Member Reviews

4.5 stars, rounded up!
This is a debut novel that releases 9-24-24. I definitely believe that there will be more books to come from this author! From the homey and cozy cover to the many beautiful passages, this book took me on a journey. I felt I was there in the quaint and caring town, with a hot beverage, a book, and just taking it all in.

This is a novel about finding our HOME. Not just our physical home but where we shine brightest and feel truly connected. Is it a place or a setting? Is it where we think we should be, or is it where our heart is? Maybe it is where we are truly happy, can find peace and a purpose to serve others with intention, wherever that may be. Moreover, our ultimate home is our eternal destination.

I found this novel prompted me to be very introspective. What do we do with our “woundedness?” Do we carry it with us everywhere or use it to help others with theirs? What is grief and how can we view it a little differently? Why are we our own worst critics? Do we use terms like “at risk (fill in the blank)” or do we see such people as full of promise and opportunity? How can we use our talents and gifts to help others AND ourselves? What are our real dreams that truly count at the end of the day?

There are so many lovely passages in this book that fill my senses and imagination. The author has a way with words that had me highlighting my digital copy often. Nature, baked goods, hot coffee or tea, the many colours of paint, decor, birds and other animals, etc. The love for color and design by the author shone through. (By the way: Is she available for a kitchen consultation???).

I appreciate the references to equine therapy and mentor programs. Both are such really good and lasting contributions to anyone who needs them and society as a whole.

I narrowed down my many highlighted passages to two of my favourites:
- - Loc. 2633: And as dust motes dance in a wide beam of golden light spilling from the window, I’m left afterward to ponder a quote she dropped on me, something from Henri Nouwen, one of her favorite writers. “The main question is not ‘How can we hide our wounds?’ . . . but ‘How can we put our woundedness in the service of others?’”
- Loc. 3265: Grief isn’t something you move past, ever. It’s something you learn to carry. That ache, the one that won’t ever quit, that’s how you know for sure it meant something in the first place. It mattered then, and it still matters. So we pick it up and carry it every day. And honey, we have got to allow our disappointments to draw us closer to God, not give us an excuse to drift further away.”

*** Many thanks to #NetGalley and the Publisher for an advanced reader copy. This book releases September 24, 2024. I highly recommend #TheColorOfHome

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I have mixed feelings about The Color of Home by Kit Tosello. I normally begin a story and finish it within a day. This book took me a couple of days because I had trouble getting into the story. The first couple of pages had me wanting to close the book and not finish it. The point of view alternates between Audrey and Daisy. The characters develop slowly. The way the author chose to develop the characters works for Audrey, but not so much for Daisy. We are introduced to a variety of characters, and it can be hard to keep them straight in the beginning (it gets easier as the story progresses). I like the town of Charity Falls which is in the pacific northwest where I would love to reside. It is a charming town with endearing residents. Faith is nicely woven into the story. It is present without being obvious or overpowering. There is romance (of course) that must overcome misunderstanding and tension before it can bloom into something more. The pacing is leisurely which reminds me of the unhurried pace of a small town. I liked the names for the paint colors. While The Color of Home did not resonate with me, I suggest you download a sample to see if it suits you. I know that I was happy when I turned the final page of The Color of Home.

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Audrey moves back to her childhood home to help her great aunt deal with her husband’s dementia. Will her memories of her father haunt or help her.? After losing her job, Audrey finds herself employed in the local hardware store where many of the characters are introduced. Sweet story, although I thought it started rather slow. Enjoyed the color element and sprucing up the old inn.

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I enjoy the journey that she took through small town. I felt i was there throught the charcters lives. It also touch my heart a on prision ministry is about incarcerted ones and their family support and hearing the Good News to bring hope to them.Lastly I hope to read more stories truly warm your heart. I recieved a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. #The Color of Home# Netgalley#

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I enjoyed this small-town story in Oregon, where I felt part of from the beginning. This is a fascinating, thought-provoking, and emotionally packed narrative that deals with tough topics like death, a child who has an incarcerated parent, and Alzheimer's.

The author offers readers a variety of perspectives on these topics. I enjoyed how it allowed characters to relive fond memories, give optimism for new beginnings and have the reader think about what they’d do in the situation.

I enjoyed the natural spiritual thread; I felt it was honest and heartfelt. I look forward to another novel from this author. She’s one to watch. She just won a Carol Award.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I requested and received a copy of this book by the publisher and NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Nora St Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog

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The Color of Home by Kit Tosello is a heartwarming coming home and finding one’s true self kind of story. The plot has some serious looks at aging as well as a look at seeking success when you are starting out in a career. You will come to care for the characters the young like Audrey Needham and the older ones like Aunt Daisy. Life can be difficult at any season of life.

At its heart, The Color of Home is a message of hope, faith, family and redemption. One with Christian elements, it will cause you to look at others with more grace, more care and more love. Read this touching story today.

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A read that is full of emotions, and how they are accepted. Can you go home again, a place full of memories, and great pain, but still occupied with love ones.

Amy is a talented artist and decorator, but her life is about to change when she takes time off from her job in the Bay Area of San Francisco, and heads to Oregon, and her family. Her Aunt and Uncle that raised her Dad, and she is soon mentoring a young girl

We are offered a lot in this read including some sweet romance, family, friends, and remembering.

This does become a page turner, with faith and forgiveness. I loved this book!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Revell, and was not required to give a positive review.

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4+/5 stars.

Goodness, this book has some beauty to it.

I laughed, I thought about crying, and I contemplated a lot--at times even having to just sit with the beauty of a scene or phrase (or the inner conviction it provided, heh).

The Oregon setting made me exceedingly happy; I've spent my fair share of summer (and spring, and fall) vacations on the Oregon coast, and I so enjoyed all the PNW references--both nostalgically and since I've moved away and miss it!

Many of us are related to or know someone with dementia and the havoc it can wreak on so many levels. Tosello masterfully weaves both the struggle and the blessings throughout the read, and I think the combo will really resonate with a lot of readers.

There were a couple references to "my [current] truth," which was disappointing as it's a pet peeve of mine, but in the grand scheme of the read and the amount of theology and Scripture presented, it seems a more (unfortunate) casual incorporation of a trendy phrase than something to lose much sleep over.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Family, forgiveness, love and friendship. A satisfying, easy read with God's word sprinkled throughout, reminding me to turn to Him, to honor and praise Him, and to keep Him first in my life. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary digital ARC. This review is my own opinion.

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This debut novel was absolutely brilliant! It was touching, heartwarming, and so well written that the story came to life right before your eyes. While it dealt with difficult subjects like the loss of a parent, Alzheimer’s, and a parent incarcerated, it did so with grace, honesty, and respect and helping you experience what the characters felt.

I found this story to be very compelling. I hated to see the story end and would love to see a spinoff of this book with its enduring characters. I look forward to reading more books from this author.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are completely my own.

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Sweet, heartfelt, and wonderful! I enjoyed this story so much. Books, tea, art, horses… heart wrenching pain with beautiful healing… faith… witty humor… romance… very real characters… I really, truly, loved this story!

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A beautiful, bittersweet story set in the gorgeous Pacific Northwest.

When her great-aunt Daisy asks for help, Audrey Needham finds herself back in Oregon, a place that she once loved, now tinged with loss. When her life back in the Bay area implodes, she finds herself staying longer than she initially expected

I loved the setting of this book in a small town in the high desert of Oregon. Kit Tosello brought it to life with her descriptions.

The story is actually a dual point of view, with POVs for both Audrey and her great-aunt Daisy. I really enjoyed seeing Audrey's growth throughout the story as she faces both her grief and grows in her faith. Daisy was a strong character and a source of grounding for Audrey. Their relationship was sweet.

I especially loved Paige as a side character, although there were many wonderful ones.

There are two love stories, although they are minor in the book, with Daisy's relationship with her husband, Dean, being more prominent as they navigate the waters of his diagnosis of Alzheimer's.

I enjoyed this story of faith, family, and the meaning of home on this story by Kit Tosello.

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Great for fans of literary fiction and slow burn romances! I wasn't the hugest fan of this book. I wish I liked it more than I did, but I have to admit that most of those were personal preferences that have no bearing on the skill of the author. I liked that it was a slow burn romance that didn't overpower the story but gave focus to other areas of interest and involvement for the FMC. I really liked the way she selflessly and humbly integrated herself into the lives of those in the community. The other characters in the small town were really likeable as well.

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This is the first book I have read by this author and I enjoyed her writing style. She wrote about everyday life issues that happen in families at one time or another. Definitely a heartwarming book you won’t want to miss.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher. All words are my own.

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The Color of Home takes the reader on a journey of personal growth through the life of Audrey. Audrey is real to life, flawed like every person, and her struggles might hit close to home for some readers. Daisy, Audrey’s great aunt, is a lovely woman filled with love and wisdom, and even she is still growing and leaning on God for guidance through the transitions of life. I really enjoyed this book. I liked the challenges and the encouragements that I could take away from this story as Audrey and Daisy navigate their life stories. Daisy reminds Audrey that we must take time apart from the busyness and distractions of life to listen for God’s voice. We need to be getting to know God through reading His word, but also listening for His will, not just our own cluttered thinking. Audrey learns from a friend, that God does not make us to carry shame forever; we need to lay that down and let God carry us. I think this book is not just a good literary escape, but it is a breath of fresh air and encouragement. Audrey’s big heart has her pouring love into Aunt Daisy, Uncle Dean, single mom Nina, and little Paige. Let’s pour love into our community, too! I highly recommend this book. What a wonderful debut novel.

I requested a copy of this book for review. The thoughts expressed here are wholly my own.

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This was a great book written by a debut author. I love the setting in Oregon, it made me long to visit there again.

I enjoyed how the character's faith plays such an important role in their lives. Throughout the book, the characters will recall a Bible verse that applies to the situation.

There is a little mystery throughout the book as the author sprinkles clues throughout the story of what had happened to Paige's dad and Audrey's dad.

My favorite characters were Paige and Daisy. They definitely were brought to life throughout the pages.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

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Heartwarming and inspirational, THE COLOR OF HOME has a great message and a very relatable main character journey. I enjoyed the POVs of both Daisy and Audrey. The book really shines when it comes to Audrey's coming of age. Her concerns are ones that many readers with identify with, and the author handles complex topics with a sensitive hand. The spiritual awakening angle is especially strong. I admire how Audrey came to terms with her father's death, and the details about that are doled out in a somewhat mysterious way to keep us invested. That being said, the overall pacing of this novel is a bit slow, and for that reason, I have rated this one 4 starts instead of 5. Perhaps with additional editing it could have been shortened and tightened. As another reviewer noted, there is very little urgency here. But nonetheless, I loved following along with Audrey as she figures some things out and gets her life on track. I will look forward to more from this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance e-galley; all opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Oh this book was beautiful! So beautifully done and the writing was wonderful. Such a great read. I was engulfed from chapter one.

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The Color of Home
by Kit Tosello
Pub Date: Sept. 24, 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
This is a new author for me but I am glad I requested it.
Join award-winning writer and debut novelist Kit Tosello in this lyrical and often humorous exploration of how God redeems brokenness and draws us to the life we're meant to find.
I recommend this debut author for fans of romances that also deal in hard truths, such as Looking for Leroy by Melody Carlson and Pixels and Paint by Kristi Ann Hunter.

good book but there was one downfall for me: the ending was totally unsatisfying. It seemed to be wrapped up and tied with a knot in just a short, few paragraphs. Kit Tosello has written a fairly good book that will keep the reader engaged. Four Stars

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I received a copy for review purposes; all opinions are honest and mine alone.

It’s taken me a few days to think about this book before I could write the review. It’s a first book and I want to be fair to new author, Kit Tosello. She has a folksy style and used the very popular dual POV technique to tell this story, alternating between her young, upwardly mobile female protagonist and the senior, wise, caring, spiritual, mature but needing assistance, female protagonist.

Daisy, the family matriarch, lives in Charity Falls, in the family cottage that’s comfortable and full of a lifetime of love and memories but desperately in need of paint and a sprucing up. Her time is currently spent caring for her husband who’s dealing with the early stages of Alzheimer’s, but the changes are progressing steadily and he is becoming more than Daisy can handle. They have no children of their own but a moment of crisis prompts a call to Audrey, her Niece.

Audrey is a well respected interior designer, color expert in the Bay Area. She is working night and day trying to establish her career, rarely taking time off for personal reasons. When Daisy calls, Audrey realizes it must be serious, clears her schedule and goes to help her family.

The trip home begins to reveal how difficult this will be for Audrey as memories of her father surface. Some are joyful but many are painful, including the tragedy that took his life. It’s a slow process along the storyline and coincidences with character development. This technique works for the Audrey character but I found it frustrating with Daisy as it created a lack of understanding to her motivations.

Daisy is the character that’s the most grounded in spiritual things. Other characters live their faith in their daily activities. Tosello includes a few hymns as poetry and a few scripture passages as chapter introductions throughout; strategic placements. Overall, the inspirational content is what I would consider natural and subtle.

Romance is another subtle aspect of this tale. Audrey and Cade have a complex relationship that moves from tension and misunderstanding to avoidance that becomes hesitant respect before they learn understanding and eventually move to agreement on a common goal and a tentative friendship that begins to blossom into something more. I could see their relationship becoming the basis for a second book.

There are a good assortment of secondary characters, especially Audrey’s best friend, a young girl she mentors and the paint guy at the hardware store. Actually, the whole hardware store was rife with interesting people and interactions. I’d enjoy an entire story based around that store! Characters are Tosello’s strongest element; relationships could use some dramatic infusions.

Pacing is casual because there’s nothing in the story that is urgent, other than how Audrey feels. This is small town fiction that’s clean with a subtle inspirational thread. Prose has gentle descriptive detail except when it relates to interior design. Those passages are lush and artistic, painting word pictures that will put you into the setting. I really enjoyed some of the names for paint colors.

Were we permitted to give half stars, I would rate this debut novel 3.5 stars. Since that’s not possible, I’m rounding up to encourage the new author on her journey📚

Read and Reviewed from a NetGalley eARC, with thanks

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