Member Reviews

Things We Do for Love by Miranda Dickinson is a delightful, Shakespeare-inspired romance that blends the charm of Stratford-upon-Avon with the trials and tribulations of the acting world.

Even if you’re not a big Shakespeare fan, this novel has the power to win you over with its witty characters, blossoming romance, and insightful look into the realities of the theatre.

The story follows Lucie, an aspiring actress waiting for her big break, and Theo, a fellow actor who unexpectedly gatecrashes one of her Shakespeare performances.

While their initial interactions are filled with tension, the chemistry between them is undeniable, and their banter is both entertaining and endearing.

The dual perspective narrative, alternating between Lucie and Theo, allows readers to dive into each character’s thoughts and struggles, adding depth to their stories as they work through their personal issues.

The novel’s setting in Shakespeare’s hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon is enchanting.

Miranda Dickinson captures the magic of the town, with its rich literary history and charming streets, making it almost feel like a character in its own right.

The attention to detail in the local spots—like the ice cream shop with Shakespeare-themed names for its treats—adds to the book's whimsical atmosphere and draws readers deeper into the world of Lucie and Theo.

Even those who haven’t visited Stratford will feel like they’re walking its streets, sharing in the characters’ performances and their leisure outings.

Beyond the romance, Things We Do for Love explores the challenges of working in the acting industry, particularly within small theatre companies that rely on seasonal footfall and donations.

Dickinson gives readers a glimpse into the cutthroat side of the business, from unscrupulous directors to the relentless competition between actors, while also highlighting the passion and perseverance needed to make it in the profession.

This added layer of realism grounds the story and makes Lucie and Theo’s experiences feel authentic.

The Shakespearean theme runs throughout the book, with quotes and references to the Bard woven seamlessly into the dialogue and plot.

It’s a clever and playful nod to the setting, and fans of Shakespeare will appreciate the homage, while even those less familiar with his work will enjoy the literary flair it brings to the romance.

In the end, Things We Do for Love is a heartwarming, fun-filled romance that combines love, laughter, and a touch of Shakespearean drama.

Miranda Dickinson has crafted a story that will appeal to fans of contemporary romance, especially those who enjoy a theatrical twist.

Lucie and Theo’s journey is full of charm, and their evolving relationship is sure to leave readers with a smile.

Highly recommended for a feel-good read with a Shakespearean twist!

With thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A Shakespearen romance played out in Shakespeares own backyard. Two star crossed lovers, actors, directors and producers, and ego's a plenty. Cue a story of highs and lows, luvvies, two timing, backstabbing, everything a romance needs to endure. Will our hero and heroine ever make it to the final act?

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Reading Things We Do for Love felt like stepping into a vibrant theater, where the lights are low and the air is thick with anticipation. Miranda Dickinson has crafted a sparkling romance that drew me in from the very first page, and I couldn't help but root for Lucie Hart, a fledgling actress whose journey was both relatable and inspiring.

Lucie's character struck a chord with me. Having dealt with her own confidence issues due to a manipulative ex, her struggles in the competitive world of acting resonated deeply. I admired her resilience as she performed Shakespearean monologues—each line a reminder of the romance she yearned for but struggled to believe in. The way Dickinson portrayed her vulnerabilities made Lucie feel like a friend I wanted to cheer on.

Enter Theo Larkin, a Hollywood star facing his own set of challenges. Their chemistry was palpable, and the tension between them added a delightful spark to the narrative. I found myself laughing at their banter and rooting for them to put aside their differences. The fact that they both had so much to prove kept me turning pages, eager to see how their paths would intertwine.

The backdrop of Shakespearean performances brought a unique twist to the story. I appreciated how Dickinson wove themes of ambition, love, and self-discovery into the plot. The setting felt rich and immersive, making me feel like I was right there in the audience, watching their journey unfold.

As Lucie and Theo navigated their respective challenges, the story took unexpected turns that kept me engaged. The humor was perfectly balanced with moments of genuine emotion, making it a delightful read that left me smiling. I particularly enjoyed the supportive friendships that surrounded them, showcasing the importance of connection in both love and life.

In the end, Things We Do for Love is a heartwarming tale about finding oneself and the transformative power of love. Miranda Dickinson’s signature wit and warmth shine

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This was a simple, fun, easy and quick read. The perfect type of book for your holiday, beach, pool kind of read. This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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This was an easy read. I loved that this was based in Stratford upon Avon and have been there many times (even visited whilst reading this book) so it was lovely being able to visualise everything.

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Things We Do For Love is a sweet romance with a literary twist. Lucie is an actor still waiting for her big break. She lives in Shakespeare country, Stratford, and works numerous jobs to keep on acting. The Garden Players is her best job, and when Theo, a successful if disgraced actor, steals her thunder, she is not happy. Forced to work together performing Shakespeare, a slow-burn relationship develops. I like the setting for this romantic comedy, the evocative Shakesperan market town, and the challenges the actors face, which are explored and give the story authenticity. The camaraderie is tangible, and this contrasts with the toxic element Lucie encounters. I like the detail and the sensory imagery, making the characters, events and locations easy to visualise.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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I really enjoyed this book. The Shakespeare vibe throughout was a delight and has made me want to read it see more plays. Lucie has the kind of friendship group I think everyone needs. Theo started off a little too big for his boots but he’s so well written that you can’t help but warm to him. A fantastic read.

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Even though this reads as your standard rom com.. girl meets guys, something happens that they have to overcome to be together … I absolutely adored the Shakespeare twist too it and it has motivated me to go back and pick up some originals as I haven’t visited them since my early twenties!

A very enjoyable read and I look forward to reading some other works by Miranda!

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A sweet, easy read full of romance and humour with little twists along the way. A perfect summer read. I enjoyed this book very much and would love to read more by this author. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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Well this took me right back to GCSE Drama 😅🎭
It's quite heavy on Shakespeare which is fine if you like that, just wasn't my cup of tea! This is was a very slow burn.. if you like a slow burn, closed romance and a lovey dovey story then this would be a good read for you!
Overall was a sweet read, I however like sweet and spicy!

Thank you @hqstories for the copy of The things we do for love

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When high profile actor Theo Larkin crashes the stage at the birthplace of Shakespeare, Lucie is furious and begrudges having to share her stage with a man who seemingly doesn’t need the work. But Theo has made mistakes which mean his career is hanging by a thread and he will do anything to get it back on track.
Theo has lived a relatively sheltered life after being successful in his acting career and it is refreshing to see him experience the life of actors who have not had their big break yet.
I love a story with flawed characters, it feels so realistic and unpredictable. I enjoyed the background stories of the side characters and the incorporation of Shakespeare. I knew I would enjoy this book before I even read it-Miranda Dickinson is so incredibly talented.

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I thought this was a really cute read. It was funny, addictive and just very sweet.
I loved the Shakespeare bits and it's made me want to visit Stratford upon Avon!
A lovely , fluffy summer read.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I’ve not read anything by Miranda Dickinson in a long while (despite having read about 70% of her books) and so I was keen to read this one. I’m not much of a Shakespeare girl - I was obsessed with the Leo version of Romeo & Juliet and I studied Twelfth Night at school and sadly that’s about where my knowledge ends. So it was lovely to be thrown into Lucie’s hometown of Stratford Upon Avon & learn all about her love of the Bard. Lucie is a jobbing actor who can’t catch a break. She works 4/5 jobs trying to keep herself afloat as she tries in vain to become a star. Working at Shakespeare’s ‘Birthplace’ as one of the ‘Garden Players’ performing scenes from various plays she meets star of stage & screen Theo Larkin - who has come to join the garden players - or steal Lucie’s tips. Lucie is prepared for a fight for her beloved garden players but Theo has a fight of his own already on his hands. I really did like this book, I liked Lucie’s gumption, their electricity on stage - and I quite fancy a Titania Dream.
If you like a good love story with a twist of Shakespeare - this will be perfect for you.

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I really really tried with this book but after 3 weeks of reading, I didn't make it past page 67. I'm not even sure what it was about this that I didn't enjoy, it just wasn't for me.

I like to give some kind of informative feedback normally on why I didn't like a book or how I felt it could have been better but I genuinely don't know what it was that put me off.

Annoyingly, I have read and enjoyed Miranda Dickinson books before so I know that this is an author that I like but not this book, obviously!

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"A" lister disgraced actor goes to Stratford on Avon to revive his career, meets jobbing actress. Wonderful romance acting out Shakespeare's most romantic plays .Enthralling reading , with excerpts from Shakespeare thrown in.

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This is a lovely read-some really funny characters, great settings and enough Shakespeare to bring forth the romance but without catapulting you back to the misery of GCSE study texts!

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Things We Do For Love by Miranda Dickinson is a delightful, contemporary novel that will warm your heart and leave you smiling.
The novel is set over a summer in Stratford Upon Avon and celebrates all things Shakespeare. We follow the Garden Players as they bring the works of the bard to life.
We see how hard it is to break into acting. As well as sheer hard work, a little bit of luck is needed.
Shakespeare brings out the passion in his followers. To have his works performed in his home town is the icing on the cake for them.
We witness the uglier side of theatre as a jealous director has the power to thwart a talented career.
There is a thin line between what is real and what is acting. Misunderstandings occur when the truth comes to light, mirroring a scene from the bard himself.
All the characters are well drawn and likable. There are some wonderful sparring scenes as well as witty retorts.
I absolutely loved Things We Do For Love. It was charming and it was fun. It was a wonderful way to spend a few hours escaping to Stratford from the confines of my sofa.
I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.

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I am sorry but I have not finished this book, for some reason I just could not get into it.

For me it was very heavy on the Shakespear references and I a. Not a Shakespear kind of gal.

I am sure others will love it for the very reaso. I didn't and the fact that is is set in Shakespear country.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for the ARC.

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Having enjoyed many trips to Stratford upon Avon, I was happy when I discovered this book was set there, it creates a great atmosphere and knowing the place really adds something when reading.
Lucie is a great leading lady, in every way possible, I like her style, her personality and her relationships with others. She doesn’t take any nonsense in her own way – even if that does sometimes become a problem in terms of her being a little stubborn.
Theo’s character was different, I didn’t think I’d like him initially, but he grew on me and I liked seeing how his character developed throughout the story.
Of course, we were going to see a romance blossom between the two, but it seemed natural and not too forced or rushed. It definitely ticks the boxes of the enemies to lover’s trope.
We have a great cast of characters; those to love, those to “boo” and of course those that are quirky and special. I enjoy when unlikeable characters get a chance to redeem themselves, it does happen in this story (although not for everyone, some people are beyond help!!)
Drama, comedy and romance – themes from the great Baard himself – all make this latest book another hit from Miranda Dickinson.

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It’s no secret that I am a fan of Miranda Dickinson’s writing, both her romantic contemporary fiction and her crime fiction as M J White. In recent years her releases have been firm five star reads but have never toppled my favourite from the top of the list, until now. Things We Do For Love has taken the crown big time.

Dare I say it, I’m not really a Shakespeare fan. Or rather, I wasn’t until now. You don’t have to be to enjoy this book and in fact you might end up like me by the end, researching other fictional titles that feature the great writer himself (or…herself…but that’s another book entirely ahem Jodi Picoult).

This book has chemistry and those main characters absolutely exude romance from the pages. Enemies to lovers has had a massive upgrade to this ‘on another level’ romantic contemporary novel. Whilst it has the tropes we know and love, throwing a Shakespearean twist into the mix is incredibly unique. Add in the challenges of being in the acting world, directors, romance, quotes and more, it has everything. I urge you to meet Lucy and Theo, pronto. You won’t regret it.

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