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ARC review.
You Me Her by Sue Watson
This is my honest to goodness review on this book, despite being an ARC reviewer. 🩵
This book! All the feelings.
She's crazy. No, she's crazy. No he's crazy. No, it's her. No...? What is happening??
I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I don't want to say a lot and give anything, but man! The ups and downs. Not knowing what's going on. Then when you get the whole story, JAW DROP.
My only con was I wanted more. I wish we could know what happened after Rachel figured everything out.
Overall, a great book that keeps you on the edge of your seat! Definitely recommend. 🩵

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Thanks to NetGalley for the Arc!

Rachel inherited a sum of money from her father and her husband Tom convinces her it’s best to move away from Manchester and invest it into their dream home.
Tom spends months getting their home ready, taking control over everything in the home.

Strange things begin to happen after Rachel befriends Chloe. Rachel’s convinced someone is stalking her.

This book is suspenseful and has a twist at nearly every corner.

If I’m honest, I was ready to DNF this book multiple times because I felt a lot of it was repeated and unnecessary. Rachel has a traumatic backstory and while you can guess what happened, it takes nearly the whole book for it to actually be confirmed.

The ending also felt very rushed. Some characters weren’t as fleshed out as I liked and would’ve liked a lot more on some.

Overall I did enough it but I wouldn’t reach for it again. It’s an easy and light read and could see myself reading this if I was on holiday.

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book review You. Me. Her. :

It was a great book, it did take me longer than my usual 3 days to get through but the story and twist were so good. If you are looking for a book with a surprise ending that you won’t see coming, this is the book for you! I promise you won’t figure out the ending, and once you get to the last 100 pages you will not wanna put it down!


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I really enjoyed this book and I am surprised that I didn’t guess who was the villain all along! I have to say the ending could have been a bit longer

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“You, Me, Her” the latest novel by Sue Watson, is a thrilling, twisting read! It was impossible to put down! The story of Tom (You), Rachel (Me), and Chloe (Her) is a story of marriage, friendship, motherhood, grief, secrets, lies, and murder. Who is telling the truth? Keep reading to the VERY end to find out!

Thank you Bookouture for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Sue Watson, Bookouture, and NetGalley for an arc of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

You may think you know what’s going on in my marriage, but you’ll be wrong. Only three things are true: Someone is a liar. Someone is in danger. Someone is a killer.

I have never sprinted so fast to grab my computer to leave a review! This tagline proved to be so accurate. I really thought I knew who fit into each one of those categories, but the more I read the book, the more I kept changing theories of who fit the criteria for each one, and honestly, I was pleasantly wrong about all of it. This book closely follows Rachel, her husband Tom, their son Sam, Chloe, who was the real estate agent for their current home, Rosa, who is Rachel's best friend, and a few other ladies that I won't mention. I was hooked from this story immediately. I found the little nuggets of information that Sue dropped throughout the first part of the book was enough to intrigue me and keep me wanting more. Rachel has some past trauma and we get to learn about it in pieces as the story progresses. Tom believes that Chloe is dangerous, but doesn't really elaborate why he feels that way, regardless, Sam has really formed a close friendship with her daughter, Emily and since they are new to town, Rachel needs a friend as well. But honestly, how well do you really know the people in your life?! There were many twists along the way that had my mouth wide open and I really can't comment on the circumstances for fear of giving something away. At any given time, I was either gasping aloud or shocked at the twists that had me saying, wait...WTF. There were many points in the story where I didn't know who to trust. The characters were well developed and the red-herrings were in abudance. It made me question everything I thought I knew. It's got a intricate web of deceit, affairs, lying, stalking, murder....basically everything a psychological thriller needs to knock it out of the park. The ending was chef's kiss. I was blown away and the final twist which I never saw coming. This was the wildest ride and although I've never read anything by Sue Watson before, it makes me want to immediately purchase all her books and have a reading binge. Insanely twisted and shocking in the best possible way. You NEED to read this's a thriller in the finest sense and you will not regret it. Pick it up on 6/3/24!!!

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What an unputdownable read! I will be thinking about this book for months to come and highly recommend to all fans of domestic thrillers

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I really loved and devoured that book! didn't expect all the twists and turns, I definitely recommend reading it, now!
Thank you so much NetGalley for an advanced copy of You, Me, Her by Sue Watson.

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First of all I want to thank NetGalley, Bookouture and of course Sue Watson for allowing me to read the ARC of "You, Me, Her" in exchange for an honest review.

What a clusterfuck, pardon my language, and I do not mean that in a negative way at all. This book had a grip on me like no other, had me confused from the start to the end, paranoid to the point I began looking around in my own home while reading.

The title of the book is very fitting, there is a you, there is a me, and there is a her that is for sure, but while the marriage of Tom and Rachel seems to be fine, absolute rock solid, there is an unsettling aura nestling around them as they move into their new house and more and more Rachel discovers things that make her doubt her own marriage, herself and certainly her sanity.

I cannot talk to much about the content, it is simply so that I feel as if any detail could serve a spoiler but I do WARMLY recommend this book to everyone and anyone who likes thriller that play with your own sanity a little bit.

And if you do --- PLEASE, do not hesitate to hit me up and tell me your thoughts on the END because WHAT THE FUCK?

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You: My handsome husband, Tom. You've given me everything, our beautiful son and our perfect new seaside home. I want to trust you, but I know you haven't been honest about why you really wanted to move here. I haven't been honest with you either.

Me: I make a secret promise as Tom kisses me and pours me a glass of ice-cold wine to toast the first night in our dream house. I'm going to forget about his past. For the sake of our son, I'll keep this family together, no matter what.

Her: Chloe is the only friend I've made since the move. I love our long lunched, even though she asks prying questions about my marriage. Tom hates me spending time with her, but I ignore his warning to stay away. I've seen the way he looks at her. It's better to keep your enemies close.

You may think you know what's going on in my marriage. Only three things are true: Someone is a liar. Someone is in danger. Someone is a killer.

In some parts, I was sitting on the edge of my seat while reading this fast-paced and twisted read. It also gave me chills as I was trying to guess what was going to happen next. Rachel and Tom moved to Cornwall to the dream home Tom had built, but against Rachel's wishes, Tom had installed a pool in the garden despite Rachel being afraid of water. The tension builds throughout this thrilling read. The characters were well-developed, it was descriptively written, and it was brought to an adequate ending.

Published 3rd June.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #Bookouture and the author #SueWatson for my ARC of #YouMeHer in exchange for an honest review.

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Rachel, Tom, and their young son move into their dream house and try to make a fresh start. Though one woman named Chloe immediately extends an offer of friendship, Tom warns Rachel that she is not to be trusted. Despite his warning, Rachel and Chloe quickly become close. The more time Rachel spends with her new friend, the more concerning her behavior begins to seem. And when odd things start happening around their house at night, Rachel wonders if they should ever have moved in at all.

This was such a fun read. I was invested from page one, and even when the characters made choices I didn’t agree with, they were sympathetic and realistic as people. The writing was smart, with enough hints and misdirection to keep you reading, while rewarding you for paying attention. I guessed some of the reveals, but others caught me completely by surprise, and there was a very satisfying balance where I didn’t feel it was too obvious nor too muddled. It was the kind of story that makes you think back to the beginning of the book and clearly see the hints leading up to the final outcome.

This book was a masterclass in subversion, and I suspect that even seasoned readers may be surprised by the turns this story takes. The reveals are paced in a way that allows very few lulls in the plot, with the end tying up the story threads in a believable and satisfying way. The characters, setting, and atmosphere all work together to create a tension so palpable that I once caught myself looking out my own windows to check for suspicious figures while reading this. This is a creepy thriller that I would recommend to fans of suburban horror, twisty plot lines, and fast-paced reads. Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC. This is my honest review.

5/5 A suburban nightmare.

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this was so good! i definitely didn’t predict this ending. i thought about it but after words i thought no way this is the way it was going! i highly recommend this book. i do have questions - i would love to know what happens next !

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This book gave me a Freida McFadden feel and I loved it! Tom and Rachel along with their son move into a new, very expensive home by the water, but Rachel has trauma from the past making water her biggest fear. Rachel’s father left her all his inheritance money, and didn’t trust Tom, but why? When Rachel makes a new friend, Tom warns her she is dangerous, but she doesn’t listen and continues the friendship, finding out firsthand just how dangerous Chloe can be. But there’s something else going on too. Maybe it wasn’t Chloe? I thought I had this book figured out multiple times but the ending threw in twists I never saw coming. I really enjoyed this book!

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You, Me, Her by Sue Watson is a real rollercoaster of a read. The main character, Rachel, has a serious fear of water due to a past trauma. The idea of living in a house overlooking the sea terrifies her. But when Rachel inherits money from her father, her husband Tom convinces her to leave their tiny apartment in Manchester and buy a house on the beautiful Cornish Coast. While Tom handles the renovations, Rachel and their four-year-old son Sam stay back in Manchester.

As the story goes on, there are plenty of twists and turns. Despite all the suspense, I wasn't too surprised by the big reveal—I figured it out pretty early on. Rachel can be quite frustrating and gullible at times, which made it hard for me to really like her. Actually, none of the characters were particularly likeable, so I didn't feel a strong connection to any of them.

The ending left me with mixed feelings. I do enjoy a good cliffhanger, but I also wish there was a bit more depth to the conclusion.

Overall, You, Me, Her isn't a life-changing book, but it's definitely entertaining and keeps you hooked. It's a good read if you're looking for something suspenseful to pass the time.

Thanks to Bookouture, Sue Watson, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review. The book is set to be released on June 3, 2024.

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You Me Her is another absolutely unputdownable psychological thriller by one of my favourite authors of this genre. When a book captivates me right from the very beginning it makes my heart sing . And this book most certainly done that . As soon as I had finished the first few chapters I just knew I was in for a roller coaster of a ride ride with this read . Packed full of deception and lies . I was positive I knew what was going to happen and had the guilty person sussed out about half way through the book but wow was I off track . For me the sign of a really good book is one when I don’t want to lift my head from my kindle as I’m so engrossed and this book certainly was one of those reads . A well deserved 5⭐️ read for me .

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I give this book by Sue Watson he whole 5 stars! You will not regret reading this one! I could not put it down!

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Always loved Sue's books and this one certainly didn't disappoint. A rollercoaster of a book which certainly had a huge twist at the end. Believable, relatable characters which had you forever changing opinions as to how you judged them.

Tom can't wait for Rachel and their son to join them in Cornwall where he has been renovating a house with money left to Rachel by her father. However there is always a slightly bad taste for Tom around this as he is very aware that Rachel's father did not fully trust him.

The sudden appearance of Chloe, the state agent, in their house begins to unravel a cacophony of mixed feelings. Rachel is desperate to make a friend and forms a bond with her, whilst Tom is urging her to cut ties as she is not to be trusted.

Who is to be believed and who is telling lies.

Highly recommend this book.

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Rachel and her husband, Tom, have used Rachel‘s inheritance to create their dream home. Finally finished, Rachel and her son, Sam, finally go to join Tom in their new home.

From the first night, the family is back together, something is not right. Chloe, who works at the estate agents office, lets herself into the house. She acts very comfortable and familiar with Tom. Is there more to their relationship than meets the eye?

This book is extremely predictable down to the last twist; however, I still enjoyed it. Throughout the book, you feel extremely unsettled waiting for the next shoe to drop on Rachel. You know how it’s going to end up, but you can’t look away. The chapters are short, and they all end on a cliffhanger making you want to read just one more, just one more.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

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*3.5 stars*

Here are some of the things to consider about Rachel and Tom’s marriage - There are three people involved.
Someone is a liar - Someone is in danger - Someone is a killer.

Rachel is haunted by a past trauma which means she has a terrible fear of water, and the very thought of living in a house overlooking the sea simply fills her with dread.
However, following an inheritance from her father, Rachel’s husband Tom persuades her to leave their tiny apartment and home town of Manchester, and purchase a house on the beautiful Cornish Coast. Rachel and four year old Sam stay in their apartment while Tom oversees renovations on their new home.

Rachel is still frightened about living so close to the ocean but Tom is certain that it will be a wonderful life for Sam and that Rachel will come to love it too. Wrong!

For Rachel, all manner of madness, mayhem and murder will follow, but with some very strange characters and a twisty storyline, who should she believe? My answer - trust no one!

Oh my! I constantly wanted to shout “Open your eyes Rachel for goodness sake”!

Though there was much use of smoke and mirrors, sadly for me I worked out who was the perpetrator of all this madness. I say sadly, because I like to be surprised by the reveal, there’s nothing better for me than thinking I never saw that coming! That said, I still enjoyed the journey.

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Sue Watson is a favourite of mine. This deliciously twisty story kept me up late at night, desperate to know the outcome. A definite 5 stars.
Blindingly excellent ... This book should come with a disclaimer as once you start reading you aren’t going to want to walk away.

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