Member Reviews

I’ll start by saying that this is the best thriller I’ve read this year (and maybe longer).
The characters were so unique and flawed in a way that showcased true feelings and emotions.
The kids in this book were more than annoying, though. Maybe that was on purpose.
It was really challenging to feel sorry for Rachel. She was always making the wrong decisions, but I think that also kept the story grounded- we all make mistakes and sometimes bad luck can follow us.
I loved how I was doubting myself at all times and when I finally thought I had it figured out, a new twist appeared. What I loved most is that the suspense was creepy (I was checking my surroundings for real) but nothing was exaggerated or unlikely.
It’s usually tricky to keep the reader invested in such an entangled story, but I couldn’t put this down.

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You, Me, Her by Sue Watson is a domestic psychological thriller novel set in Cornwall. You, Me, Her is told in the first person perspective by the main character in the present timeline but does slowly reveal some past events over the course of the book.

Rachel is happily married to her husband Tom and the two have their lovely little boy, Sam, together. Rachel inherited a huge sum of money and Tom convinced her it was time to get out of Manchester and move to Cornwall. The house that Rachel and Tom bought definitely needed a lot of renovating though so Tom moved on ahead to Cornwall while Rachel stayed behind with their son.

Now Rachel is finally joining Tom in Cornwall in their new home but the repairs and purchase have put yet another financial strain on them despite Rachel’s inheritance so Tom begins to travel again for work. Being left in a new town Rachel finds herself getting close to their realtor despite Tom warning her away from Chloe when they first met, surely her husband is wrong about the lovely new neighbor?

Sue Watson is an author that I have read many many times before and I always enjoy returning to her somewhat fast paced twisty thriller novels so I was excited to pick up You, Me, Her. It didn’t take any time at all to virtually travel over to Cornwall and get completely engaged in this story and this was the fast paced twisty tale that I expected. I was torn between wanting to munch on some popcorn as it all unfolded and throwing my popcorn at the character to get her to watch out for the reveal that was surely coming. Definitely an author I’ll continue to return to in the future.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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This book focuses on Rachel. Her and her son Sam move down to Cornwall to be with her husband and Sam’s dad Tom who has been renovating their new house. Once the family is reconnected the tension starts immediately. Chloe, the estate agent, lets herself into the house on Rachel’s first night and her overfamiliarity with the house and Tom raises red flags for Rachel. Tom, warns that she is dangerous and to keep away.
Tension builds between Tom and Rachel when she finds out he has installed a swimming pool in their garden spending the last of her inheritance money on something he knows she is terrified of.
Weird things start to happen in the house and when Tom is away on business, Rachel makes friends with Chloe feeling scared and lonely is this the best decision?

There are a lot of twists and turns in this psychological thriller leaving the reader questioning everyone and everything. I did guess the ending but still enjoyed reading to the end to find out if I was right or not.

I found Rachel quite frustrating to read, especially her unwavering trust in her husband despite knowing he had already gone behind her back about the swimming pool. I was desperate for her to find out the truth.

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I found ‘You, Me, Her’ by Sue Watson to be a fast paced and entertaining domestic thriller. I was able to do an immersion read (ebook + audiobook) which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I did find myself getting frustrated with the female main character, Rachel, due to her continuous poor decision making and inability to see red flags. I would have liked to see her gain more strength and insight as a character as the story progressed.

I also found the story to get a bit repetitive at times and wish the ending would have had a more jaw dropping effect.

Despite my frustration with the FMC and my ability to correctly guess a few things beforehand, I remained entertained and couldn’t stop reading/listening.

This book would be great for thriller fans who are looking for a quick read and who can look past the predictably factor, while still be entertained by a thrilling story. I would recommend the audiobook over the ebook or suggest an immersion read because the narrator was excellent!

Overall rating: 3.5 ⭐️

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture, and Sue Watson for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Sometimes I can figure out the main plot points in a heartbeat! I did so with this Watson thriller.
During the first chapter the stink emanating from one of the characters was rancid.
I also pinpointed the other main culprit after a few chapters had gone by.
Watson makes readers work for it and question what is really happening and if Rachel was losing her mind or what was really happening.
It’s a swimming read!

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Gripping. I listened to the audiobook in one sitting. You, Me, Her had just the right amount of creepy for me! I was super impressed with myself that I predicted the big twist fairly early on in the book, but I still absolutely loved the ending!

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I have so much to say but can’t say anything without spoiling. Just trust me when I say I AM NOT OKAY and YOU WON’T BE EITHER! 🤯🤯

I love it when a book humbles me and this one humbled me. I thought I had it "figured" out about three different times when the ending swooped in and said “Guess again bish”. 😱 I sat in silence for around 5 minutes after finishing because my mouth was on the floor. Someone could have talked to me and I wouldn’t have been able to formulate a sentence because I was so stunned. My husband came in the room because I was so quiet and asked “are you okay?” 😂😂😂

NO I’M NOT OKAY but like in the best way possible. 😉

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This is a great psychological thriller.
Rachel moves into the house that her husband has been doing up while she’s been in Manchester with their son.
She loves what he’s done to it but can’t believe he’s spent all of her inheritance money on it.
A woman arrives at the house on their first night together and Tom warns Rachel not to get too close to her. Rachel is confused by this comment and while Tom is working away, she starts to become friends with Chloe.
Things start happening around the house so Rachel asks her friend Rosa to come and stay.
Things go from bad to worse and this leads to a nail biting confrontation between Rachel and Tom.
This is a great thriller.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Sue Watson does a fabulous job of keeping you guessing throughout this taut domestic thriller!
Rachel and her husband Tom have been living apart for months while he fixed up their new house in Cornwall, bought with Rachel's inheritance, but the book begins as Rachel and their son Sam finally join Tom to begin a new chapter in their family's life. Rachel's happiness is dampened by worries over the family's finances and memories of a past trauma that are reawakened by their new home, and her only prospect of a new friend is someone her husband has warned her is dangerous without explaining why. Watson dangles plenty of red herrings, which had me changing my mind about what's really going on time after time. A thoroughly enjoyable read!

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I've read most of Sue Watson's books and what I love about her writing is the way she pulls you into the story from the first chapter. Her new book You Me Her does exactly that and once I started reading I couldn't stop.

The story centres around Rachel, Tom and their little boy, Sam. Rachel has inherited some money after the death of her father and husband Tom has been busy renovating the house of their dreams in Cornwall. The book begins when Rachel and Sam join Tom at their new house and then the drama and strange stuff starts to happen.

This is gripping and terrifying domestic thriller that kept me guessing right to the end. Just when I thought I'd worked it out another twist came along.

Thank you to Bookouture and Netgalley for the ARC

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As promised, this book was full of twists, turns and suspense. Once I reached around 40% of the way through I had to finish it in the same day as it kept me so intrigued.
The story kept me on my toes throughout and I was second guessing the twists and turns constantly. The only downside I would maybe consider is that the main female character became very frustrating at times, almost in a horror movie-esque way of watching them walk into the house knowing a murderer is in there. However, if it hadn't been for her frustrating decisions the build up and suspense would have had less effect.
Overall a fantastic book and I cannot wait to read more by Sue Watson!

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Rebecca is finally moving from Manchester to a fabulous new home by the coast in Cornwall with husband Tom and their young son Sam. Tom has been working on the house to get it just how they want it, they could only afford this extravagant home due to the inheritance she gained when her father passed away and that is a bittersweet pill for her to swallow. She makes friends with Chloe who, on the surface, seems lovely but Tom keeps warning her that Chloe is dangerous, what is it about these two and why did Tom really want to make this move?

You Me Her is centred around the three main characters; Rebecca, Tom and Chloe. When Rebecca first arrives in Cornwall everything seems fine, she loves the house and what Tom has done to it and can't wait to make it their forever home, but then Chloe appears on the scene, Tom introduces her as the estate agent that helped him find the house, but then warns Rebecca to stay away from her, not long after strange things start to happen, that nobody can explain. I found Tom to be a rather odd character who didn't like anyone Rebecca was linked to, none more so than Rosa, who had been Rebecca's best friend since nursing her father through his illness, although the feeling seemed to be completely reciprocated, but the piece de resistance was the surprise Tom presented her with which sent her spiralling back to the nightmare of her past, why would he do that to her? This latest thriller by Watson is, as her previous thrillers, a fast paced read with lots of twists and turns that I found really hard to put down once I'd started reading and, even though I guessed about two chapters from the end, what the outcome was going to be, this in no way spoilt my enjoyment of this tense and twisty tale that had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Watson is firmly cemented as one of my go to authors now and I can't wait to see what she delivers next!

I'd like to thank Bookouture and Netgalley for the auto approval, I will post my review on Goodreads now and Amazon on publication day.

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wow, i’m not sure where to start with this book ! i read this as an arc (comes out june 3rd !!!) and again, wow. what an interesting story, also a super easy read, felt like i absolutely flew through it. as a thriller, it did such a good job of keeping me on the edge of my seat i swear my heart was beating 1000 beats a minute🫠 it was quite twisty and honestly pretty creepy too, which really added to the suspense of the book as a whole. i honestly thought at a lot of points it was quite predictable but i don’t think that took away from the story as a whole. i was flip flopping back and forth with theories whilst reading it and i thought i had it pinned down, but my GOD, the ending ????? i did NOT see that coming, a mind blowing plot twist i had 0 suspicion about it the entire book and just for that i was so impressed !👏🏼 honestly worth the read and like i said, i ate it up and if you like thrillers im sure you will too !!🫶🏼

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Rachel agress to move from Manchester to Cornwall after she inherits a large sum of money from her father which helps her and her husband, Tom, buy the house of their dreams and now with enough money they can completely refurbish it. Rachel lives there with Tom and their 4 year old son San but nothing seems what it is. A must read. This book with have you at the edge of your seat. This was my first thriller and I loved every part of it. You do not theon wear to expect after every turn of the page and most defiantly I. was not expecting that ending whatsoever!! it is a major PLOT TWIST.

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This was a fun fast paced thriller! It kept me turning pages and had my full attention. I wanted to shake the main character a few times and be like “hello!!! Pay attention!” I feel like it was so obvious that her husband putting in that pool was cruel. The poor lady had trauma with water and he keeps shoving the pool down her throat. I did guess the big twist about half way through but I was still fully captivated by the story and needed to see how all the pieces would fit together. The end was a little abrupt to me and I would have liked a confrontation but overall I still really enjoyed this book. Thank you to NetGalley for my copy!

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Disclaimer: I'm allergic to protagonists who ignore red flags and make the worst decisions possible.

The book is fast-paced, but I guessed all the major plot twists.

The story follows Rachel, who just moved into her new house in Cornwall, which her husband has been renovating. On the same night, she meets Chloe, who casually lets herself in to "drop papers" from the estate agent. Despite Rachel's husband's warnings about Chloe, they start to bond. However, secrets loom large, and Rachel feels a presence watching her, driving her to the brink of sanity.

While the book was an easy read, I wasn't head over heels for the story. Here's why:

》As mentioned in my disclaimer, I can't stand protagonists who ignore blatant red flags. Rachel's life is full of ominous signs, yet she keeps putting herself at risk. It's infuriating.

》The first-person narrative from Rachel should mean she hears every conversation. Yet, when her son casually mentions "daddy's friend," she seems to miss it. In a third-person narrative, this might be acceptable, but not in first-person. It's just not believable.

》The blurb portrays Rachel as stronger and smarter than she actually is. It suggests she knows more than everyone assumes, but in reality, she's clueless.

》There are several plot holes and dropped plotlines. For instance, Rachel hears about a body under the flowerbed, finds it strange, and then it's never mentioned again.

》The ending aims to shock, but it's entirely predictable. Just think of the most shocking betrayal possible, and you've got it—even if it doesn't make complete sense.

Not everything was a miss, though. Here are a few things I liked:

》The portrayal of stalking and the accompanying nerve-chilling fear is spot-on. The constant self-doubt and questioning reality are well depicted.

》Rachel is sensible with finances, recognizing what is excessive and what is necessary, ensuring they don't go overboard.

Overall, I wasn't awed by the story, but I wasn't bored either. It held my attention.

2 stars

Thank you NetGalley, Sue Watson, and Bookouture for the advanced digital copy. Highly appreciated.

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Actual rating: 3.25 ⭐️

I love a good thriller and this was a very decent one. However, the drama could've been slightly earlier to have me 100% hooked.

The build up was needed with this book and you do read on to think that one specific person is the crazy one but not all is as it seems

I was gripped from the 70% mark and did keep guessing to who was the one who seemed to be keeping the most secrets.

However, I definitely did not guess the last couple of pages at all.. was very unexpected but made so much sense once I thought about it. I did sit wide eyed and was like eurgh a cliff hanger give me more.

Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Many thanks to NetGalley, Bookouture and Bookouture Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of the latest domestic thriller by a favorite, Sue Watson; as always, perfectly narrated by Tamsin Kennard. All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Rachel and Tom have been separated while she and their son worked to sell her father's home and he finished getting their new home ready. When they are finally together the first night, Rachel is shocked when Chloe lets herself into their home. Tom says that she was the estate agent, and later tells Rachel not to trust Chloe. When Rachel sees Chloe again at school drop-off, they start a friendly relationship. But can she be trusted?

It's always a good day when there's a new Sue Watson book to devour, and I loved being able to switch between the digital and audio versions so that I could keep flipping the pages! It's best to go into this as blind as possible to better enjoy all the drama, twists, and turns. This one kept you wondering who you could trust and which secrets to believe. Loved the ending! Add this one to your summer list for sure!

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This is the first Sue Watson book that I’ve read and I can’t wait to read more. The storyline was intensely gripping from the very start and I instantly didn’t want to put it down. There were so many twists and turns throughout the book which just built up as it went along, with every chapter ending in a way that made me desperate to read the next one.
The book kept me guessing the entire way through and did not disappoint in any way. A great read and I would highly recommend!

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This book has made me into a tennis ball – as it bounces me back and forth on what I believe is true. One minute I believe one person – the next page, I believe that person instead.

There is so much happening in the book that I have never felt more intrigued and excited to get to the next page – not the next chapter.

There are many heart pounding moments all the way to the end.

The author gives such voice and credibility to the characters that you fall deep for each of them.

The story line is so well written and believable that you are hanging on every written word.

Bravo – well done!

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