Member Reviews

“Life is all about timing, in the end”
The story centres around a beautiful friendship between Eddie and Bella and the ones they have lost
Age is just a number and it’s never too late to find love
The style and pace of the novel was just beautiful - an utter joy to read
Fall in love with Eddie and Bella
Thanks @itsmariannecronin @penguinbooksuk & @netgalley for life-affirming, uplifting, feel-good read

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Eddie Winston is 90 and has never been kissed; when he befriends grieving 24 year old Bella, she is determined to find a partner for him. Together they embark on a wonderful new friendship.

I loved this book, I thought it was funny, poignant and uplifting. A reminder that it's never too late to go after what you want in life.

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Eddie Winston, a kind soul working at a charity shop in Birmingham, cherishes items he believes might be lost treasures or tokens of love, keeping them on his special "shelf." Tender, funny, and full of heart, this beautiful book is a heartwarming exploration of love, loss, and the relationships that shape us, making it one of my favorite reads of the year.

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book

We meet Nonagenarian Eddie, he works in a charity shop and sometimes the items people donate “talk” to him and he can’t bear to let them go, so he takes them home, where he keeps them on a special shelf.
One day a young girl comes in and from there a budding it unlikely friendship develops.
Bella has recently lost her boyfriend, they had been together from a young age. She is struggling with grief and as her friendship with Eddie develops, she is able to let go of some of her hurt and begins to rebuild her life.
Eddie has loved and lost, but never been kissed. So Bella is determined to find him love.
Through the story, we learn about Eddies one and only love Birdie, they met when he was an intern at the University of Birmingham, where she lived and worked alongside her husband. Birdies husband was often unfaithful but Birdie being a strong catholic was bond by her vows and could never love Eddie the way she wanted.

Can Eddie find love at his age?

I fell in love with all the characters in this book and was hoping for things to work out for them all

Highly recommend

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This book! Quirky and charming and funny - and intensely moving. A truly fabulous cast of characters and I loved the message that it's never too late to go for what you want. Absolutely wonderful

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I absolutely adored The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot, it is one of my all time fav reads so I was very excited to get an arc of Eddie Winston is Looking for Love!
This story was also absolutely adorable, another unlikely but utterly wonderful friendship of different generations who learn so much from each other, watching the bond blossoming and strengthening throughout was giving me all the cosy feelings, I also enjoyed Eddies back story that we visited in between the present day chapters.
All in all this was a lovely hug of a book!
One of my favourite lines was:
‘The eyes are the puppet of the heart; they can make a plain person beautiful so long as they are loved.’

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Wow I loved this book.

Eddie is 90 works in a charity shop

This was humorous and fun and lovely
The relationships were great
I was taken in straight away
This book made me smile

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What a beautiful story. The word I think best describes this novel is charming and it was certainly that.Ninety year old Eddie works in a charity shop and when he meets a young widow Bella they strke up a friendship that is full of warmth and charm and his story will make you laugh and cry tears of joy.Didnt think it would be as good as Marianne's first book but it really is so everyone should read this

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This is a charming, rather delightful tale about love, loss and the passing of time.

Eddie Winston is 90 and never had the kiss he longs for, so, Bella, his new friend sets out to rectify this. It’s a tad sentimental and sugary, but, for those looking for an easy, positive, life affirming read, look no further.

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House UK for the opportunity to preview.

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A funny, feel good, tender read that beautifully explored themes of friendship, grief and loss. I loved Eddie and the whole story - one of my favourite reads this year so far!

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Marianne Cronin has done it again. I adored Lenni and Margot, and this new book is just as good. Eddie Winston is 90 and has never been kissed; when he befriends grieving 24 year old Bella, she is determined to find a partner for him. Together they embark on a wonderful new friendship. This is a very sweet and uplifting story, with fabulous characters and is told so tenderly and beautifully. I thought it was wonderful.

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I was really looking forward to reading this following Marianne Cronins amazing debut which was a five start plus for me!,
This book did not disappoint, I just love how the author is able to write about such fantastic friendships between different generations, she is so skilled and definitely becoming one of my favourite authors!

Eddie is 90 years old, retired and volunteers in a charity shop, Bella is 24 and they meet when she donates some of her late boyfriend’s items. A beautiful relationship begins as Bella grieves her boyfriend and never been kissed Eddie searches for love!

I do love a dual timeline and we go back to the 1960s and get to understand Eddies past and how he fell in love with Bridie but it wasn’t to be. Just a gorgeous book!

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This book slowly crept up on me, so that by the end I was invested in the characters and would miss them. And it had the happy ending that all books should have, making it feel like a warm hug in a book and leaving me with a smile on my face.

Eddie is 90 and a true gentleman, who let the love of his life go as she was married. Now at the age of 90 he is looking for his first kiss. He works in a charity shop and meets the grief stricken Bella, aged 24. An unlikely friendship occurs and Bella sets on a mission to help Eddie find his first kiss.

The book interweaves with Eddie's past love from 60 years ago and the current time of Eddie and Bella's friendship. They go on adventures and both grow as characters.

This was a lovely heart warming book and delightful.

Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book, such a gentle engaging read that gave you such a good feel. Full of warmth and humour and you just wanted to keep on reading.
The world needs more people like Eddie Winston.

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Book Review

Review for 'Eddie Winston Is Looking For Love ' by Marianne Cronin

WOW!!!! What can I say?!?! One thing I have got to say before getting into my review is clear your schedules and grab the tissues as you will need them!!!

This has got to be one of the most stunning books I have EVER read ♥

This book is beautifully written with vivid descriptions setting the picture perfectly in the readers mind. The title, description and cover works perfectly with the storyline. This book is just absolutely heart-warming, unforgettable and beautiful. I have previously read Marianne's 'The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot' and by God was I an emotional wreck after it but what an absolutely stunning book that also was!! Seriously if you have not read any of this extremely talented author's books then what on Earth are you waiting for?? Grab your copy of this beauty or 'The One Hundred Years Of Lenni And Margot' and I promise that you will not regret it. However, you do need to completely clear your schedules and have the tissues at the ready as they are both such emotive and stunning books. Honestly, they have got to be two of the best books that I have ever read!! 'The One Hundred Years Of Lenni And Margot' has still stuck with me from when I read it a few years ago in 2021 and it is now coming to the end of 2024 so that really does say something!! I absolutely love the unique storyline and the fact that two people with such a large age gap create this beautiful friendship is just gorgeous. There are very few books I have come across with a young and elderly protagonist becoming such good friends and I absolutely loved it!! It is an absolute rollercoaster ride of emotions filled with love, romance, heartbreak, sadness, laughter, second chances, love, loss, friendship and so much more. It is one of the most unforgettable books I have ever read!! It tells the story of 90 year old Eddie Winston. Eddie is full of life and still volunteers at a charity shop. Eddie is full of heart but at the age of 90 has still never been kissed. When 24 year old Bella donates her late boyfriends, who has passed away, items meets Eddie and discovers that he has never been kissed she is determined to help him find his love and happiness. It is the start of a beautiful friendship that will fill your heart with warmth and turn any frown upside down!! Marianne's evocative writing skills sucks the reader straight into the storyline with the characters, the charity shop and absolutely everything and every feeling coming to life around them. This is just one of those rare books that words just cannot express how powerful and emotional it is. It will make you cry both tears of happiness and sadness. The fact that Marianne has done her research absolutely shines through so a huge congratulations Marianne! One of my pet hates is when authors don't research their topics and then the book is littered with unnecessary mistakes which can spoil the story for me. The multiple narrative brings the story to life along with the descriptions and ensures the reader can see everything that is going on and what the characters are thinking and feeling. I absolutely love, loved, LOVED the storylines that came with the charity shop items that Eddie was discovering in the charity shop. It was just amazing and completely unique and I thoroughly enjoyed delving into the previous owners history!! Just absolutely fantastic Marianne!! I mean genuinely if you are reading this I cannot possibly put into words how much of an amazing talented author Marianne is and how incredible her books are so stop reading this and just grab your copy now!! It is one of those books that I just simply could not put down and I walked around everywhere with my kindle and the book. Every chapter ended in a way that I had to know what was going to happen next and then it would move on to the next chapter and do the same so I blew through this in one sitting. Reading this book really does make you feel that you are standing with them and going through their pain, love, and suffering. While you are reading this you are going through a journey of love and loss, heartbreak, secrets, love, and regrets and so, so much more. It really is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I was utterly glued to the pages and I could not bring myself to put it down. I was carrying the book around to read it every chance that I got. You need to clear your schedules and get the tissues at the ready because you will not be able to put this book down. There are some tough topics are explored with realism and sensitivity, that all culminated in a very gripping and powerful page turner. This is one of those books that will stay with me for a long time and although it could be a difficult read at times with emotions running high I would seriously recommend it to anyone and everyone!!

This book really is one of the most stunning and unforgettable book that I have ever read and one that will stay with me for years if not forever! The other one is also written by this extremely talented author and is called 'the One Hundred Years Of Lenni And Margot!! AN ABSOLUTE MUST READ!!

The characters were all very strong and realistic and Marianne's writing ensured they jumped off the pages at me. My heart went out to each of the main protagonists for different reasons during different chapters. I absolutely loved Eddie's absolutely fantastic, strong and quirky personality. Eddie may be 90 but he does not suffer fools gladly and has the same to give as 24 year old Bella. Eddie made me laugh so many times with some of the things he came out with I had tears running down my face. What an amazing man!!! Eddie is the male version of who I would love to be if I make it to the grand age of 90!! He is genuinely so kind, caring and amazing. If only all men were like Eddie the world would be a much better place!! On the other side of the age spectrum we have the absolutely fantastic Bella who is a strong women, rebellious and an absolutely wicked sense of humour!! Eddie and Bella are bonded by tragedy as well as determination and I absolutely adored them both!! The only negative about them is that although Marianne's amazing evocative skills sucks you into the storyline and makes you feel you are next to them throughout they are still only fictional and if I could meet any group of people real or fictional these 2 would definitely be in that group!! I won't say anymore about the characters as I don't want to go into too much detail at the risk of spoiling it for other readers but Marianne has done an amazing job at bringing each of the characters to life. Well done Marianne!!!

Congratulations Marianne on yet another absolutely stunning, unforgettable beautiful book!!! I am looking forward to reading more of your future books so I really hope you are writing one as I type because I need more of your stories and characters in my life. I would absolutely love to see this book turned into a movie!!! This is the exact reason you are one of my favourite authors and here's to your next guaranteed success 🥂

Overall an absolutely unputdownable, stunning, addictive and compelling devastatingly beautiful MUST READ!!

#EddieWinstonIsLookingForLove #MarianneCronin #TransworldDigital #RandomThingsTours #RandomTTours

@MarianneCronin @TransworldDigital @RandomThingsTours @RandomTTours

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Oh this book.It was utterly wonderful.90 year old Eddie was one of the best characters I have ever come across .Despite being elderly he was full of energy,warmth and hope.I loved that he spent his time helping out in a charity shop engaging with the customers and the manager Margie before going home to his beloved guinea pig Pushkin.
He was unable to be with the love of his life in his younger days so when he meets young Bella who has lost the love her her life she sets off on a quest to find Eddie someone to love.The relationship between them both is a joy and as they go on their journey to find Eddie his lady their path takes Eddie back to his past love.
With warmth ,humour,kindness and love at the heart of this book it is an utter joy to read.
I adored 100 Years Of Lennie And Margot but this one is up there with my fave books ever.

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Oh my goodness, if there's ever a book that's going to make you smile and seize every opportunity to make the most of life, this is it. 'Eddie Winston is Looking for Love' is one of the most charming books I've read in a very long time, I don't think I stopped smiling from start to finish (apart from a certain point 3/4 of the way through...)

Eddie is a 90 year old man who has had a wonderful life and doesn't feel that he is lacking anything, but he has never had his first kiss. His volunteer job in a charity shop brings him into contact with 20 something Bella, who has been left heartbroken. The two of them strike up a wonderful friendship - and Bella decides to help Eddie achieve one of life's milestones - his first kiss. She helps Eddie set up a dating profile on a site for more mature daters, and navigates him through the world of online dating including a memorable date on the pier in Brighton. Rather him than me riding the Crazy Mouse rollercoaster!

Eddie himself fell in love with a married woman in the 1960s called Bridie, but the two of them agreed that they could never have a relationship. She is married to a lecturer who is permanently unfaithful but Bridie can't do the same. The story jumps back to the 60s when Bridie and Eddie first meet; the spark between them is there from the beginning but the situation doesn't allow them to be together, however much they both want it. The chapters from Bridie's point of view are so sad; she blocks off her feelings entirely for the sake of her family and her faith, all the while thinking about Eddie and what might have been.

One of the most wonderful things about the book is Eddie's lust for life and willingness to embrace new opportunities. He slowly reinvents his wardrobe into something much more vibrant and street stylish, he rides rollercoasters for the first time, he's the star of a photo shoot - you name it, he'll try it.

I want Eddie to be real, and live in a world with Susan Fletcher's Florrie, Ericka Waller's Birdie Greenwing alongside Richard Osman's gang - they would be such a supergroup of OAPs, seizing the day and making everything that much brighter. Loved loved loved.

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After loving Lenni and Margot I was super excited to read the next novel by Marianne Cronin. And it did not disappoint.

Eddie is 90 years old when he meets Bella, who is grief stricken but uncovers a secret, Eddie has never been kissed. Bella sets off on a mission to help Eddie find love, but is there a time when it becomes too late to find it?

I loved Eddie, his friendship with Bella is so wholesome and warm and his friendship with Marjorie his boss is also entertaining. I love the jump between past and present Eddie, learning about his past as a university lecturer and watching his newfound friendship with Bella blossom, allowing him to help her grieve the death of her boyfriend.

This is such a warm hug of a book and I'd thoroughly reccomend it.

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Due to health issues cannot write a proper review now even if I enjoyed this book. as it's well plotted, the characters are fleshed out, and it's entertaining. I liked the good storytelling
A more extensive review will follow
Recommended.Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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I should just say: go and read this book! You can thank me later! It would be accurate and it would be true, too. This book is like chicken soup for the soul. Or like chocolate. Or you cup of hot chocolate while you are all cozied up on your coach. It is the sunshine after a storm, when you see the colors so clearly and so neatly. It is a fresh breeze and a warm hug. It’s every good thing you can think of.

Eddie, our MC, is ninety years old, and he works in a charity shop. Retirement wasn’t for him, so he decided to keep busy. And he is such a pure soul, easygoing, and able to find joy everywhere. He is a masterpiece in human shape, he is so good! And a bit later on we meet Bella, a young girl who soon becomes Eddie’s wingman. She is a counterpoint of a sort for Eddie, but she has a great heart and she is so cute and fun!
And we get to meet a lot of interesting characters thanks to these two, all of them full of heart (well, almost all) and it is good to see such good vibes and goodness in people. Sometimes I need to be reminded that people can be good, and this book does it magistrally.

This book is about a lot of things: it is about the joy of small things, but it is also about love, about life, about people, and about happiness. But it’s also about pain and loss and loneliness, and it treats all these different themes in such a delicate way… the author is amazing, and she is able from the start to grab your attention, subtly and lightly, and just like that, you’ll find yourself invested in Eddie story, in all the small things that he does and that make him happy. And his take on life is pretty unique, but so beautiful! This book is chock full of beautiful moments.
I don’t really want to say a lot about this book, because discovering all the small things, and all that happens is a joy in itself, and you should experiment it by yourself. It will bring you so much joy!

Once started it was very hard to put down, the author is incredibly masterful in her art, and this book is enchanting and captivating, and you would find yourself immersed in the story, and so invested in the characters, without noticing. And then it would be too late: you’ll be ensorcelled and there would be nothing you can do about it. You just need to keep reading and see what the book will bring you next.

And the writing is beautiful. It made you want to savor it, and to take in all that the book has to offer! My only complaint, and I know it’s not a real complaint, is about the ending. The last chapters of the book made me want to turn page after page so fast! because I needed to know what would happen next, I just wanted to fly between them, because I needed to know. Needed to. But at the same time, I had to slow down, because the writing is so beautiful and I didn’t want to miss a thing, but I needed to know! The ending was akin to an amazing thriller when you can’t put it down because you need to know what will happen. The thrill was the same, even if the vibes were completely different. But really, it was so strong the urge to devour page after page, and yet the desire to not miss a thing was slowing me down. It was sort of maddening, but in a good way?

Anyway, this book is so good! It is beautiful, it is uplifting, it is heartwarming and I loved it to pieces. You need this book in your life!

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