Member Reviews

I’m a sucker for a summer romance and this is an excellent holiday read.
Ali Morris’ life is a bit of a mess. Her mum died 2 years ago and her husband left her a year later. She’s a single parent to 3 children, living in the town where she grew up. When out with her dog, she meets a handsome man, when her dog pees on his shoe - not the most auspicious start! Handsome man Ethan is just in town for the summer, but could he be just what Ali needs to boost her confidence? No surprises about the answer!
I really like Annabelle Monaghan’s writing and although this book is primarily a romance, it touches on some deeper themes of grief and loss. Ali’s ex-husband is clearly awful and the divorce negotiations make you really root for Ali. A very enjoyable read.
Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC

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I loved this! It was so easy read and the humour, wittiness and love that was expressed in so many different ways throughout was just beautiful.
Annabel Monaghan's writing is so relatable and has so many real-life situations are explored in the most poetic ways.
Ali is a divorced, single mom who falls for her best friend's brother Ethan (or Scooter as he was known as)
They were childhood acquaintances turned lovers as adults.

Also, Ethan is 100% the perfect book boyfriend. I fell for him hard because of the way he played a pivotal role as a team mate and cheerleader while Ali found her way back to herself.

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Ali is a single mum of three going through divorce. She is also weighed down by grief, through losing her Mom. We follow her as she tries to figure life out on her own again and get in touch with her self. She wants to get back into dating and meets Ethan in the dog park, but he turns out to be her friends brother!

We follow their summer romance, with the struggles of her balancing her kids and his life in Devon. I love that Ali has found someone who appreciates her and the acts of service are lovely. It’s refreshing to see her find live doesn’t end after divorce, it gets better!

This is a sweet summer romance, mixed with heavy emotional topics. Read the trigger warnings before reading.

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"Summer Romance" by Annabel Monaghan is a delightful and heartwarming story about Ali Morris, a professional organizer whose life is a bit all over the place.
Struggling with grief and a recent divorce, Ali’s world brightens when she meets Ethan in a charming, dog-assisted meet-cute.
Monaghan beautifully captures Ali’s journey of self-discovery and healing while balancing motherhood challenges and romance. The characters are relatable and endearing, especially Ali and her supportive circle, including her dog and neighbor Phyllis.
While the romance between Ali and Ethan is sweet and supportive, it lacks a bit of chemistry. However, the setting and character dynamics make it a perfect summer read.

Overall, "Summer Romance" is an engaging novel that offers the perfect mix of heart and humour.

Very grateful to the publisher for my copy, opinions are my own.

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It was the second anniversary of her mother's death and Ali's husband was finally filing for divorce after a year of separation. She decided on a change, took off her ring and dressed up (well, in overalls but at least different from the sweatpants she lived in 😂). She went out for a walk in the dog park with her pet Ferris, and he decided to pee on a random guy, Ethan. And so it began, a romance just for the summer.

Ali had her own way of coping with the loss of her mother. In this new season, she discovered things about her marriage and life that didn't sit right with her. It was wonderful to see her make a change however uncomfortable it would be. I loved her interactions with her kids especially towards the end as things changed.

I fell in love with Ethan from the moment he entered the scene. There was a lightness to him even though he carried baggage from his teen years in Beechwood. I loved the way he understood Ali as a mother and still made her feel important and adored.

Thank you to Netgalley and Publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. One of my favourites of the year for sure!

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Annabel Monaghan gives me headaches, really.
"Summer Romance" was a book that had its moments and in those moments it kept me hooked to the pages. But it also had moments when I wanted to bang my head on the wall, because there was nothing that kept me glued to the pages. I truly wanted it to end, because you immediately knew what this end is going to be and that the way to this end will not be easy.
I didn't feel the spark between the two main characters, apologies.
This author seems to be for me like Lauren Weisberger with "The Devil Wears Prada" - the debut novel was amazing, but the next releases are lukewarm. Nevertheless, waiting for the next novel.

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the cutest summer read!! i loved both the main characters especially the fmc and so many lovely quotes!! “ill always have a dog” 🥺🥺🥺

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Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for the e-ARC of this wonderful book!
Summer Romance was a delightful read from start to finish and made me fall in love with Annabel Monaghan’s writing.
Summer Romance tells the story of newly divorced Ali trying to battle her way through motherhood whilst also dealing with the grief of losing her own mother and encapsulates all of these deep and confusing feelings so well.
Her sweet meet cute with Ethan is the exact thing you would wish for someone going through a hard time and watching their love story develop had me racing through the pages of this book.
This is a perfect summer romance and I could not put it down!! Be sure to grab your copy when it hits shelves this week!! 4 ⭐️

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I couldn’t put this down, it’s the perfect summer read.
I loved that Ali was older than the typical romance main characters, single mum, life’s a bit of a mess - it’s just all so relatable.

★★★★½ ROUNDED UP ⬆️⭐️
Thank you NetGalley and Aria & Aries for the opportunity to review this book.

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An engaging read with a fresh summer feel.

Nevertheless, it's a serious book too (but not so much to weigh you down).

It begins when main character Ali Morris is grieving - her mother died two years ago, and her husband left her on the one-year anniversary. She organizes people's home as a business, but her own is falling apart. She gets the kids ready for school but barely thinks about what she wears. So she's not in a good place and not thinking about romance until... she meets someone in an almost-cliched but definitely still cute meet-cute. That someone is Ethan, who has good reason to hang around for the summer, but who really needs to head off afterwards...

I think this book worked for me particularly as I'm a similar age to the main character and could easily empathise with what she was going through. The romance was sweet and I believed in Ali's inner turmoil and the internal insights she discovered just by allowing herself to love again. I wasn't sure if I missed a final reveal about the ex's secrets but maybe I was just reading too quickly by that point!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Plot summary:
This book follows Ali, 2 years on from the loss of her mother. SInce losing her mother, Ali's husband left her and Ali has found herself in a 'rut' trying to navigate her new life with her children. She's barely functioning and really struggling to look after herself and her three children.

The day she finally takes off her wedding ring and puts on 'normal trousers', coincidentally is also the day she meets Ethan. Or rather, Ali's dog decides to 'claim' Ethan by peeing on him. Despite this, Ethan and Ali hit it off, and they indulge in 'just a summer romance'. But what starts as a summer romance, gets messier as feelings start to develop...

My thoughts:
I absolutely loved this book!!! The dynamic between Ethan and Ali was amazing, I loved that it wasn't just about a romantic relationship, it was so much more than this. It was about finding yourself again after feeling so low and forgetting who you are. it was about how the best romantic relationships are really born off a strong friendship. It was about how relationships only work with compromise. It covered how scary and reckless falling in love can be, but equally how beautiful it is.

I loved that even when things were tough, both characters were so mature about things, it was such a breath of fresh air. There was no miscommunication between them! The 3rd act breakup felt like a very realistic scenario, and I loved how it was all resolved in the end. I loved the side characters and would looove to see another book in this universe.

4/5 stars

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Summer Romance is a warm, romantic, and heartfelt read which perfectly captures the possibilities of a relaxed summer.

I love Annabel Monaghan’s writing style, which flows beautiful and dances between sweet romance and also tugs at the heartstrings. Ethan was the perfect golden retriever boyfriend, and I loved his steady self assurance throughout.

The book handled heavier topics such as grief and loss, separation and loss of identity with sensitivity and a light hand. I loved Ali’s introspection and her sense of personal responsibility. The messages woven throughout about the way our loved ones live on through us, and the way our relationships can act as a mirror were beautifully crafted and reflective.

I enjoyed this just as much as Nora Goes off Script and would highly recommend it as the perfect summer read with swoon-worthy romance, relatable characters and the perfect small beach town setting.

Thank you Aria & Aries and NetGalley for this book. Opinions expressed are my own.

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yes, yes and more yes.

immediately obsessed, Annabel Monaghan is going to take the book community over soon. Brilliantly done.

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Date Read and Reviewed: July 2, 2024
Ratings: 3⭐️


Heard so many good things about this romance novel, and obviously, I just had to have expectations. I'm not gonna lie. There are parts that I liked, and I didn't like as I got through the story.

Things that I liked first: the premise, which sounds promising. I like anything that has to do with a romance, especially if it's sweet and just wholesome. Some interactions were also good and enjoyable, in my opinion.

On the things I didn't like: this novel might have had some sweet moments along the way. However, the romance specifically was lacking. The chemistry is there, but it was lacking. It didn’t give me the romance I wanted. The same goes for the characters. It felt superficial to me.

Overall, Summer Romance was quite underwhelming for me. I believed it could have much better. I gave it 3⭐️ since I did quite enjoy at least half of it.

Thank you to the publisher via Netgalley for the e-arc opportunity.

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3.5 ⭐️

I really like Annabel Monaghan’s style of writing; it feels comforting, and the plot never feels rushed. This book was simply languid, and I loved being taken along with the story.

I thought that Ali and Ethan had wonderful chemistry with each other, and there wasn’t a single character that felt like they didn’t belong in the story. This was a lovely summer read 💛

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Summer Romance, by Annabel Monaghan, is a dream of a summer read. This was such a glorious novel that struck the perfect balance between the gorgeous romance at its centre and the heavier themes it explored.

Summer Romance is Ali Morris’ story and we find her at a really tough stage of her life. Two years ago her beloved mother passed away and on the first anniversary of her death her husband asked for a divorce. Now a year later Ali finds herself a single mother of three who hasn’t worn trousers with a zipper or button in too long. So no one is more surprised than Ali when the first day she takes off her ring and dons actual clothes, that she meets someone at the dark park. Or atleast her dog does when he pees all over said handsome stranger. Ethan smiles at Ali like her pants are just right —like he likes what he sees. The last thing Ali needs is to make her life messier, but there’s no harm in a little summer romance. Is there?

As with Monaghan’s last novel, Same Time Next Summer, I loved how central to the story is the FMCs growth arc, that we get to see her rediscovering herself after feeling lost for some time. Ali had lost a part of herself to grief, but comes to realise that she lost even more of herself in her marriage. As you would expect grief plays a huge part in Ali’s story but it was handled so well be Monaghan. Her self discovery arc and the rediscovery of her spark and joy was so wonderful, and of course was helped in no small part by the wonderful Ethan.

Both Ali and Ethan are wonderfully rich and complex characters. They each have their own issues but are so caring and considered. There blossoming relationship worked so well and felt so authentic and natural. I also thought the wider cast of characters including Ali’s children, her neighbour Phyllis and Ali’s friend Frannie were brilliant.

This was such a great read and one I’d highly recommend.

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There is something about this authors writing which captures you and has you hooked on the story.

I love both characters, they feel real, Ali’s life is changing and she meets Ethan one day, well her dog does and is attracted to him. Ethan is a man who’s got family troubles and finds Ali to be someone he could have a summer romance with.

This book although a romance does deal with more deeper issues, grief, separation and community spirit. I thought it was superb, very relatable and the romance was perfect.

Another great read from this author.

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‘Summer Romance’ by Annabel Monaghan is a heartwarming and empowering novel about home organiser Ari who is soon-to-be-divorced and trying to figure out her identity outside of being a mother to her three children (and one very cute dog!) Enter a mysterious handsome stranger who feels comfortably familiar, encouraging friends, and the promise of her first “first date” in over a decade… When it turns out the guy she is crushing on is both more and less connected to her hometown than she thought, cutting short hopes for the future, a summer romance can’t help but blossom!

I adored the characters in this book. Ali was incredibly relatable with her warmth, emotional openness and determination, and Ethan was a wonderful romantic hero whose character development shone brightly throughout. Ali’s family, ex-husband and best friend Frannie were all realistically portrayed, and I fell in love with her wise old neighbour Phyllis (honestly, I think every book needs a witty, experienced and blunt elderly neighbour to counsel the main character through trials and tribulations).

The setting was also beautifully described, and I could definitely imagine reading as a vacation novel under a blue sky full of sun. I wish there had been a little more chemistry between the two leads - for much of the novel the vibes were more “sweet crush” than “burning desire”, but I appreciated the way Ali and Ethan supported and understood each other, and adored the ending so darn much!

Overall, this gets four stars from m me. If you want the joyful vibes of a summer romance and a strong single mother character searching for herself and her power, pick this up and pack it for your vacation reading!

I received an advance Digital Review Copy of this book from the publisher Aria and Aries via NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Ali Morris’ life is not how she imagined it would be. Her mother died two years ago and her husband announced he wanted a divorce, one year later. She has not worn pants that have a zip and her professional career as an organiser is not reflected in her home life. Yet when she meets Ethan, she begins to feel that her life might have a chance.
I loved this book. Even having finished it, I would like to start it all over again as there were so many phrases that I found myself highlighting, the prose was so beautiful. I also found myself crying at times, it was so magical. I felt part of Ali’s life with the chaos of her children and a husband, who treats her poorly. Yet with Ethan, it felt like she had a chance to fall in love for the first time. All of the characters in the book are explored with depth and meaning, from Ethan to her friendship with her elderly neighbour and her eldest daughter. I also loved how she would talk to her deceased mother to try and overcome a problem. This was an amazing read!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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⛱️☀️ Summer Romance ☀️⛱️
- Annabel Monaghan


We follow single mum Ali as she grapples with a divorce, grief over her mother’s death, and raising three riotous kids. She’s dealing with the loss of her own identity and learning to rediscover herself as an individual.

The plot felt predictable to an excessive degree. Romance books are generally predictable, and there is a certain comfort to be taken in knowing everything will end happily ever after. However, from almost the first twenty pages, I could tell you where it was going.

It definitely erred more on the side of literary fiction than romance, so be aware of that going in. I loved Phyllis, Ali’s elderly bookish neighbour. Best side character hands down. If she ever needs anyone to organise her overflowing bookshelves, I’m available…

Ethan’s charity work felt somewhat performative, as though it were only a tool to show the reader how nice of a guy he is. It felt very tell not show. I didn’t generally warm to Ethan and didn’t like how it was almost portrayed as him changing Ali’s world and not her own strength of character.

Overall, if you’re looking for something oozing with relatability. I think I’m in the minority of not loving this, so definitely give it a try for yourself if you’re interested.

Thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC!

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