Member Reviews

I always love this authors book so when I see this I knew I was going to be in for a excellent read. I was not disappointed you,me,her was a gripping thriller where the story had me hooked from the first page u til the very last. It was a fast paced thriller with lots twists and turns. The characters are well developed and the writing style just flows throughout. It was definitely one of my favourite read this year so far. I will definitely be recommending this to everyone. Overall brilliant thriller. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my advanced copy.

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Thoroughly engaging psychological thriller, betrayal, yet I found the storyline was a bit repetitive at times. I still really enjoyed it and would recommend.

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I'm choosing not to submit a review of this book on goodreads as I did not finish. I couldn't. Things were repeated so much in the first few chapters it drove me nuts . I'm sorry .

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Title- You Me Her @suewatsonbooks
Rating- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This psychological thriller is a true page-turner, with twists and turns that will keep you on your toes! The author does a magnificent job of building tension throughout the book, leaving readers questioning everything. While the ending felt a bit rushed, the story’s twists and turns made up for it, providing a thrilling ride from start to finish.


Three people. One marriage. One murder.

My handsome husband Tom. You’ve given me everything – our beautiful son and our perfect new seaside home. I want to trust you, but I know you haven’t been honest about why you really wanted to move here. I haven’t been honest with you either…

I make a secret promise as Tom kisses me and pours a glass of ice-cold wine to toast the first night in our dream I’m going to forget about his past. For the sake of our son, I’ll keep this family together, no matter what.

Chloe is the only friend I’ve made since the move. I love our long lunches, even though she asks prying questions about my marriage. Tom hates me spending time with her, but I ignore his warning to stay away. I’ve seen the way he looks at her. It’s better to keep your enemies close…

You may think you know what’s going on in my marriage, but you’ll be wrong. Only three things are Someone is a liar. Someone is in danger. Someone is a killer.

Fans of The Housemaid, The Perfect Marriage and The Girl on the Train will love this absolutely jaw-dropping psychological thriller. With twist after twist, you won’t be able to put this book down!

Add this one to your tbr as it comes to kindle unlimited June 3rd✨

QOTD- whats your favorite song right now?

Thank you @netgalley @suewatsonbooks and @bookouture for this advanced copy.

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A stalker thriller full of twists and turns. Every character at some point in this book acts weird and it makes you question their actions, I thought I had it figured out but the end took a completely different path and I was surprised.

I loved the suspense and the tension building up to the murder and also after the murder. Rachel did piss me off with her naivety and the way she was ignoring every red flag around her, I wanted to yell at her so many times.

I wished we got more explanation at the end though, it ended so abruptly but overall is was a very good thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end.

4.5 stars.*

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for a digital ARC copy.

#YouMeHer #NetGalley

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You Me Her - Sue Watson ⭐⭐⭐⭐

📚 I recommend this if you love a twisty psychological thriller

Genre: Psychological thriller
Number of Pages: 390
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Series or Standalone: Standalone
Tropes & Themes: plot twist, isolated, small town, mistaken identity, bad neighbours, tension, unreliable narrator, obsession, toxic friendships, secrets, lies, betrayal

The plot developed really well and moved at a good pace. There were SO many chapters that ended on a cliffhanger which kept me gripped and I had to pull myself away from reading the book a few times!!
Lots of plot twists throughout too, some of which I really didn't expect, leaving me questioning who was the true victim and villain!!
My favourite character was Rachel, and I felt sorry for her with all the life experiences she went through. My least favourite character was Chloe, because of the way she was portrayed in the book, and the uncertainty of whether she wanted to be Rachel's friend or was trying to confuse her!

📖 Brief plot summary: three people, one marriage, one murder. Rachel and Tom move into a new house in Cornwall, and their new neighbour Chloe is suspicious and deemed not to be trusted... But Rachel becomes friends with Chloe, the only friend she has in Cornwall, and starts to hear some harsh truths about her marriage. Can the truth be trusted, or are there more lies hiding underneath?

Thank you NetGalley for the gifted e-book in return for my review!

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betrayal and a murder!! overall a great thriller that kept me fully engaged throughout the entire book. 4.5 out of 5 stars!!!

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Sue Watson is one of my favourite authors, and I loved this book.
Rachel and Tom are happily married, and have a wonderful life. They have a son, and a dream home, and things couldn't be better. Or so it seems.
Both Rachel and Tom have secrets, but are any of the secrets enough to justify murder?
I devoured this book in one sitting, I thought I knew what the ending would be, but the plot twisted and turned, and I was totally wrong!
A real page turner.

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I’ve loved reading Sue Watson books and her twisty storylines always appeal to me.

I found this book easy to read and it held my attention but I did guess the plot twist at the end which took away a little of the suspense.

The book has fatal attraction vibes with the finger of suspicion pointed in many different directions which definitely adds to its readability!

I did enjoy reading this book and found myself speeding through the pages.

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Right away, I was drawn into the seaside setting and wanted to know everyone’s secrets. I had a pretty good idea where the plot was heading, but I was intrigued and kept reading to find out how everything would come together. At some point the pacing was off for me. I felt as though the same stuff was happening over and over and the plot was not really moving forward. The novel did a good job of making me invested and wanting the main character to get all the answers she needed. I just feel the story could have been condensed because I started to lose interest half way through the book. Even though I knew where the story was going and felt like it was kind of repetitive, I do have to say the author did something right because I still needed to finish the book to its conclusion and couldn’t stop reading. I have pretty high standards for thrillers and suspense novels, and for me the story was predictable. This doesn’t mean that readers won’t enjoy the novel, I just can’t give it a higher rating since the twists and secrets weren’t so surprising to me.

You, Me, Her follows Rachel as she moves with her husband and son from the comfort of everything she knows, to a seaside home. She has a fear of water and isn’t sure about the move seaside, but she does it for her husband and her marriage. Immediately, Chloe walks into their lives. Rachael’s husband, Tom, warns that he knows Chloe from his previous job and she is dangerous. Rachael wants to figure out for herself if Chloe is the threat Tom says she is. Rachael has to decide who she can trust, and if she can even trust herself.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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“You, Me, Her” is a thriller by Sue Watson. I’ve read a number of Ms. Watson’s books, so I’ve come to expect a few things - a female main character in a situation she’s not too sure about … and then a final twist at the end that makes one go “huh, didn’t see THAT coming.” Positives first - this book held my attention and was a quick read. The negatives - I had a suspicion of who it might be about 60% into the book, so the surprise twist at the end wasn’t a surprise … and the ending felt incredibly blunt and sudden. I cannot say that I really liked any of the characters, which is sad because I usually like to cheer for someone in thrillers. While this was not my favorite book by Ms. Watson, I can honestly say that it was a good and fast read and pure escapism. Overall 3.5 stars, rounded up to 4.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Bookoture for providing this ARC in exchange for a honest review.

Rachel has just moved with her son Sam from Manchester to the sea to be with her husband Tom who has spent the last year redoing a large home to at they bought with inheritance money from her father. On her first night there Chloe, the estate agent, lets herself in and seems a little to familiar with Tom. Tom tells Rachel that Chloe is trouble and to stay away from her but Rachel becomes friendly with Chloe while Tom is working out of town. Eventually Rachel starts to see Chloe has issues and may be trying to upset Rachel’s life.

3.5 stars.

This book was decent and I read it quickly but I feel like there was a little too much misplaced trust and burying the head in the sand by the main character. The story wouldn’t have worked if she had been skeptical of people but I was annoyed regardless. There was a twist at the end that I didn’t see coming but overall this was a run of the mill novel overall.

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This is a fun, fast-paced domestic thriller that I raced through over a couple of nights. Rachel is naïve in her unquestioning acceptance of her new best friend Chloe and her husband, but at the same time, I was rooting for her and really enjoyed her character arc. The author skilfully brought the Cornish setting to life and at the end there was a gasp-inducing plot twist. Thoroughly enjoyable!

Thank you to Sue Watson, Bookouture and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.

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Yet another book that is hard to review because the synopsis mentions every spoiler-free part! Rachel Frazer is the “me” in the title, her husband Tom is the “you”, and Chloe, their estate agent, is the “her”. What a messy situation this bunch is…

Rachel’s father has passed, and she inherited a good chunk of money from him - with the stipulation that her husband not be able to touch a penny of it without her consent. With her okay, he bought a huge house on the sea and completely renovated it, spending almost every dime (or whatever they have in England. Pence?) on it. Rachel and their son, Sam, moved from Manchester to the new place in Cornwall, but the big house doesn’t feel like home, for a variety of reasons.

Then, in comes Chloe - a younger, blonder woman who somehow still has keys to the house, even though it’s sold. Despite their first awkward meeting, Chloe and Rachel become tentative friends…until this turns into somewhat of a “Single White Female” situation. This woman is getting in the way of Rachel’s marriage, and she has no idea what to do…

This is a very typical “Fatal Attraction” thriller with a few twists and a lot of overused tropes. I guessed the ending, until the last chapter added something slightly different that I didn’t see coming. This isn’t deep or outstanding, but it’s a perfect, entertaining summer/beach read. 3.5 stars.

(Thank you to Bookouture, Sue Watson and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review. This book is slated to be released on June 3, 2024.)

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WOW You, Me, Her, a fast paced exciting psychological thriller with an absolutely mind blowing twist by Sue Watson was an absolutely brilliant read which I could not put down.

Rachel, Tom and their four year old son Sam have left their flat in Manchester to start afresh in the most envied house in Cornwall even the locals call it the big house. The money to invest in the house came from money which was from Rachel's inheritance money left by her deceased Father.

There are three people in my marriage which I am to find out as time goes by in my new home and my insecurities are at peak level when someone who is a good ten years younger and very pretty enters our home as I see how my handsome husband Tom gives a furtive glance in her direction thinking that I had not noticed.

Who is the wolf in sheep's clothing going to be?

My heart goes out for Rachel as something tragic she had experienced in the past is going to resurface when she sees her big surprise that Tom has built for her in their garden and it is not what she had envisioned in their plans at all.

Shocking revelation at the end of this thriller that I was not expecting.

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An overall enjoyable read. I found myself whizzing through it to find out what was happening. I guessed the final twist quite early on so it didn’t give me the shock factor and the dialogue was a bit clunky at times. However, some of the other twists and events were gripping.

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This is my first Sue Watson book, I don’t think this authors writing style is for me. The dialogue in this felt clunky at best. I found it hard to relate and love the FMC because she was written as someone who wouldn’t see a burning building even if it was right in front of her. I found her annoying and her reliance on Tom grating.

The pacing in this was slow at best and the twists and turns were predictable. The ending did not make up for it and I was left wanting more. As someone who reads a lot of thrillers the end and the big twist are important to me and this book just didn’t deliver.

EARC provided by Bookouture.

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I absolutely adore Sue Watson's writing.

I was eagerly looking forward to reading it and can honestly say I was not disappointed

Totally engrossed in the story so much so I lost track of time

Thank you Bookouture and Netgalley for the opportunity to review

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Oh my!!! This Author turns out 5 star reads, this being no exception. Run....don't get this amazing book!!!
Thank you to Netgalley for providing this digital copy in exchange for a review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc. Sue Watson writes a jaw dropping thriller again! I will always read her books, they are all amazing. Definitely did not see the twist coming at the end!!! I was shocked! A must read!

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