Member Reviews

This book had me so upset with the MC. I couldn't understand why she would so categorically ignore all of the red flags with her husband's behavior. But then I could see why. She went through unbelievable trauma which made her I think very susceptible to his gaslighting. Because after suffering like she did, you almost want to believe that everything will be ok rather than have to deal with anything that upsetting. And the twist at the end was completely unexpected. Money is the root of all evil.

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I loved everything about this book. The story line was intriguing and fresh. The character building was just right and makes you feel connected to each character. Loved the suspense and mystery. Highly recommended reading this book, you will not regret it.

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. This was a gripping read. I was engaged throughout (albeit frustrated at times by how long it took Rachel and Tom to consider changing their locks) and enjoyed the story. Although I guessed the final twist, I was still utterly hooked, and I've finished the book with even more questions. I'd like to read more by this author.

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You. Me. Her by Sue Watson was published on June 3rd 2024 by Bookouture.

There are three people involved.
Someone is a liar - Someone is in danger - Someone is a killer.
Rachel is haunted by a past trauma which means she has a terrible fear of water, and the very thought of living in a house overlooking the sea simply fills her with dread.
However, following an inheritance from her father, Rachel's husband Tom persuades her to leave their tiny apartment and home town of Manchester, and purchase a house on the beautiful Cornish Coast. Rachel and four year old Sam stay in their apartment while Tom oversees renovations on their new home.
Rachel is still frightened about living so close to the ocean but Tom is certain that it will be a wonderful life for Sam and that Rachel will come to love it too. Wrong!

On their first night together, a woman named Chloe lets herself into the house and walks in on them together. Tom says she works for the estate agents from which they purchased their home. He also admits that he knew her from the former banking firm he left. Although she seems lovely to Rachel, Tom claims she's dangerous and to stay away from her. What about these two? It takes Rachel a while to suspect something is up— but what and why did Tom want to make this move?
The next day, Tom takes his son Sam to his new nursery-school. But the piece of resistance was the surprise Tom presented her with in their garden, which sent her spiralling back to the nightmare of her past. To Rachel's utter horror, it was a swimming pool. Why would he do that to her?
Tom receives a chance for a two-week job in Scotland, and Rachel will look for journalist jobs. But Rachel is reluctant to see him go as she feels strange and unsettled about the house as if something isn't right.
This was such a good book! I absolutely love Sue Watson’s characters and her writing is spectacular! I highly recommend her books to everyone!!

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Wow. I have to look at the backlist to see if I had read any others from this author, I think I may have. I thoroughly enjoyef this book. It kept me gripped the whole time, start to finish. The ending was abrupt but I have to say I really liked it. By that time I knew what was coming and it didn't bother me. Love the suspense and it was creepy at times. I love books that manage to give me that feeling.... this one did. I am going to look for more of her books and start another. Loved the writing and it was never dull or slow for me. Read this one! You won't be disappointed

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This is another perfect domestic thriller by Sue Watson. She’s one of my favourite authors as every book she brings out is truly impossible to put down. I loved this one!

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Just wonderful! This author is a superstar and she has wowed again with this absolutely amazing book. Loved this one so much. Do read this one - it is absolutely brilliant.

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4/5 ⭐️ I enjoyed the book and at the same time I didn’t. For psychological thrillers, I enjoy being thrown off, and I knew who the “her” was early on. I also 100% cringe when the main character is so naïve. I kept yelling in my head “really Rachel the signs are all there, they’re making you sound crazy”. But overall it was a quick and enjoyable read.

Rachel loses her father and is left with a generous inheritance. Her husband Tom, buys a home for Rachel and their son Sam and they move in almost a year after renovations are complete including incorporating a pool when in fact, Rachel has a life fear of water. There is a lot of gaslighting and various moments that her husband isn’t who he says he is. But again the cringe moments come in and Rachel ignores the obvious facts around her. For some the endings might have a good twist, but unfortunately, I knew early on and it didn’t give me that same reaction but to others. I hope you enjoy this book a lot more because it is a good read!

I was able to get an advanced copy of both book and the audiobook and truly enjoyed both and my first time listening to narrator Tamsin Kennard and look forward to listening to many more!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing this AMAZING ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Sue Watson’s done it again. A masterpiece writer at her best. This, her latest psychological thriller, has several unreliable & suspicious characters. Like Rachel, I found several untrustworthy people in her life & then spied others as I read more! Filled with so many twists, Rachel’s world turned upside down. I couldn’t put this one down!

Thank you, Sue Watson, Bookouture, & netgalley for my copy! All opinions are my own.

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A nice pastime thriller mystery. Plot is excellent with unreliable characters with interesting twists. Rachel is a great mum and too trusting but with issues about her tragic past. I was skeptical about Tom from the start. The secrets, greed, and lies gradually peel off. Twist on twists is the most exciting part in the end. Climax is great. Recommended!!!
Thanks, Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC

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This is my first time reading a book by Sue Watson and it will not be my last. This thriller did not disappoint. Rachel has recently come into money after inheriting money after her father's death. She decides to use this money to buy a dream house for her husband and son. However, once Rachel moves in she begins noticing that things are off and it seems like all things lead to a woman named Chloe.

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I always love the books I get through Bookouture and this one was no exception. Nothing says “summer” like a suspenseful, thriller that I have to actually lie around in bed until almost noon so that I can read it in one sitting. Yes, I cannot lie. Could. Not. Stop. Reading. (Thank goodness my family is able to care for themselves quite adequately!).

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This is my second Sue Watson book. The story revolves around Rachel. She’s inherited money following her father’s death, enough to buy them their dream home on the Cornish coast. Rachel stays with their son in Manchester to sell their flat while Tim works on their dream house. When Rachel and Sam finally move to Cornwall, her pathological fear of water rises its head. She starts seeing signs that someone else has been in their home, even whilst she’s been home alone.

Rachel is gas lit and becomes paranoid that her husband is having an affair and that she can trust no one especially Chloe who seems very taken with Tom and obsessed with her. A murder follows, but who is telling the truth and what and who are real.

I really like Sue’s writing. It’s eminently readable and the cliffhangers at the end of each chapter mean you read far past your bedtime two nights in a row! I did however want to scream at Rachel for being so dense and not seeing what was in front of her.

I love a twisty tale but unfortunately I did figure out the twist about halfway through. That said I still enjoyed this super quick very readable tale. Thanks to NetGalley and Sue Watson for the arc.

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I absolutely adore Sue Watson's books, and 'You, Me, Her' was no exception. The story captivated me from the start, and the numerous twists and turns kept me engrossed all the way to the surprising ending. Fantastic!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my ARC.

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I’m a fan of the author and really enjoyed You, Me, Her. This is the kind of thriller I like, twisty, full of surprises and unreliable narration. Is Chloe as dangerous as Tom claims? Can Tom be trusted. I really enjoyed the complex, twisty plot, the twists and turns and the compelling characters. I thought the plotting and pace was spot on as well. This is the kind of book you need to keep reading to figure out what’s going on. I’d recommend this.

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3.5 Stars

Tom and Rachel Frazer and their 4-year-old son, Sam, have just moved into their new home off the coast of Cornwell. Tom has spent months renovating the house while Rachel and Sam were in Manchester. They can afford this due to an inheritance from Rachel’s father. Tom was made redundant from his job as a banker, and Rachel works as a journalist.

On their first night together, a woman named Chloe lets herself into the house and walks in on them together. Tom says she works for the estate agents from which they purchased their home. He also admits that he knew her from the former banking firm he left. Although she seems lovely to Rachel, Tom claims she’s dangerous and to stay away from her. What about these two? It takes Rachel a while to suspect something is up— but what and why did Tom want to make this move?

The next day, Tom takes his son Sam to his new nursery—school. But the piece of resistance was the surprise Tom presented her with in their garden, which sent her spiralling back to the nightmare of her past. To Rachel’s utter horror, it was a swimming pool. Why would he do that to her?

Tom receives a chance for a two-week job in Scotland, and Rachel will look for journalist jobs. But Rachel is reluctant to see him go as she feels strange and unsettled about the house as if something isn’t right.

More sinister things happen, things appear, then disappear. Rachel begins to see people in her home, and she believes she knows who is behind all of this, but her accusations bring censure from others. However, until a genuinely frightening event happens, Rachel realizes who is behind these nasty things. Even figuring that out doesn’t mean she knows who is responsible. Nothing is as it seems. Many twists and turns kept me wanting to know what would happen next. That kept me invested and turning those pages late into the night.

I often screamed at Rachel to wake up and get a clue— your husband isn’t who you think he is! I found Rachel quite frustrating to read, especially her unwavering trust and devotion in her husband despite knowing he had already gone behind her about the swimming pool. I was desperate for her to find out the truth.
One little thing bothered me: I found the author dragged out and was repetitive of Rachel’s fear. It didn’t detract from my overall enjoyment. I found Chloe not believable as an antagonist; she was OTT and annoying, needy, and whiney. I found Tom to be a rather odd and creepy character who didn't like any of Rebecca’s friends, none more so than her closest friend, Rosa, who is a nurse practitioner and had been Rebecca's best friend since nursing her father through his illness. Rosa finds Tom rude, and there seems to be no love lost between the two most influential people in Rachel’s life.
I wasn’t expecting the shocking twist at the end. It was my first time reading Sue Watson, and I look forward to reading more of her books. It was my first time listening to Tamsin Kennard as a narrator; she did a fantastic job of emoting the whiny personalities of many of the characters and made the atmosphere vivid and realistic.
I look forward to listening to more of Tamsin Kennard.

Thank you,Bookouture, Bookouture Audio and NetGalley, for providing me with both an e-arc and alc in exchange for an honest review. All options are my own

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You, me, her is a gripping thriller about lies, gaslighting and trahison. Our main character, Rachel has got a large inheritance after her dad’s passing and she and her husband, Tom bought a house and renovated it with the money and they just moved in with their four year son Sam. But when their estate agent, Chloe shows in unexpected, things start to get suspicious…

This was such an easy and quick read! The writing is simple and smooth, and the characters were full of surprises. We have a hard time figuring out who’s lying and who’s telling the truth and we see Rachel getting more and more paranoid but too naïve and trusting at the same time. The plot was good and it explores trauma and PTSD as the main character has a fear of bodies of water due to something that happened in her past.
It also explores the love of money and the lengths people are willing to go for it.
This book was definitely a good surprise for me!

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this copy!

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This book is Brilliant! The story drew me in from the beginning and kept me hooked through til the end, even though I wish it had lasted just a little longer. Although there were moments when I thought that I’d worked out who was behind everything, the plot twists kept me nicely surprised.
I really enjoyed all of the twists and turns as they allowed us to follow Rachel's journey and experiences. I felt for Rachel, even if she was a little ignorant at times. This made her more relatable personally because as humans we often believe in the easier option than face a bad/difficult truth. Given that her partner is a master manipulator and liar it makes it easier to understand her confusion and experiences, after all who would believe that the one person that is supposed to love and protect you is trying to kill you.
Chloe was a great character and integral to the plot, but I'm so sad for her and what happened, including that she couldn't have a happier ending.
Overall, I really enjoyed the book and found myself needing to know what happened and trying to work things out alongside Rachel. The writing style was excellent, engaging me with the story and characters so much that I found myself shouting at the book or gasping out loud at unexpected revelations.

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Rachel has recently moved to their new family home with her four-year-old son. Her husband Tom has been renovating the house over the last few months whilst Rachel sold their flat in Manchester. It was her husband's dream to live by the sea in Cornwall however past demons have caused Rachel to be terrified of water and overprotective of her son.

Maybe I've simply read too many domestic thriller books (the gas-lighting husband, devoted wife, crazy ex scenario) as I did find the plot of You Me Her to be a little predictable and I guessed the ending quite early.

That little quibble aside, I found Sue Watson's writing utterly addictive. I was totally creeped out by the story and even found myself holding my breath at times.

The suspense escalates throughout the book and I found myself jumping back and forward with who to believe.
I liked that there were mentions of COVID and isolation and the effect this had on some people's mental health.

You Me Her is filled with chilling suspense which kept me glued to the page.
If you enjoy a gripping psychological thriller You Me Her will not disappoint.
3.5 / 5 stars

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You Me Her by Sue Watson

You Me Her is a psychological thriller loaded with reveals and twists.

Rachel, Tom and their four year old son Sam Frazer have just moved to a huge beautiful home. Tom has spent the last several months remodeling the house to make a warm inviting home, spending large sums of money to make everything just right. Rachel has had a rough time recently. Still dealing with loss from her past, she has recently lost her father, inheriting a large sum of money. When she finally moves in with her husband, she doesn’t know anyone in this new town. As she begins to explore and meet new people, she begins to fear things that are happening. Is she imagining it? Or is her family in danger? Is everything as simple as it seems, or is there something much more sinister at play?

“I repeat my silent mantra to quieten the thoughts racing through my head: Nothing bad is going to happen.”

The book is a very easy read. While there are twists, they are realistic and entertaining. I enjoyed the story, as well as most of the characters. The story progresses quickly, making you guess what is real and what is just imagination. And just who can the Fraser’s actually trust.

“If only I’d known what was behind the door of our beautiful new home, I would never have come here. But then in life we never know what’s waiting for us, and life can change in seconds, on a drive, on the beach or inside our home.”

When the life and home you have carved out has something ominous hiding in the shadows, who can you trust? But most importantly, can you trust yourself?

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