Member Reviews

What is the value of blending reason and emotion in business? Susan Ní Chríodáin believes that if we reintroduce humanity into the workplace, it will have a positive impact on people, performance, and profit. And in her well-researched book, Leading Beyond the Numbers, you'll find out how.
If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that our humanity connects us. So, why have we for generations tried to keep emotions out of the workplace? Aren't passionate, emotional people responsible for some of the greatest discoveries in the world?
Chríodáin put together an amazing book that is a must read for leaders and would-be leaders everywhere. Leading Beyond the Numbers explores how our bodies and brains work and the link between emotional intelligence and organizational performance.
The author used an easy to follow format, bolding sentences of importance, adding helpful charts, and asking thought-provoking questions. She speaks of a personal balance sheet and asks what would make up your assets and liabilities and how would you calculate your equity. She explores how the brain works and how it constantly changes throughout our lives. She talks about body budgeting and how we can't expend energy if that energy is depleted. Chríodáin talks about HeartMath, gut instinct, how your mood impacts your day, and what makes conversations difficult. Then she explores RULER, the acronym for five key emotional skills. And as she winds down her book, Chríodáin reminds readers that numbers can't do anything without people.
A helpful appendix includes key questions chapter by chapter, followed by a notes section also broken down by chapter. Further resources conclude the book.
Leading Beyond the Numbers is a fascinating read.

This was unexpectedly useful and interesting. I switch my Kindle reader on 2X and buzz through but find myself wishing I had a notebook for main points.
Can an accountant quantify emotions, interactions, and working relationships? I think so, after reading this. The book offers a missing piece of the puzzle in work success.
I recommend it for team leaders, company owners, and - yes - accountants who need a life beyond the numbers.