Member Reviews

A lovely story. A beautiful falling down manor , 3 complicated artistic sisters and you have a fab story. Juliet was a complicated character and she was the main sister you followed . You feel there could be more books to follow. Ending was not what I expected. You had a horrid x and a lovely french chef .I loved the food descriptions . Parents have a lot to answer for. . A good author . Look forward to more books.

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Juliet es una dibujante que tiene que regresar a su pueblo por la muerte de su madre, el padre le pide que se quede a ayudarlos porque tienen problemas económicos, entonces a pesar de que su hogar le trae malos recuerdos decide quedarse.
Su madre trató horrible a Juliet toda su vida, la hizo creer que era menos, que no tenia talento, que era fea, que no tenía valor, etc.
Leo es un chef que se acaba de mudar al pueblo.

Quería sacudir a ambos por dejar que sus relaciones anteriores dictarán sus comportamientos y se autosabotearan.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Escape to the Country Kitchen by new to me author Hannah Langdon, published by Storm Publishing, is a beautiful piece of literature.
An heartwarming , uplifting, slow burn, a sweet story.
Juliet is just out of a bad relationship and is coming home. She ha dto sort out the family's legacy.
Sweet, charming, a beautiful slow burn with characters easily to connect with.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to read Escape to the Country Kitchen by Hannah Langdon, a sweet and enjoyable read.

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Juliet returns to her family home in the countryside and must deal with the legacy of family relationships, the end of a traumatic romantic relationship, and some ongoing family drama before she can move ahead. There were elements of this book I really liked, including a lovely sounding setting and the cooking school idea. The characters are sharply drawn and very distinct in a realistic way. I struggled a bit with some of the dialogue, which didn’t quite ring true to me, and with some of the miscommunication in one of the central relationships. It was very realistically done, just one of my least favorite plot points in general. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy. All views are entirely my own.

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