Member Reviews

Absolutely brilliant. Sharp and suspenseful prose. A great, twisted story. I loved this one. Raced through it and enjoyed it all the way.

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Overall, I enjoyed this book. I was surprised by some of the twists and it held my attention.

When Louise meets Erin at a yoga class, the two women quickly become friends and start sharing details of their lives. Louise, thinking that her husband may be having an affair due to the distance that has been growing between her and Marcus. When Erin first mentions how having an open marriage saved her relationship with Kieran, Louise is intrigued. Louise taks it over with Marcus, and they decide to try it. But when everything comes crashing down, Louise tries to unravel her feelings and keep her life from falling apart while trying to figure out what really happened and which she can trust.

I found the beginning of the book a little far feŕtched- who really meets a new friend and decides I'm a week to try an open marriage with that person? But overall, a good book.

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I knew it was going to be a page turner just by reading the title alone. Open marriage is a subject that is taboo in our culture which makes reading about it even more thrilling. I wasn't sure who to trust as I read. My mind tried to work out the twists in the book and for the most part I was wrong. I thought I had a devious mind but this story took it to another level! Marcus and Louise were having marital problems. Louise made a new friend in yoga class named Erin. Erin became a close friend to Louise . When Erin heard of her friends marital trouble she suggested switching partners. You can only guess what the repercussions may be from opening that Pandora's box. I loved the story and how layered the plot was.

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #Bookouture for the book #TheOpenMarriage by #VictoriaJenkins. I found this book very intriguing and interesting and I loved it. Louise meets a girl at yoga and instantly becomes friends. Erin, the friend, talks Louise into swapping partners to help both marriages. Soon after a hotel night where they have indeed explored this option, strange things start happening. Erin disappears and someone is blackmailing Louise. Who is behind all this?

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Official rating is 3.75 stars

I definitely enjoyed this book once it got going. The beginning was a bit slow but then all the pieces started to fall into place and I was hooked. So many twists! I did figure out the overall direction and ending to the story well before it was revealed. With that being said I still had fun reading this one. It definitely makes you question if you can ever truly know a person.

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A slow paced thriller. The storyline is interesting and intriguing. Unreliable characters and selfish decisions are the whole point. I couldn't relate to anyone, particularly. It became really slow in between but picked up pace near the end. Louise and Marcus tried the open marriage system with Erin and Kieran, but things turned sinister, and soon there was a kidnapping and muder. I was expecting the twist and suspicious of Erin from the start. Climax is okay and neatly done. A nice time pass thriller. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC.

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The premise of this book was titillating but I knew it wouldn’t end well. When you play with fire you get burned.
Having an open marriage is a concept that I cannot fathom and can only further the demise of a relationship instead of embolden it.
What Louise didn’t know is it would cause a chain reaction of monstrous proportions.
Even I didn’t anticipate the extent of lies, betrayal, and backstabbing that goes on in the book.
It will keep you on your toes.

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The Open Marriage by Victoria Jenkins is another fantastic story by Jenkins.
This book had me hooked from the start and I could not put it down. There was plenty of twist to keep things interesting and well developed characters. The story is suspenseful and twisty from the beginning to the end.

Thank You NetGalley and Bookouture for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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When Louise starts feeling like her marriage has lost its spark, she meets the effortlessly cool Erin at yoga class. Erin shares her own marital struggles and how an open marriage turned things around for her and her husband, Kieron. Intrigued, Louise convinces her husband Marcus to give it a go, hoping to rekindle some lost excitement. But just when things start to get interesting, Erin vanishes, leaving Louise entangled in a mess she never saw coming.

Victoria Jenkins has once again provided a masterclass in suspenseful storytelling, with twists that kept me guessing until the very end. Jenkins has a knack for creating characters that are not only believable but also incredibly relatable. I found myself rooting for Louise and getting completely wrapped up in her drama.

The plot is packed with intrigue and the kind of tension that makes it impossible to put down.

A huge thank you to Bookouture, NetGalley, and the brilliant Victoria Jenkins for opportunity to read this book as an ARC. Highly recommend!

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The Open Marriage not only has a catchy title, but also is full of good spins! I may have spend a couple late nights reading this one as I was unable to put it down.

Louise and her husband Marcus are having a rough go at things, and Louise is not sure what the future looks like with them together. At one of her yoga classes, Louise meets Erin, and they start to become friends. Erin has some intriguing ideas on how to potentially help Louise with her marriage, based on the open marriage she has with her husband Kieran. Louise and Marcus are both hesitant, but opt to try this lifestyle. From there, things turn into a bit of a whirlwind. A missing person, lies, death, and things just not what they really seemed to be.

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Wow! This was a premise that gripped me before I even opened the book. Lots of psychological thrillers follow the extra marital affair trope, so what set this one apart was the open marriage and consent element. Interesting way to try and refresh a stale marriage!

Louise and Marcus are a totally normal couple, but instead of being completely wrapped up in each other, they have found themselves in a rut, caught up in the day to day humdrum of life. Louise's new friend Erin tells Louise that her own marriage was similar, until they changed it up a bit by having an open marriage. and Erin's husband Kieran is gorgeous, so why not?

I liked all of the characters and found them relatable, so I found myself completely caught up in the two couple's lives as they meet in a bar and swap partners. I was holding my breath, waiting to see how it all played out and it didn't disappoint with both Louise and Marcus finding a benefit, but perhaps not both in the same way! When Erin was reported missing and Louise was sent a threatening message, it quickly became very dark and the twists were unexpected and very cleverly executed.

A great read!

5 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, and Bookouture, for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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Intriguing treatment of the swinger lifestyle. When a decade-long married couple decide to change it up for more excitement in their lives, the consequences are unpredictable and consequential.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC!

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I liked this book. I was expecting more of a twist but still enjoyed the characters and the story. I found the book slow at times but I pushed thru and enjoyed the book for the most part.

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I’d like to thank Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘The Open Marriage’ written by Victoria Jenkins in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Louise and Marcus have been married for seven years but recently they’ve barely been talking. During her Pilates classes Louise meets Erin who confides that she and her husband Kieron had similar problems but things have improved since having an ‘open marriage’. Louise suggests it to Marcus who reluctantly agrees and both couples meet in a hotel, but things aren’t as straightforward as she’s expecting.

‘The Open Marriage’ is an enthralling domestic drama where a couple agree to swap partners in an attempt to improve their marriage but instead set off an unstoppable chain of events that is likely to destroy them. This novel has all the suspense, intrigue and twists and turns I look forward to and I’ve been so involved in the characters and plot that I haven’t been able to stop reading. Halfway through I had an inkling as to who could be responsible for the predicament Louise finds herself in but it’s only in the final pages that the truth is revealed. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading this gripping novel and can definitely recommend it.

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A brilliant read, this book keeps you turning the pages and is full of twists and turns that will shock you! Really enjoyed it!

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I had high expectations for 'The Open Marriage,' but it failed to captivate me as much as I had anticipated. Initially, the slow pace made it difficult to maintain my interest. Although the pacing picked up midway, my interest had already waned. I persisted to the end, as I make it a point never to abandon a book, but I believe it wasn't among the author's finest works.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC.

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It was supposed to save us. It destroyed us.<y husband Marcus and I used to be so in love. But now, after ten years together, we barely talk. I've seen so many of our friends' marriages end in divorce, and I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to stop that from happening to us. And then I meet Erin. She tells me all about her perfect marriage to Keiran, and I'm shocked when she reveals the secret to their marital bliss. - they have an open marriage. My heart starts to race as I consider it for me and Marcus. Could we really do this? When Marcus cautiously agrees, I know it can't be with strangers, and so I call Erin. She tells me there is only one complete honesty, But when I meet Keiran, it doesn't take long for me to break that rule. Soon this isn't an open marriage, but an affair.

Louise met Erin while they were at yoga and quickly became friends. Louise and her husband have not been getting along, and she finds out that Erin has an open marriage, so Louise and Marcus decide to give it a try.

I had higher hopes for this book after reading the premise. It was quite predictable. I wasn't keen on any of the characters. It's filled with lies and deceit, but the ending was a bit of a surprise.

Published 21st June 2024

I would like to thank #NetGalley #Bookouture and the author #VictoriaJenlins for my ARC of #TheOpenMarriage in exchange for an honest review.

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The name of the book leads you to believe the plot has a lot more to do with an open marriage than it really does, so don’t let that turn you off! I feel like the last bit of the book was thrown together hastily, considering how slow the beginning progresses, but there’s a lot of good character development and I didn’t see the curve ball coming.

This was one of the more enjoyable thriller books I’ve read lately and my first one by this author. I devoured it in less than 3 days. Worth the read!

The Open Marriage by Victoria Jenkins. #TheOpenMarriage #NetGalley #ARC

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The Open Marriage by Victoria Jenkins is about Lou who is married to Marcus and has been for the past 10 years and feels like they are going through a rough patch. When she meets Aaron in her yoga class she is enamored by this beautiful woman who is so friendly and once she gets to know her and learns the secret to her successful marriage Lou is at first shocked, but then talks Marcus into doing it as well. Lou has a lot on her plate her mother recently died and she is now left with having to clean out her house and deciding what to do with all the ill gotten money her dad scammed from innocent victims her brother wants some of it Lou refuses. He is 41 years old and still lives like a teenager and is not responsible at all. After her and Marcus switch partners with Aaron in Kieran it shakes lose entire foundation she cannot stop thinking about Kieran and she fears this has radically changed her and Marcus‘s relationship eventually however it will change their entire life. Someone goes missing someone is found dead end it seems Lou is the prime suspect. The only way I can describe the ending of this book is shock and awe as a thriller fan I know I am supposed to not count anyone out as the bad guy but OMG I don’t know why but this one truly shocked me. I expect twists like this from my favorite domestic thriller authors but never considered Victoria Jenkins to be one of them but after this book I am definitely put in her on my list for authors to look out for. This book isn’t as long as most domestic thrillers but it is a great read and one I definitely recommend there was lots in the book I haven’t put in my review but what I put sounds interesting to you trust me when I say there is much more. I also want to say just as an aside I didn’t understand why Lou didn’t want to give Cameron some of the vast amount of wealth she received in her mothers will, I mean I get it it was ill gotten gains but if she didn’t want it she could’ve at least given him some of it. I want to thank Bookouture for my free art copy via NetGalley. Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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First book I’ve read by this author. Good, solid book. The wife suggests they try an “open” marriage to add spice to their nonexistent love life. Things happen, lies are told, and people aren’t always who you think they are. Plenty of good twists, some I saw coming and some I didn’t. I would recommend this book to others.

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