Member Reviews

"It doesn't take a genius to figure out someone is targeting one or all of us."

Wow! This book literally kept me on the edge of my seat! I loved that it had a flash-back type "dual timeline" from a previous generation that unfolded as the main story was being told. It made the action aspects bolder and much more suspenseful as it would jump back and forth!

I thought the main characters were fun and engaging to read about. I love a strong female main character and Kenzie has to work twice as hard to prove herself on a male-filled SWAT team. I loved her determination and grit and her 'never-back-down' attitude. Cole was a great male main character to look out for Kenzie but also let her fight her own battles. The two have less than ideal backstories where they've had to overcome trauma and I appreciated the Christian threads woven through that there is hope of a brighter future-and we see them doing that in the roles they serve in.

The suspense and mystery was properly thrilling and it was hard to put this one down because I needed to solve this mystery and Lynette Eason kept me guessing right up to the end.

If you like Christian suspense with a sprinkling of romance I think you'd really love this one!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Content/Triggers: flashbacks to an asylum for alleged suicidal actions, negative family relationships, sexism in the workplace, assassination/murder attempts, some mild descriptions of violence, a moderate amount of religious exclamations, romance-kissing only.

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Target Acquired is Lynette Eason’s latest novel. It follows Cole and Kenzie, two members of the swat team in Lake City. Kenzie has battled for her place on the swat team, as she is the only female. Cole is the swat team leader and they have known each other forever. When it seems that someone is targeting Kenzie and the team, they are drawn even closer together. But will they die before they get a chance to discover their feelings? Read it and see!

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I was so excited for this book as I loved the first book and love the suspense that the author is able to write about. I must not have been in the right place when I read this book because it didn't draw me into the suspense like usual. I wasn't heavily invested in the characters either.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

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This is another winner from Lynette Eason. You don't need to have read the others in the series to jump right into this one. I admire how Eason is able to craft such action-packed adventures combined with genuine, in-depth romance. With TARGET ACQUIRED, this is also a historical component, which added such an intriguing layer to the story. I was so curious how the past timeline in the mental hospital would impact Kenzie and Cole in the present day. There are a lot of characters to keep up with but I thoroughly enjoyed this page turner and found the ending to be 100% satisfying.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance e=galley; all opinions in this review are completely my own.

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Target Acquired by Lynette Eason – Suspense, Mystery, and a Little Romance

Target Acquired by Lynette Eason is the second book in the Lake City Heroes series. It has two-timelines, one dates to the 1940’s and one takes place in the present. The characters are from several families whose lives intersect both in the past and present day in the fictional town Lake City, North Carolina. Like many families, life can be complicated and relationships are impacted. Especially when sinful emotions like bitterness, anger, resentment are allowed to fester.

The story starts out in the 1940’s with Eliza Crane who finds herself in state-run mental hospital and locked in her room. She is hopeful that her friend Betsy will come to see her again, she is like a lifeline. Eliza is being held against her will because of the allegations her father made that she tried to harm herself. She is desperate to get out so she can be with her fiancé William.

Fast forward to current day and we meet SWAT medic Kenzie King. The SWAT team is under the leadership of Sergeant Cole Garrison. Kenzie and Cole have known each other and their respective families since they were young. Kenzie has had a challenging time trying to fit in with the team. She is the only woman and a couple of the men are not sure she is the right person for the job. It is causing division and they need to be able to work together as a team and have each other’s backs.

Added to the challenges of her new position, Kenzie seems to be the target of someone who is out to get her. The attacks keep on happening and she is not safe in her own home or on the job. Is it someone on the team that wants her to leave? Or is it a stranger who wants her dead?

I liked Cole’s character the best. He was caring and developing good leadership skills. Kenzie’s background is explained so we can understand her motivations. She was intent on being tough and proving herself. But I would like to have seen her character more fully developed.

I liked the suspense and mystery while trying to figure out who done it. I enjoyed the friendships between the characters that were brought back from the first novel in this series, Double Take. The friends were caring and supportive of each other. It was a bit of a challenge to keep the characters straight because there were a lot of characters between the two timelines. Thankfully, at the beginning of the book, the characters are listed with a brief description. I would have liked have seen the character’s faith more developed. Faith was briefly mentioned, but was not a big part of the story.

I would like to thank Revell Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Target Acquired by Lynette Eason. I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.

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New SWAT team member Kenzie King finds herself the target of a killer and Cole Garrison becomes her protector in this contemporary story that's set in Lake City, North Carolina. There is, however, a satisfying historical element as author Lynette Eason shares entries from a journal written almost a century before by Cole's grandmother, Eliza Crane. Who would imagine that a tragic event from 1947 would be such a relevant part of Kelsey and Cole's current story?

I loved Target Acquired! I loved the surprising connection between Kenzie and Cole that reached back through two generations and the twists, turns, and non-stop action that kept me turning the pages. My heart was captured by the swoon-worthy attraction between Kenzie and Cole and my detective skills were tested by some clever revelations! Throw in an inspiring faith element and the result is a captivating read for fans of romantic Christian suspense!

I received a copy from the author and publisher. There was no obligation for a positive review.

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Page turner right from the beginning. This return to Lake City and the old abandoned mental hospital does not disappoint. There is something happening at every turn and you won't guess who is behind it! Great book by a fantastic author!

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This is another good novel of romantic suspense from Eason. The current suspense has roots in the past and it takes until nearly the end of the book for us to understand the earlier events that are the basis for events now. There are flashbacks to a woman in a mental institution nearly a century ago and we see the horrible way patients were treated at the time. Another issue explored in the plot is dealing with disappointment when the position wanted is given to another. Revenge is the result.

Kenzie is a woman on an otherwise all male SWAT team. There was certainly prejudice she had to endure. Her character is developed well as she also struggles with tension in family relationships. The romance between Kenzie and Cole is done well, slow paced with a number of characteristic obstacles to overcome. There is a good faith message included too.

There is a great deal of action in this novel making for a fast paced plot. It is an entertaining novel. While it is the second in a series, it reads really well on its own.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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I'm loving the Lake City Heroes books! I'm sure hoping that there will be several more in store for us readers! I've loved being pulled into this town with all of these great characters.

My friend introduced me to Lynette Eason's books last year and I have to say that I am hooked! I love a good clean suspense and this author delivers that in each of the books I've read. The characters are well written and developed and the storyline keeps me turning the pages quickly to figure out what's going to happen! And trying to piece together all of the puzzle pieces.

Kenzie was fun to read about and get to know even more after seeing little cameos of her in previous books by this author. Cole as well. I loved learning more about their history together and their families' histories. The way that they support each other in their jobs, and the concern they have for each other only built upon this book's appeal.

And the flashback story...wowsers! I wanted to flip ahead in the story and just read all of those chapters/scenes. But I was good and let it all play out and boy, oh boy, it was a wild ride! Hold onto your seats because you're going to be guessing all over the place and trying to figure it out. I had some suspicions and then I would second guess myself. I love all of the twists and turns and plot twists! I hope you will too!

Now I can't wait for the next book!!!

Content: Clean. This book has mild moments of peril but was written very well and in a clean manner. There are guns and bombs and bad guys and kidnappings. Talk of a patient in an asylum for medical treatment. Murder and threats. Some kissing but nothing further than kissing.

I received a copy from the publisher, Revell, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions in the review are my own.

Happy Reading!!!

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Buckle up, buttercup for the ride of your life! Target Acquired, the second of the Lake City Heroes series, delivers another fantastic storyline with wonderful characters. Don't start this one at night unless you plan to stay up all night. This book was provided by Lynette Eason, the publisher and Net Galleyformy review. These are my opinions. Definitely worth the read.

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Thank you for the ARC!

I didn't connect with the characters, and therefore didn't finish this title. The jumps back in time also broke the flow for me.

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Target Acquired is the second book in Lynette Eason’s Lake City Heroes series. While this is part of a series with similar characters, this is also a great stand alone This is a fast paced, action packed, story that is filled with suspense and mystery. I just love the characters in this story. I admire the strength and determination Kenzie has to be the best SWAT team member she can be. Working in a field that is filled with men, she she has to prove herself to them. Cole is the leader of the SWAT team and is a very caring person. His faith shines through with how he cares for his team.

This is an enjoyable Christian romantic suspense story that is fun to read. It grabbed my attention right from the beginning and held it to the very end. I look forward to reading the rest of this series.

I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this book, this is my honest review.

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Target Acquired by Lynette Eason
(Book 2 in the Lake City Heroes Series)

3 Stars

Double Take is one book I absolutely loved, so this one was one of my most anticipated releases for the year. This one is a dual timeline story and I really liked the past timeline of 1940s from the mental institution where we follow a woman's story of being thrown in this hospital by her father, the doctor and friend she has while in there that help her throughout the story and her doing what she has to do to get out of there. In the present day timeline we follow Kenzie King who finally earned her place as a medic on the SWAT team and Cole Garrison who cares for Kenzie and works with her to solve the mysteries that keep unfolding. Seeing how the past timeline was tied into the current and how the characters were related to our present day group was something I really enjoyed.

However, I will say I liked the first book better than this one. For some reason, I was not as engaged or connected to the present day timeline. I love her writing, I just don't know why I wasn't really connecting to the characters in the present day as much as I would have liked to be. One thing I don't love is Kenzie's place on the team had some of the "because I'm a woman" talk that I never usually like just in general in books. I get that is the whole point of her joining this all male team that some of the men would not take too keen to her, but having it be a big part of the plot really wasn't my favorite thing.

I did enjoy the romance that was here overall, as it was a slow burn and they really got to know each other, but the action and suspense left me wanting more. I also struggled to keep up with who was who sometimes and wanted more in the ending. We didn't really get shown what happened in the past so I personally would have preferred that.

Either way, please take me with a grain of salt on this one - I am going to read the next one in the series because it deals with fire and I love Lynette's writing. If you like suspense, give this one a go.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an e-book copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Target Acquired is a page turner! Ms. Eason does not disappoint her fans and will quickly acquire new ones that like fast moving mysteries. The relationship between Kenzie and her fellow SWAT team members are realistic. The plot is fast paced and the mystery of who is trying to hurt Kenzie makes this title a very enjoyable read. (The sweet budding romance is nice too!) I missed the first in the Lake City Heroes series but will be going back to read, Double Take. Highly recommended to readers who like a quick who done it that keeps you guessing until the end.

I received an ARC ebook from NetGalley and the publisher, Revell in exchange for an honest review.

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Target Acquired
by Lynette Eason
Pub DateAug 20 2024
Christian| Mystery & Thrillers| Romance

Revell and Netgalley provided me with a copy of Target Acquired for review:

Kenzie King is finally earning her place as a tactical medic on a SWAT team. However, not everyone on the team accepts her. There is a rumor that she wasn't hired because of what she could do, but because of who she knew. To prove herself, she must work harder and longer than anyone else.

Cole Garrison is a man of deep faith who is ready to build a family of his own, if he finds the right partner. Kenzie certainly set off his interest meter, but trouble seems to follow. Someone has been ambushing and killing team members since she joined.

All hands are on deck to identify the killer and put an end to the killing. Is it possible for Kenzie and Cole to put aside their differences and work together as a team? Will a sniper's bullet snuff out their budding attraction?
I give Target Acquired five out Of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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This book was a joy to read. I enjoyed the way the story flowed and I had a few moments that kind of made me question a few things. The characters were very interesting and I had smile quite a few times. This author really knows how to tell a story that will captivate you from the very beginning. I highly recommend this book and this author.

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As the first female SWAT team member, Kenzie has been struggling to be accepted by the rest of the team ever since she joined, almost six months earlier. But things go from unpleasant to deadly when she's targetted in a couple of attacks - and soon, she starts to wonder whether it's someone on the team who's so eager to get her off he'd kill her. Cole, as team leader, has been careful not to take a stand either way on Kenzie's position, lest he be viewed as showing favouritism. But as things start to get out of hand, it's clear she needs support and protection - and Cole is surprised to realise how much he wants the job. Why is Kenzie really in the cross-hairs? Can they uncover and stop the would-be killer before it's too late? And will they be willing to take a chance on the relationship that seems so far out of reach?

A definite page-turner with plenty of action, a killer who kept me guessing, an interesting (albeit horrible) snippet of history, some good relationship development, and an intriguing family back-story. I didn't particularly like the conflict within the team, but it was done well to feel realistic and form a good part of the story. It's been clear in previous books that there's something between Cole and Kenzie, even if never acknowledged by either, so it was good to see them finally admit and develop it - not to mention it was great to see Kenzie's role in the team finally accepted by her team members. I'm not one for feminism, but I do think that if one does a good job, one's gender should be irrelevant - and that's not the way it was for most of the book, so I appreciated the change. All in all, a beautifully woven story of revenge on one side and protection and love on the other. A great read.

Note that I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review and this is my considered opinion of the book.

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Another page turner from Lynette Eason! In this second book in the Lake City Heroes series, we are introduced to Kenzie King, a medic on the SWAT team and also the only female. Not everyone is happy about that and Kenzie works to prove herself. Soon the team is the target of several ambush attacks and it appears that Kenzie may be the actual target. In the midst of all of this, Kenzie realizes that she has feelings for Cole Garrison, the team leader. Both she and Cole try to hide their feelings because dating the boss wouldn't exactly make her life easier. Will the team work together to protect Kenzie or will she be forced to face the danger alone? And will Kenzie and Cole be able to be honest with themselves and each other about their feelings? There are twists, turns, complicated relationships, and romance all wrapped up in this amazing book. Warning: you won't be able to put it down until the very end. I highly recommend it!

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4.5 stars

“And just like that, his whole ‘I’m not trusting my heart to anyone ever again’ vow scattered like ashes. Because he was falling for her.”

This series kicked off with a bang in Double Take, and Lynette Eason skillfully carries that explosive energy over into Target Acquired. (If you’re wondering whether I used words like ‘bang’ and ‘explosive’ on purpose… maaaaaaaybe. You’ll just have to read it for yourself and find out lol.)

We got a hint of the tension (romantic and otherwise) between Kenzie and Cole in Double Take, so I’ve been really eager to see how it would all play out in their own story. I knew there would be some intriguing layers there, and Target Acquired proved me right. From the complex SWAT team dynamics to their separate (and also complex) family issues to all the reasons a romance between them shouldn’t work, Kenzie and Cole have a lot of complications to overcome before ‘happily-ever-after’ can be anything more than a wishful thought. Including the not-so minor problem that someone wants Kenzie off the team badly enough to try and kill her. In fact, you may want to buckle up for this one because you’ll be on the edge of your seat as Kenzie and the rest of the SWAT team try to stay a step ahead of the person gunning for them. Also, buckling up will keep you safe from any swoon-induced injuries from the electric chemistry and repressed feelings between these two. I’m pretty sure I thanked God right along with Cole when they finally got to kissing 😉

What sets Target Acquired distinctly apart from Eason’s previous novels is the historical element she seamlessly weaves into this plot. I thoroughly enjoyed the reading the perspective of a wrongfully-committed mental hospital patient from the late 1940s, as well as trying to figure out how Eliza’s story connected to the present-day attempts on Kenzie’s life. I went back and forth several times on who I thought was behind it all but ultimately only came close to identifying the suspect right as Kenzie did. The shocking turn of events – besides being extremely entertaining suspense fiction – is a thoughtful warning against letting bitterness take root in your heart and fester into hatred.

Bottom Line: Target Acquired is a high-stakes, fast-paced, heart-in-your-throat thriller suspense novel which uses a historical element, a sweet and swoony romance & gentle notes of faith to add dimension and depth. Kenzie’s skill as an MD medic on a SWAT team applauds the smart & talented women out there who have fought determinedly to claim their rightful place in traditionally male-dominated fields, though most don’t have to fight for their lives like Kenzie does. Cole is all kinds of swoonlicious – AND an adoring uncle to boot, which just makes him even yummier in my opinion – but it’s his respect for Kenzie along with his feelings for her that most cemented him as a hero in my eyes. (Okaaay, his sacrifices for his niece didn’t hurt either lol). This series is one of Lynette Eason’s finest, and Target Acquired was truly a pleasure to read.

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

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I have yet to read a book by Lynette Eason that I don't love! I was intrigued from the first page. Kenzie King has had to work hard to be a medic on the SWAT team where all but one team member has accepted her! When attempts are made on Kenzie's life, she and Sergeant Cole Garrison wonder if that member could be behind them. A small portion of the book is the story of Kenzie and Cole's grandmothers in the 1940s. Their story is partly behind the things that are happening now. Cole has been hurt in a romance in his past and fights his attraction for Kenzie especially since he is her boss. You will love this story of romance, grudges, danger, family history and forgiveness. I received an advance e-book from the author. This is my honest opinion.

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