Member Reviews

There is something reassuringly brilliant about a Linwood Barclay novel.

This story starts with a teacher, Richard, foiling an attack on the School where he works. What then transpires is a great story from multiple viewpoints that shifts the action along at a cracking pace and made me second guess what was going to happen next.

This is a superb thriller with some many threads being wrapped up at the end I almost felt like applauding when I finished. I couldn't put the book down at points

Do you like thrillers, if yes, buy this and enjoy, you can thank me later. Stephen King is a fan and I am too, read this and you probably will be.

5/5 - superb.

Than.k you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an independent review.

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As ever, an excellent read by Linwood Barclay. Good plot, clever twists and hard to put down. Will keep looking forward to his books.

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There’s not many writers out there that offer such consistently strong ‘grab you’ moments. I remember Linwood Barclay in a live reading offering, instead of a standard chapter, a whole bunch of ‘moments’ from his work that draw readers in.
In his newest novel ‘I Will Ruin You’, teacher Richard Boyle is in class when he spots an ex-student walking towards the school intent on causing mass destruction. His actions save the day but set in motion a chain of events that will impact on him, his family and those that know him…and a fair few people that he’s never even met.
There's’ a touch of what Roger Ebert referred to as ‘hyperlink movies’ in Barclay’s latest: that idea where apparently completely unrelated people or plots come together to involve everyone in a web of a story you can’t possibly anticipate – to this end, the opening scene is a perfect setting for what comes in terms of one of the author’s classic ‘grab you’s but it is just the very start of things and to give too much more would spoil half the fun of the novel.
A crime writer I know commented the other day that ‘half of crime/ mystery novels wouldn’t happen without people making bad decisions or doing the wrong thing’. I think that’s true but it can still be a bit frustrating when it happens. Here, Linwood Barclay takes that and runs and runs with it: in a lesser writer’s hands it might seem ‘dumb’. Here it felt like the author having fun with it: there’s a lot of characters in this book – some smart, some murderous, some sly, some dumb as a box of rocks. But they all do spur of the moment things that will affect them and the story… it felt it was being done with a sly wink to me and I was happy to go with it as things spiralled further and further rout of whack as each split second decision unspooled.
You can always count on Linwood Barclay to bring the page turner element to his stories and after a couple of high concept novels among his recent efforts this return to extraordinary things happening to ordinary people really worked for me as one of my favourites of his to date.

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Another great read by Linwood Barclay.
Fast paced, great characters, and a twist I didn't see coming and really appreciated!

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Barclay has definitely set high standards for himself and, whilst I wouldn't rate this book as one of his best, it was still a solid effort and an enjoyable way to spend a few hours

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Linwood Barclay can be relied upon to deliver a tense thriller so I was expecting a rollercoaster of a read with this book. The story gripped me from the start and I couldn't put the book down.
When high school teacher, Richard Boyle, foils an attempt by a suicide bomber to blow up the school, the press hail him as a hero. From this event Linwood Barclay weaves a clever, multi-stranded plot that includes blackmail, historic child abuse and drug dealing. The novel is fast-paced with well-drawn characters and twists along the way.
Another first-rate thriller from Linwood Barclay.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an arc in return for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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I’m a big fan of Linwood Barclay, still a ‘must-read-asap’ author for me, even after more than twenty books.

I Will Ruin Sees sees high school English teacher Richard rushing into danger to try to prevent an atrocity planned by a former student with a grudge against certain people connected with the school.

Richard should be the hero of the hour, but his life is about to spiral out of control.

It’s got the classic Linwood Barclay style, a suburban everyman cast into tense and dangerous circumstances beyond his control. It’s got a contemporary feel, Fentanyl addiction, book banning and historic allegations of abuse all featuring.

It’s good, tense and twisting with multiple strands that weave together tightly. Fans will love it, although I wonder if Linwood Barclay’s tried and tested formula is getting a little overfamiliar.


Thanks to Netgalley and HQ

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In this novel a teacher's action to stop a suicide bomber has unexpected consequences. I really love this author, his plots are well written and his characters are well drawn in this novel and all his other books..
I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it highly.

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