Member Reviews

This was a great MC story with really good characters that showed how much of a family they are. The chemistry between Viper and Sophie was really well written and I’m excited to read the next one.

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Unfortunately, I only made it to 30% of this book. It reads very quickly, which is always nice, but I had trouble getting into it. I found the dialogue to be very direct, almost clinical. I kept thinking "No one talks like this". I also had a few issues with parts of the conversation that didn't make sense from a plot or consistency view. As an example - at one point the FMC says something to the effect that it is always a good time when the MMC is around. This is during one of the first in-person conversations that they have had since the fateful (and forgotten) night in Vegas. How would the FMC know that? She doesn't remember any of the wedding night and hasn't spent more than a conversation or two in person with the MMC.

Another example is when the MMC comments about how the FMC is bored in her life and looking for a change, but then one paragraph later says that he wants to get to know her more. So which is it - does the MMC know her well enough to know her internal motivations, or does he still want to get to know her? Between the inconsistencies like that and the slightly-off dialogue, I wasn't able to sink into the story and experience it. I would still recommend this book to folks who don't get as hung up on points like this though! It seemed like a lighter MC romance, for those who might not want the darker tones that are usually found in this subgenre.

Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for a digital advanced reader copy. All opinions are my own and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was a fantastic read! The character were well written and I enjoyed the banter. I cant wait to read the others stories.

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