Member Reviews

Someone is trying to kill Kenzie. She is on the SWAT team but not everyone thinks she deserves to be there. Could it be someone on the squad trying to eliminate her? The book goes between the past and the present and the connections to the characters history. The book is full of suspense, betrayal and romance. Altho the book is part of a series it could easily be read as a stand alone. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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I was really looking forward to reading Target Acquired. I’m always up for a good romantic suspense and Lynette Eason is an author I always read.

Unfortunately, I ended up struggling with several aspects of this story. I liked both Kenzie and Cole well enough, but I didn’t feel like there was enough chemistry between them, so I had trouble rooting for their romance. There is a historical thread within this story, but instead of adding to the story, I felt like it took me out of it. I thought it could have easily been summed up at the end instead of switching back and forth throughout the book. I also really struggled at end when we learn who the villain is. Both the who and why just didn’t work for me. I did feel like the action was nicely paced.

I really wanted to love this story, but sadly, it just wasn’t the book for me. I am sure many others will love it though. Target Acquired by Lynette Eason is book two of the Lake City Heroes series, but both stories can easily be read as standalones.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own. This is a clean read.

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I really enjoyed this book. With an added historical story plot as well as a modern day plot, I rate this a book a hit. Both stories were focused on mystery and romance between the main characters. The second in the "Lake City Heroes", could stand alone but does feature characters from the first book so I do recommend you read it.

I liked the strong heroines in both timelines. They showed courage and spoke their minds when needed. I am looking forward to the next book in the series as I like how the series takes side characters, giving them their own stories.

I receive complimentary books for various sources including, Netgalley, Authors, and other such sources. I am not required to write a positive review and have not received compensation.

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Target Acquired by Lynette Eason is a non-stop action thrill ride. I love how she put Kenzie and Cole in the line of fire roughly every 30 pages. As for the setting, I love the idea of a mental hospital and the idea of what went on in these places long time ago does add some suspense and intrigue to the plot element. Readers will understand why Eason put the flashback to these moments in the story, but I really wanted more. It was pretty vague. Then she tied these past moments to the present with word of mouth or a journal. I was intrigued, so I wanted more of this storyline. On the other hand, there is a little bit of romance between the two main characters. It really does not take over the plot line until the end. Just the way I like it. Even though this story is marketed toward the Christian readers who enjoy a clean romance with action, there really is nothing that spiritual about the plot that non-Christian could not enjoy. The discovery for the villain was a little twisty as Eason kept moving the focus around from what the characters wanted you to think was the bad guy to who the bad guy was when revealed. I didn’t figure it out, which is a nice change. Overall, Target Acquired by Lynette Eason captured my attention, and enjoyed flipping through the pages of this story.

I received a complimentary copy of Target Acquired by Lynette Eason from Revell Publishing, but the opinions stated are all my own.

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The second book in Lynette Eason’s Lake City Heroes series, Target Acquired, had me hooked from the very beginning. I loved Kenzie and Cole, the underlying romance and history between their families. The tensions were real as Kenzie dealt with the reality of being a woman on a SWAT team, trying to prove she deserved the position. Add in a mystery where someone is trying to kill Kenzie, and it was hard for me to put the book down. I also loved going back in time with a story within the story. An excellent book I highly recommend. I cannot wait for the next book in the series!

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Target Acquired, the second book in Lynette Eason’s Heroes of Lake City series was hard to put down! I loved the characters Kenzie and Cole, watching their interactions with each other and others ion the team, realizing their mutual attraction, and how they worked together to find answers. And there were plenty of questions to answer, starting with who is trying to kill Kenzie and why! There’s a “story within the story” from 80 years prior, adding mystery to the present day activities, and another level,of complexity to the story. I’m loving this series and will now anxiously await book 3!

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