Member Reviews

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. Firstly, one thing that I really liked about this one is that unlike many dark academia books we do actually get some actually academia and a sense of the MC's research interests. Otherwise, this is a fun read with some great side characters, I loved Alma in particular. I think there are a lot of new terms/words throughout the book and so I think a glossary would have been a nice addition. I also found the ending a little abrupt - but overall a very good read and one I would recommend!

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This highly-anticipated fantasy novel has gothic elements, dark academia vibes, an interesting magic system, a sentient house and an intense, forbidden romance.

The pacing and plot are well constructed, with frequent magical attacks, high society enemies and dark creatures troubling the characters. The action brings a sense of urgency to the story and balances the slow-burn romance well. The world building and magic system are interesting too, and you can tell the author has spent a lot of time developing the history, power and complexity of the lands.

I do find some of the scenes over-described and some of the main reveals predictable, and feel that while some aspects of the character development are done well, others could do with more unpacking. Furthermore, I know the ending will shock most readers, but it feels a bit too abrupt for me. This is the first in a multi-book series but there’s no sense of the partial closure you expect from each book as you come to the end.

That being said, the awesome magical battles and spellcasting scenes, and the romantic chemistry and protectiveness of the central couple are striking and memorable, and will appeal to those who love engrossing romantasy with interesting concepts and all their favourite tropes.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the characters in this book. Each and every one of them were easy to root for and get behind, making this an enjoyable read. However, I did sometimes find the details of the plot hard to follow. I think because there was a lot of new words and magic systems and different races and political factions (old and new) going on. I followed it in broad strokes and with the added fantastic characters it was certainly a fun read. One last small point was that I couldn’t tell if the ending was the end, end or a cliffhanger.

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Oh my lordy!!! Tales of a Monstrous Heart by Jennifer Delaney is most definitely the most outstanding, gripping debut I have read this year and possibly many years! Delaney has delivered a gothic fantasy that delivers both the chills and atmosphere of historic gothic fantasy but, with a thoroughly up to date perspective that truly recognises the impact of trauma alongside an agonising ‘slow burn’ romance that totally captured me.
I have read that the roots of this story come from Jane Eyre and I’m sure that for lovers of that work the romance will definitely bring Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester romance vibes but, even if you’re not a fan, this romance is still truly captivating and I would definitely not let this deter you!
I loved the protagonists, Kat, a stunning half-fae Kyrillian, persecuted for her heritage and desperate for an escape from the confines of the Institute for herself and her ‘maid,’ and Emrys Blackthorn, the mysterious, dark, dashing Mage who offers Kate a Mage partnership, the escape she desperately seeks!
Kat finds herself immersed alongside Emrys in investigating mysterious fae disappearances that put them both in serious danger and bring to light the many secrets that both Kat and Emrys are hoarding. This investigation leads them both down a very dark path as they find themselves tracking down dark magic and fighting the attraction that they feel towards each other.
I absolutely loved Delaney’s writing, her prose truly brought to life the main characters in the story, including Emrys’ home – you’ll see what I mean, without the need for lecturing or overwhelming description. Delaney definitely took me on a journey that paced the reveal and immersion into the story. This results in a story that gradually unfolds, pulling you along the way as the details of Fae and Human interactions, politics and magic emerge. I absolutely loved this method for the reveal and explanation. No, it doesn’t give you a step by step, full detail of the mechanics but, instead reveals information within the atmosphere and environment of the story, immersing you in the world.
I’m also not normally a slow burn romance but, the romance between Emrys and Kat is plagued with complications, the challenges of the society they both inhabit and their own past experiences. Delaney develops this romance beautifully, from initial attraction to the inevitable misunderstandings and interruptions and impact of past experience on both. I truly felt for them both as their relationship unfolded and IMO this is a true indicator of excellent writing and plot development.
Ultimately, I can truly say that I absolutely loved Tales of a Monstrous Heart and I’m desperate to get my hands on the next book, especially after that ending. There is no question in my mind, Jennifer Delaney is an author that I will be adding to my auto-buy list and if you are looking for your next fantasy, gothic romance, escape from reality, you definitely need to pick this up!

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I love love loved this book! Fantastic debut book, 100% will be keeping an eye out for her future releases.

Highly recommend for any romantasy fans out there!

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2.5 Stars - I can't bring myself to give this less than a 3 so I'm rounding up but ultimately, it didn't quite hit that three star level of enjoyment for me, SADLY!!!

The pacing was off and I couldn't connect with the characters - I wanted them to be unpacked a lot more (Give me complexities!!) The side characters didn't offer anything for me either and when this happens, I just can't seem to bring myself to care about anything. It's worth mentioning that the writing is overly descriptive too, and I usually like this but this really stood out to me and kept pulling me out of the story.

I also couldn't quite grasp the WHY of... anything? The plot or the character decisions etc... I don't know ahhh!!! I hate myself for not being in love with this :(

Definitely potential for so many to be obsessed with this though, it has:
-Slow burn romance
-Dark academia
-Spells and battles
-Gothic atmosphere

I'm not posting this anywhere NEAR Instagram because Jennifer follows me and I don't want to upset her around the time of her first book release omg!?

Lastly, it goes without saying that this is a ME problem, clearly. Already the 5-stars are flying in for this and I do genuinely hope that continues as we approach release day.

(Jennifer ily don't hate me lol)


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I haven't read many gothic fantasy books before, but this was incredibly enjoyable!!

There is so much constantly happening in this book, and the pacing doesn't really slow down for even one minute. There are multiple threads of the story veering off in all directions that are somehow all connected back to one common theme. There's tons of dark magic, curses, mysterious relics and dangerous characters that kept the story interesting too.

All of the characters were exceptional and incredibly well thought out. There wasn't a single instance i can think of where i was frustrated/annoyed by characters actions. Everything that was said or mentioned was done for a specific reason, which was very refreshing to see,

The cherry on the cake for me was the romance!!! It wasn't quite a slow burn, but by no means insta love either. Their connection was delicious and pulled me even more into the story if that is even possible.

I seriously cannot wait to see where the rest of this series will go!! It was truly incredibly, and by far one of my favourite Gothic romances, The way that the author wove this story together was beautiful and yet haunting. I simply can't wait to sink my teeth into the next installment, especially after how criminal that cliffhanger was!!!

A massive thank you to the author, publisher and netgalley for giving me the chance to review an arc of this book!!

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Quite easily one of my favourite books of this year.

Jennifer's writing style and world-building is incredibly well-done.
There was never a point where I wanted to stop reading or put it down, I was hooked.

Emrys is such a dynamic and elusive love interest, I was completely entranced.
Kat is the perfect FMC for the girls who are misunderstood and severely underestimated.
She is such a nuanced character and her chemistry with Emrys was so delicious you could touch it.

This is the perfect gothic romantic fantasy and I will be chomping at the bits for book 2.

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A gothic romance story replete with forbidden love and twisted monsters, Tales of a Monstrous Heart truly delivers the title’s promise.

Delaney captures the eerie, ominous atmosphere we’d expect from a Victorian gothic novel, leaving you wondering which monsters creeping in are real and imagined. Eldritch terrors, spectres, secret portals and grimoires, this book has got it all. Not to forget an old sentient manor that changes daily and plays at match maker.

We’re given a rich history that in turn dictates a hierarchy between humans and the fae. Our protagonist Kat is a Kysillian fae, at the mercy of humans and seen as a lesser being. I loved Kat’s tenacity in the face of adversity and her insatiable need for knowledge and to help others. Kat grapples with her own identity throughout this story and she really comes into her own power and voice.

Emery Blackthorn, the brooding, mysterious lord who takes Kat in as a mage apprentice starts off as an enigma but slowly we see beneath the veneer he’s put in place. Together they must work to solve a series of macabre murders while they fight growing feelings for each other. I’ve accepted the broody love interest type isn’t my thing but the romance is as promised slow burn with lots of pinning. And I loved the playfulness that Kat brought out in Emery and their mutual admiration for academia.

There was an array of very lovable characters from cinnamon roll William to Kat’s best friend Alma, a shapeshifter that changes at inopportune times.

My main gripe with this book is the flowery writing which at times overwhelmed the story. I did guess the twists but the ending was entirely unexpected and quite possibly one of the most unhinged endings I’ve read to date😭

If you enjoyed A Deadly Education, A Sorcery of Thorns and Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries, I think you’ll love this one for your autumn Romantasy fix✨

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“No matter what comes next, I won’t leave you to that darkness”

𝑅𝑒𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓌: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

𝑅𝑒𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝒟𝒶𝓉𝑒: 29th August

Thank you to Netgalley and Gollanzc for this e-arc. All thoughts are my own.

A gothic fantasy, with beautiful characters and a slow burning romance, Tales offers a gorgeous start to a series.

This book is action packed. You’re dropped right into it with Kat and it doesn’t really stop. There’s multiple mysteries occurring, with curses, dangerous relics, and dark forces at work. Everything happens for a reason and there’s so much to unpack.

Katherine is a gorgeous protagonist. She’s fierce and smart, with a really strong personality. I loved how determined Kat is, and how she sticks to her morals throughout. Her struggle to be accepted or even respected was heartbreaking, and the whole prejudice that she faces was woven into the story expertly.

The star of the book for me was Kat and Alma’s friendship. Their bond was so so beautiful and incredible powerful due to the hatred they’ve faced. They support and protect each other in every way, and it was so great to read about them.

I am a big supporter in slow burn romance. While this is not the slowest, I did enjoy the pacing of it nonetheless. There’s chemistry and a realistic sense of progression between both characters. Emrys has been added to the list of male love interests that I love (which is quite short). Smart, brooding and emotionally intelligent, I loved his devotion to Kat.

I can’t wait to see where the rest of this story goes in the future.

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"Be wary of old spells, they grow thoughts of their own over time."

"The forbidden things always return to their master in the end."

...That ending!
That ending has made me unwell. What a cliffhanger!!!
I did not see that coming. I feel like I'm just reeling from reading this book. It is a masterpiece! There is just simply no other way to describe it.
I knew early on that I was going to love this book. It was giving me the same feelings and enjoyment I had when I read the books that first got me into reading when I was a teenager.
The love I have for this book is almost indescribable. This is definitely one that everyone should read.
Kat's story is so amazingly written, I cannot wait to find out more - I need more.
If I could give this more than 5 stars I would. Officially on my favourite books list.

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Finally. A modern gothic fantasy which actually lives up to it’s traditional goth counterparts. I will confess when I read this was a “slow burn fae gothic romance which is inspired by Jane Eyre, I thought this would just be an enemies to lovers which is set in a semi-spooky castle.
I was totally wrong. This was a truly gothic novel, as delicious as Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester’s romance. To summarise, when our beautiful Kat, a golden fae with lavender eyes, gets into trouble with the Institute, she is given a second chance as a mage partner for the elusive Emyrs Blackthorn. However, soon Kat finds herself strangely drawn to Emrys and realizes he is holding a few secrets of his own. Together, they start to investigate the fey disappearances and murders which are suspected to have been caused by dark magic. Their shared mission helps fuel the irresistible, forbidden pull towards each other.

This book is perfect for fans of Half a Soul by Olivia Atwood and Emily Wilde’s Enclopediea of Faeries by Heather Fawcett. You must be willing to take the scenic, gothic route and truly immerse yourself in the world and let the story slowly unfold in front of you. The magic and the dynamics of power between fae and human’s is very interesting, and I cannot wait to see how it unfolds over the trilogy. Much like Emily Wilde, the “action” of the book happens in short spurts but much like Jane Eyre, it is the quiet moments which really make the book.

Thus, the star of the show is the romance is the romance between Kat and Emrys. Kat is an extremely complex and fleshed out character and it is poignant to see how her identity as half fae and half human, alienates her from the world she must navigate. Emyrs too seems to struggle with privileged position he occupies and the injustice that he seeks to fight against. Their fragile relationship is a beautiful flower to watch unravel, in the form of slow burn, gothic romance. My heart ached for them throughout the book and Jennifer Delaney’s excellent writing helps to really flush this romance out.

So why is this a four star not a five star?

Objectively, this book could be a five star- Delaney is a captivating writer and this book is truly unique and distinctive. My four star is honestly subjective because the book brought up a lot of conflicting emotions for me. Kat is a Fae and Emyrs is human. Throughout the book Kat feels inferior to him and the people around her. She is extremely, critical of herself and this continues throughout the 480 pages- which can make quite a depressing read at moments. Her character arc is more focused on wanting to survive and embrace her power than feeling worthy of love and equal to other humans and fae. At times, I felt Kat and Emyrs dynamic reminded me of the dynamic between POC women and white men but masked under the labels of “fae” and “humans”. It annoyed me that Emyrs was so willing to seduce her and whisper sweet nothing in the dead of the night but in public, all he mostly did was glare at people. I know Kat was self-aware of this fact, but coupled with how low she thought of herself- it was almost like watching a self-hating POC woman beg for the affections of a white man. Not a relationship I can fully love. I hope this dynamic evolves over the next two books.

The other frustrating part of the book is the secondary characters and how every time there was a deeply intimate moment between Kat and Emyrs, they would pop up like jack in the box characters. After the fourth time this happened, I was done with the repetitive nature of these interruptions. I also didn’t care for the side romance in this book because every time Kat and Emyrs were together, I started to dreading the moment when the secondary character would inevitably walk in/disrupt them.

Overall thoughts

I need a second book. The way this book ended was criminal. I need to see how Emyrs and Kat are able to navigate their dynamic and external world, now that the secrets between them have been revealed. For a debut novel, Jennifer Delaney has created a stunning work of art and should be very proud of herself. I can tell she is going to be an author who is going to one to keep an eye for.
To publishers- I want more books like this. We (the audience) are starved of these kinds of gothic romances.

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This was my first time reading a gothic romantasy and wow I didn’t realise I would enjoy it so much!! This would be a perfect Halloween read.

The slow burn in this book was seriously delicious and had me practically aching for them to just kiss!! I loved Kat’s character, she had so much fear and self doubt, but her care and protection of others always won out in the end. She was fiercely brilliant. And Emrys. I mean. Need I say more. We of course also can’t forget our brilliant side characters Alma and William, who I loved equally as much.

That ending had me REELING like no other and I’m praying that this is a series and that’s not the end??? Pretty please.

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This book well and truly flings you in at the deep end and I could not put it down. I really enjoyed this book! The characters, the world, the budding romance. Ugh. That ending though!

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A hauntingly beautiful, slow burn Gothic Romantasy inspired by Jane Eyre in a dark academia setting.

Kat is half fey in a world which has despised non-humans for centuries. She is a pawn in the Council’s hands to keep the brewing fey rebellion quiet, to keep a revolution against mortal power at bay.
Kat requires a mage partnership, the last requirement to graduate from the institute. To grant her the freedom to wield her magic. Something no fey has survived long enough to do. The only person willing to take her on is Lord Emrys Blackthorn- the last expert in dark magic.

There’s a magical house who makes it mind known, moves rooms around, and definitely want the two to get together.

There’s also a precious apprentice to Lord Emerys called William and Kat’s best friend who struggles to hide her wild transfiguration magic by pretending to be her maid! I would definitely read spin-offs books on both of them.

“I've come to understand that a witch is simply a being beyond a man's control.” A being beyond their limits. Power was theirs, made of nothing but fury and chaos, woven into perfect balance. “So perhaps I am.”

The Council are full of a bunch of grumpy old men who hate Kat and the power she has and the fey she represents, the natural magic she has. The games they played and her place often leaves her burdened with guilt for the things she had to pretend not to see or hear in order to survive herself.

Lord Emrys…. The slow burn was really good! Full of lingering looks, shy and quick touches, a forbidden relationship….
Normally I don’t typically like the romance portion of books, but Jennifer made the romance move along with the plot and it never became a pining focus.

The mere presence of him, the anticipation that he might touch me.
Seeing one of his rare smiles, the way his eyes shifted colour when he looked at me. The smell of forbidden herbs and old books whenever he was around. How carefully he handled me, like I was something that needed care.

The writing was very accessible and easy to breeze through. I think this will make it a hit for the trending bingeable romantasies taking over booktok!

I enjoyed this and would recommend it, however it didn’t quite have that element which made me obsess over it. I think I just wanted more.
There is a lot of self-doubt which I felt was brooded over too much and a few things which felt too predictable and I predicted the big twist etc. However, I think this might be the type of reader I am.

I would recommend this if you enjoyed A Deadly Education!

Thank you to the author and Gollancz for sending me the physical arc!!!

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Atmospheric. Extensive Magic system and world-building. Slow burn. Those are the first three things that come to my mind when I try to describe this delicious, gothic academia debut. My only qualm is the fact that it was quite slow in the beginning. I loved the side characters of William and Alma, and I loved putting together the small bread crumbs the author left us throughout. I was thoroughly creeped out during the entirety of the stay with Fairfax and I still didn’t see the twist coming. Overall, it’s a fabulous debut and an evil cliffhanger that will have you itching for book two. I know I am!

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If this book isn’t on your TBR, it absolutely should be.

When I tell you I was absolutely enthralled by this debut, in not kidding. Every spare moment I had I was picking it up and getting lost in the lush and vivid world that Jennifer has so expertly created.

Tales of a Monstrous Heart follows Kat as she’s a fey outcast in a world where everyone wants to see her fail (or die). She’s trying to become a mage but is struggling to find a partner/mentor so she can graduate. Who comes to offer her a Mage partnership? None other than Lord Blackthorn, the mysterious recluse.

Of course, what happens next is full of twists and turns and forbidden love. The slow burn is slow but god is it delicious.

Jennifer’s writing and world-building is beautiful and I’m still shocked that this is her debut. With romance, strange disappearances and dark beings showing up in unexpected circumstances, I was hooked from the first chapter.

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I sold my soul (🤣) for an arc of @jenniferdelaneyauthor upcoming book (THANK YOU @gollancz 😭❤️).

Now let me tell you... Tales of a Monstrous Heart sits up there with the best of the best. I knew only a few chapters in that it was already going to be a 5 star read, and it did not disappoint. Seriously. I'd give more if I could.

Kat's entire journey was inspiring, and beautiful, and just...😭 This book, y'all. But also... Emrys. Enough said.
EASILY made my top 5 reads of 2024. Literally the slow burn gothic romantasy of my DREAMS, and I am frothing at the mouth for book 2.

Tales is an absolute phenomenal debut, and exceeded every expectation. With lush, rich world building, loveable characters that you can absolutely relate with, that slow burn (🤤) and without saying much... THAT ENDING. I'M FERAL. Did I already say I'm frothing at the mouth for book 2?

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Oh man are the romantasy girlies going to go feral over this one. Tales of a Monstrous Heart is the perfect blend of fantasy/romance/gothic horror, with lush and delectable writing & an MC who I absolutely adored.

Katherine Woodrow only wants one thing in life, to become a mage. Unfortunately, her Fey genetics and the prejudice that surround them make that a harder task than it should be. Despite being whip smart, and a better mage than most of the council, Kat is constantly belittled, blamed and beaten down, but she is not the kind of person who goes down without a fight. When we first meet Kat she is trying her best to blend in, look more human, but as the story progresses she comes to accept and embrace her Fey heritage and the power that comes with that. Her resilience in the face of what she has been through really made me feel for her, as did her defence of those weaker than her, whether they were seen as lesser by humans or not. I loved seeing her come into her power, to accept who she is, growing to love it almost, but the author certainly knows how to put her characters though the ringer before allowing them the chance to shine.

The story is told solely from Kat's POV, but that doesn't mean we don't get introduced to some equally amazing characters. Alma, another Fey who Kat took under her wing. Loyal to a fault, and not afraid to stand up for Kat. William, Lord Blackthorns aid. He has such a positive outlook on life, always happy to help in anyway he can. And Lord Emrys Blackthorn himself. Similarly to Kat, Emrys has had to deal with some trauma in his life, trauma he is still living with daily. At first I expected him to be a more 'Rochester' style character, aloof, someone I wouldn't necessarily like, but that couldn't have been further from how Delaney chose to portray him. He is someone who is equally amazed and infuriated by Kat. At how little faith she has in herself and her power, at how small a price she puts on her own life. Don't get me wrong, he still has that dark and broody vibe down, but he's so much more than that, & I really enjoyed how much we get to see the different sides to his character. Also, I can't not mention, Thean. One of those characters you know you probably shouldn't trust, but also love any scenes that they are in, and the drama they were sure to bring with them.

Delaney takes her world and just kind of dumps us in headfirst, so it did take me a minute to get my bearings, but once I did I was instantly hooked. It's a world post war, that's seemingly on the brink of another, a world where humans craved magic so badly they decided to carve it out of the beings who claimed it so easily. One where Fey are seen as lesser, dangerous, left to fend for themselves on the outskirts, and human and Fey relations are forbidden, seen as an abomination. One thing I loved about this story is how much backstory Delaney gives us, insight into both the human and Fey history, but also how much those stories had an impact on the current one. It's one of those books where every piece of information given is important, nothing can by bypassed or rushed. Instead it's a story you need to savour, and that is absolutely helped by Delaney's lush and prosaic writing style.

If I could pick one word to describe the feel of this story it would be seductive. Not just because of the romance, but also how the authors writing style seems to slowly draw you into the story. It's part fantasy, part romance, part horror in parts, but underneath it all is the wondrous gothic atmosphere that I adored, and it has a semi-sentient house. Yes, you read that right... a house that almost becomes a character in it's own right, something that I absolutely love in a story. It's a slow starter, and I'll admit I wasn't 100% sure where the story was heading, but once you get stuck in, you almost don't care. The setting, the characters, the romance, all of these things come together to create a story that I simply couldn't put down.

And now... the romance. I absolutely freaking adored it. I adored how layered the characters were, how Emrys was both aloof and broody, whilst also being down so hard for Kat. The realness of how Kat couldn't stop looking at his well built arms, appreciating that he was taller than her. It has it's funny moments, and also it's incredibly steamy ones, but it was the almost forbidden romance vibes that did it for me. The knowledge that these two should not have feelings for one another, let alone act on them. Emrys not wanting to put Kat in harms way, and Kat basically saying Fuck it, I want you. It was beautifully written, slow burn in the best way, and what I enjoyed the most was that Delaney actually made Emrys likeable, instead of just a dick whose hot and we should like because he has a tragic past.

In case you couldn't tell I loved this one! That ending though... I genuinely thought my Kindle was having a moment when it ended where it did, but no, the author just decided to absolutely torture us readers knowing we would have to wait to see what happens next. If you love romantic fantasy with gothic horror vibes, plenty of action alongside slower scenes used to develop the world, with characters and a romance for the ages... you need to check this out.

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I was thoroughly sucked in by this story from the moment I discovered it on the waterstones website, and again when I pre ordered, and then again when I got approved for an early eARC.
This story did not disappoint. Gothic and immersive, intriguing characters (Alma was my favourite) and not to mention a cheeky sentient manor house. Go and read this as soon as it comes out.

Thank you to Netgalley and Orion Publishing Group for the chance to read and review this ARC.

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