Member Reviews

I had only finished 'Rule of the Aurora King' earlier this week, when I spotted 'Fate of the Sun' was available to request on Netgalley. Crossing my fingers, I applied for an arc and yes, did a little happy dance when I was approved. Returning to the world of Lor and Nadir? Woohoo!
Now, 'Fate of the Sun King' is the third novel in the 'Artefacts of Ouranos' series. The storyline commences from the end of the second book, 'Rule of the Aurora King' and we dive straight into the action.
Our adventure commences in 'Trial of The Sun Queen' when a young woman named Lor is kidnapped from jail in The Aurora and taken to Aphelion to participate in a bizarre series of Trials. And the prize? Marriage to the Sun King. The Trials, and their inherently dangerous nature, has given rise to the book being described as The Hunger Games meets The Bachelor and this is an accurate description. Lor is at a disadvantage in comparison to the other competitors and struggles to survive.
In book two, 'Rule of the Aurora King ', Lor's bid to escape the clutches of the Sun King, while also avoiding the pursuit of the Aurora King. The level of world building is increased in this book - through recollections of Serce, the reader is provided with the knowledge of how Lor's family went into hiding and just why she is wanted by both King's.
Now, it's possible to dive into the storyline from any book. The author, Nisha J Tuli has provided sufficient reference points, without giving away too much of the story. But I would recommend starting with 'Trials of the Sun Queen' to understand the characters's journey. And how our motley crew fit together.
As the principal storyline has been well-established by book 3, 'Rule of the Aurora King', so the author devotes numerous chapters to delving into the beginning of Ouranos and the growth of magic. For me, this addition was crucial to the storyline - events are becoming complex and the background makes the overall storyline come compelling.
Lor and Nadir are agonising over their relationship, while trying to avoid the attentions of their enemies. They are slowly piercing together the truth about the Heart Queen and Lor's family.
Unfortunately, they also need to sneak into the territory of one enemy and this event leads to an absolute cliffhanger of a conclusion. Honestly, I'm still going, "What? How? Oh my god" after that final paragraph.

This story is also very spicy so be warned if that's not for you. But it's also funny, fast paced, with a wry commentary on social issues (class) and very much worth a read.

I'm excited for the conclusion to arrive later this year.

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