Member Reviews

Found it a bit slow to begin with but then it seemed to be so good! I couldn’t put it down! I kind of guessed the twist but it took me to the end for me to be 100 % sure. Was always making me think!

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I have read many Sue Watson's books and I have loved them all. Including this one

Holy twists. This story was not only a fast paced story but I was on the edge of my bed the whole time.

So many twists and I had a feeling when Rachel finally connected the dots that I was right about the last twist.

A definite recommend if you love twists

Thank you Bookouture and Netgalley and all thoughts and opinions are my own

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I have always enjoyed Sue Watson as an author and though this book was just ok, I still would recommend giving it a chance.

The story opens with Rachel finally joining her husband in Cornwall at their new home which was bought with Rachel's inheritance. Her husband, Tom, has been renovating the property whilst Rachel and her son, Sam, were finalizing the sale of their flat in Manchester. When Rachel joins him, strange things begin to happen, and as the plot unravels she is no longer sure who she can trust.

The story definitely held my interest enough for me to follow through and see how things turned out. I did like enjoy how the author explored the complexities of relationships and how sometimes evil disguises itself and hides right in front of you. That said, I found some elements of the plot repetitive, and the twists and turns were fairly predictable - at least to me. The central female character was a bit annoying throughout, though I did like how she turned into a strong, brave woman at the end.

I will always pick up a Sue Watson book, but as a thriller this one fell flat. I give it 3.5 stars.

Thank you kindly to NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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You, Me, Her
By: Sue Watson

Rachel’s father dies and leaves her with a huge inheritance. Her husband Tom is fixing up a really nice home on the sea.

When Rachel moves to the home with their young son, Tom surprises her with something. He had planned a romantic evening for their first night in the home, but a female real estate agent Chloe shows up and puts a dent in his plans.

Unfortunately this surprise is frightening to Rachel, along with Chloe inserting herself in their lives.

Crazy things start happening and this plot has so many twists
and turns until the last paragraph.

Addictive, twisty, and crazy plot!

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This one was just ok. I think it was predictable at the end. Kind of slow and long. I don't know why authors always have to make women look stupid. Like every man in these books is God's gift to women and they will all do anything possible to get him. Even betray their friends and family. It's just ridiculous.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 3rd June. Wow, Sue Watson has done it again 5 stars for this plot twisting, unputdownable thriller and what an ending!! Like what have I just read?!

My favourite character was Chloe as I would always wonder what would happen next. This book had many gasp out loud moments that had me gripped to my kindle. I’d highly recommend this book you won’t be able to put it down it’s a must read!

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You, Me, Her was a fast read for me. Author Susan Watson is a good storyteller and knows how to keep the reader wanting more. With little hints throughout the book you think you’ve got things figured out but then she sends you down a different path. Love not guessing the twist early on.
Rachel is happy to finally be living at her newly restored with her husband and son. The renovations have taken longer than expected but now they can enjoy all of Tom’s hard work. Everything seems perfect until Tom surprises Rachel with a brand new swimming pool in her garden. Not only did Rachel not want a pool but she is petrified of the water from a previous experience. How could he be so careless to spend money on something he knows Rachel is against?
It starts with little things but quickly turns into bigger scarier things happening at the house. Tom thinks Rachel is exaggerating and using her past paranoia to make things up, but Rachel knows what’s happening is real. It will take a lot of time but Rachel will get the truth, and she will be devastated by what she learns. Not everyone will come out alive.

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YOU, ME, HER by Sue Watson
PUB DATE 06.03.24

Rachel has newly inherited a LOT of money, and her & her husband buy a huge new home with it.

When Rachel gets to move in (a little later than her husband due to work), she gets to see all the work her husband Tom has put into it. On her first night at her new home, the real estate agent, Chloe, makes a surprise visit. Rachel warms up to her quickly, but Tom is adamant that she stay away from her, stating she is “dangerous.”

Okay, I really loved this book! It was very fast paced, kept me on my toes, constantly drawn into the story and not wanting to put it down. Full of twists and turns… I LOVED it! Highly recommend if you’re looking for a good book to get you out of a slump. I’ll definitely be checking out some of this author’s prior books!


Thanks so much to NetGalley and Bookouture for my advanced copy!

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Someone is playing on Rachel’s worst fear and we get bits of her back story all through the book, it’s tense in places and even though I had an idea of who the other woman turned out to be,, it didn’t ruin what was an enjoyable read.

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I never know what I'm going to get with this author, I either LOVE them (which I have with alot of them) or I just don't click with them at all, thankfully, this novel had me hooked from the prologue and had me steaming through until the very end.

A brilliant psychological, creepy stalker thriller that had me second guessing everyone. Even though I had guessed the 'whodunnit' early on, I still spent thr majority of the time then thinking I'd got it wrong!

Rachel inherits a lot of money when her father passes away and agrees to follow her husband Tom's dream of moving from their flat in Manchester to a huge house renovation in Cornwall.

Leaving Tom in charge while she stays behind with their young son Sam to sell their flat, she finally manages to make it to the house they are now to call their home. Tom seems delighted to have them finally all under one roof and can't wait to surprise Rachel with something he's been planning for months..... Rachel's worse nightmare... a swimming pool in their back garden.

Strange things start to happen at home, even Sam has seen and heard things but asa four year old xhild, can Ra hel believe anything he says? Thankfu she befriends another local nursery Mum, Chloe. Tom has tried to warn her off from this supposedly 'dangerous ' woman but Rachel needs a friend, her best friend Rosa lives in Manchester and can't visit often and when she does is nt at all welcomed by Tom.

When things start getting even worse, putting her home and child at risk, it's Rosa that steps up to keep her and Sam safe. Rachel no longer knows who she can trust anymore and puzzle pieces start clicking together.

Now whilst I loved the plot, the tension and suspense the downside for me was Rachel herself., her naivety, the ignorance to all the red flags... she made ,e want to shake some sense into her.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

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Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for an early copy of You, Me, Her. First of all Bookouture has had sooo many winners lately and this one is one of the BEST!!! A true psychological that keeps you guessing what is the truth. A PHENOMENAL read, just Fantastic!!! I did kind of know who was the culprit but wasn’t really sure but when I found out I was still Flabbergasted. A very fast and Perfect read. One of Sue Watson’s Best books. Great characters, I felt I was right there witnessing all that happened. I’m sad it’s over, I just loved it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Sue Watson is such a talented author that I’m not surprised I absolutely loved You, Me, Her. This thriller definitely had some tropes but it was so creative and well written I was guessing throughout. I loved the setting in Cornwall, making the house that led to the move for Rachel and Tom a very vivid place I could easily imagine. This book also did a great job of leaving me questioning if Rachel was a little bit off, since I knew a lot of her concerns had to be real but combined with the mystery of what had her so scared with the water and unrevealed mental issues in her past, I did question her credibility a bit.

This had some great characters but even more so had some great twists. While I did anticipate the final reveal might turn out as it did, there was just enough suspense and smoke and mirrors that I wasn’t 100% sure, which was so engaging for me. Highly recommended for lovers of thrillers!

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5 big stars for this one !!! I have read some of Sue Watson's thrillers, and they have been a hit or miss with me. This one knocked it out of the ballpark. I also see she writes romance, but I've never given those a try. This was one heck of a ride. Tom and Rachel move to a very large house on a cliff overlooking the sea. Rachel's father had passed away and left her a tidy inheritance. That money was used to buy the house and also for Tom for refurbish it. And refurbish it he did, using almost all of the inheritance money. The couple has a 4 year old named Sam. So they move in, sign Sam up for nursery school, and Rachel tries to adjust to the move. The first night she's there, the real estate agent, Chloe, comes right in, using an extra set of keys Tom had given her. Rachel doesn't know anyone else in town, so she does her best to m make friends with Chloe. And this is where the story begins. Tom warns Rachel that Chloe is dangerous. But Rachel likes her and the two start going on coffee meet ups and shopping.

This book has so many twists and turns and the incredible double, triple twist at the end. I had to sit in my chair and just say wow when the book was done. The writing was great, as was the description of the characters. Not all characters were meant to be liked, and I felt like yeeting Tom to the next town. Incredibly done thriller. I did not guess the ending, wasn't even close.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC. I greatly appreciate it. I highly recommend this book. It's a quick read that will get the heart rate up!

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What a book this was I was gripped from the beginning until the end and was hooked in the storyline

I have followed this author since her first book and never been disappointed.but I think for me personally this is 'up there's as one of her best yet.

The ending was fantastic with everything explained and brought to a satisfactory conclusion, although the culprit was on my list with a few others.

Well done Sue a well deserved 5+ stars from me and I look forward to your next knicker gripper

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this fantastic ARC which I have no hesitation in recommending.

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Fantastic! This is a stay up late, cuddle up in a warm blanket, and settle in for a day of reading kind of book, because you won’t be able to put it down once you start.

When Rachel inherits a lot of money from her dad, her husband convinces her to sink most of it into a beautiful home because it would be a good investment. Rachel must stay behind to sell their old home while Tom moves to Cornwall to begin renovations. Though Rachel is excited to finally move in with her husband, she is not so pleasantly surprised to see how luxurious her new home is and how much Tom has spent on it. But she is determined to be happy and make new friends. She can never quite settle in though because it appears she is being stalked and strange things keep happening. She is convinced her new friend, Chloe, is responsible and decides to end the friendship, though things are not always as they appear and Rachel must conquer her fears in order to keep her family safe.

The twists keep coming and the ending is superb. This book is great company for a night in, so pick yourself up a copy and enjoy. Thank you, NetGalley and Bookouture for the eARC.

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Oh my goodness! I was so gripped by the universe created by Sue Watson that I read You Me Her practically in one sitting! It’s a tension filled book with very realistic characters and nonstop action. The story is not complicated, however you won’t be able to put it down until you reach the twisted ending. Rachel moves to a glorious new home in Cornwall which was renovated by her husband Tom while Rachel was still in their prior home with their four year old son. The money for the home came from Rachel’s inheritance. The first evening Tom and Rachel are both at the house, Chloe, the realtor, walks into the house with her own set of keys. Tom warns Rachel that Chloe is dangerous, but Rachel is lonely and still befriends her. Clearly something is very wrong with Chloe. Rachel relies on her good friend Rosa, from out of town, to stay with her for support. Everyone in this book has secrets. Why did Tom have a pool built when Rachel is afraid of the water? Is their son safe? What should be an exciting new beginning spirals out of control. Watch out for those twists and turns. I loved this book. With thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC. My opinions are my own. @suewatsonbooks

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Wow. I started this book thinking it would be a fairly predictable and simple read. I was wrong. This book hands down has the biggest twist I've read this year! At first I thought Chloe was crazy, then I thought Rachel was crazy. But then I realised I was only half right Rachel was crazy, but that Rachel wasn't a character, she was me, the reader. I must be, to not see that ending coming at all! Though the start felt a little slow, I feel that it was actually necessary to draw you into the story, and for it to develop naturally so that you were truly captivated by the middle and ending. Definitely deserving of all five stars in my honest opinion!

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📚ARC; Book Review 📚

🔖 You, Me, Her by Sue Watson
Pub date: Jun 3rd 2024
Genre : Mystery/Thriller

Rachel moves to Cornwall to join her husband Tom with their son Sam, seeking a fresh start in their new, expensive home. The move is fueled by the large inheritance Rachel received following her father's passing, promising them a life of financial security and improved prospects. However, as they settle into their new surroundings and encounter unfamiliar faces, Rachel soon discovers the disconcerting reality that in this new environment, trust must be placed solely in oneself.

📖: This is my first Sue Watson’s book so I didn’t know what to expect when I started reading. I really liked the prologue and first chapter, it made me ease well into reading.

One aspect of the book that I particularly admired was its exploration of family, marriage, money, and friendship. It kind of highlighted how evil can actually be in plain sight and to always trust your instincts.

However, as a thriller read, I found the pacing of the book to be slow, and it felt like it dragged on for an extended period. Unfortunately, the twists and turns in the plot were quite predictable, and I had already pieced together the entire storyline from the beginning. For me, the most compelling aspect of a thriller is the big reveal, which should leave me astounded, but in this case it just didn’t do it for me.

Thank you @netgallery for a Copy of this book.

Rating⭐️: 6/10

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Having inherited a large sum of money, Rachel relocates to her husbands dream location in a beautiful house. Tom, her husband, spends months perfecting the house and Rachel and their 4 year old son Sam join him to reunite their family. From the moment Rachel moves to her new home, she becomes unsure of who to trust and who to believe. Can she trust anyone, even herself?

This book had me gripped from the first chapter. It is beautifully written, giving enough detail but also keeps the storyline moving throughout. There is twist after twist that I didn't see coming and the final twist was a complete shock. I had a fleeting thought about halfway through the book but quickly dismissed it until about 10 pages before the end! I couldn't read another book for a few days in order to process the quick-paced, enthralling read.

This is my first read by this author and I will definitely be looking at other books written by them if this is anything to go by! I can definitely see this being a top seller when it is released.

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I have read every book from this author never addictive read. Rachel and Tom have bought their dream home in Cornwall. With the money her father left her Rachel, and her son are finally making the move from Manchester. she can't wait to be with Tom and get to see the work he has done. she loves it they are just sat down when a woman is in her kitchen her name is Chloe. when she leaves Tom tells her to keep away from her then strange things start to happen Rachel will have to watch who can she trust and watch her back a verry twisty read so recommend

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