Member Reviews

A nice pastime thriller mystery. Plot is excellent with unreliable characters with interesting twists. Rachel is a great mum and too trusting but with issues about her tragic past. I was skeptical about Tom from the start. The secrets, greed, and lies gradually peel off. Twist on twists is the most exciting part in the end. Climax is great. Recommended
Thanks, Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC.

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Watson was one of my favourite 'fluffy fiction' authors and then she switched to writing thrillers - best move ever - her thrillers are even better!

Picture the scenario, you've just moved into your new home, then strange things begin to happen. Coincidence, or is there something darker at play?

It's pacey, hot on the suspense and intrigue front, super twisty and the ending left me mouth agape.

The characters throughout were brilliant albeit untrustworthy. But hey, books with unreliable narrators are always a winner aren't they, as they keep you guessing right up to the end.

Really enjoyed the book and would definitely recommend to any thriller lovers.

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This intriguing book provides pretty realistic insights to relationships and variations of truth!

The creative author has written an entertaining book where all the characters are interesting in themselves! Seems to be a cut above there!

I loved the way the plot developed changing your perception of what was happening and relieving or increasing your concern for the main character.

The ending was very clever though by that stage I managed to be “right there”. What a finish!

Loved the book - loved the author! I cannot wait to read more!

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After receiving an inheritance Rachel, her husband, and small son relocate from Manchester to Cornwall. This move should have been the start of a new life for the three of them with everything to look forward to, however, it soon becomes obvious that there are differences in this marriage and even the most idyllic of settings can’t cover up the cracks.

You Me Her is a fast moving thriller which gets more and more complicated as the story progresses especially with the introduction of a character who soon becomes something of a nightmare. I really enjoyed watching how the drama unfolded and whilst none of the major characters were particularly likeable there was more than enough twists and turns to keep me guessing about who did what to whom and why! That there is danger ahead for Rachel is done really well and the hint of a past trauma in her life helps to keep the tension cranked up high. There’s never a moment when the pace slackens and author keeps this momentum going throughout the whole of the story.

You Me Her is an immersive and atmospheric story which really stretches the imagination and keeps you guessing until the final twist in the tale.

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This is my second book by Sue Watson, and I love her writing style! This book was intense, and the suspense building throughout was executed very well. This was a fast paced, entertaining read. The characters were not likable. I even found myself yelling at the main character Rachel for her naiveté She was so gifted at that! As annoyed as she made me, I was rooting for her. I was able to predict the end, but that did not take away from how good the plot was delivered or how engaging the story was. I plan to read more by Sue Watson!

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This is my second book by Sue Watson, and I love her writing style! This book was intense, and the suspense building throughout was executed very well. This was a fast paced, entertaining read. The characters were not likable. I even found myself yelling at the main character Rachel for her naiveté She was so gifted at that! As annoyed as she made me, I was rooting for her. I was able to predict the end, but that did not take away from how good the plot was delivered or how engaging the story was. I plan to read more by Sue Watson!

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Tom and Rachel Frazer and their 4-year-old son, Sam, have just moved into their new home off the coast of Cornwell. Tom has spent months renovating the house while Rachel and Sam were in Manchester. They are able to afford this due to an inheritance from Rachel’s father. Tom was made redundant from his job as a banker and Rachel works as a journalist.

Their first night together, a woman named Chloe drops in on them. Tom says she works for the estate agents from which they purchased their home. He also admits that he knew her at the banking firm he left. Although she seems nice to Rachel, Tom claims she’s dangerous.

The next day, Tom takes Sam to his new nursery school. When he returns, he shows her a surprise that he has in their garden. To Rachels’s utter horror, it’s a swimming pool. She does not swim and something in her past has her terrified of the water.

Tom receives a chance for a two-week job in Scotland and Rachel will look for journalist jobs. But Rachel is reluctant to see him go as there are some strange and unsettling feelings she is getting about the house that something isn’t right.

More sinister things happen and Rachel thinks she knows who is behind all of this but her accusations bring censure from others. However, it isn’t until a truly frightening event happens that Rachel realizes who is behind these bad things. Even figuring that out doesn’t mean she knows who all is responsible.

This truly surprised me in the end. I wasn’t expecting the twist at the end. So, well done, Sue Watson. You got me. Enjoy!

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Woah! Words cannot describe how intrigued this book made me. I was on the edge of my seat while flipping the pages!

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Happy Pub Day!! Overall, I really enjoyed this book, it was a really fast paced thriller and really made you question at times who you could trust. I really liked the plot of this one, but I am not a fan of characters who are so naive (legit had me screaming at some points). Thanks NetGalley for the ARC.

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Rachel and Tom are finally moved into the home that Tom has been working so hard on; hard enough that he has blown throw almost all of the inheritance money that Rachel's dad left. Rachel is trying to see the positive that they will now live in a nice home with a garden that their young son Sam can play in. Tom has a surprise for Rachel, he had a pool installed thinking Rachel would love it not taking into consideration she has a fear of water. Feeling alone and only having Sam to be around when Tom is away at work Rachel befriends Chloe who she believes is a mom of one of the girls at Sam's nursery school. Other than Chloe, Rachel has only one other friend Rose who does not live close by. Strange and weird things begin to happen and Rachel begins in to confide in Rose that she believes it is Chloe.

The twists and turns will keep you engaged in this book until the very end when your mind gets blown! Thank you Netgalley, the publisher and author for my ARC!

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My Thoughts: firstly let me say this is my first time reading one of Sue’s books, I have a lot on my kindle but never actually picked one up. I started with a good one!

The writing almost lulls you into a false sense of security, the idyllic setting and the happy family reunion and the perfect new house… that is until the estate agents lets herself in.. from the off Rachel thinks it’s weird, but her husband Tom brushes it off with excuses.

Rachel isn’t stupid though, she already has doubts about moving to the coast because of her debilitating fear of water thanks to a past trauma but when her dad died and she inherited a large sum of money, Yom convinced her a fresh start was a good idea.

I didn’t like Chloe as a ‘villain’ she was annoying and over the top, almost like the irritating little sister that you can’t get rid of because you’ve promised your parents you’ll spend the day with her.. nothing quite adds up but nothing sets off massive alarm bells either, which I’m assuming was purposely done and very clever.

The way Sue added reasonable doubt on more than one character left us hanging in a way that made the writing addictive and impossible to put down.

An absolutely fantastic read that I will be shouting about from the rooftops.


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This is my first time reading Sue Watson's book and most definitely not the last. I love her writing style and how she engaged her readers right from the first chapter. This had my full attention and I love how fast paced this book is with the twists and turns from the very start up the last page. I wish this book didn't have to end. My hunch was right about Rosa, congrats to me I guess.

Anyway, thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for the eARC in exchange for an honest review and happy pub day!

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Thank you for the ARC of You Me Her.

Overall I enjoyed it, however, at 70% of the book, I was able to figure out the plot of this book. I would still recommend this book to other readers.

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You, Me, Her is another great, twisty story by Sue Watson.
Anything Watson writes I want to read right away as she's that good. This book was fantastic and had so many good twists and turns throughout that will keep you engrossed until the very end.
The book has tension throughout, the tension amplified as did the sense of unease. I was on the edge of my seat flipping the pages, wanting to know more.

Thank You NetGalley and Bookouture for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Nothing is as it seems in this book. There is an underlying feeling of evil and danger, but you just do not know who or why. Someone is lying. The question remains who is the bad guy or bad girl?

Rachel is excited and scared about their family's move to Cornwall. She has always been happy with little, and now she is about to the move into a mansion. She is not sure she wants to leave her comfortable life. This move is made even harder because she knows no one. Her husband, Tom, is thrilled to show Rachel all of the improvements he has made to the home. When Rachel meets Chloe, she feels that she has found a friend, but she is not completely certain if she is a friend or foe. Someone is playing mind games with Rachel, and her psyche cannot handle it.

This was intense, thrilling and jaw-dropping. It has all of the emotions that I have come to count on when reading a book written by Sue Watson. As far as psychological thrillers go, this one would be highly rated in my opinion. Mainly because the gaslighting and mind games are beyond creepy, and there is never a dull moment.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I wasn't sure what to expect reading this book but I was wildly entertained. The characters were unpredictable and were extremely memorable. Chloe reminded me so much of the roles actress Jennifer Coolidge plays in movies. The pace was just right revealing little secrets along the way. This book was so good it has movie potential written all over it.

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There’s never room for more than two people in one marriage. This book is full of deceit, questioning who’s done it, and trying to figure out who to truly trust. There are twists, some that you may be able to guess, but I definitely didn’t see the biggest twist coming. If you are in the mood for a he said, she said thriller with lives on the line, check out You Me Her when it’s published tomorrow, Monday June 3rd!

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"You, Me, Her" is a book I could not put down. There were so many twists and turns that, at times. I couldn't figure out who to trust and who was lying. I was quite invested.

The book is about Rachel, Tom, and their son, Sam. Tom and Rachel just had a very expensive house built in Cornwall. Tom was in charge of the building process while Rachel stayed in Manchester with Sam. When Rachel finally moves to Cornwell, she experiences one odd, questionable event after another. Beginning with the realtor, Chloe, just letting herself into their house.

The plot was very good. Rachel was a bit too much with her husband though. She annoyingly thought he walked on water. This irked me.

About 3/4 through the book I figured out the ending. Once I got to the last page I thought I was mistaken. I was looking for more. I was not a fan of how the story just ended. 3.5 stars from me.

Thank you NetGally and Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A good thriller keeps you emotionally invested in the characters. Instantly, I was choosing sides in each situation! I was quickly hooked from the point when Tom surprised Rachel with a pool replacing her dream garden. The rub salt on the wound Tom paid for the pool with money from Rachel’s inheritance from her father. This was the point at which I became emotionally invested in Tom. I was dying to hear more about Rachel’s fear of water. The book offered only just enough to keep you wanting more. Then there is the other main character…..Chloe! The way her and Rachel became quick friends instantly made me not trust Chloe!

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It was very interesting read ! That kind of gripping thriller I find it cool to follow on my reading list !

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