Member Reviews


Lynette Eason gives readers an action-packed story that keeps you turning pages into the night! Her plot is intriguing, her characters are believable, and the suspense is palpable. Kenzie King finally has her dream job as a tactical medic on a SWAT team. However, she quickly finds that she is not welcomed very warmly by the crew she will be working with. Is it because she is a woman, because of something she witnessed that she did not realize, or because they wanted someone else for the position? Cole Garrison appreciates her talents and accomplishments and could be interested in her except for one reason - someone keeps attacking the team. Are they after the team or Kenzie, and why? I highly recommend this book!

Revell and NetGalley provided me with a complimentary copy of this book. However, my opinions are entirely my own and uninfluenced.

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Lynette Eason is one of my favorite authors and knocks it out of the park every time. Just like the rest of her books this book is consistent as a thriller as well as faith and relationships. and yet each storyline is fresh and new and keeps you wondering. I highly recommend this book.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC publication for an honest review.

Another romantic suspense hit for Lynette Eason! On the edge of your seat, snipers & mystery...I was honestly guessing until the very end who the bad guy was.... Intriguing premise, strong characters filled with faith as our couple fight their feelings since Cole is technically Kenzie's boss. I enjoyed how Kenzie wasn't a frail woman needing a man to save her at every turn. Looking forward to the next in the series...

4 stars

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Lynette Eason is the queen of suspense Christian fiction! I have read almost all her books and will continue to read any she writes in the future!

In Target Acquired, Eason brings her unusual blend of high octane adventure, nail biting suspense, with light Christianity and light romance. This is the second book in the Lake City Heroes series but can be read as a stand alone novel.

If you are a fan of Lynette Eason or have only just discovered her work, you will enjoy Target Acquired!

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As action-packed as they come! Filled with murder, mystery, action, romance, and unstoppable characters, Ms. Eason has written a page-turner that is sure to have you hooked from beginning to end!

I highly recommend this story to anyone who loves action and suspense!

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This exciting new suspense novel from Lynette Eason had me up reading until way too late.
I found it a bit different from earlier novels of hers in that it had flashbacks to an earlier time period in history. (this was to show what had happened to the characters' ancestors)
I loved Kenzie and Cole. And it was fun seeing their relationship progress.

I also really liked the action, danger, suspense, and more. This story will keep you wanting more.

Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review, and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

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I enjoyed the fast-paced, action-packed adventure Eason set before us. I read it on vacation and loved the escape it provided. Believable characters, realistic scenes and actions, and just a hint of romance that enhanced but didn’t dominate the story. I’ll be sharing this book with others.

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Again, this author has written another award-worthy Christian suspense novel! No wonder that she is among my favorite authors to read! Kenzie is a tactical medic on a SWAT team. She has grown up to be tough, to try to please her father, a former police chief, as well as competing as the youngest sister to three bothers. She has to constantly prove her worth to her all-male team members, and it gets tiresome. Cole is her supervisor, and he struggles privately not to show favoritism to Kenzie, his best friend's younger sister. Kenzie preforms above and beyond, helping her teammates, and it appears that someone is trying to kill her. Will her team have her back? Meanwhile, a backstory is extremely interesting and somehow related to her situation. A rich man tries to hide the fact that he has arranged for his daughter to be in a mental institution, on false charges. How the story comes together is pure delight!
I appreciate being able to read this advanced reader's copy of the book, and the views expressed are my own.

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Kenzie King has a target on her back. It was one thing when she was catching nothing but ice from the male members of her SWAT team, but it heats up when someone starts coming after her off the clock. Could it be a team member who holds a grudge, someone who was passed over when she was selected to join the team, or is it unrelated? She is going to have to rely heavily on her team leader, Cole Garrison, to figure out who wants her dead and stop them. There is just one problem. She is not supposed to get that funny feeling around her supervisor. As for Cole, he wants to figure out who is wreaking havoc on his team and stop them before it is too late, but he is not supposed to get that funny feeling around a team member. Or his friend’s sister. The complications stack up in Lake City, but these heroes are determined to clear them and pave the way for their future.

Lynette Eason delivers the second in her Lake City Heroes series with a bit of dual timeline, a dash of shady mental institution, and her trademark heap of intrigue. Target Acquired is the kind of book where you turn off notifications, clear your schedule, and devour the entire adrenaline fueled ride like a pint of ice cream. (All in one sitting, of course!)

Thank you to the author and publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. All opinions expressed here are my own and are completely genuine.

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Thank you to NetGalley and (Revell) Baker House Publishing for providing me the opportunity to review an early copy of this novel. All of the thoughts and the opinions expressed are my own.

Kenzie King is a SWAT medic and the only female on the team. Cole Garrison is the SWAT team lead and a detective. Kenzie has had trouble being accepted by the guys on the team. Cole is struggling with the dynamic of the team with Kenzie on it. Both are struggling with their feelings. Then Kenzie suddenly starts getting attacked and also her dad decides she needs to look into her mother’s murder. In the process of looking into both of these things, Kenzie and Cole learn much about their shared history,

I enjoyed this book. I enjoyed this book almost as much as the first one in the series, Lynette Eason does not disappoint. The only thing I found slightly weird with this book was the occasional historical timeline look. However, that did not stop me from liking it a lot. The faith was there in a light way.

I feel like this book is perfect for people who love suspense books, especially clean ones. I would not recommend it to people who might be triggered by someone being targeted.

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Target Acquired is the 2nd book in Lynette Eason's Lake City Heroes series, but it can be read alone. Kenzie King is the only woman on the SWAT team and has not been readily accepted by all the members of the team. When Kenzie's life is threatened, SWAT leader Cole Garrison tries to find who is behind it. Eason blends her signature suspense with romance and a cast of intersecting characters.

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Target Acquired
Lynette Eason

Through hard work and determination Kenzie King has earned a spot as a medic on a SWAT team. While she's thrilled with this opportunity, not every member of the team is enthusiastic about her presence. As a result, Kenzie is determined to earn their respect.

Cole Garrison is a leader on the SWAT team, and has known Kenzie for years - she's the younger sister of his best friend. He's been keeping a professional distance, but his protective instincts kick in as she seems to be targeted in a series of ambush attempts.

The second book in Eason’s Lake City Heroes Series was compelling from the very first page. Her writing was focused without distraction and moved the story forward with interesting details and unexpected plot twists. We love a good law enforcement novel and this storyline, focusing on the SWAT Team, highlighted the dangerous job these brave men and women do daily for our safety. There was an air of mysterious suspense in this book that we really enjoyed.

We received an advance copy from the publisher. This is our honest review.

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Cole Garrison has accepted the female paramedic on hs team. She earned it and was the best candidate for the position. But Kenzie King has to prove everything she does. But when someone is after her to quit Cole rallies to the challenge. But will her team mates as well?
Engaging with a little romance in it. More action then romance enough to get your attention but not so much its mushy.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with guidelines.

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(4.25 stars rounded down)

As the second book in the Lake City Heroes series, “Target Acquired” did not disappoint. From the beginning, I did not want to put it down and was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Even when I was not reading, I was thinking about the characters and wondering who the culprit could be.

One thing I really love about Lynette Eason’s writing and this series is how well she develops her characters and how we get to see them live out their faith amid the danger, familial tension, and fears that surround them. We also get to see them grapple with their romantic feelings and feelings of inadequacy, past prejudices and present-day resentments, old wounds and new threats. We get to grow alongside them and along the way be inspired by their tenacity, strength, faith, and courage.

READ IF YOU LIKE: A fast-paced, dual timeline story with lots of action, danger, suspense and mystery with elements of faith and romance woven throughout.

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Target Acquired was a perfect bullseye by Lynette Eason that readers will love to devour!

Kenzie King has worked hard to earn her place on the SWAT team as their medic and is finding it hard to fit in with all her male coworkers. Not everyone is thrilled to have her on the team but Cole Garrison, the team leader, is determined to help her find her place. Cole and Kenzie are not only faced with getting the team to accept her but also deal with someone who is out to take the team down.

I’ve read a lot of Romantic Suspense books, and a lot by Lynette Eason, but this one is going to rank up towards the top of that list. Kenzie was a top-notch character that had depth, heart and kept me feeling all the emotions. The attraction between her and Cole was obvious from the beginning but the way it was played out was perfect for me. Some of the members of the SWAT team were a bit annoying but mainly in the way they were supposed to be written, which was a job well done by Eason. Each romantic suspense book I pick up is either a great read or the same old same old. This one was a great addition to my Lynette Eason shelf, and I believe that readers will not want to miss this one.

I received a complimentary copy of this title from the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review-
Kenzie joins the all male tactical team beating out another — someone is not happy about this and is willing to kill her. Who?
And then there is the relationship developing between Kenzie and Cole. Can it develop into something special as they work together?
A thriller that will keep you guessing who wants to kill Kenzie and all the reasons they want her gone.

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With a thrilling, fast-paced plot wrapped around a story of hope and fighting for justice, Eason has another winner. Cole captured my heart right off, with his protective instincts that he used on behalf of Kenzie, but never to smother her or detract from/undercut her capabilities.

Kenzie took a little longer for me to like, as she’s a tough-girl heroine and a bit independent, but once I understood why she forced herself to fit that mold, I liked her just as much.

As the story continues, and you see their hearts for each other, their teammates, and their friend group, you can’t help but root for them as they race to find the killer. When combined with the snippets from the past, you have a story you don’t want to put down.

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This book was one that kept me engaged from the first page and wanting to keep reading. I loved how this book kept us guessing who was behind all the attacks until the end. I also like that it wasn’t who you expected and the reasons were not expected. I also liked how she gave us glimpses into the past so that we had hints of the person’s motivation and we could also she how Kenzie and Cole’s families are connected. I thought the author did a great job of weaving a tale that was engaging and heart pounding. I would recommend this book and this series.

I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.

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Sometimes you start a book and you know within a few pages that it’s going to be a great book. That’s the case with this one. There’s a bit of dual timeline in this book but it doesn’t read like a dual timeline book. It feels very connected right from the start and the focus really is the present day. There’s a cold case and a mystery or two to solve. Someone is going after Kenzie and she doesn’t know why. The action is intense and there’s a sense of increasing danger as clues come to light.

I like books about SWAT teams or the like. i appreciate their bond and it was interesting seeing how this team was dealing with having a female on their team. I liked Kenzie’s approach to it all both when she addressed the issue and when she let her actions speak for themselves. I love Kenzie’s friend group and look forward to reading more about them in future books.

Thank you to Revell for providing me with a free e-copy of this book. I’d highly recommend it. All opinions are my own.

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Tactical medic Kenzie King worked hard to earn a spot on the Lake City SWAT team, but not everyone on the team is as thrilled about it as she is. Detective Cole Garrison has known Kenzie since they were kids, but now that he’s her supervisor on the SWAT team, he finds it difficult to know when to stand up for her and when to treat her just like any of the other guys. When someone begins attacking the team and specifically Kenzie, Cole begins to realize his true feelings for Kenzie and decides to do whatever it takes to protect her.🏥

Target Acquired is the second book in Lynette Eason’s Lake City Heroes series, and the action starts on page one and never stops. This story is rife with suspense and mystery, and it focuses a lot on how past relationships can affect your present ones. Not only do Cole and Kenzie’s past familial and romantic relationships affect how they relate to each other and their team, but this book also gives you a glimpse into their grandmothers’ pasts and how that is affecting their current predicament. I can’t wait to read Lynette’s next Lake City book in January!💛

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A big thank you to Lynette Eason and Revell Fiction for sending me a copy of this book! All thoughts and opinions above are my own.📗

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