Member Reviews

Sarah Westfield is unhappily married to perfect husband Nick. Handsome, devoted and kind, he should be the ideal man for her, but Sarah knows their marriage is the biggest mistake she’s ever made…and she wants out.
But then Nick offers her one last chance to make their marriage work – a baby.

Wow what a story, once again Valerie Keogh has shown me why she is at the top of my best authors list. Once I see one her books on offer I do not even bother reading the blurb, I just request it straight way. You are in for a very wild ride and I loved every moment of it. Against her better judgement Sarah decides to go ahead with Nick's plan but if only she knew what the repercussions of this decision would be she may have thought twice. Often in life we feel the people closet to us are the ones we know the best, but then along comes a situation that totally blows this theory out of the water and we are totally blindsided.

Who do you trust when the chips are down and you really need your closest friends around you? This books explores themes of love, fidelity and friendship. So is Sarah a victim of her own making or should we be feeling genuinely sorry for her? The answers will all be delivered as the book reaches its conclusion but even then you are in for another big surprise.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of the book, all opinions expressed are my own.

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When her husband says they need to talk, Sarah expects him say wants our of their marriage. It's what she's been about to say herself. Instead, he suggests that they have a baby and she....somehow....agrees to his plan. I love domestic thrillers that focus on motherhood and this one went in an entirely unexpected direction. It was an entertaining, fast paced read that kept me guessing what was going to happen next.

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This grabbed me on page 1 and had me in a chokehold until the last second. I couldn’t put it down and read during every free second I could spare. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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One of the more captivating thrillers I've read lately. I could not put this book down! I like the writing style and how the author would leave constant cliff hangers at the end of some chapters, making you want to read more. Will definitely be recommending to people.

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This author never fails to disappoint. The story is around the feeling of love and when that turns into an obsession. It brings out raw emotion and empathy for others. Yet it has such a dark side to it with a few twists that will stay with you. Highly recommend.

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Sarah Westfield is unhappily married to perfect husband Nick. He smothers her with love and she is sick of it. She wants out of the marriage and thinks he does too but he wants to have a baby, so she ends up having a baby with him hoping it will help the marriage, but it leave her worse she really doesn't want to be married or be a mother. Sarah feels so trapped and vents all to her best friend.
Then her baby goes missing, did she get what she wants her baby gone, her marriage in a bad way. Who took her baby and why?
A brilliant fast paced read, I was hooked from the very first page and couldn't put the book down until I finished.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 27th June. This book was a mysterious and ferociously addictive book that kept me on the edge of seat and glued to my kindle!

It was packed full of red herrings and I was enthralled all the way through. I have read many of Valeries’ books and they are just amazing I love this writers writing style as she always keeps you guessing!

I’d highly recommend this book 5 stars! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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The Mother by Valerie Keogh is another propulsive read from the author. By the third chapter I was well and truly hooked.

Sarah is coming out of a relationship when she meets Nick. Although she is not looking for marriage, she soon gives in to Nick's proposal, and it isn't long before she has also agreed to have a baby, though she immediately regrets both decisions. Almost indifferent to her infant daughter, Kaya, the unthinkable happens when the baby is abducted, and Sarah's world comes crashing down around her.

I will not say more for fear of revealing spoilers but, trust me, you will not want to miss this one. 4.5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for an ARC.

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Wow, what a rollercoaster of a read!
Valerie Keogh is one of my favourite authors and this is definitely one of her best books.
I couldn’t put it down once I started and was thoroughly engrossed in the plot.
The ending is fabulous and completely unexpected.

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A spellbound thriller that will keep you on your toes. So many twists, loved tge characters all so well written into the storyline. Best ending!

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an early release of this book.

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Loved this fast paced thriller.

The characters were so well written that I almost DNFd near the start because I hated Sarah and the way she spoke about her gorgeous baby.

I decided to keep reading as I love this author and I’m so glad I did. The twists and turns were so worth it.

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I enjoyed this book a lot! It had some good twists and turns, and I wasn't sure how everything would play out. The ending was very good as well, and not how I expected it to end. I've enjoyed the books I've read by this author, and can't wait to read more by her.

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A very clever story written by an author that I admire and always enjoy her books. This one grabbed me straight away and I devoured it. It was so twisty that I was surprised how the story turned out, a complete surprise. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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None of the main characters in this story seem to be who they’re meant to be and when every parent’s worst nightmare happens, the reader is brought on down several possible avenues before the truth is revealed and while one of the main characters was who I had in mind, the eventual outcome left me reeling. I must say I always enjoy reading Valerie Keogh’s books and this one is no different.

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A story of obsessive love.
Well written and very unlikeable characters, in fact the only character i felt anything for was the baby!
I changed my mind constantly throughout this book.
An overused word but nothing else describes the constant twists in this book. Loved every page.
I am blaming Valerie Keogh for my lack of sleep as once i picked this up i really could not leave it alone.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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Sarah is unhappily married to Nick, although he is a great husband, she just doesn't love him, he loves Sarah obsessively, almost smothering her.
She agrees, reluctantly, to have a baby to see if that will heal her marriage.
When the baby is born, Sarah resents the child, as she is now stuck in the marriage, and she confides to her friend, Jade, just how she feels.
Horrifyingly, the baby is stolen on a day out, and Sarah blames herself.

Woweeeeee!! This definitely is a roller coaster of a book, the twists and turns never seem to stop.
I suspected every character in this book, and was right with one of them, but had already discounted the person as a suspect!

I love Valerie Keogh's books, and this one really grabbed me. I didn't want to put it down and the massive twist at the end did not disappoint!

I love this quote from the book.

"Pure love is amazing, but obsessional love can be lethal".

Read this book and it is true.

I highly recommend this book.

Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to read this book.

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A precious gift or her biggest mistake?
Guilty of loving to much led to disaster and murder.
In this mind blowing book, Sarah and Nick Westfield in a marriage where they both want different things, Nick adores her but Sarah knows she doesn't love him enough to stay and make the marriage work and plans to leave him, then she finds she is pregnant.
Turning to her best friend Jade who she tells all, things happen in the most horrendous story to be told, readers will not be able to put this book down.
I just loved reading and right up to the very end that massive twist you wont see coming.
Absolutely fantastic book once again from this brilliant author.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of The Mother by Valerie Keogh in exchange for an honest review due to be published June 27, 2024.
I had previously read The Mistress and The Mother by this author, so I was ecstatic to get this one! I only hoped I would like it as much as the other two, and it did not disappoint!
Sarah should be thrilled to be married to her perfect, handsome, kind husband Nick. But she knows she made a mistake and wants out. Nick wants something else – a baby; so Sarah agrees. When the baby arrives and Sarah can’t bond with her, she resents Nick even more. When baby Kaya goes missing, Sarah’s world comes crashing down. Will they find Kaya and save her marriage?
WOW – that about sums up everything that happens in this book. First you think one person is responsible, then another, then another until you are shocked to find out who is responsible for all that happens. I could not wait to keep reading and see what happened and the twists and surprises just kept coming. I will definitely recommend this book to everyone!
#NetGalley #ValerieKeogh #BoldwoodBooks #TheMother

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Oh my god! What a book! Literally jam packed with twists, ones you definitely couldn't predict or see coming at all. They where crazy and just when you'd thought there was no more along came more!
I loved how you are kept guessing right till the end you've no idea who to trust or whats happened.
I was so frightened honestly my heart was pounding so many times. I had to keep reading I needed to know what had happened. This was a book I was absolutely hooked to and read in a matter of hours. I'll definitely be recommending this book.

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