series drug on for a book too long. The ending was predicable in many ways and I found myself wanting more of a plot twist. There was satisfation in my early suspicions being correct; however, I do think things were a bit too cliche and obvious by the end. Still, I enjoyed the series and did not consider abandoning it at any point. Several characters grew on me over time. I love E.J. Noyes' other books and would recommend them in a heartbeat, but, as more of a Shuss and Gold fan, this series would be lower on my recommendations.

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It’s safe to say that Lexi Martin is my sapphic character crush. Since first picking up Integrity, I have found her to be witty, clever, and authentic, and knowing that E.J. Noyes is at the end of her trilogy with loyalty, is bittersweet. Sure, Lexi and Sophia deserve their happily ever after, but I’m not sure I am ready to let them go.

Loyalty see’s Lexie finding out why she is so important to Halcyon. So, while beginning a new task, one she hopes will help settle her life to some extent, she also wants to fix things with Sophia. The love between the two women hasn’t dissipated, and talking out their concerns and expectations strengthens their bond.

At the same time, Lexie must solve the riddle she has been presented with and not get herself killed in the process.

Loyalty rounds out a spectacular trilogy, and E.J. Noyes couldn’t have ended things more perfectly. Keeping the pace fast and thrilling, Noyes also steps up the heat with the rekindling of the relationship between Lexi and Sophia. With writing this original and addictive, I already know I will be re-reading/listening to this series in the near future. Make sure you don’t miss this unforgettable ending to The Halcyon Division Series.

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Engaging as well as an entertaining read. So glad I was able to read the three books in the series. Closure is a good thing. Alexandra Martin, talented and skilled intelligence analyst for the government. Sophia Flores, Lexie's ex-girlfriend. Derek, good secondary character or is he. Jeffrey, most definitely good secondary character or is he.

Lexi has been assigned a new case from her "new" boss Michael Lennon. The case is a challenge and she has asked Jeffrey to assist her. While working on the case, Lennon comes in often to check and receive an update. The dialogue around figuring out the passcode between Lexi and Jeffrey was fascinating. In the meantime, Lexi accidentally, sees Sophia and with slow steps and dialogue, they try and set the record straight and gain an understanding. I like that there is interaction between the two of them since there was hardly any in the second book. I also liked Jeffrey's wife, Dominique, she has flair.

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I was rather late to discover E.J Noyes I am ashamed to say but after reading my first book of her I quickly managed to read all her other ones with Loyalty being the latest in that line. The reasons for falling in love with her books are still there. With Loyalty we follow up on Lexi's journey as she is figuring out who to trust in the shady political landscape while also nursing her broken heart. It felt like reconnecting with an old friend, the character development is solid and it actually feels like your coming along for a short while in the life of real people. Noyes' books are never too long, instead I feel sad when the story ends and I have to say goodbye to the people that caught my heart. If you like romance and intrigue pick up this book! But in all honesty: pick and read any EJ Noyes book you can get your hands on, I promise you will not be disappointed.

*** This review was left voluntarily after receiving an ARC through Netgalley ***

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This is the third book in the Halcyon series and you absolutely must read the previous two before starting this one. It’s basically all one very long story. I re-read the previous two before diving head first into this one. You don’t necessarily need to re-read because Noyes is kind (and smart) enough to start each new instalment with a nice recap. I wish more authors would do that for a series. It doesn’t take away from the story as it is absolutely in line with how the story is told and it definitely increases reading pleasure.

Obviously with it being a third book I can’t say much about the story itself without spoilers. I love Lexie’s dry wit and her passion for her job. I think I did get a little tired from reading about how much she loves her country more than anything and does everything for the good of the people. There is no mistaken where here loyalties lie.

All in all I’d say this is another strong one by Noyes, might be the favourite of this series, so far. And I do hope it’s so far because we could go on many more adventure with Lexie and all the fun secondary characters

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Really good book. I've read all the books in this series and this is by far my favorite. This book dealt with more of the espionage and intrigue more than the romance between the two main characters.. I loved all the action and secretive clandestine spying, and code breaking. It was all very well done and written. Lexie and Sophia were great main characters and I'm bummed to see the end of their story. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends and family and I look forward to what's next from this author.

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