Member Reviews

Words cannot even express how absolutely mind-blowing this book was. From start to finish the book Just. Didn't. Stop.

Quite honestly I probably need therapy now I mean damn Nisha I didn't need my heart anyway just take it I guess.

But to recite an infamous quote I don't need sleep I need answers book please? 😂

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THANK YOU NETGALLEY for providing me of an eARC of this beautiful book.

I adore this series so so much - WHAT A RIDE, and let's just start off with WHAT WAS THAT ENDING. Holy Moly. I am honestly ITCHING for the next instalment because how could you do us dirty leaving it where you did.

I loved the ride, I loved the character development, I loved the growth of the story, the unravelling of the world. The different POV's - I loved the flashbacks with different characters. I honestly just loved it all.

I loved seeing Lor and Nadir in another light, I can't wait to find out what happens next and I really hope we get to see more of Tristian and his progression, there feels like a lot of foreshadowing for this at least.

I'm diving straight back in for a re-read because nothing is good enough to grab my attention after that cliffhanger!

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FMC and MMC jealous & possessive
‘I’ll burn the world for you » MMC
Fated mates
Touch him/her and die
Found Family
« That’s my girl »
Magic training
« Mine » FMC
Multi POV
Strong & badass FMC
Twists & turns

There is a glossary of characters at the beginning, which is really helpful if you haven’t read the previous novels in a long time. The story starts right where we left in book 2.
Just like book 1 & 2, the writing just flows, and the pace is good. You barely started to read that you are already 250 pages in, that’s how easy it is written.

In this third installment, we have Nadir and Lor’s POV, Gabriel’s POV, someone else’s POV and other past characters ones. I loved that we got all those new POVs, it was really interesting.
What I loved the most about Fate Of The Sun King was Gabriel’s POV, being able to get to know him better; what are his motivations, what does he like, does he like someone, why does he accept Atlas’s behavior… I was curious, about him, and I really hope we will get more of him in the final book. I found his story and someone else linked to him heartbreaking and can only hope that it will get better for them.

We get answers about: Atlas’s motivations, on how the world work, about the goddess … A lot of questions are answered, but at the end of the book you have so many new ones.
During most of the book their fight against The Aurora King took a break as they needed to get answers and resources to be able to confront him.

As much as this was easy to read and a nice sequel, I felt like non-much was going on in Nadir and Lor’s POV, action wise. I think this book was about Lor finding herself and getting stronger. She has locked her magic as well as her heart for so many years, now letting her emotions out and process her traumas allow her to show a vulnerable side of her personality in this book.
She is still the strong-headed FMC that we know and since she has her family back and strong allies she gets more confident.
Nadir is still a strong support for Lor while she confronts her traumas and he is still obsessed, possessive with her.

Lor wants to keep her distance with Nadir after the end of book 1 because she has her own demons to fight. But when she accepts her feelings and their bond it felt rushed; in the blink of an eye she became/was utterly obsessed with him. We know that she had feelings for him before, but the transition between « I need to keep my distance » and « he’s the love of my life » was a bit too brutal.

It ends on a cliffhanger and will leave you with your heart reaped out of your chest. I already have my theories on what is going to happen. I can’t wait to see how it’s going to play out in the end. I’m rooting for Gabriel’s happy ending, even if I’m not sure that it is possible.
New challenges are coming their way, and their fight with The Aurora King might come to an end.

I received an ARC copy in return of an honest review. Thank you, Nisha J. Tuli and NetGalley, for this ARC of Fate Of The Sun King.

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❤️‍🔥Fate of the Sun King - Nisha J Tuli ❤️‍🔥

When I say I squealed when I received this ARC it would be no word of a lie as it was one of my most anticipated reads of 2024 (along with book 4 out in Nov).

Fate of the Sun King is the third book in the Ouranos series and like the others this book sucked me in and held me hostage in this magical fantasy world.

The multiple POV and timelines work seamlessly whilst the plot thickens around Lor’s heritage and future. There are many fantasy series out there but this one truly stands out to me and would be perfect for lovers of fantasy and slow burn. I am being purposely vague so not to ruin the plot of book 1 & 2.

I spent around 2 months on and off trying to get my hands on a copy of this ARC and I am beyond grateful to have received one through Netgalley.

Fate of the Sun King is released on 6th June (UK) and books 1 & 2 are available on KU now.

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Enthralling story with a perfect amount of intrigue, twists, and surprises that kept me up at night saying 'just one more chapter'.

Fate of the Sun King shines with the characters and the relationships that develop. There's also a great amount of backstory effortlessly woven into the narrative. Every single thing is this book is so very well done, which is why it has kept me engulfed in the story the whole time.

The romance was perfect, lots of build up and temptations and conflicting emotions swirling to create a dynamic allurement.

And that cliff! I can not wait for the sequel.

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Book Review: 5 Stars

Overall Impression

• 5 stars 🌟

• This book broke me. BE PREPARED PEOPLE!

• I honestly need the next book in my hands now as I am heartbroken for Lor.

• In all this was just the perfect book with challenges, fated mates, magic, betrayal, heartache, trauma and a Sun King you just want to punch in the nose, especially if he dares touch your soap 🧼 🤣
• I wouldn't change a thing Nisha does it again. I am yet to find a book of hers that I don't like. All I can say is thank you for bringing this story into existence 🙏 ✨️.

Spice Level and Character Dynamics

• The spice is on point and exactly what we readers have been waiting for.

• Lor and Nadir are couple goals. In a grumpyXsunshine kinda way❤️

Character Development

• I also loved how we saw more characters and their growth during this book, especially Gabrielle.

• OMG Gabrielle is such a well written character he's grumpy, a bit of D bag but has a heart of gold deep down.I adore his character and hope we see more of him.
• Atlas is just vile, and definitely gets what he deserves.But we get to see more about his history and his relationships.

World-Building and Magic System

• I loved how we got to see more of the history of the world and the puzzles really started to fit together.

• Especially in regards to the magic and High fae and God's.

Thank you NetGalley, publisher and Nisha for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

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I just finished this and NEED BOOK 4 IMMEDIATELY! I just love this series so much!

The writing was so good, I loved how the story unfolded and how the characters grew, also there was finally the long awaited spice scenes! The only thing that did bother me, was the hardcore lovey-dovey dialogues. It felt over the top and annoying at times.

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First of all a huge thank you to NetGalley, the publishers and Nisha J. Tuli for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I have been desperate for this book and it did not disappoint. Lor and Nadir have come such a long way since the first two books. Nisha really is the queen of a slow burn, thank you for finally giving us what we all wanted!

I enjoyed Gabriel's POVs to get a bit more insight on him and what was happening within the Sun Palace. Atlas is trash.

What was that ending though?! Rip my heart out why don't you Nisha?! Cannot believe we have to wait until November to read the conclusion.

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I loved the first two books in this series, but this third one just blew them out of the water! This series has everything, EVERYTHING I love! Enemies to lovers, fae, magic, a strong mc and Nadir is just my favourite male lead in a series, a brilliant romance, fantastic side characters!
The characters continue to grow and develop and we get to see some of those well loved characters from the first book. I love how Lor is so strong but insecure and as I've said, Nadir!! He's just top tier. Nisha's writing goes from strength to strength. This is probably her best book yet. It's another fantastic instalment in what is becoming one of the best romantasy series out there. The ending destroyed me and has me completely desperate to get my hands on the next book.
If you're a fan of slow burn (and it is a truly satisfying slow burn) fantasy romance, then this series has to go to the top of your list.
Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publishers for providing an arc in return for an honest review.

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"Ask me, and I’ll slay anyone for you. Burn the world to ash if you desire.”

Finally! This is the book that we have been waiting for, since The Trials of the Sun Queen released. I flew through this in a day. Nisha does it again, and keeps us at the edge of our seats while revealing information that turns the story around and simply blows our minds. The chemistry between Lor and Nadir just gets better and better. That ending though is just pure torture. How we are supposed to wait until The Tale of the Heart Queen in November, I have no idea.

I love so many things about this book;
- The glossary is great and absolutely hilarious
- the growth of the characters and their relationships, I don't want to say too much here so as not to spoil it
- Gabriel's POV as it added so much to the story - that revelation is just.. wow
- Nadir - this needs no explanation - everything about him is perfect

Pick this up if you are a fan of:-
- excellent world building
- strong FMC
- the perfect morally grey MC
- fated mates
- slow burn and the perfect tension building

I simply can not wait for The Tale

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This is the third book in Nisha J. Tuli's spicy romantasy series, to which looking forward very eagerly. The author has met up with my expectations for this book and I am so happy to read it asap after i finished the book two of the series 🙈❤️

Our protagonist has grown throughout the series and has become one of my most favourite protagonist for a romantasy series. The characters as usual well drafted and penned down. Plus the writing, I am big of it 🤌 absolutely love it .

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Ok, Im not okay.. I AM NOT OKAY.

This book.. was everything. Both joy and grief. I was crying so hard at the end, not knowing what to suspect and what is actually going on. The betrayal, that hangs in the air is suffocating, making me wonder, what will happen at the end.

What I love in this part, is definitely progress in Lor and Nadirs relationship. This tension, between these two, was trying to kill me during my Rule of the Aurora King read. I am so happy, that our girl is finally getting something good in her life, but.. is she?

Nadir has a special place in my heart, I am not sure why, but his creation is just pure perfection. He will be my guy no matter what, but I am actually glad, that they finally managed to solve some of their issues.

The inner circle is growing, we could get to know more of the characters, that work for our Prince and Queen, and once again, I love them all. How they become so comfortable with each other, how they try their best to help Lor solve her magic issues - this is getting too good to be true

But what suprised me the most is the plot twist, that Nisha reveals in first chapters of book three - WHAT THE ACTUALL FRICK? Gabriel grows on me, and I knew in the core, that he is a good guy - HE HAD TO BE.

Finally, I loved it, I loved so freaking much, that I mourn, cuz once again I have to wait so long for another book - the final one.

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This was a gripping read, I thought the characters were intriguing and I'm going to keep an eye out for more from this author.

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3.5. This was a fun time. I like Tuli's writing style and I've started to build a bond with the characters. Overall, a solid read.

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I have no idea where to start.

I just finished the book and the last few pages have made me speechless.

I started reading the series last year and it was so easy to read and get into. The third book is the same, just good vibes all around. I binged the first half so quickly but then I struggled with the last half because the story did slow down. It was fun to read about all the characters again and see them go on their journey. Also loved how in this book you see more development between Lor and Nadir.

I will say that I was getting confused with all these different side quests and new magical artefacts. Towards the end I understood it because it was explained but when I was reading through for like 30% I had zero clue what was going on.

Overall a good read and I’m excited for the next book.

Thanks Netgalley for providing me with the ARC!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group for the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

What's not to love? This series is amazing. An interesting concept and fabulous executing. The third book in the series doesn't disappoint and I'm already anticipating the next novel!

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A long-awaited follow up to the Rule of the Aurora King and it doesn't disappoint. Lor and Nadir are in a complicated relationship and are slowly finding their way to each other amongst the danger posed by the Sun King who is desperate to shore up his power by marrying Lor and gaining control of her Heart Queen power. Lor's journey in this book is of more discoveries about her dark family history, the mysteries of the gods, and her struggle to reconcile their actions which led to ruin. And then there is the lost king of Aphelion and Gabriel's struggle to free him. At the heart, this is a story of lost and found families, of love, betrayal and the hope of redemption. I loved every minute of reading this book and cannot wait for the next one!

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It was nice to return to this world and these characters, I liked that we got more of Gabriel’s POV (fingers crossed for him and Tyr in the last book).

I feel like this would’ve been much snappier as a trilogy as this book was longer than it needed to be and very info dumpy - a lot of showing rather than telling.
3.5 stars

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I feel like each book of the series is getting better and better!
I loved Nadir and Lor just as much as I did in book two : their chemistry and the banter was simply amazing!
We still got multiple point of views and they were still, if not more interesting in this third book.
Overall a truly amazing book !

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! This was everything I wanted and needed!!!!!!!!!!! From the dedication to the last sentence of the book, I've been squealing!!!!!!!!!!! This was a romantasy perfection!!!!!!!! I freaking love anything that Nisha J. Tuli writes.

*scrambles to gather her thoughts* Okay, we'll start with a prime example of how gloriously delicious this book is.

"But I can say with the most undeniable certainty that the moment when you said you loved me was the first time I've ever known what it's like to be free." SOMEONE PICK ME UP FROM THE FLOOR PLEASE!!!

"Fuck," I blurt out, like the articulate troll I am. "You are really, really good at this." LAUGHING AND SMILING LIKE THE ENDEARED TROLL THAT THIS BOOK TURNS ME INTO!!

*scrambles AGAIN to gather her thoughts*

Lor and Nadir assemble their close allies and make some serious moves against Atlas and toward finding the key to unlocking Lor's magic and solving some artefact mysteries. Lor really grows in this volume of the series. She learns to trust her magic and she finally gets to accept that she does, in fact, trust Nadir. There was a point in the book where they trained to set Lor's magic free, and Lor admitted that it wasn't working because she knew without a doubt that Nadir wouldn't ever hurt her. I think that was such a significant point, when Lor finally came to terms with the fact that she had guarded herself against Nadir, and he still sneaked inside her heart or better yet forged right inside.

But we also saw Nadir's vulnerability and hopelessness and insecurities in a way that we hadn't before. It takes grit to face your mistakes head on, but it also takes grit to admit that you have beat up my heart and I'd still do anything for you, and our precious Nadir does both in this book.

We also got a POV by Gabriel, and holy moly, it was perfect!! Gabriel has been an enigma in the first two books. We knew nothing, and yet, we still felt that we sort of knew where his true, unforced loyalty was. His POV truly let us see into his mind and heart. He's definitely one of the best characters in this series, and I sincerely hope that his POV chapters remain in the next book because WE NEED GABRIEL!

Nisha has made us wait for the utter spice and for Gabriel's POV, and she definitely delivered in this book! We love our queen!

The plot and worldbuilding were amazing, as always. There's something in Nisha J. Tuli's writing that makes me feel that I'm a part of her world, that I'm walking between these characters. I just love it here, to be honest. Yes, I love her writing to pieces, to the moon and back, like Nadir loves Lor, and she deserves it. She writes all-encompassing romantasy novels that go beyond a trilogy and yet keeps us on our toes with undeniable chemistry, delicious banter, a plot that feels like it can go on forever, and a world I wish I lived in. She's an excellent storyteller, and I wish I lived in her dreamscape, and I certainly wish I had physical proofs of any of her books in any of her series 😭 Yes, I still haven't found any, and it's a tragedy....

If you love a great romantasy series and author, if you crave banter and all the delicious tropes and you love your spice, read anything that Nisha J. Tuli has written. You'll never want to leave!

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