Member Reviews

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for letting me review an arc of this book. This story leaves you wondering if you can trust anyone! I was able to guess the ending, but it still kept me up at night reading to see if I was right! I had a soft spot for Chloe and her need to feel loved and accepted. I could definitely relate to the main character Rachel, because I tend to obsess over things and have anxiety. There was plenty of suspense, excitement, and plot twists. Keep your friends close and “Her” closer. This was the first book I have read by Sue Watson, and the writing style was different than what I am used to (not in a bad way). I would definitely read more of her books!

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Give me a second to pick my jaw up off the floor because wow this book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

The initial romance feels so genuine and real and set up the plot so well! I feel like with some thrillers, they jump straight into the action without giving the romance a second to brew and the reader a minute to attach to the characters so I was a big fan of that. Their romance didn't feel shallow, I really felt like I was watching a couple who had been together for a while with kids and a lifetime of memories together.

The only critique of the beginning is that it felt like the white wine reference was overused. White wine was mentioned in the prologue and then mentioned again in the beginning of chapter one and it just felt like it had been copied and pasted...but that's just my opinion!

I can't fault the pacing on this book because it was excellent. I was constantly trying to predict what would happen next and it all felt like it moved at a good speed. There's a scene with Chloe and the FMC where I felt like Tom had left the scene for an unrealistic amount of time and that it was unlikely that much dialogue could've happened.

The character development was also top notch, I loved the FMC's backstory and Sam's language/character felt super realistic for a young kid so I loved that this book paid such attention to detail even down to the dialogue you'd only hear from a young boy. Sam was such an interesting role in cracking the code her but it was done in such a creative & refreshing way.

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This is truly a psychological thriller from the mind of Sue Watson. A woman moves into her new house, upgraded and decorated by her husband several months before her arrival. While she and her son settle in, she begins to wonder about some of her husband’s motives. She is quickly befriended by a local with a history of being a gossip. While her husband tells her to stay away from this “crazy” woman, she chooses her own way.

This book had a terrifying stalking topic that really embraced all of the emotions and fears associated with being stalked. The paranoia, second guessing and doubt are all physically tangible while reading each chapter. I found this story to be enjoyable and would recommend to others.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC!

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If I had the option to give 3.5 stars I would.

This book started off really slow. I found the build up to be pretty repetitive but around the 50% mark, it got really good. I was so invested at this stage. However, when reaching the main climax of the story, I did find it slightly predictable.

That being said, overall I enjoyed it. Would I rush to recommend it to others? Probably not. But did I enjoy it? Yes. It’s a good length and well written.

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Rachel inherited a lot of money when her father passed away. Her husband has used the money to buy a new house and is finishing the renovations.

When Rachel gets there she befriends the quirky Chloe who starts stalking Rachel and claiming to have had an affair with Tom, her husband.

But someone is out to destroy Rachel and take over her life - is it really Chloe??

So good. Totally kept me turning the pages! I really enjoy all the books by Sue Watson.


Thank you #NetGalley for the complimentary copy of #YouMeHer in exchange for an honest review

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I’ve read several Sue Watson books….and this one is just as good as the others. A husband and wife, a crazy new friend, a friend from the past, and lots of twists. This book definitely kept me guessing. I just knew there had to be yet another twist at the very end that I wouldn’t see coming…and yes, there was. I’d recommend this book to others.

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Tom has been responsible for the renovation of their new home in Cornwall but Rachel is shocked and confused when she discovers he's installed a large swimming pool in the garden, He knows she's afraid of water (but why?) And why doesn't he want her being friends with Chloe? This entertaining read sees each chapter end with a cliff hanger of sorts that almost compels you to keep turning the pages. it's nicely twisty, Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. No spoilers from me.

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Stayed up late just to finish this book. When Rachel's dad dies and leaves her a nice sum of money they buy a large house and move there. Tom has the job of doing the house up whilst Rachel looks after their 4 year old son and sees about selling their own house.
The house is now ready and and move in. She soon makes friends with a younger girl called Chloe but her husband isn't vary happy and tries to warn her of being friends with her.
The house would be lovely apart from Tom haaving discovered a large swimming pool in the garden and has spent a lot of her dwindling money on doing it up. He knows she is terrified of water due to something in her past.
She soon regreta moving there. Someone is trying to scare her and begins to question if Chloe is a good friend to have after all.
Loved this book from start to finish. So many twists to it.

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When dreams become nightmares! I could not put this book down - compelling and chilling. Twisty and terrifying. A perfect book to take on holiday.

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📖📖 Book Review 📖📖 Like so many summers, this one starts with such hope and promise for Rachel and Tom. An inheritance from Rachel’s father provides a chance for a fresh start. After settling into a new house, renovated mansion in Cornwall, their dream home seems to have become a reality. The air is full of hope for the future of their family, a chance to leave the past behind them, yet Rachel has a sinking pit of unease in her stomach as they embark on this new journey. While many of us still so fresh from the isolation of lockdown, the author does a remarkable job creating a plot with a solid and all too realistic narrative. The walls of hope begin to break down when Rachel’s dream secret garden is secretly replaced with her greatest fear, making her question if this inheritance is making their life worse. Shockingly twisted and absolutely gripping, this You, Me, Her is a must-read that will leave you wondering who to trust and what is real!

Review is posted on Goodreads and the final review will be on instagram ahead of the publication date!

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After receiving an inheritance, Rachel agrees to buy a dream house for her family to move into. Once she moves in she quickly makes a friend, Chloe, but is Chloe really who Rachel thinks she is?
This book has a fast pace and although I predicted the twist from about halfway through the book, I was stillnot 100% until the last page. I would highly recommend this book and give it 4.5 stars.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC

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When Rachel agrees to use her inheritance to move her family into their dream home, she thinks life will improve. Unfortunately, when the house is finished and she starts to settle in, she finds that her new friend Chloe might be even friendlier with Rachel's husband. This book takes you down a twisted path that will grab your attention and hold it until the very end.

I absolutely loved this one! I did suspect the big twist once I hit the halfway point, but the way it was written made it an enthralling, can't-put-it-down read anyway. I disliked Rachel's husband the entire time, but the other characters were written in a way that keeps you guessing as far as who you should trust. The whole friendship between Rachel & Chloe was uncomfortable and cringey in a Single White Female way that worked really well as far as building a tense situation. I'm a huge fan of this author, but this is probably my favorite of hers! Highly recommended for anyone who like a good stalker story!

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✨ Mystery Thriller
✨ Affair
✨ Trauma

✨ Oh my goodness. This book removes me from having a reading slump!
I thought the story at first chapters were predictable, as it was easy to know BUT…. I was wrong. It was never ending who’s who and what just happened?!
✨ For me personally, this book is not a standalone. It leave me with a cliffhanger and wanted more!! I want to know more what happen !!😆
✨ Definitely worth to read. If you like something twisted and surprising ending this book is for you.
Pefection SUE🫶🏼

✨ Thankyou netgalley, bookcouture for the opportunity to have this arc for a honest review.


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The author's writing style just wasn't for me. I found it to be rather repetitive but I did like the cliff hangers at the end of every chapter. I feel like this could have been condensed to a very short story. I also felt like I knew where the story was going, it was rather predictable.

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Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the early release of Sue Watson’s latest book. I enjoyed this popcorn thriller even though I did guess the twist but it had me wondering if I was correct or not until the very last page. This was a fast paced read that gave me some whiplash at times trying to keep up with who I could and couldn’t trust throughout the book.

This book follows Rachel a wife and mother who is dealing with some trauma from her past that is affecting her present day life. When her and her husband and son move after receiving an inheritance from her father she thinks it’s the fresh start they needed but boy was she mistaken. Some people in their new town seem to be paying too much attention to Rachel and her family. It almost seems as if she may have a stalker on her hands. Is it a stalker who wants her family and life or is it just her paranoia and anxious mind that hasn’t shaken from what she’s gone through in the past? Everyone will be a suspect in this story until the very end.

I found this book to be super fast paced and interesting. Right before the halfway point is when I really got sucked in and couldn’t put it down because I just had to know if my theory was right or not. This book comes out in June so make sure you add it to your TBR!

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I knew this book would be good just by the title, but I did not expect it to be this good! Going off the title and blurb, you'd think things would be simple - husband, wife, and an in-between woman/mistress - and for the most part, that's what this book gave. Rachel, her husband, Tom, and a younger woman named Chloe. Chloe comes off as extremely obsessed and possessive, and we are led to believe that she is insane and has attachment issues. After catching her in multiple lies, Rachel is convinced Chloe wants her life - the husband, the big house, and even their son, Sam. After Chloe dies, Rachel decides to do some digging and uncovers the shocking truth.

Going into this book, I had high expectations. I love a good drama, especially when murder and lies are thrown in the mix. This book gave exactly that. However, it didn't really seem to get good until closer to the end, after Chloe dies. That is when all the secrets start to come out! Up until then, we see a lot of Chloe's obsessive ways and we are almost certain she is jealous of the life Rachel lives. The plot twists in this book are shocking, and the ending is jaw-dropping! I did not see it coming at all! It instantly took the book from a 3 to a 4.5 for me!

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture, and Sue Watson for this suspenseful read!

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I love Sue Watsons books and was so looking forward to getting stuck into this one. It moves at a slower pace than I’m used to with this author but maybe that was intentional. It does put a different kind of spin on a storyline that we have experienced before. It’s a well developed storyline with well developed characters but I can’t say if I actually liked any of them though and there were times I wanted to strangle Rachel 😳. When the pace picked up my head was in a spin and I was suspicious of everyone. But OMG that ending - come one Sue what a way to leave a girl hanging 🤷‍♀️😢…

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review #YouMeHer

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"You, Me, Her" by Sue Watson promises an intriguing premise that keeps readers engaged from start to finish. Watson skillfully weaves a web of suspense and tension, with twists and turns that will leave you guessing until the very end. The characters are well-developed, and the psychological aspects of the story are compelling. However, some readers might find the pacing to be a bit uneven, and certain plot elements could have been explored in more depth. Overall, "You, Me, Her" delivers a gripping read that will satisfy fans of the psychological thriller genre

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Twisty, twisty, twisty! This was a story I raced through! I just knew more was going on that it appeared, and I was RIGHT! I had guessed the final twist, but it was still a great ending! Loved the suspense!

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"Someone is a liar. Someone is in danger. Someone is a killer."
You Me Her is a book I would recommend to fans of Frieda McFadden, Kierstin Modglin and Jeneva Rose. The hints of a wife's horrific relationship with water, Her relationships she develops after moving to a new city and the shocking twists kept me thoroughly entertained.
The ending was not a huge surprised as we were led to guess it, but the way it left off in a cliffhanger made me want more chapters. So much was unresolved at the end, but I loved the way it ended with the reader questioning the outcome.

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