Member Reviews

You, me, her was absolutely amazing. I was hooked immediately, I read this book in 6 hours! I could not put it down.

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Another engaging psychological thriller from Sue Watson. A thriller that explores the complexities of trust, friendship, and deception within what seems to be a loving marriage.

Tom (You) and Rachel (Me) are married and live with their son Sam in a beautiful seaside home. What is perceived as a perfect marriage is in fact a family life full of secrets and lies. Rachel receives an inheritance from her father and despite being terrified of water they move from their Manchester home to a picturesque setting on the Cornish coast overlooking the sea. Rachel and four year old Sam stay in their apartment while Tom oversees renovations on their new home.

Chloe (Her) who is the only friend Rachel has made since moving and Tom hates Rachel spending time with her.

This novel is full of suspense and suspicion, Tom with his secretive behaviour and Chloe with her probing questions stirs intrigue when reading. As per normal there are lots of twists and turns to keep you guessing what is going to happen.

This book is perfect for readers who enjoy satisfying psychological thrillers with well developed characters and skilfully crafted plots.

I would like to thank both Netgalley and Bookouture for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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You, Me, Her is a mystery thriller that keeps the reader on edge till the end.

Though I must have read too many thrillers already, because from the very start of the book I could guess what was going on in the book or maybe I have read something similar.

Even then it kept me interested throughout the book. It never got boring the way it is written and almost all chapters ended on a cliffhanger so it made the story gripping.

Only thing that made me roll my eyes was Rachel the main character's engagement with Chloe even with all the red flags from the very start. It was unbelievably stupid most of the times even though I could resonate her thought process but the way she kept accepting reasons for other people's behaviour, not just Chloe but her own husband Tom was making me furious. How dumb you can be to trust people so easily and then when doubts arise, letting all the reasons go down the drain as soon as the person in front started getting angry? It was really getting on my nerves the whole time.

Book rating : 3.5 stars

Thank you Bookouture and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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This was a spine-tingling thriller and one I highly recommend on adding to your TBR!
The twists and turns had me gripping my couch arms!!
Very grateful to have read this ARC and i'm well into my thriller girly reading era now

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Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and author Sue Warren for the ARC and opportunity to review this book.

If you are looking for secrets, lies and betrayal this is the book for you. There was a point when I had no idea who was trustworthy, who was actually the victim and who was as the villain!

I loved the way the author built the suspense. It kept my attention and had me wanting to keep reading. There was so much secrecy and suspicion and that ending blew me away! I was NOT expecting that.

The character development was very well done. I hated Tom, totally felt for Chloe and my heart broke for the main character. The author did a great job with the mental health aspect.

This was a binge worthy page turner for me and I’m already looking for my next read by this author.

4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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This is my first book by Sue Watson. Reading the summary of this book had me intrigued and after reading I have become obsessed with Sue’s writing.

Thank you for allowing me to receive You Me Her as an ARC!

Rachel has inherited a huge amount of money and her husband Tom has convinced her to move from Manchester to Cornwall. Tom moves ahead of Rachel and their 4 year old son, Sam. Once Rachel moves down to Cornwall, the financial strain between her and Tom causes him to begin traveling again for work. Leaving Rachel lonely she begins to get closer to her realtor Chloe. Against Tom’s wishes Rachel and Chloe become friends.

The twist and suspense in this book were exactly what I was looking for. It kept me interested and intrigued the whole time.

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You, Me, Her by Sue Watson is a thriller about a new couple who moved into their new home in the countryside. Rachel and Tom starts a new life with their 4 year old son in a bigger house after purchasing with Rachel's inheritance from her father. However, she is reunited with Tom only to realize he has built a big pool in their yard. Rachel is petrified of the water. Strange things also starts happening after she moves in. She just can't get over the fear that someone is in their home. Is her husband having an affair with their real estate agent, Chloe?

An inheritance, a real estate agent with keys to their house, strange shadows and a death...

While the story is fast-paced and entertaining to read, it is hard to ignore the red flags from the beginning. How Rachel can be so oblivious is beyond me. The main character and her naivety really make it hard for me to give any more than 4 stars for this book.

The ending is a definite shock factor but it was hard not to see from a mile away. After reading thriller after thriller, you tend to see this coming from authors.

Thank you to Netgalley, publisher Bookouture, and author Sue Watson for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest, unbiased review.

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If Sue Watson writes a book, I will be reading it. I don’t even need to know the plot. I have read everything she’s written and have not been disappointed. Her latest is You Me Her, and I read it quickly.

Three people. One marriage. One murder.

YOU: My handsome husband Tom. You’ve given me everything — our beautiful son and our perfect new seaside home. I want to trust you, but I know you haven’t been honest about why you really wanted to move here. I haven’t been honest with you either…

ME: I make a secret promise as Tom kisses me and pours a glass of ice-cold wine to toast the first night in our dream house: I’m going to forget about his past. For the sake of our son, I’ll keep this family together, no matter what.

HER: Chloe is the only friend I’ve made since the move. I love our long lunches, even though she asks prying questions about my marriage. Tom hates me spending time with her, but I ignore his warning to stay away. I’ve seen the way he looks at her. It’s better to keep your enemies close…

You may think you know what’s going on in my marriage, but you’ll be wrong. Only three things are true: Someone is a liar. Someone is in danger. Someone is a killer.

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Twists galore, as expected from Sue Watson. Just as I thought all the loose ends were tied up, and the final unexpected twist. WOW!!!
Loved it.
Many thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC which I highly recommend

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You, Me, Her by Sue Watson and narrated by Tamsin Kennard was a superb audiobook/book. This was an audiobook that I could not turn off until it had finished. I was hooked from the very beginning, especially as it was full of brilliant twists and turns that just kept on coming! and it kept you on your toes.

"Three people. One marriage. One murder."

If these few words above has you interested this is a book for will not disappoint.

Sue's books have always been a 5 star read and this one was No different.

I highly recommend it.

Big thank you to Netgalley and especially Bookouture audio and Bookouture for my ARC's.

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Very compelling read! At times I wasn't sure who was to be trusted and who was suspect! Kept me on my toes. Loved the ending!

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This was the kind of popcorn thriller I desperately needed right now. It’s been a while since I’ve had one of those compulsive reads that I just couldn’t stop tapping through (had to charge my Kindle for a little bit because I made the rookie mistake of not checking the battery level before starting) and finished this in two sittings. As someone that frequents the thriller genre, I’m always mildly skeptical when I see words like “unputdownable” to describe the story – mostly because they aren’t always like that. This book is deserving of that description! While I was able to figure out the ending, it didn’t ruin the wild ride we took to get there! There were a lot of times I wanted to shake Rachel to get her to pay attention and see things for what they were, but you can’t always have perfect characters, right? Not all of the characters are particularly likeable, but it amazed me how well Rachel just refused to see the red flags right in front of her. Overall, it was engaging and fun and I’m glad to have a new author on my radar to keep an eye out for!

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Wow, I really enjoyed this one. These types of domestic thrillers where you don't know who to trust or what each character's motives are, are my absolute favorite types of thrillers to read because they're so relatable in some ways but also make you realize how normal your own marriage is in comparison. I was completely sucked into this and read the book in a day. I thought the conclusion was such karmic justice and just absolutely perfect. This was one of my favorite thrillers I've read in a long time. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved how fast paced was and how short the chapters were, the plot twist was a bit predictable but it was fun to read.. what I didn’t like about this book is the main character.. I mean it’s hard to root for a main character that is so adamantly stubborn in acknowledging the red flags that’s right in front of her ..

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This is one of those books that has great twists and turns but is also incredibly frustrating with a moronic main character.

Rachel and Tom just moved into their dream house that they restored to their hearts desires. Tom has been staying at the house while Rachel and their son have been living at their old home several hours away. Once the house is done and the family is officially reunited in their new home, everything begins to fall apart for Rachel.

Rachel is about as naive and blind as a woman can possibly be. Does she even know her husband??

It’s definitely an interesting read but I think it could’ve been executed better.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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This one. Omg. Had me guessing the entire time. You think the title gives it away but it’s SOOOOO much more. Very clever writing BUT be aware this is NOT a murder mystery. It’s more a psychological thriller where a murder might happen WELL into the story. If you have a chance to listen to the audio, I highly recommend it. I am very excited to jump into the author’s back catalog.

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As always, another great read from Sue Watson. A great story and just as I thought I had it all figured, another final twist.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

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★★★★★ 4.5 stars

One marriage...three murder...

YOU ME do I count the ways?

YOU must read this twisted tale of domestic suspense and delicious deception.
If you ask ME, this has to be one of Sue Watson's best thrillers to date! And I'm in a reading slump and finding it difficult to connect with any book!
But when I read about HER, I didn't know which of them to trust. Which HER is the unreliable one here?

First of all, the setting is the best part of the book. Cornwall, though never having visited except on TV and books (since I'm in is one of my most favourite settings for any tale - thriller, historical, you name it. So I was thrilled to discover Sue takes us back to the sweeping atmospheric setting although it does play very little part this time round. But I still love it.

So we meet Rachel, who has packed up her life and her four year old son Sam, and is heading from the dirty grimy Manchester (sorry, Mancurians) to the beautiful rugged Cornwall. With her inheritance from her father, she and husband Tom have purchased a sprawling home that was in dire need of fixing up. Whilst she packed up and sold their flat up north, Tom was busy renovating their new home and making it theirs.

But what Rachel didn't know was the surprise he had in store for her. In the form of a hidden swimming pool in the walled garden. She had envisioned a secret garden for her little boy to play in. Instead she got the stuff of her worst nightmare...But Tom mean well. He wanted to help her overcome her fear of the water and for her to enjoy splashing about with him and Sam.

And then on her first night in her new home, a stranger walks in all smiles and light and laughter. Chloe was their estate agent who sold them the house and helped Tom with the plans for renovating. So why is she just waltzing into her home uninvited? Chloe claims not to know that anyone was there. But still...

Despite their first meeting, Rachel and Chloe hit it off and become fast friends. Tom warned Rachel off befriending the young woman citing her gossipy nature and loose relationship with the truth. But Rachel can't help it. Chloe is fun. Until she's not.

Strange things begin happening. Shadows in the garden. Sounds in the night. Sam seeing a stranger swimming in their pool. Odd happenings. Things going missing and then turning up again. Random deliveries of a creepy nature. And then things ramp up a notch when a fire is set in their garden whilst Rachel and Sam were inside. Rachel begins to wonder the lengths to which this woman will go. what does she want? Her life?

There is so much that is intense going on in this twisted tale but despite my slump I was still able to guess the twist long before it came and I turned the final page. A totally brilliant read by Sue!

I would like to thank #SueWatson, #Netgalley and #Bookouture for an ARC of #YouMeHer in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at

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I didn't expect to like this book as much as I did. It started pretty slow because it gave a lot of background, but once it started moving it was a great read. However, I wasn't happy with the way it ended. Left me with a lot of questions. I suspected it, but wish there would have been a little more detail to find out what happens after the findings. Maybe there will be a book 2, but I'm not really thinking so.

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I love Sue Watson! This book was not my favorite. It went in circles and the main character was so naive. The pool plot line was repetitive and I had the big twist figured out early on. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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