Member Reviews

A superb book from Miranda Dickinson. I was never a fan of Shakespeare at school but this story has absolutely helped me to see his works in a completely different light. This is a delightful book which sheds light on the struggles and the highs of some actors and the lengths some of them have to go to in order to be able to use their craft and to afford to live. It's funny,it's fiesty an absolute joy to read. I heartily recommend this book. Thank you netgalley and publishers for an advanced copy of this book.

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Another great book by Miranda Dickinson full of funny moments and thrills following Lucie and Theo 2 actors who cross paths. as they take part in Shakespearean monologues in the setting of Stratford-upon-Avon.
Lucie is a struggling actress while Theo is a actor who has fallen out of favour in Hollywood and takes a part in the play to get in the good books of his agent. The blossoming love affair is full of twists and laughter as secrets threaten their love.
Thoroughly enjoyed the story and would recommend for a captivating love affair.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Oh Miranda Dickinson, , I say this every time but I really think this is your BEST. I absolutely loved it. I’m exhausted, drained, besotted. I loved Lucie,Theo, Ced, well actually all the characters (apart from Duncan). I’m 100% sure that you have another winner on your hands and I’m so grateful to have read an advanced copy, thanks @netgalley Well done, you are a-may-zing xx

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I always find it hard to give more negative than positive feedback on any book, especially when I am a fan of the author, as I am in the case of Miranda Dickinson. However, I really struggled with this book.

I found Lucie quite whiny and hard done by, and Theo arrogant but sorry for himself. I think overall I found it hard to engage with them because it felt ‘try-hard’, what with all the quotes thrust upon you within the first few chapters (and continuing on throughout!). There was lots of internal rumination and not a lot of dialogue, except for said quotes. It didn’t flow for me!

However, on a positive, there was a certain something that kept me thinking I had to go back and keep trying and I can see how some people will enjoy this, especially fans of Shakespeare. Sadly, it was not for me.

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Lucie is an aspiring actor with a manipulative ex and low esteem. She is making ends meet with Shakespeare monologues..
Theo is a well known actor who is now doing Shakespeare but has a problematic leading lady.
After a big bust up and his reputation in tatters Theo takes on the biggest challenge ever.

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A great read set in Shakespeares Stratford upon Avon.
Out of favour A lister film star Theo gatecrashes the soliloquy being performed in the Birthplace Garden for tourists.. He proves to be very good and is hired for the summer season.
There begins the loves and hates of this romance.
Well worth a read.

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This one was definitely not for me. It was a struggle to get through. The couple seemingly hated each other for the first 50% of the book and then suddenly changed it up in the space of 10 pages. I found Lucie utterly irritating, Theo completely boring and didn't buy it at all. Not a fan, sorry.

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This was such a sweet read, it was fun and light hearted, heartwarming and engaging. I loved that it was dual POV and I really loved the characters. The romance is a sort of dislike to friends to lovers and I really enjoyed that.

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I liked the concept and the blurb of this book, but the reality was very different it was quite a slow pace and I didn't expect so much Shakespeare to be quoted, which I got sick of quite quickly, fair enough if it was being quoted in the play etc, but the characters were even "thinking" in the quotes, I am sorry but I didn't finish this book.

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I have to admit, I'm not a big Shakespeare fan! But, I think I may have been won over a little bit by this book!! Lucie is waiting for her big acting break when fellow actor Theo gatecrashes one of her Shakespeare performances. Outwardly they don't get on, but it's obvious there's a little bit of chemistry between them and I really did love Lucie and Theo's characters! Each of them have their issues but they work them out as their stories moves on. The storyline alternates between both of the main characters, so you get to see each of their perspectives as their stories unfold.

The location of the story in Shakespeare's Stratford Upon Avon was just delightful! Shamefully, I've never visited the town (unless driving through it counts!) but I will definitely be making a journey there. Following not just Lucie and Theo's performances across the town, but their various outings to other places for food and drinks was wonderful! I loved the ice cream shop and the Shakespeare themed names for everything was pure genius!!

The storyline however doesn't just focus on Lucie and Theo's blossoming relationship, but it shows how difficult it is to be in the acting business, especially with small companies who rely so much on charitable donations and seasonal footfall. It also shows us the cut-throat side to acting with unscrupulous directors and performers. This book was a true delight and with lots of quotes scattered through the book by the great man himself, and coupled with Lucie and Theo's stories, the author has produced a wonderful Shakespearean themed romance with plenty of love, fun and laughter throughout! I absolutely loved it!! Would recommend!

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A lovely, feel-good romance with a sprinkling of wonderful characters and a good dose of suspension of disbelief. The story unfolds in Stratford-upon-Avon and involves a (mostly) endearing bunch of Shakespeare actors. The protagonists - who get an equal share of the limelight through a dual-POV narrative - are likeable, and the supporting cast comprises just the right mix of adorable, supportive and stereotypically evil. Heartwarming and highly recommended!

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I love Miranda Dickinson’s writing not so much Shakespeare but she has given me an insight into him that maybe I should look at a bit more. Lucie has 4 jobs to make ends meet in Stratford upon Avon while she hopes for her big acting break. Theo Millington is in Stratford to hopefully save his career ,when Theo gatecrashes Lucie’s performance at Shakespeares birthplace little does he know he has met his match. Cue fireworks all around. Set all around Stratford it’s very obvious that Miranda Dickinson knows it well and loves it. A fab read and a great idea to have so much Shakespeare in it.

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This is fun and light hearted read with well-rounded cast of characters that makes this book such a good read that I couldn't put down. I'm usually not a fan of 1st person narratives (due to the rambling internal monologues), but Miranda Dickinson does this well that encompasses both sides of the story from Theo and Lucie's perspective that doesn't only push the narrative forward but allows a deeper look at their thoughts and feelings. The romance was perfectly built up to create enough tension for the romance to be believable and show a frosty start to friends to lovers.

I enjoyed the setting of Stratford - Upon - Avon and the attention to detail to what goes into a theatre production, the financial implications of small charity run venues like Shakespeare's Birthplace and how this impacts actors trying to earn a living. The author carefully conveys the nastier side of publicity and the slimier characters that can occupy acting, especially through Duncan and Greg. I liked the redemption arc of certain characters that showed a different side to a clear cut unlikable character. The rehearsal scenes with Ced, Lucie and Theo were really enjoyable to read and created a sense of harmony and humour. I particularly liked the group of retired actors who step back into the fold to help the young ones get a foot on the ladder. My only criticism is that the pace slows towards the last third of the book and drags on, aside from this point I couldn't stop reading. I would have liked an epilogue to tie up how Lucie and Theo's future might look because this is open ended.

Overall, a great setting, plot and characters that emphasised to never give up even when times are tough and to avoid people who will try to knock you down.

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Things We Do for Love by Miranda Dickinson started off well and really held my attention. I loved the characters, particularly some of the supporting cast. But the pace began to drag about a third of the way in and I found it harder and harder to keep on reading. If you like your novels full of emotional angst and limited action then you'll enjoy this (and I mean that sincerely) but I'd have liked a slimmed-down version.

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I enjoyed this gentle romcom set around Stratford and the theatre community. Lucie Hart - an aspiring actress and Theo Larkin - an actor trying to outrun his past - meet when Theo upstages her in her Shakespearean monologue. They then have to work together for the good of the theatre company despite their differences.

The story is told from both perspectives and I found myself empathising with both.

A predictable ending but twists and turns on he way there.

An enjoyable read.

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This is an enjoyable, whimsical summer read where the two main characters act famous love speeches from Shakespearean plays. It is a lot of fun to read and such an original idea so it is a fantastic, easy, summer book full of romance.

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I love Miranda Dickinson so couldn't wait to read this book and it didn't disappoint. I loved the characters Lucie and Theo and although I'm not that down with Shakespeare I loved the conflict and the tension in this book. the chemistry between Lucie and Theo was on fire and I loved Ced the co-worker of the two leads who also performs.

I would absolutely read this, buy it (already pre-ordered), and recommend it to everyone.

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If you like Shakespeare…..coupled with a good old fashioned romance, this will be right up your Stratford Upon Avon street. It alternates between Lucie and Theo, at very different stages of their acting careers. Add in an awkward ex to make the course of true love run less smoothly and you have a story with lots of plot twists and turns.
I have not read any of the authors previous books but I will look some out as this is a good read with a lovely romantic feel

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A look at the behind the scenes action for plays and how the power dynamic can play out. Lucie is lovely, working several jobs trying to get her break in an audition and get herself on the stage. The sabotage by a disgruntled ex is central to the plot and his sliminess really makes him repulsive. The romance is cute although a lot of time is taken over the errors made and whether there will be a happy ending or not. A bit more backbone from the leading man would have been appreciated,

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Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for this ARC.

Lucie Hart is a struggling actress living in Stratford -upon-Avon, working three jobs, one of which is doing al fresco monologues from famous Shakespeare plays for a very small theatre company.

Theo Larkin is a disgraced Hollywood actor who has been given a last chance with an RSC production of Hamlet in Stratford. One day, he gatecrashes Lucie's monologue and speaks Petruchio to her Katharina. It's such a success that the Garden Players manager hires him for the rest of the summer, casting the two of them in dialogues of some of the most famous Shakespearean couples.

The story is told in alternating dual POV, showing their growing chemistry on and off stage, as witnessed by friends and managers.

Then my most hated trope of miscommunication and misunderstandings hits when Lucie's horrible ex Duncan throws stones into the love story, not unlike in a Shakespeare play.

I very much liked Lucie and Theo, but I have to admit that I didn't understand enough of the Shakespeare characters to truly appreciate the story. The constant rehearsals in the middle left me a bit bored but the ending made up for it.

This is well-written and the acting world in Stratford-upon-Avon is portrayed beautifully, but maybe you get more out of it if you know your way around more Shakespeare plays than I do. Though I did surmise that Theo's rivalry with Gabriel Marley should remind us of Shakespeare's rivalry with Christopher Marlowe.

It is funny, romantic and light-hearted but also quite predictable. I loved feisty Lilia and her Boys!

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