Member Reviews

I’ve enjoyed a few of the author’s previous novels and as I’ve enjoyed trips to Stratford on Avon I was looking forward to reading Things We Do for Love.
Lucie and Theo meet when performing at one of the Shakespeare houses in Stratford. Lucie is an actress struggling to make ends meet , while Theo has had Hollywood success.
I enjoyed the Stratford setting but I did find the Shakespeare references overdone and this prevented me from fully immersing myself in the characters and the plot. I understand from the afterword that the author wanted to write a homage to Stratford on Avon and I think she’s done this beautifully and I’m sure others will love the Shakespeare references. I didn’t quite believe in the relationship between Lucie and Theo and found the romantic storyline too predictable.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this digital ARC.

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A good story interjecting historical fiction with real life. It is well written, being sympathetic to the historic element as well as the more modern day.

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A gentle story which builds and catches you out with its intrigue and untruths. I really enjoyed reading the book as it flowed well and kept me involved in the story. Thanks for the opportunity to review it.

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What a gem of a book! It is a fantastic read and had me hooked from the very first page. Thank you Miranda for this great read.

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I really enjoyed this light hearted summer read. I took to the characters straight away, and got really invested in them. Right from the start the book is from the female perspective and the male perspective which was such a good way to get the reader interested. One chapter on Lucie and the next on Theo, loved it. I definitely recommend this one! Thank you #netgalley

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Lucie lives in Stratford and is an aspiring actor. She works 4 jobs to make ends meet. She performs with a Shakespeare Group and is annoyed when Theo a disgraced actor crashes her Taming the of the Shrew monologue.
They have to put their feelings aside to make things work for their careers.
I loved this story and the Shakespeare quotes and descriptions of Stratford.
I Have read this author before and enjoyed the last book as well.
The characters and also some of the side characters like Ced and Cass and Lucie's flatmate were all likeable.
Well done Miranda a winner for me.
Thanks Netgallery.

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I have read several of Miranda Dickinson’s books and this one was not only enjoyable, but educational.

I learnt lots about the acting industry and Shakespeare, whilst following the connection between Lucie and Theo.

This was written in a well thought out manner and I really enjoyed the Shakespeare theme throughout the love story.

Thanks for the opportunity.

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Set in the beautiful town of Stratford on Avon, this is a lovely story of a group of actors and their relationships and workload. A great easy to read tale, definitely recommend

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I really enjoyed this book.

The story is about Lucie and Theo. Theo is well known, whereas Lucie has yet to get her big break.

Together they put on shows acting out scenes from different plays by Shakespeare for the public. But, with the twists and turns throughout, you are turning the pages, wanting to find out how or if they both would get a happy ending.

I loved the setting, Stratford upon Avon, which was perfect for this story.

I highly recommend this book.

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Another Miranda Dickinson that I couldn't put down. I work in Stratford and it was lovely to read a book which was set there. I loved the characters and how the story unfolded. A read I most definitely recommend.

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I think this is probably the nicest book I have read this year! Nearly all the characters are Shakespearean actors whose careers have never taken off.. Theo was a well known actor, about to sign a huge film contract in Hollywood when he had a falling out with a director, and punched him … seems like his career is over, but his agent has managed to find him the leading role in Hamlet with the Royal Shakespeare Company to try and resurrect his career. Lilia, Theo’s landlady, had been well known, but has long since retired. It is a light-hearted story, although the two main characters, Theo and Lucie have an uncomfortable relationship, even though they are deeply attracted to each other, they distrust each other in equal measure.

All the characters have a way of talking that is almost poetic, it encourages the reader to keep turning the pages! Duncan is a thoroughly unpleasant character, but he is written almost as one of Shakespeare’s bad guys, you wait for his downfall knowing it will be appropriate … and it is! Everything works out well in the end.

An excellent read!

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Things We Do for Love is set in Stratford Upon Avon and revolves around fellow Shakespearean actors, Theo and Lucie. They meet when Theo gatecrashes Lucie’s performance at one of the Shakespeare Garden performances in Stratford, where struggling actor, Lucie plays throughout summer every year with her fellow friend and actor Ced, whilst also holding down several other jobs to make money, to continue her acting ambition. It also introduces Lucie’s friends, who have been involved with Shakespeare in their past – they bring another layer to the story with their support and love for Lucie.

This really is a beautiful and unusual story of two struggling actors coming together and ultimately falling in love. This book is not just a love story but also goes through the struggles of being an actor, specially when work has dried up for various reasons. It goes into the past experiences of Theo and Lucie and how they have struggled to break into regular acting roles due to past events. It shows how producers and directors can stand in the way of a successful acting career and how they get in the way of Theo & Lucie’s love story.

I’m not a Shakespearean fan – and I guess this book has opened the door of curiosity to maybe read some of his works in the future and I would love to one day visit and watch a garden performance. They sound such fun, without having to watch a whole production, which I might not enjoy.

I have really enjoyed books by Miranda Dickinson and this one doesn’t disappoint, a fabulous read.

A wonderful book for which I thank NetGalley and HQ/HarperCollins UK and Miranda Dickinson for the ARC in return of an honest, unbiased review.

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A romance story based around some actors set in Shakespeare land of Stratford upon Avon. Fun characters with the odd baddies thrown in. For me the storyline could have been shorter but an enjoyable read. Thanks to Miranda and her publisher. Thanks also to NetGalley

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A gentle romance novel with a romp through Shakespeare’s plays and set in magnificent Stratford . Follow the will they : won’t they romance of a struggling actress and a fallen from grace actor . A collection of well portrayed characters journey with them some aiding while others try to hinder both ambition and love

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Adored this enemies to lovers novel and was so invested in Lucy and Theo's relationship. From the moment they met at the outdoors theatre you could feel their sizzling chemistry.
The world building was pitch perfect and Stratford on Avon sprang to life within the pages of the book.
The exciting narrative has a few surprises and twists and I totally adored the Shakespeare theme.

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Really enjoyed this book (like I have other Miranda Dickinson ones). Stratford upon Avon is a wonderful place and the perfect setting for this acting world story. I loved the characters and longed to be a part of their lives (even if I'm not an actor at all!). The to-and-fro between Lucie and Theo meant you never knew where the story was going - there were so many twists and turns but you always got the feeling there could / should be a happy ending. However, there were many times I was not at all sure it would get there.....

Highly recommended as a lovely, easy to read book, which I became really engrossed in.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publishers for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review, which is what I have given.

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I’m a big Miranda Dickinson fan and this is a brilliant new book. A dual POV between Lucie, a struggling actress supporting herself with multiple jobs to follow her acting dream and Theo, a Hollywood star who has fallen from grace and is seeking redemption. Set in Stratford on Avon there are many references to and quotes from Shakespeare. There’s also a fabulous cast of supporting characters particularly Ced. I thoroughly enjoyed and wholeheartedly recommend this book.

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Wow, Miranda Dickinson’s new book is completely and utterly brilliant!! Totally savoured and loved every page!! A gorgeous escape to Stratford in Warwickshire, becoming immersed with the world of William Shakespeare, a beautiful summer of romance, love and ice cream!!
Lucie Hart sometimes struggles with her hectic balancing act of life, running 3 jobs which goes to 4 in the summer weeks. She is an accomplished actor through and through but has to make ends meet.
Theo Larkin successful screen actor has been offered a part in Hamlet in the autumn, moving to Stratford for the summer to gain some experience, and lots of publicity along the way.
Then the performance begins……
Miranda clearly knows her classics, the information around what it takes to make a performance are fascinating, thrilling and hugely insightful There are some wonderful characters, great descriptions that sets the mind alight with imaginings.
I am now so invested in all these characters!! Gutted it has come to an end!
This was a reminder of visits to Stratford and memories of seeing these plays which warmed my heart.
All in all a fantastic fabulous book, one of my very favourite this year! Experienced writing, great escapism and a perfect gem of a tale this summer!
Hugely and highly recommend this holiday!
Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins for the early read, consumed and adored.

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Really enjoyed this light will they won’t they book. Was just what I needed on a sunny day! Thanks for the early read

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I liked the concept of this book, but I think there was probably a bit too much of Shakespeare quoted. The pace dragged at times, with lots of long internal monologues. I found Lucie whiny and irritating, her sections were quite dreary. She was too hard on Theo, I felt sorry for him. There was enough there to keep me reading, but overall not my favourite book by Dickinson. With thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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