Member Reviews

Thanks to Little Brown Book Group and Netgalley for approving me for an ARC for this book.

I don't know what happened here but I just couldn't get behind this title at all. I loved the other 2 books so much and couldn't wait for this to come and I was super thrilled when I was approved for an ARC but when I started reading it just didn't feel quite the same with me.

I felt like some parts of the plot were wayyyy too drawn out and others were just skipped over too quickly to really feel the stakes. The ending felt rushed and I found it predictable and sadly I jsut didn't enjoy this even nearly as much as the first two books... Probably would have given this 2.5 stars but I don't like doing half stars so here we are..

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Another incredible book in this series!!

I love how Lor continues to grow into her powers and strength but I especially loved how this book focused on the progression of her and Nadir's relationship. This was written so beautifully and thoughtfully considering Lor's past trauma.

The action and pace was gripping and I very much couldn't wait to read on and make sure everyone was okay!

As someone who struggles with memorizing timelines and events, I found the flashback chapters hard to follow but this didn't affect my overall enjoyment, it just took me more time to process!

That ending is unforgivable with the wait until the next book!! How could you??

This is fast becoming one of my favourite Romantasy series! ❤️

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4.5 stars

This is the third book in the Artefacts of Ouranos series so please be aware that this book will contain some spoilers for the first two books in the series.

I really enjoyed the first two books in this series when I read them at the end of last year so was so eager to jump back into this amazing world Nisha J Tuli has created along with the fantastic characters that come along with it. Tuli provides a quick glossary of characters at the very beginning which honestly helped me refresh my memory as that is something I end up really struggling with when it comes to books in a series.

This book jumps straight back in and I instantly felt myself transported back in and feeling back at home with these characters. I love Lor so much and loved getting to know even more of her backstory and learning more about her family. I loved her connection with Nadir and can I just say...finally!!!

I also love that we get multiple POVs in this series as it really helps develop the characters and the storyline. We get to see multiple sides of the story and I also really liked getting to know more about the past. I

Honestly I want to keep talking about this book but i don't want to spoil it. The ending really got me and now I'm absolutely desperate for the next and (I think) final book in the series.

If you're looking for an amazing fantasy with slow burn romance and amazing world building and characters I definitely recommend picking up this series!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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It was a good move from mrs Nisha to give us chapters of former rulers of Ouranos. That explained a lot of things and we found out who Zerra really was and what arks are (but still i’m not sure if I understand correctly why they have such an influence on her). But all additions from the past made the story complete and we can better understand the world, which is super important for me.
In this book, Nadir and Lor are trying to get to the Mirror practically throughout the entire book. It was unnecessarily prolonged, because I had the impression that the story was not moving forward. However, it was still a good and smooth read.
I really like how MC’s relationship developed, but it was predictable and I feel like it lost a bit of its edge.
I loved that we learn more about Gabriel and get more of his chapters too.
Okay, the end of the book was a bit unexpected hah, but still i was hoping for some tiny betrayal (just to add some spice you know)😛
This isn’t my favourite book (my fav is book two), but it was a good read and i really enjoyed it.
⭐️4.5⭐️ and waiting for the last part🫶🏻

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Thank you Netgalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review!

I LOVE trial of the sun king, but was slightly disappointed in the second book because I didn’t get the same amazing feels from it. I did really enjoy this one! I love how the world building is branching out, the myths, magics and different characters, the flashbacks between then and now. I enjoy the amount of complex female characters, the female villains, because we need more complex and not perfect female characters. The spice is spicing, the slow burn finally reaches its burning point and it was satisfying without getting boring (because the want is always better than the action in my mind). The cliffhanger was out of this world, I mean honestly! Is it even legal? Can I sue Nisha for emotional damage?

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Fate of the Sun King is the third book in Nisha J. Tuli's spicy romantasy series, Artefacts of Ouranos.
Thank you NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK for this eARC!

Back in 2023 I have read the first two book on Kindle Unlimited and was absolutely hooked. I throughly enjoyed the worldbuilding and the slow burn between the main two characters.
Unfortunately, this was my least favourite book in the series so far.

I think it relied too heavily on flashbacks and various POVs to convey the history of the world to the reader, rather than have them learn it all alongside Lor and her friends and family.
Some of the plot twists felt a bit incoherent and ill-fitting within the story, almost like it happened purely for the sake of happening.
Lastly, the love story between Lor and Nadir took a turn into fated mates territory, which is never my favourite. I think in this case, it almost takes away the hard work they put into going from enemies to reluctant allies.

Overall, an enjoyable read and a solid third instalment of the series.
Looking forward to how the story of Lor and whole of Ouranos progresses!

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Fate of the Sun King (Artefacts of Ouranos Book 3)
Book 3 / 4
5 ⭐️
3 🌶️
Multi POV 1st and 3rd person
Multiple Timelines

This third book is the perfect follow up. Lor and her allies as they search for answers about the hidden magic and the Artefacts.
It follows on characters from the present and the past. Switching from different POV and timelines very smoothly.

I really enjoyed Gabriel's POV. And the story surrounding Atlas.

Lor and Nadir are everything and the slow burn was everything, but when the spice hits, it hits soo good and completely worth the wait.

And that ending! I can’t decided in I need until Nov to recover or if I need the next book ASAP!

Thank you for the eARC NetGalley, Little Brown Book group and Nisha J Tuli

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Absolutely LOVED this book but also what the hell Nisha?! After that ending I'm in dire need of the final installment but HOW IS EVERYTHING GOING TO WRAP UP IN ONE MORE BOOK?! I feel like I've got SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!!! I need more on Gabriel as well, I can't.. Please put me out of my misery asap with book four, ok, thx love you xoxoxo

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Fantasy, enemies to lovers, spicy. A great third instalment in the series. As it continues, I understand more and more about the characters and get further invested. I’d definitely recommend this series!

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Thank you NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK for this eCopy to review

I am really enjoying the Artefacts of Ouranos romantasy series. The 3rd instalment Fate of the Sun King is just as addictive and full of spice as the previous 2. This book sees Lor with Nadir on the run with their friends to discover the truth about the artefacts, along with trying to learn how to use her magic.

I loved all the different POVs as it helps give an insight into all the different characters and the backstories help flesh out the plot. Fast paced with great characters and some massive plot twists I cannot wait for book 4

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As the 3rd book in a 4 book series the pace in this was really important. It almost live up to expectations though there were moments that it dragged.

The author 100% gets points for the slow burn burning though 😆.

This was a fantastic book that gave us more insight into our characters and their world and I’m beyond excited for the final instalment.

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This book gave me so many things I was hoping for. I struggled abit with all of the different POV's ( I think that might just be me as it felt like when you start a new book and have to get to know new characters, or characters you aren't found of) but after reading them I understood why they was put it. I do love the characters in this series and how we see the progression of all the characters. The ending was amazing, I can't wait for the final book!

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This was book 3 in the Artefacts of Ouranos series following Lor as she returns to Aphelion to unlock her magic while fighting her attraction to the Aurora Prince.

While I do feel as though this book read like a “filler”, I still think there were key elements that drove the story along; namely the “past” storyline. The present felt as though there were parts that could have been skipped as not every chapter felt purposeful and a driver of the overall plot. The last 10% of this book is really what catapulted this book to 4 stars for me because the pacing finally picked up and we were finally getting into the action. If every chapter of the present timeline had more of an impact in terms of the characters actions towards finding the Ark and getting to the mirror, the pacing would have been stronger.

Overall, this was a very strong follow up and I’m eager to continue the series.

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Thisis a captivating read that holds your attention from the first page. The story is engaging and the characters are well-developed and relatable. The author's writing style is clear and straightforward, making it an easy and enjoyable read. The themes explored in the book are thought-provoking and add depth to the narrative. Overall it is a memorable book that leaves a lasting impression. Perfect for anyone who loves a good story.

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I'm gonna be honest, I didn't like the third one as much as the first two..
Something was missing, but I cant put my finger on it.

For me personally the flashbacks also didnt work, I lost my flow and everything was explained once Lor meet the Empyreans.
and the end?! N A D I R ????!?! LOR THINK BEFORE YOU EXPLODE

I still had a lot of fun and I'm looking out for the last one!
There are still a lot of open questions and I need Rion gone NOW!!!

Gabe is still a flaming red flag, but I dearly hope Tyr finds some peace.

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If you love romantasy, him falling hard and just " strangers to lovers" this is the saga for you.

I've loved the growth of the characters from book 1 no questions about it.
Loved seeing them change and shift their loyalties so much.
Also the ROMANCE this man could do anything to me and I would say yes

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“They tried to cage me. Now they'll fear me” (Swipe for synopsis)

Mini Book Review ~

Well… what can I say except “Fate of the Sun King” completely and utterly blew my mind! The third installment of the Artefacts of Ouranos series dives deeper into the fae world as Lor risks her life and heart in this enemies-to-lovers fantasy romance. Each book keeps getting better, and this one is the best yet. It combines the action of the first book and the character development of the second, adding more stunning world-building and some delightful spice.

She has truly outdone herself and secured a spot among my favorite authors. This book, despite its intense ending, is my favourite of the series so far. Literally cannot wait for the next one!

Highly recommend this series to romantasy fans!

4.8 stars

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

3.5 rounded to 4

Book three in a four book series is always going to suffer a bit with middle book syndrome, but even though the pace was slow and there was a lot of moving from one place to another to have a discussion to then move to another place... I still enjoyed it overall! Plus the romance progressing between the FMC and MMC finally upped the pace after a VERY slow burn! A few things were revealed in this instalment that I predicted, and I'm definitely interested to see how things go from here. Plus of course we ended on a cliffhanger - I'm very glad we don't have to wait until next year to get the final book.

I'd recommend this series to anyone who loves an easy to read romantasy, and likes anything by Alessa Thorn and Jennifer L Armentrout.

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OML - I nearly broke my kindle reading this! It was about to get chucked against the wall then stamped on. Then I remembered that there is still book 4 to come and I managed to get my blood pressure back to semi normal!!!!

Lor and Nadir are like the ultimate power couple. She's all untapped magic, pent up rage and sarcastic humour to cover her trauma and he's the bad boy Fae, with a tender heart and a supportive streak. Nadir should be a narcistic playboy but he's managed to preserve his soul playing Fae politics!

Lor still has trouble taking anything or anyone at face value - always waiting for that other shoe to drop or the sleaze to ooze through someone's personality. Her relationship with Nadir definitely suffers for it. But I love the way that Nadir and his comrades are just there for Lor and her family. They become an epic extended found family. The traumatic childhood and time incarcerated has affected Lor, Tristan and Willow in different ways but they are stronger for it and refuse to allow it to define them. Willow may not have the powers of her siblings but that girl is cunning and sly and would make a perfect Spy Commander!

Gabriel actually redeems himself a bit in this book. We learn more about his backstory and just why he's so obedient to a man he clearly hates. There is a lot of redemption being sought in this storyline. There are many POV's in the book which adds to the complexity and pacing of the story but not so many that you get lost.

That cliffhanger is a doozy and as I've already said - I kind of wanted to unalive the kindle because of it!

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Wow, what a lot of twists and turns! I've been invested in Lordir since Book 1, and I was so happy to see their relationship arc and get envious of their fictional bedroom activities 😂 I really enjoyed the views into the history of Ouranos, and I love the fact that so many characters, like Zerra and Serce, are neither good nor bad, but realistic, flawed people. The world has become so complex, and I'm excited to see how it all ties together.

The ending has me champing at the bit for Book 4. I don't know how I'm going to wait until the end of the year 😭

Well done, Nisha! A great book 🙂

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