Member Reviews

I love when books are based on true characters or true events, and when our main character is a powerful and fearless heroine that’s a complete win for me. This story kept me at the edge of my seat, it was exhilarating, inspiring and unputdownable.

Thank you Suzy Approved Book Tours for this tour invite.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗢𝗳𝗳 by Sam G Woodruff Author released October 8, 2024.

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I enjoyed this book so much! I haven't read many historical fiction novels set in the 20s, but now I want to find more to read as I'm not very familiar with that era and it was so interesting to learn more about that time. It was fun how the author included phrases that must have been common then like "fox's socks" and "cat's pajamas". I also loved the found family component of this book with Bea and her friends and their significant others. This was the first book I've read by Woodruff, but I'm excited to go back and read The Lobotomist's Wife!

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Bea has a head for numbers and dreams of working on Wall Street, but there are very few women working there and even fewer people willing to take a chance on a young woman . She convinces her twin brother Jake to get a job as a stockbroker and she does all the research and work for him. They make a successful team and Bea’s family profits greatly. Bea’s family are Jewish immigrants and they did not have much money; they live in a Lower Eastside tenement. With all of Bea’s hard work and research, she begins to predict trends and she sees something that might change everything if she’s right. As the years go on, we get closer to the biggest crash in stock market history, Black Tuesday.

The book also has a lot of the family’s dynamics. Because the family was struggling to get by, Jake and Bea’s parents wanted the best for their children (like all parents) but they treat their kids very differently.

It’s so nice to read about not only the financial industry, but a female perspective as well. The 20s are also my favorite era to read about in historical fiction. The decade has such promise; everyone was doing well and women had just gained the right to vote. This was a home run in my opinion!

Thank you @suzyapprovedbooktours and @lakeunionauthors for my gifted ebook.

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The Trade Off, by Samantha Greene Woodruff, was an amazing book that I could not put down. It is one of those books you wish would never end.
I am a true historical fiction lover who also loves numbers and dabbles in investing. I was so excited to read this and it did not disappoint.

The book begins a few years before the market crash of 1929. Bea, the main character, has always wanted to be a broker on Wall Street. Due to her being a woman and not being well off, it was practically impossible for her to accomplish. She was not suitable for the ladies' trading department because of her free state education, even though she did have a college degree. The story takes you on a journey with Bea, as she tries to use her brilliant numerical mind to reach her goal of being a broker.

Bea has a twin brother who she is constantly trying to bail out of jams, and a boyfriend who has had just about enough of her putting her brother first.

I cannot say enough about how the author captured my attention and brought me on a whirlwind journey. I look forward to reading more of her work.
Thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The Trade Off by Samantha Greene Woodruff captivating historical novel.
This book was so interesting.
I was completely fascinated by this story.
The Trade Off is a story that will keep you at the edge of your seat from start to finish, it was impossible to put down.

Thank You NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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I’m conflicted about this book. There is so much I love about it- the 1920s era of the Wall Street crash, Bea being so gifted and desperately trying to break into the very male world of stock brokers on Wall Street, and trying to save her family from the worst effects of the Crash.
What I don’t like is how Bea ultimately subjugates herself to her much lesser talented twin Jake, who takes advantage of Bea’s smartness quite unashamedly. Bea settles for being the brains behind Jake, who succeeds in becoming a stock broker by riding on Bea’s coattails. Bea is also taken advantage of by her toxic family, who expect her to bring home a very healthy salary to support them, but equally expect her to be home in time to help Mama with dinner!
Several parts of the narrative are repetitive, making this a much longer book than it needs to be.
I believe this book is based on a true story. I truly hope that the original Bea was better treated y her family.
My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advance copy of this book.

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I wish this historical fiction book would have been around when I was in economics and studying the history of the stock market crash of 1929 because after reading this book I understand what led up to that crash.

The book has the most interesting main character in Bea who has a sense for numbers and a passion to be a Wall Street broker. Unfortunately, because of her modest income and Jewish heritage she can’t even be a broker in the ladies division.

But Bea gets a job in the wire department and uses her knowledge and that information to better herself and help her family out.

The book goes back in time and then leads us up to the crash. We meet Bea’s friends and family which really made me connect with their characters.

Bea is a visionary and a hero to her family. She does it all quietly and modestly.

This is a great book that gives the reader a feel of the obstacles a smart, educated, driven woman faced during the late 1920s and what she sacrificed for family.

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I first discovered Samantha Greene Woodruff from her debut The Lobotomist's wife which completely blew me away. A debut that knocked my socks off.

Now she's back with her sophomore book that takes place leading up to The Great Depression. At the center of the story is Bea, a math wiz fighting against a society where women were teachers and secretaries, certainly not brokers on Wall Street.

I absolutely loved this book, it was even better than I expected. Bea was such an amazing character, so much girl power.

This era is one of my favorites and Samantha really nailed it. It's full of great characters and phenomal writing that transported me to that time period, full of the highest highs and devastatingly lows.

This is truly a must read!

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How do I about the stock market?⁣ Not interested.

But this book ? Very interested! I never thought I’d love a book about the stock market and the Wall Street Crash of 1929, but I was fascinated by this riveting story of a woman so gifted with numbers that she foresees the upcoming crash. But because of the times, because she’s ‘just a woman’ and women can’t be stock brokers - combined with being a jew with no family connections - and just flat out greed… no one believes her.⁣

Money has made many people do crazy things and there’s nothing more volatile than the stock market. It was so frustrating how Bea was such a smart and level headed numbers girl and the male brokers benefitted from it - while Bea could never achieve her dream. And now, almost 100 years later the stock market is still such a boys club. But It was really fun watching her dominate the numbers game and seeing all of her girlfriends rally around her and prove that women aren’t just secretaries and housewives. We are creative, smart, and incredibly inspiring and will fight not only for our families but also our futures.

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The 1920s and the collapse of Wall Street stock market is such a pivotal decade in U.S. history, as well as the world, and Samantha Greene Woodruff has captured the essence of that era in this historical fiction. It features twins, Bea and Jake Abramovitz, children of Jewish immigrants from Russia. I was delighted that such a fascinating read was so descriptive not only of the time period but captured the atmosphere of the decade. It covers the idea that each person is unique and yet you only need a common interest to form a friendship. Please read the notes from the author. Thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an advance reader copy; the review is my honest opinion.

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Bea is a gifted mathematician, far more so than her brother Jake and her dream is to be a stockbroker on Wall Street. Unfortunately however, it’s the 1920s and the world is not yet ready for a brilliant female stockbroker, especially a Jewish one from the lower east side with no connections. Her charming brother however, gets offered her dream job even with no degree and no experience, so they devise a plan where she will be the brains behind the team and he will be the face and together they will take on Wall Street. But when Bea foresees a major crash no one will listen to her, not Jake, not her fiancée - and so she is on her own to try and save her family from ruin.

I have such a love for these women who don’t fit into their time stories. I thought this novel was great and I love a historical fiction novel that doesn’t include a war and Jewish history that doesn’t include the Holocaust. Reading about NYC in the 1920s was a joy for me as well since NYC historical novels are always a plus for me. I thought the way the novel was set up was really smart - the whole novel was a ticking time bomb to the 1929 crash and each chapter was a countdown to the day when you just knew everyone’s world was going to change. The characters that came into Bea’s life were wonderful and I just really loved this story about familial love, friendship and feminism. I listened to quite a bit of this while I was doing some chores around the house and I thought the narrator really captured the character and story so well, and fully engaged me in the story.

4.25 stars

Thank you to Lake Union and NetGalley for the ARC to review

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Hi and welcome to my review of The Trade Off!

Ah, the Roaring Twenties, what a time to be alive, especially in New York City! Prohibition and speakeasies, flapper girls and the Follies, the magic of Coney Island, and, of course, a blooming stock market, Wall Street its beating heart. The Trade Off paints a colourful picture of what must have been a thrilling decade with seemingly endless opportunity to do whatever you wanted, to be whomever you wanted, to turn your rags into riches. Except maybe when you’re a poor Jewish girl with a brilliant head for numbers and much ambition, but neither the background nor the gender to be taken seriously…

She’s tenacious, though, our Bea, and that’s a quality I always admire in a person, fictional or not. She works hard to accomplish her dreams, even if I didn’t always agree with the ways in which she went about doing that. There’s quite a bit of family drama. I couldn’t stand Bea’s mother for most of the book, and I wasn’t fond of her twin brother either. So dismissive, so secretive, so arrogant, ugh.

The main focus of The Trade Off is obviously Wall Street. I did enjoy learning more about the stock market and Wall Street dealings, and the actual Crash of 1929. I don’t have a head for numbers – I’m no Bea, that’s for sure – and I will never be as fascinated by the financial market as I was by the history of lobotomy laid out in The Lobotomist’s Wife, but I was never overwhelmed or bored by the information offered.

The countdown to the Crash felt like a ticking time bomb. The reader obviously knows the Crash is coming and it is inevitable, but most of the characters don’t. It’s really only Bea who sees it coming and her sense of urgency and feeling of impending doom rubbed off on me. As the crash, and the final page, came closer I found myself reading more quickly, turning the pages faster because I’d become invested in Bea and I was genuinely afraid of what the Crash would do to her and her family and friends.

I found myself engrossed in The Trade Off before long, and I would happily recommend it to readers of historical fiction, especially those who take an interest in Wall Street.

The Trade Off is out in digital formats, audio and paperback on 8 October.

Massive thanks to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the digital review copy. All opinions are my own.

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The Trade Off by Samantha Greene Woodruff is a wonderful, wonderful Historical Fiction story based on the stock market crash in 1929 New York. Family drama, female friendships and the stock market in the era before, during and after Black Tuesday gripped my mind and heart as I happily zipped through the pages. I have read countless books about Jews set during the world wars but seldom between. The subject is refreshingly original. Personal for the author, too. Do read her acknowledgements and inspiration for writing this book.

Bea always liked numbers and strategy and enjoyed spending quality time with her like-minded father. Her parents emigrated from Russia to New York and as immigrants didn't have practical use for the stock market, where Bea's passion lie. After college and mentorship, Bea secured a job at a prestigious and reputable Wall Street bank. But in the 1920s women bankers and stock brokers were non-existent so her skills and gifts were underutilized. Her twin brother Jake preferred quick wealth and took a different direction. The two eventually teamed up. In her career, Bea was overlooked as a woman and a Jew but she knew what she wanted and what she was good at. She was tenacious and courageous.

If you seek a unique and wholesome Historical Fiction novel, you will likely become enamored with The Trade Off. It was just the book I needed.

My sincere thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy of this riveting novel.

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I really did not know a lot about Black Tuesday and the crash of 1929, just that it lead to the Great Depression. This novel follows a brother and sister as they navigate this world of getting rich quick and not seeing a downfall or end to this fortune they've amassed. Bea has always had a head for numbers and has always dreamed of working on Wall Street as a broker, but this is the 1920's and women don't have the smarts for such a position! So she gets as close as she can by obtaining a position in the wire department and soon others find out just how smart and quick Bea is with numbers, but this doesn't get her anywhere in her career. She just becomes the go to gal for quick information of the market at that time. Jake was out west making it rich with the oil mines, not having the mind like Bea for numbers, he doesn't care how he is making money, he just loves having it. So when Bea tries to warn him about this company, he doesn't care to listen and how would she know anyways? But when Jake finally makes his way back home after the fraud comes to light, Bea knows she must do something to save her family and twin brother from the mess he got them in. Using her mind, but Jake as the face they hatch a plan. Jake will get a job on Wall Street and Bea will be his secretary while feeding him everything he needs to know about the stock market. This works well for a while and Jake soon becomes a well known name, but once again Bea is stuck behind a man. But as the market continues to go up and up and up, Bea knows something isn't adding up. Once again she warns Jake and others and they in a way laugh her off. What does she know anyways? But Bea knows what goes up, must come down and so with everyone ignoring her dire warnings, she makes a rash decision before Black Tuesday in the hope that she can save them all once again. In order for this to work, she once again has to rely on a man to do as she asks. This was such a fascinating read about the country and mindset of people with the market at that time. Thank you to the author for the complementary ebook and to Suzy Approved Book Tours for the invite. This review is of my own opinion and accord.

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Bea is my hero!! I have never been good at math lol but reading this awesome book made me feel more superior in the knowledge of the stockbroker world even in the 1920s! My favorite era led by an amazing character! Bea has a gift and she uses it to better her life! 🍾

I truly love that the author Samantha created a book not just about a wondrous human being with a talent but of a woman making her own way in the world in a time when women had only certain rights to their name. ☕

If you ever seen Boardwalk Empire with Mrs Maisel this is definitely the book for you! Add a big dash of sisterhood in the mix and winner winner!! 🎆

I love the flow of the writing and how each character is described and the interactions they have with one another I felt as if I was watching a TV series and I didn't want to end! 🎁

Bravo!! 📰

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This book so easily one of my favorites of the year. And it’s so great to read historical fiction about Jews that does not involve WWII. Bea Abramovitz is a recent college grad and daughter of immigrants. All she wants to do is become a stock broker yet those roles were near impossible for women in the 1920s. Set around the stock market crash of 1929, protagonist Bea experiences career, family, and love ups and downs along the way. Can’t wait to see what Samantha’s writes next!

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC!

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What an interesting novel about a woman ahead of her time. Bea is a math whiz who fights her way into Wall Street where she thrives. Know that the crash is looming but spoilers. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This is well researched and the storytelling is good.

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I was truly fascinated by this story of an ambitious and talented woman in a man's world, set against the backdrop of the 1920s and the inevitable stock market crash of 1929. While I knew the crash was coming, I still felt dread and a deep wish that things could be different, as I watched the protagonist, Bea, try to use her smarts and expertise to figure out how to proceed, aiming to have an impact in a world that doesn't easily recognize her potential. I thought the subplot involving her twin brother was quite moving, and I enjoyed the scenes of her friendships. I especially liked the attention to detail in the research, and found myself constantly comparing Bea's world to events occuring in the world now -- something I love to do when reading historical fiction. A very good read!

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First of all, the historial aspect of this novel is astounding and fascinating. I am in awe of the amount of research that went into every detail—from the fashion to the various Jewish immigrant experiences, to the drama of Wall Street. I devoured the information with zeal. I love that is was written in a voice authentic to the era. I enjoyed the romance and family dynamics. It was much more than I expected and the pace was unrelenting!

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Wow! Samantha Green Woodruff, the Author of “The Trade Off” has written an intriguing, captivating, and powerful novel. The Genres in this well-written and researched novel are Historical Fiction, Family, Romance, Sisterhood and Fiction. The timeline for this story is set in the 1920s, and takes place mostly on Wall Street, and in the New York boroughs. The author discusses how women in the 1920’s were not equal to men, and how society’s and family expectations of women’s roles and careers. There is also the contrast of wealth and poverty and differences in class. There was a big adjustment for immigrants that had been wealthy and now are trying to make a living. There was also anti-semitism.

The author vividly describes her colorful and dramatic characters as complex, complicated, and determined. Some were greedy and had entitlement issues. Bea and Jack Abramovitz are close twins, but extremely different. Bea is short and dark, and Jack is tall, blond and fair. Bea has always shown an aptitude for math and numbers, and Jack has the ability to charm everyone. After college, Bea realizes that she wants to be involved with stocks, bonds, and trading, and realizes that there are few opportunities for her, unless she is creative. Jack is impulsive, and has difficulty making good decisions. Although Bea has helped Jack, their mothers regards Jack as the “Golden Child”. Bea does create her own opportunities, with consequences.

Bea is loyal to one friend, and meets some other girls on Wall Street, and their friendship becomes a sisterhood of support and encouragement. I appreciate that the author discusses the importance of family, friends, sisterhood, self-worth, love and hope. I was intrigued how the author describes the tragedy of the Crash of 1929, and the historical ramifications. The author discusses how capable women had to find the courage and create opportunities in the financial world. I highly recommend this powerful, thought-provoking and memorable story.

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