Member Reviews

This is my first Lynette Eason book, but it definitely won’t be my last!! If you like who done it books, you’ll love this one! It was definitely not the ending I was expecting! Target Acquired is a fast paced, quick read that I’ll recommend.

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This is a wonderful series! I've enjoyed everything about this book.
This is a hard to put down novel. Loved the fast paced action and of course some twists and turns I didn't see coming. And too I really liked how Eason keeps us guessing all the way through! That was the fun part!
My favorite thing was heart stopping moments that kept me engaged from page to page.
It's why I love her stories!
Some great characters too. I especially enjoyed getting to know Kenzie and Cole. Well, really the whole team.
All the characters were well rounded out nicely!
I'm giving this book 5 stars for a wonderful rollercoaster ride that kept my attention all the way through!
I also loved that this book had a little bit of grace added to it too.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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Author Lynette Eason has written another book that is sure to grab hold of her readers and not let them go until the end. This is definitely a one-day kind of book. I did not want to wait to finish it. I found both main characters very likeable. Kenzie King is a strong heroine that is dedicated to her profession. Cole Garrison tries to fight his attraction and maintain a professional relationship with Kenzie, but this is romantic suspense. Although I don't usually care for books that go back and forth from past to present, Eason writes so clearly that I was never confused and the vast majority of the story is contemporary. The plot is taut. The stakes and the tension are high. I recommend Target Acquired and would definitely read more of the Lake City Heroes series and other works by this author.
I received a complimentary copy through NetGalley from the publishers and am sharing my opinion of this very exciting and well-written book.

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Target Acquired by Lynette Eason has an amazing, unique spin where a portion of the story is set around a young woman admitted into a psychiatric ward by her father. I really liked how the story started and as a fan of split time novels, I wish there were almost as many past scenes as present. However, I understand that might not be the cup of tea of some romantic suspense readers.

The main character, Kenzie King, had serious trouble trying to be excepted in the SWAT team. Let’s just say some of those guys act like it’s a man’s world.

Love the scenario surrounding Cole and his niece. He is a great uncle and sadly, her ailment helped me root for him and added tension to the storyline.

The romance picked up after the story was well established, which is just the way I like it. This was a great read, but you’ll have to check it out for yourself.

The world is in short supply of grace…” that very line says it all about the world these days and sets the foundation for the story Right in Front of You by Jessica Wakefield. This contemporary romance story surrounds ex NFL player, Hayden, and nutritionist, Rachel as he tries to overcome his past mistakes and she can’t get a grip on the fact that all football players aren’t horrible because of her past experiences. 
I had no idea about the stats which led to Hayden’s foundation, but it made for an interesting premise, a tragic backstory, and if this were real life, a great way to actually help people. I appreciated the faith talk throughout the story and how Rachel finally opened up her heart so that she could feel love. So I recommend anyone who wants a clean story with love in the center.

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Kenzie King's story Target Acquired is book 2 of the Lake City Heroes series by Lynnette Eason. Kenzie is the only woman on the Lake City SWAT team. As a tactical medic with a medical degree she was the most qualified candidate for the position. Months in to the job and her teammates still haven't fully accepted her. They believe she obtained the position through who she knows rather than what she's able to accomplish.
Cole Garrison is the SWAT team leader. He keeps waiting for the team to realize just how talented Kenzie is as she has proven herself time and again. But he has found that trouble is repeatedly knocking on her door.
As Kenzie and Cole team up will they be able to uncover who is causing all the angst before someone is seriously hurt? What do they need to do differently to get the team to mesh? And why does danger seem to be lurking around every corner?
Eason always does a great job uncovering the story and lives of her characters. I enjoy the adventures and watching her creativity unfold.
Thank you to Revell and the author for the opportunity to review this book. All opinions are my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for a review.

I am a recent Lynette Eason convert and I love her stories. They are thrilling and fast paced with great characters and unique conflicts. Kenzie and Cole are great main characters in this book and I loved watching them trying to solve the case and deal with the heightened emotions of being SWAT team members and targeted by someone unhinged. The mentions of faith in this book are so well done and I relaly enjoyed the way Kenzie and their friend group talk about it together. I can't wait for the next book in the series.

Tough-as-nails Kenzie King has finally earned her place as a tactical medic on a SWAT team. But not everyone on the all-male team accepts her. Rumor is, she didn't get the position because of what she could do but because of who she knew. Which means she has to work harder and longer than anyone else to prove herself.
Cole Garrison is a man with deep faith who is finally ready to settle down and build a family of his own--if he can find the right person, that is. Kenzie sure has set off his interest meter, but trouble seems to follow in her wake. Since she joined the team, someone has begun to ambush and pick off team members, one by one.
It's all hands on deck to discover the culprit and end the killing. Can Kenzie and Cole put aside their differences and work together as a team? Or will their budding attraction be snuffed out by a sniper's bullet?

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Another great book by Lynette Eason. Kenzie King has worked hard for her position as medic on the SWAT team but... Highly recommend this book if you like suspense and action. A little romance thrown in and a lot of action. This is an edge of your seat book and you can't figure out till the end who is the problem. Pre-order yours today.

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Terrific romantic suspense. It kept me turning the pages and guessing to the end. Action packed and a few misty moments. I am eager to read the next one. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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How the different stories from different eras intertwined throughout this book kept me engaged. There were numerous times I felt for Kenzie as she struggled to understand if she was accepted in her SWAT unit and even in her own family.
To find out that Kenzie has more friends than she realized, warmed my heart.

I am enjoying this series very much and can not wait for the next installment.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from Revell through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Lynette Eason has done it again! This book caught my attention from the first page and all the way to the end. It had lots of action and twists and turns throughout. If you enjoy good, clean romantic suspense novels, I highly recommend this book.

I received an ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Target Acquired was my first novel by Lynette Eason. I was excited to find a Christian based book that was a mystery/thriller and romance. I really appreciate the author for stepping into the genre because I find that a lot of Christian fiction is strictly romance.

All that being said I really wanted to like this book but in all honesty it fell a little short for me. I found the premise of the book was intriguing, however the execution with unbelievable. I wanted this to be a thrilling page turner and it just wasn’t for me. There were awkward moments in dialogue between characters that I didn’t think were needed. I did appreciate the thread of the characters Christian faith in the story.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bakers Publishing Group for the ARC for my honest review.

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Kenzie King has finally got her dream job. Tactical medic on a SWAT team. Some of the team members don't think she belongs there. One of their friends applied for the job and she got it. Plus she's a woman. Cole Garrison is in charge of the SWAT team. He has to be careful not to cross any lines as he has known Kenzie for a long time. He also as feelings for her that he wants to hide. Things get worse when someone keeps trying to kill Kenzie and it doesn't seem to matter who gets in the way.

I like the action and how Cole and Kenzie worked out their feelings for each other. It kept me reading till the end.

I received this book from Revell Publishing via Net/Galley in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.

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Kenzie King serves as a medic on the SWAT Team, having earned her place through hard work. Raised alongside her older brothers, she's as tough as any member of the team. The team leader, Cole Garrison, is intentionally maintaining a distance from Kenzie. It appears that someone is targeting their team, with Kenzie being the primary focus. Her father, once the police chief, was injured in an accident that claimed her mother's life, and he suspects it was no mere accident. As the perpetrator continues to target the team, bringing Kenzie and Cole closer, the team faces challenges.

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3.5 stars I had an ARC from netGalley for this book and I appreciated them giving me a copy. This is the 2nd in the series and the characters are introduced in book 1 of the Lake City Heroes series. The action was good but I feel it was kind of over the top. The story was good. I guess I found it a little odd that a person who had gone through med school and became an MD would want to be on a SWAT team and push so hard to be a part of it. There is a dual timeline showing snippets of the lives of the grandparents of the two main characters. and it showed that there were ties to the two characters that went way back in time. The ending had a twist that I really didn't see coming so that is always a plus for me. A good, Christian, romantic suspense and a win for Eason. I was invested in the book from start to finish even though there were little parts that didn't quite ring true to me.

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This was another intensely action packed book #2 in the Lake City Heroes series. It can, however, be read as a standalone too.

I was invested from the very beginning. Even when I wasn't able to sit and read, I couldn't wait to get back to the characters to see what was going to happen next.

Lynette Eason knows how to develop her characters in such a way that you find yourself cheering for them or infuriated with them. I went back and forth with who I thought the suspect was, but in the end, guessed correctly.

I look forward to continuing the series and getting to know more of the characters along the way.

I was graciously given an arc of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Such a great book! I couldn’t put it down. Can’t wait to read the next one in the series!

I received an ARC copy of this book and all opinions are my own.

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I love this 2nd book in the Lake City Heroes series! It does have a little bit of split-time going on in this story, which I was not expecting... but thankfully, not a lot of the historical part, and both stories are good. I like both of the main characters, Kenzie and Cole, and the split-time part is about their ancestors. You will recognize some of the characters from the first book, if you have read it!
If you like romantic suspense, I think you will enjoy this book!
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance e-copy of this book! All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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Lynette Eason heads off in a new direction in Target Acquired, and it’s a winner! Written with a historical plotline that influences the present, this new novel is a double-header, and I love this new style.

I don’t know if there’s enough of that former arc to call it a dual-timeline story – probably not – but it is enough to make the historian in me sit up and take notice. I love the way that Eason added a mystery to the past, giving us more bad guys, more things to figure out, and a more intricate plot.

I loved both parts. I love the way the heroine in the past stood up for herself in a time when that wasn’t easy, and I love the way that Kenzie tried hard to do the right thing when everything was stacked against her. I enjoyed seeing how her personal past made who she is and also how she grew past the flaws inherent in that history. She’s a cool leading lady.

Eason has created a really fun cast of characters in this series. I love reading about courageous people who are all in for their friends, and this Lake City Heroes series is comprised of exactly that. Eason doesn’t usually include history in her books, but by doing so here, these enjoyable characters became even more real.

I didn’t think the Lake City Heroes series could possibly improve, but Target Acquired is even better than the first book – and that’s saying something. Don’t sit on this novel – it’s a great summer read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Another great book from Lynette Eason! If you enjoy suspense with a little romance too, you will enjoy this book. Target Acquired is the 2nd book in the Lake City Heroes Series but stands alone as well so you don't have to have read the first book. (Although it is likely you will want to).

Kenzie King's hard work to has gotten her to her dream job as a medic for the SWAT team finds herself in a struggle to accepted as an equal team member on the all male team. That becomes even more complicated when she finds herself the target of a killer that puts not only her, but the whole team in danger.

One of the things that I love about Lynette's books is the character development. They are real people with real struggles, real emotions, real relationships. People that I feel like I could be friends with.

I loved the dual storyline in this book and how the story of Kenzie and Cole's grandparents weaves into their present lives.

If you are like me, it's a hard to put down until you are finished, kind of book and you will enjoy every minute.

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This book had me wanting to keep turning the pages to find out what happened next! I have to admit a the first chapter or two was a little slow and I was confused because it started a long time in the past. After the beginning couple chapters I loved it and I realized why it started in the past. I thought I had the book figured out then I kept reading and what I thought was incorrect. Once again Lynette Eason wrote a book I loved. I am so happy I was chosen to be one of the readers before the book was actually released! When this book is released I am sure everyone will love the book if they like any of Lynette Eason's other books!

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