Member Reviews

Target Acquired, by Lynette Eason, opens with SWAT medic Kenzie King heading to a crime scene. She is trying so hard to fit in with this team. After a member of her team is injured by stray bullets, she follows up on his status. As she is leaving the hospital, Kenzie’s life is seriously impacted when a car attempts to run her down!

Sargent Cole Garrison, the SWAT team leader, has a problem on his hands. Not only is he drawn towards Kenzie, he is concerned that some of the team may not have her back if any more danger appears. However, when someone up to no good shows up at Kenzie’s home, Cole knows they are after her!

Hold tight to see who and what Kenzie and Cole come up against as they dig through all the unknowns. You will not believe how events from Cole and Kenzie’s grandparents past spring forward to current day!

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I was excited about Eason’s trailblazing in this novel!

Imagine my surprise when I thought I’d be satisfied with another of Eason’s amazing romantic suspense novels and got a side order of history. The extra heaping of mystery added to an already fantastic story. The flashbacks to the main characters’ grandparents' stories meant I could identify with the challenges of caring for aging parents/grandparents. My heart was already pumping wildly as I cheered on Kenzie to overcome her past and her challenges with a placement on the SWAT team, now I was willing her the courage and strength to show the worthiness of her placement and the wisdom to deal with the cold case and the present threat. The added connections gave impact to an already emotional plot full of secrets.

I’m confident you’ll love the newest recruit to the Lake City SWAT team, medic Kenzie King. She deals with challenges on all fronts and this brings tension and mystery to the story, resulting in a bingeable read.

I can’t wait for the next installment.

I was gifted this copy by Revell and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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Ms. Eason continues to shine in this suspense-filled offering, book two in the series Lake City Heroes.
Kenzie King has too many close calls for coincidence and knows someone has it in for her. She has ruffled a few feathers after securing the medic spot as the only female on the SWAT team. Team leader Cole Garrison tries to be fair to her without showing favoritism. But feelings begin to swirl between the two.
Part of the plot involves a very cold case and family history. Very interesting.
Excitement abounds as the SWAT team goes out on a call and gets ambushed. Yet they try their hardest to ferret out the crafty culprit. I was almost done with the book and still did not figure out the bad guy!
A great addition to the dramatic series. This book has a little romance, family drama and faith filled characters who support each other and have compassion on hurting people.
Recommended for those who like to exercise their brain. A truly hard one to puzzle out.
*A complimentary copy of this book was provided by Revell through Interviews and Reviews and via NetGalley. I was not required to post a favorable review. All opinions are mine alone.*

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Another five-star book from Lynette Eason, as usual. Target Acquired is the second in the Lake City series and features SWAT medic Kenzie King and Detective Cole Garrison.

The story has a few chapters here and there going back almost 80 years, involving both Kenzie's and Cole's grandparents, which added a little context to the current story, and which I found interesting. I would not have minded a couple more.

Someone is not happy that Kenzie got the job and tries several times to get her injured or even dead to get her off the team. A few suspects are introduced, but I did not figure out the actual culprit until just a few chapters near the end. I admit I did before either Kenzie or Cole did though.

Cole has feelings for Kenzie but as her supervisor cannot show them, as he works to keep her safe.

I received a copy from Net Galley and the publisher, and am not required to give a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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Tense action scenes give way to moments of faith in this suspenseful thrill ride. Kenzie is a tough cookie and knows her job but not all of her male team members seem to agree. Kenzie works hard to prove herself as an unknown person targets the team members one by one. Wherever Kenzie goes trouble follows. Cole Garrison is a man of faith. He’s ready to settle down with the right woman. His interest in Kenzie has to be put on hold as they work together to find the person responsible for the attacks on the team. The author brings out the emotions and the high stakes situations with descriptive writing. The air of mystery stays present throughout the book with a couple of twists thrown in. The story had a nice flow to it and the plot line was complex but not overly so. Buckle up for a roller coaster ride in this book.

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Well, I stayed up til 1:30 in the morning finishing. So that’s a clear indicator of how good this book was!

Target Acquired is book 2 in Lynette Eason’s Lake City Heroes series. We met Kenzie and Cole in book one, so these do build on each other, but other than a few spoilers for the first book scattered throughout you could certainly read this one first.

Kenzie has worked really hard and beat out a lot of competition, including her own brother, to be the first woman on the SWAT team. But 6 months in, the team still hasn’t fully accepted her, some still harboring a good bit of animosity. And now it seems someone has a big enough problem with it to want her dead!

Cole is SWAT team leader and admires Kenzie a lot. And lately his admiration has started to feel like more, but how to juggle his feelings, leadership, and team animosity?

Cole and Kenzie go through a lot in the pages of this story and grow closer through it. I just loved watching their feelings develop and how they were able to work through some things together. The relationship felt natural. I loved the suspense elements. Truly edge of your seat, page-turning goodness. With so many suspects, who is the actual person who wants Kenzie off the team so bad they’re willing to kill?

Must read for Lynette Eason fans, if you love romantic suspense, stories about women in non-traditional jobs, or a well-crafted mystery.

I received a complementary copy of this book from the author and publisher. I was not asked to leave a positive review. My opinions are my own.

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The characters in this story seemed exceptionally real and the tension between members of the team added another angle to the storyline. I enjoyed the seamless dual time line and the hint of mystery there.
This book kept me guessing and turning pages to see what would happen next. I also didn’t want it to end. Looking forward to the next book in the series.

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Target Aquired is a page turner filled with breath holding moments. Kenzie has joined the squad team as a tactical medic and while it is her dream job, someone is targeting the team and it appears that she is the focus. Kenzie and Cole go on a wild ride as they try to figure out who is targeting them and at the same time try not to show their feelings for one another. It’s terrific! You won’t want to miss this second book in the series.

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Kenzie King has earned her place on SWAT, but not everyone believes she should be there. Cole Garrison, Kenzie's friend and supervisor wholeheartedly believes she has earned a place not only on the SWAT team, but also in his life. Can he convince himself and Kenzie that a relationship is good for them both? Or must he fight the building attraction in order to save Kenzie's life?

I love Lynette Eason's books and this was no exception. While I recently read Double Take, which is book one in the Lake City Heroes series, I struggled to remember and place some of the characters within this story. While the friend group remains the same, it felt like an entirely new set of characters to learn and engage with. Sometimes piecing together all the names got a bit confusing.

Despite that, I found Target Acquired to be a story about redemption, helping one another and not becoming bitter when life hands you the unexpected.

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The second in the Lake City Heroes’ series features Kenzie King and Detective Cole Garrison as Kenzie becomes a deadly target. Who is the man trying to harm Kenzie, a ER doctor who has recently joined the SWAT team? And what is the reasons behind the attempts to make her quit the team or be killed? Lots of suspects to rule out as the team slowly connects the dots. Highly recommended!

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Target Acquired is a perfect example of what Lynette Eason does best: complicated storylines that slowly tie together, suspense, romance, and providing the gateway between one series book and the next. Kenzie has just joined the SWAT team as a medic and it is understatement to say that not everyone is happy about this idea. She also has a crush on her supervisor and he is fighting his own baggage as he realises that he is started to fall in love with Kenzie. With explosive threats and constant drama, this book packs constant punches. We are kept guessing as the story jumps between different time periods and events and at times it felt overwhelming trying to keep up. I’m glad i kept reading though, as things gradually unfolded in dramatic fashion, and gave me the answers I sought. Thanks to Netgalley and Revell for letting me read an advanced copy in exchange for my review. Due for release in Australia on 20th August 2024.

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Another edge-of-your seat mystery/crime drama from Lynette Eason, available August 20, 2024 from Revell.

In this second of the Lake City Heroes series, Dr. Kenzie King has made it to SWAT, but integrating with the team has been less-than-flawless. She can't seem to satisfy one particular member, and she can't seem to get another off her mind. Add to that some life threatening circumstances that appear to have more to do with Kenzie than the citizens the team serves to protect and there is a mystery to solve.

This faith-based, clean novel kept me turning pages to discover who the menace was and how the team stopped them. I found the reveal compelling and emotional, filled with the right tone of grace and grit that a story of this type should carry.

The romance between Cole and Kenzie was sweet, with an obvious nod toward their working relationship and their faith. It did not progress too quickly, but also didn't seem to lag. I appreciate the older brother's friend trope, as well as the just-starting-to-heal relationship Kenzie has with her family.

The looks back in time to Kenzie and Cole's grandparents stories was also refreshing. I found myself wanting to skip the pages to find out what happened to them. I'm glad I didn't though, as the story unfolded perfectly nestled within Kenzie's story.

Overall, I recommend this book. It was a pleasure to read. It does deal with sensitive topics of mental health treatment, ageing diseases, and controlling parents. Obviously, it is a mystery/crime novel, so there is violence throughout. Five stars from this romance/crime drama/mystery novel lover.

Thank you Revell for providing this book for review from Net Galley. All opinions are my own.

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Overall 4 stars. A few places felt a bit forced or improbable but as usual very entertaining and intense.
Thank you netgalley for the arc. This is my honest opinion.
I look forward to Jesslyn's story next in Serial Burn. Being a fire Marshall seems like such an interesting job title.

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Target Acquired is my favorite genre: Romantic Suspense and Lynette Eason delivered in spades! She blended the right amount of romance and suspense to keep me engaged in the story and the characters. Throughout the book, she dropped bread crumbs which pointed to several suspects. In the end, I was completely taken by surprise!
Lynette Eason has a mighty pen with which she writes fabulous novels, clean in content and grammatically correct. (This is a pet peeve of mine!) I was able to get immersed in the book until the very end!
Kudos, Lynette Eason, on a book well-written!
5 stars

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Lynette Eason books are usually very well done. This was no exception. I like the suspense and the characters although it did seem formulaic - following an expected plot.

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Target Acquired had me on the edge of my seat from the beginning. The twists kept me engaged and I finished it in one sitting. I simply had to find out who wanted Kenzie dead. It kept me guessing with a surprise ending that wrapped everything up nicely.

The characters were well-developed and Kenzie & Cole had many layers with excess baggage from the past. Kenzie, the newest hire on the all-men Swat team, doesn't make everyone on the team happy. There is lots of action, suspense, and a budding romance, along with a well-written story that makes this the perfect read. I couldn't put it down.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher; a positive review is not required. All opinions are my own.

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Huge miss for me. Trauma romance, unbelievable villain, not enough basis for a love story and the dual timeliness didn't work. 1947 timeline wasn't flushed out sufficiently and modern timeline was lackluster at best.

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Target Acquired is another action packed romantic suspense that had me on the edge of my seat and reading long into the night.

Kenzie is determined to prove herself as a valuable member of the SWAT Team but so far she’s received a chilly reception. When she becomes a target she might find who her friends really are, or she might find someone is willing to take things a bit too far.

Cole is Kenzie’s supervisor and her brother Logan’s best friend. Though he’s known her for years he can’t help be impressed with her dedication. When her life is threatened the aloof facade he’s kept at work begins to slip. He doesn’t want to cross a line, but he might have to.

This book draws a clear picture of the closeness of the men and women who must trust each other in a dangerous job, the diverse personalities who must work together, and the sense of community necessary to survive.

As with all of Lynette’s book there’s a clear side story included throughout and a thread of faith that fits perfectly into the lives and circumstances surrounding the characters.

This great book was given to me courtesy of Revell. This is my honest opinion of the book.

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In true Lynette Eason fashion, I got sucked into this book from the first page and couldn't put it down. I loved these characters, the plot was intense and captivating.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone.

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Target Acquired will keep you on the edge of your seat! I didn’t see the ending coming and really enjoyed it. The relationship between Cole and Kenzie is a little stiff and the chemistry wasn’t there as much as usual for Lynette Eason’s couples, but that didn’t detract from me enjoying this book!

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