Member Reviews

I've read around 65-70% ish of the book, and sadly I need to let it go.
I'm starting to understand more and more why some people only start reading fully published series.
I was obsessed while reading the first two books! Couldn't put it down and was super excited for the third book. But a long time passed before I could pick up the third book and that excitement didn't come back when I started reading the Fate of the Sun King.
Honestly, I also forgot a lot of what happened with certain characters (I appreciated the intro a lot though). Which I'm sad about, because I really love the story line in general and I'm still curious about how it will end.

So for now, I remain quite neutral on this book, because that's how it also felt while reading: neutral. I didn't have big emotions or excitement.
Perhaps when the fourth book is published, I'll pick up this series again, and read it all at once.

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I have loved this series from book 1 and have read each one in less than 24 hours.

Lor is so relatable and an amazing FMC. And finally we get the spice!!! I don’t want to give too much away but the cliff hanger has left me in tears!

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Okay, I finally feel like Tuli is hitting there stride with writing! This third installment had so much more going on and had me asking so many questions which make me excited for the next book! Especially that ending, I can't say more than that!

I'm also happy to see the pay off of such a steamy slow burn, it's safe to say that it was worth the wait!

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I think this relied too heavily on flashbacks and various POVs to convey the history of the world to the reader, rather than have them learn it all alongside Lor and her friends and family.
Some of the plot twists felt a bit incoherent and ill-fitting within the story, almost like it happened purely for the sake of happening.

Sadly lacking compared to book 1&2

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Trial of the Sun Queen was one of my top reads last year, so when I got the chance to read Fate of the Sun King I snapped it up!

This is a series that I highly recommend across all of my platforms, Lor is a character I really enjoy. There is so much in this series that I love that continued into this third instalment, The world and the characters are so endearing, there is so much that I feel we still need to learn and there's only one book left in the series.. HOW IS THERE ONLY ONE MORE BOOK?

I honestly love Gabriel, he is flawed and harsh and so beautifully damaged I have to admit his chapters were my favourite part of the book. Especially the chapters we got to see him with a certain someone, my heart cracked for the lost potential of their love. I would absolutely devour a book solely about Gabriel.

Lor and Nadir are fully in their romance era, and the ONLY thing is they started to give me the ice a bit. IM SORRY. I love them, but the random drop ins of flowery writing which appeared so randomly in their interactions regarding their romance, I found it incredibly jarring and threw me out of the story because these flowery lines were so different to the rest of the writing style that they just gave me the ick. but that's a me problem, im owning it as a me problem.

Overall this is an exceptional series in the Fantasy Romance genre and I will never stop recommending it to people, it is my go to recommendation I love the characters and the world, the first book will always be my favourite and I'm just so incredibly excited for the finale.

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I was sent a copy of this book via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.....for a full review please see my Amazon and Goodreads accounts

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I keep having to remind myself that with a longer series, like this one, the plot points will be more and confusing and it won’t all be neatly tied up in this and that’s fine! It’s hard but I’m getting there 😂. Thankfully, Tuli’s a good enough writer that I’m able to not focus so much on unsolved plot points and enjoy the book. I don’t think I’ve met a Tuli book I haven’t extremely enjoyed and for that she’s a top author for me.

Lor and Nadir only grow closer and stronger together in here and I love that. I just love everything about them – honestly, I’ve loved them since the first book so I’m always here for them. I did wonder if we were getting a redemption arc for Atlas but so far… not 😄. Not that I exactly want a redemption arc for him, but I always do wonder.

I didn’t immediately like Lor’s two siblings when they first appeared but they are growing on me and I hope to like them better in the next fourth (and well, it’s the final book so I hope so). But let’s get to my FAVOURITE character who FINALLY has a pov – Gabriel. Listen, I love him so so much and I need Tuli to NOT hurt him otherwise I will cry. I need him to get anything and everything he wants; I will even climb into the book if I have to do it myself. I’ve read Inkheart (Cornelia Funke), I’m sure I can do it.

Tuli’s always done so well with world-building and that’s difficult to maintain when you’re three books into a quartet and your world is massive! I like that I get a feel for everything and it’s easy for me to see everything – I love it when it feels like you’re in the book and travelling along with the characters because of how well the author is writing the story.

She also writes action and fighting scenes quite well, which I’m always happy to see in a (fantasy) book. It not only means the author is good in their craft, but that they understand the genre and age demographic that they’re writing for. This author definitely does that very well! Another thing that Tuli does quite well is tropes! Since tropes are very popular currently, I find that authors tend to shove a ton of tropes into their books but… don’t fully spend the time to ensure that the book is good (cough cough, Lightlark). Fate is my fifth book from Tuli and I’ve never felt that way, thank goodness. I think even if she crammed one of her books with tropes it wouldn’t bother me because she’s a good enough writer to be able to do so. She’s able to balance tropes and good writing, not have her writing fall because she wants to hit all the tickboxes of everyone’s looking for.

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Phew! I FINALLY got to finish @nishajtwrites Fate of the Sun King (book 3 in the Artefacts of Ouranos series) and BOY what a journey that was.

They finally did it. Nisha finally let the characters fuck-thank fuck 😂 (it's not a spoiler, she tells you the get it on in her dedication at the front of the book) and jfc is it a hot steamy and passionate one!
I love Nadir and Lor BUT I love the other couples happening on the sides too such as Willow and Amya, Tristan and Nerissa and even Gabriel and Ty. Nisha has woven relationships that are so beautiful to watch unfold and some that are so heartbreaking and devistativingly cruel to watch wither and fade.
My only gripe with I think it was the first sex scene was that Lor was thinking about her past in the moment, instead of being LOST in the moment which I think personally she would have been.

I really love that we get to now see the FULL back story of Zerra, how the high fae were made and the reason for the arks in the first place. I think it's a brilliant storyline and I actually didn't see the end happening!!!!

Nadir drops hints all through the book that he may have to betray Lor at some point but I'm not convinced he did, especially after the ending... Nisha how COULD you!!!!

I'm so happy we got to see more of Gabriel too. He was one of my favorite characters in book one and he made such an epic return with his plot line!

As much as I thoroughly enjoy EVERYTHING Nisha writes, I actually started to miss Nadir and Lors tension. The slow burn in the first two books was so agonising and fiery that I missed it when it was gone! Though my heart did absolute somersaults everytime I saw Nadirs new pet name for Lor- lightning bug 🥺 eugh it just did something to me!

Gimme book 4 now plz and no one gets hurt. I need it after that cruel cruel ending 😭

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I really enjoyed this book! I’m getting so invested in the characters and think the author’s writing style was beautiful and captivating. It was a fantastic continuation of the series and even though it had been a while since I had read the other books, I found it all fell into place really well anyway, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I can’t wait for more by this author, especially involving this fantasy world! Absolutely incredible.

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This book is part of a series and to fully understand the world building and characters I would
recommend reading the previous books- that being said reading this book as a standalone
works as well .
Our heroine , Lor , is brash , brave and full of banter - her struggles with her magic and past
won't hold her back . Her unresolved feelings for Nadir now becoming a thing of the past as their
chemistry grows ever stronger .
There are plenty of surprises in this latest book , its full of mystery , romance and action
which kept me turning the pages to see what came next .
I look forward to reading the next book in the series
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Fate of the Sun King" by Nisha J. Tuli is absolutely amazing! From the first page, I was hooked. The characters feel so real and relatable, and the world-building is simply incredible. I loved getting lost in the story and found it hard to put the book down. Tuli's writing kept me engaged and excited to see what would happen next. If you're into fantasy with a gripping plot and well-crafted characters, you'll love this book as much as I did.

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I have loved getting to know this series of late and this in this most recent addition to the series, the author has another powerhouse story which will be loved by so many.

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“I aim to always keep you on your toes, Aurora Prince.”

I will forever rave about this series! The third book in and I am enraptured with this world that has been built and the characters that have blossomed.
This book has spice spice spice (yes please Nadir’s dirty mouth), but it’s also filled with revelations, builds strongly in the lore of their world and tugs on heart strings.

Nisha has woven us a beautiful yet sorrowful story with these books and I cannot get enough of Lor and I seriously resonate with her.
She’s brave, brash and banterous but doesn’t pretend to be perfect. When she acknowledges her emotions, she feels them deeply.
Every time another book comes out, there’s always a new layer to Lor that’s revealed and I AM HERE FOR IT.

I absolutely love the side characters, I’m enjoying all of theirs overarching stories, the inter-mingling, the love interests, and how much they all want to change their world.

DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON NADIR. This review cannot even HANDLE my love for this fictional character. And let me tell you, when he goes from the broody, smouldering bad boy into the cinnamon roll, touch her and 💀 with SIMMERING stares bad boy… I was hook line and sinker

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Fate of the Sun King is the third Artefacts of Ouranos book and I am so invested in the series it's untrue. In this installment Lor and Nadir are on the run and return to Aphelion to infiltrate the Sun Kings palace.Things start off cooler between them (but fear not they do heat up) as Lor struggles with her magic, her past and her unresolved feelings for Nadir. Their relationship is the linchpin of the series and I loved hownit developed over the course of this book but I also loved the addition of Gabriel's POV and discovering more about Lor's family legacy and the history of Ouranos. There is mystery, romance, surprises aplenty and loads of action. It's a series that just keeps getting better and an explosive ending set the stage for an exciting finale in November - which can't come soon enough!

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This is book number 3 of the serie, and Nisha did it again...
Only 4 stars for me though, as I found the story was dragging a bit at some points, and all the talks about how much in love they are with eachother got a bit too much for my taste...
The end was quick and full of actions. I also really liked having more of Gabriel's point of view.
This book also has MANY revelations and even though all isn't clear, its getting us closer to the finale that book 4 will be.

Be careful with your tiny hearts getting in this though,,, Nisha is gonna be playing with it! Consider yourself warned!

*Thanks to NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK for access to the eARC against an honest review.*

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Nisha J Tuli how could you do this to me ? I can’t believe that ending I’m now going to have to wait heaven knows how long before I get the final book.. This book was everything I wanted more, I loved all the different POVs because I always love to see that the story from other perspectives not just one person . Here for whatever is next to come just make it soon, please

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I waited so long for this book and I loved it so much!
I love how this book is a perfect combination of fantasy and romance. It's impossible to be bored. The book is packed with a lot of action, love, mysteries and tension.
I enjoyed really much reading Gabriel's POV. Some plot twist in this book really took me by surprise.
Prepare yourself for the biggest cliffhanger ever.

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Firstly - if you cannot handle cliffhangers you may want to wait until the series is complete because EXCUSE ME.... how am I meant to function following that?!?!?

I must admit - book 2 is still my favourite in the series so far, this one was just a fraction slower (and I really cannot deal with the nickname lightening bug - I'm so sorry but I cannot). Having said that, I really enjoyed the development we got to see in this story, the exploration into the backstory of Ouranos and Gabriels POV was an excellent addition (nothing quite like a grouchy man). I'm hoping we get to see more from the side characters as the series continues to progress because they are all brilliant.

I flew through this - this series is just so much fun to read and I'm already looking forward to the next one!

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I really enjoy the flashback chapters, showing how the current world came to be - the artefacts, the people and drama, the secrets and betrayals. It's crucial information to the story, but also just interesting to know.

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This is the third book in the series of four.
Having escaped from a prison that Lor and her siblings were falsely thrown into and also successfully completing the Trials but then escaping again, she is now trying to unlock her magic having recovered the fabled Heart crown.
This series continues to be a great read. It has a wonderful collection of characters. Not just the main characters but also the side ones and is complete with developed villains.
The plot is complex with plenty of twists that are not always obvious as the interplay between the various factions is exposed.
I am really looking forward to the next one of this series.

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