Member Reviews

I’ve read all of Nisha’s other books and adore the way she writes the slow burn and tension in her fantasy romance books, it honestly has me devouring each chapter.
The third installment in the Artefacts of Ouranos series did not disappoint and I was so grateful for the answers we got to certain questions from the first 2 books. I loved the development of Lor and Nadir’s relationship and I felt Lor’s trauma, anger and grief were all explored and written so well. We’ve been on a JOURNEY with their romance and I felt to happy with where it went in this book. I’m so invested in the plot and honestly cannot wait for the fourth and final book to wrap everything up and (hopefully) give Lor the hea she deserves.

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Fast-paced, action.-packed and full of passion (finally!), found family. and discovering yourself and your own worth.
"Fate of the Sun King" is the worthy third installment of the "Artefacts of Ouranos"-series, which gets better with each installment.
The ending will leave you speechless and I can't wait for the final book.

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This is an addictive series that has a lot of potential. I really like Lor as the main character and wish we had been able to get more from her. I felt that overall there was something missing or the author was holding back. The slow burn that wasn’t really a slow burn was enjoyable, but the resolution felt rushed and didn’t fit with the narrative that had been created. I understand there was to remain a level of conflict between Lor and Nadir but it impacted their believability as a couple. I appreciated gaining an understanding of Gabriel and his motivations as I struggled with his character in the first book. I also liked the wider characters generally, especially Tristan and Willow, and hope we will get to explore their journeys more in the next instalment.

There are a lot of interesting elements and I will still read the final book as I’m invested, but really think this could do with some additional editing. The info dumping really took me out of the story and know there is a more sophisticated way to weave that information throughout the series. I am very grateful for the opportunity to review this ARC via NetGalley and think this is an enjoyable addition to The Artefacts of Ouranos.

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Captivating from start to finish. The reader is kept guessing throughout the book. It was a brilliant edition to the series.

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Thank you netgalley for this e-arc in exchange for my honest review of Fate of the Sun King by #nishajtuli

They tried to cage me. Now they'll fear me.

4.25 stars

This is the third book in the Artifacts of Ouranos series and picks up with Lor trying to access her magic. Things are only getting more complicated for Lor, with two Kings after her for her power and a mystery surrounding the history of the artefacts, she has to navigate her destiny.

If you enjoyed the previous books, you will not be disappointed. This instalment does a really good job of getting more world building and back story established. I really liked the elements with the first age of Ouranos and how magic came to be accessed in this world. There were a few slow points but this didn't detract from the overall story.

The relationship developments are great and we get some depth to Lor's siblings and their experiences too. The slow burn starts to heat up and we see history repeating itself with fated mates heading for disaster.

Gabriel has a special place on my heart and I'm happy he gets air time for his grumpy persona to really shine. He is another character you really get to experience on a deeper level this time.

The ending of this book is one hell of a cliffhanger! I'm devastated I have to wait now to find out what happens.

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Firstly, I am still SHOOKETH that I got accepted for the arc for this book so thank you SO much to Nisha J Tuli & Orbit UK for giving me access to this impeccable book.

LIGHTNING BUG *screaming*

If you follow me on booksta or are in Facebook reader groups with me you'll have seen me gushing about this book for over a year now so it's no surprise that this was another 5* read for me. I am so beyond in love with Lor, Nadir, Gabriel and the entire world of Ouranos.

Even though its been a good maybe year? Since I last read the first 2 books in the series, it was easy enough to pick up where I left off. The tension between Lor and Nadir was higher than ever and oh so delicious. And yes.. they really do bang in this one! And let me tell you, the wait was entirely worth it. I wanted to cry at Nadirs absolute worship of Lor, she is the start and end of his entire universe and I love me an obsessed Prince.

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I was so happy to receive and ARC of this book!

Absolutely loved it! Loved spending more time with some of my favourite characters and having some characters from the first book back and learning more about them.

I can't wait for the next book!

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We dive back into Lor and Nadir’s world with the next instalment in the Ouranos series, which offers more insight into the Gods and their powers, and how that translates to the modern day powers of the Primaries. The same gang are together still, so there’s lots of familiar names in this one, and a few more secrets are also revealed along the way. It did feel a little like a filler book, as for its length it was more that lots of minor things happened rather than the plot moving along significantly and so perhaps I would have liked to see it sped up a little bit. That being said, it was good to explore Lor and Nadir’s relationship more and for them to spend more time together and to see as well how Lor’s relationships with her siblings are changing with their new environment. This ends with a cliffhanger and I’m looking forward to picking the series back up in the next book and getting some answers!

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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We are finally back! (Waiting for next book is a hassle no matter if it’s a week or a year😅)

If you’ve already read the first two books; all you need to know is that it’s still going strong! 🤩If not, then you really need to do so!

This is, and continues to be, one of my favorite series. In this book we are delving deeper into the history of both Lot and Ouranos🤩 I love how the story is evolving, the side characters, world building and everything!

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It's no secret that I've loved everything Nisha has written since I was first introduced to her books.
I read the first two books in this series in as many days and have been impatiently awaiting Fate of the Sun King since last year. Nisha did not disappoint with this absolute masterpiece of a book. It gripped me as much as the first two and had a few twists I did not expect or see coming. But that ending! Nisha, that ending is not ok - how am I supposed to wait until November to find out what happens after that? It's safe to say that this series is continuing in just as amazing a way as it started. I very much enjoyed getting to see and learn more about Gabriel, it helped flesh his character out. He's a lot more three dimensional in this book than he was in the previous two books. I'm already excited for the next installment, even if I have another 6 months to wait.
If you've not read Trial of the Sun Queen yet, you need to get on that ASAP - you won't be disappointed.

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Fate of the Sun King
Nisha J. Tuli
Released 6 June 2024
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ 4.5/5

I was lucky enough to get an ARC copy of Fate of the Sun King and could not wait to read it!

I read the first two books in the series last year and have been waiting for what feels like FOREVER for this one. Luckily it did not disappoint!

I really enjoyed the progression of the story, the twists and turns, the character growth (found family!) and the multiple POVs (especially Gabriel’s!)

The reallly slowww slow burn really paid off in this one 🔥

I appreciated hearing the history of Ouranos and the story of the past rulers (although a few times I just wanted to skip to the current day goings on!) It helped with the world building overall, I feel I understand the world better now that we know more of its past and politics.

BUT WHAT THE… That ending… 👀😭 Man… I cannot wait to find out what happens now! Guess I’m waiting to see if I’m lucky enough to get an ARC for book 4! (Pretty please!)

Great series overall. Love it! Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. Much appreciated!

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Really! How could you!

This series has been very special in my heart ever since the first book. The story, the characters, I love it all.

This was a fantastic follow-up to the first two books.
It was an agonising slow-burn filled with action, adventure, tension, lust, and heartbreak.

The dual POV added so many more layers to the story. It felt like the side characters we shining through a lot more in this book. And we got a lot of the backstory from most characters.

Previous questions were answered, and more questions arose, awaiting answers.

I absolutely loved this book, I can't wait until the next one.
Is it November yet?

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The pacing of this series is so enjoyable, I love how the author feeds us new information each book and it doesnt feel slow or overwhelming.

Lor is a fantastic FMC and the revelations she experiences this book is a wild ride. Nadir has grown on me and I love his willingness to put Lor first, that really shines through in this book.

This book steps it up with betrayal, backstory, SPICE and secrets revealed. The ending has my heart in a vice ngl and I cannot wait for book 4 😭.

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Really enjoyed this book and loved seeing Nadir and Lor’s relationship finally bloom after the juiciest slow burn of the first two books. Lots of action, back story and character development in this book and it pays off! Another belter!

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I first picked up Trial of the Sun Queen last year and immediately became obsessed. Luckily the second book was already out and I devoured that too. Since then it has felt a long wait to find out what happens next!

I love Lor and Nadir, and there's no shortage of their story because the book is told from their POV's the majority of the time. Although there is background POV's and also we find out more from Gabriel's side! And I surprisingly came to love his chapters. It explained so much about his character and I'm definitely rooting for him too.

I'm glad there was multiple POV chapters to drive the plot in this book because a certain couple mostly had one thing on their minds👀🐇🐰 (I'm not mentioning names but this really isn't a spoiler anyway, as the author mentions it straight away in her dedication. Plus it's been a long time coming, right?😅)

But the biggest thing on my mind is THAT CLIFFHANGER! How could you do this to us, Nisha? What is going on?!😭

I'm so glad we only need to wait until November for answers!

Thank you to Little, Brown Book Group UK, Orbit and the author for the review copy, provided in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Before I even begin, huge, huge thanks to Orbit, Little, Brown Book Group UK and Netgalley for the arch of Fate of the Sun King by Nisha J Tuli – I have been waiting for what feels like a fae age for this next book in the series to be released, and I promise this is as close as I get can to my most honest, not so sure about the unbiased as I loved the first two books in the series, review.
The first and huge positive for me was the glossary of characters at the start of the book, it was a great way to refresh my head about the events of books 1 and 2, and the tone and sheer humorous snark re aliving and un-aliving was just perfect!
Book 3 picks up immediately following the conclusion of book 2 and it was once again a story that just continues to flow, within a few pages I was back in Lor’s world, rooting for her to find a little happiness and maybe, just maybe see what becomes of her and Nadir…that slow burn has been a total killer!
Told from multiple PoVs, including Lor, Nadir and Gabriel to mention a few the story just became even more immersive and who knew about Gabriel?!? I certainly didn’t and I was whooping with the best of them at finally being able to get to know him better! Plus, the insights into the Royal world, in particular another perspective on Atlas, whose behaviour has been truly strange at points. I’m definitely on Team Gabriel now, no question.
In addition, Tuli does a fantastic job of weaving in the history of Ouranos and the artefacts – it was truly enlightening, and provided so much more context, plus adding another facet to the plot and all the shenanigans surrounding poor Lor! Another real positive of this book was the expansion of Lor’s inner circle, it was definitely a combination of family and found family, and I truly adored that, her relationship with her siblings was illustrated perfectly, and it reflected both Lor’s growth as an individual as she recovered from past trauma and their recovery too.
And of course, that slow burn. No question, book 3 definitely lives up to the spice and the development of the relationship between Lor and Nadir is truly heartwarming for the majority of the book. We finally get to see the fireworks between them be released and truly, it was wonderful to see such a wonderful thing happen for Lor, until that cliffhanger…
Of course Tuli couldn’t leave us with a happy ending, particularly as there is so much more of the story to tell. I truly am already yearning for the next book in the series. I have to know what happens to Lor and Nadir, will they defeat Atlas and the Aurora King, how will Gabriel and Tyr’s story play out, will there be a happy ending? I have so many questions but, I’m just going to have to wait!

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Fate of the Sun King Review
Thank you to net galley and little brown books for this early arc and for the chance to review I have given Fate of the Sun King 5 stars I am absolutely blown away by this whole series so far but to say I’m broken after reading this 😩

It was brilliant completely and utterly brilliant absolutely ate it up the continuous world building and the different POVs throughout I just can’t with that ending I can’t believe it’s ended on such a cliff 😩 but overall absolutely fantastic loved every minute of it! I applaud you Nisha ♥️

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Well… this series from the start has been 5 stars. But this book! WOW.

to say I need the next book now is an understatement.

I feel like I don’t know what to do with myself now. From the start this book had me gripped. What a book

I didn’t need my heart anyway

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This was so good! A perfect mix of action and angst, the best aspects of books 1 and 2. I loved the flashbacks to the history which explained the lore so well. I absolutely loved the new characters and all the relationships between them. Nadir and Lor of course are the best and finally!!! Gabriel is so moody it makes me laugh but the serious backstory was so well thought out. Those last few chapters had me on my toes and I do not know how I am going to last until the next book. One of the most gripping series I've read in a while.

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Fate Of The Sun King is the third installment of Artefacts of Ouranos. It follows Lor and friends on her quest to unlock her magic and discover the secrets of the Heart Crown. Written in first and third person, with multiple POVs.

The world building is amazing, producing amazing imagery and a real sense of the world. I really enjoy the writing style and the way it captures the characters feelings and reactions.

This was such a great book that explained a lot but also left me with more questions. I really liked the pace and the way the story developed. As well as the characters and their individual development.

That ending was amazing and everything I could have hoped for. I'm so excited for the next book.

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