Member Reviews

Four Humid Months - by Gurpreet Bharya

4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

‘There were always fires in my marriage. Fires that were never quite put out and wetted down by tears, before starting up once again with even more ferocity and vengeance. The atmosphere in the house was uncomfortably humid as a result of this exhausting fire-water cycle. Towards the end, the humidity became intolerable. There are only so many fires you can start before there’s nothing left to burn. And that’s what happened. There was no big bang ending – just nothing left.’

This was my first collection of poems and it absolutely blew me away. The words were so powerful and harrowing to know that they were all based on the author’s own marriage.

Four months may not seem a long time but it can feel like forever when you’re being gaslighted in a toxic and unhealthy environment.

As the poems progressed I could feel myself getting emotional and resonating with this woman about all the hardships she had faced during her relationship.

Thank you Gurpreet for sharing your story. I’m so glad you found the strength to leave and are now free.

A big thank you to NetGalley, Troubador and the fabulous author Gurpreet Bharya for this gifted ARC in return for an honest review.

I will also be sharing this review on my Instagram account and Amazon on the publication date.

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