Member Reviews

Really enjoyed this. Hollywood golden age, broody MMC, a great story overall. If you’re a fan of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and a little slow burn then I definitely recommend this for you

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In 1937 Hollywood, talented governess Hester takes on the challenging task of caring for the grieving daughter of movie star Aidan Neil. As Hester delves into the family’s life, she uncovers hidden secrets and a tragic past that threatens to shatter their world.

This is a beautiful, heartwarming, and entertaining historical novel The romance is swoony with a mystery subplot as well. It also has a “found family” aspect that I find irresistible.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and honest review.

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This story follows Hester Carlye, an English governess working in Hollywood in the late 1930’s, for widowed film star, Aidan Neil and his young daughter.

This is a clean romance, with a hint of mystery.

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this ARC in return for my honest review.

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A deliciously inviting story set in the 1930's of Hollywood and an age of the glamourous movies. Enjoyed watching Hester open up and realize she is capable of loving another and being loved by others. Erin her charge is a wonderful character full of adventure and fun, and Marie's story adds a look at how much our culture has changed since the 1930's. Aidan is the perfect gentleman who is able to look beyond what Hollywood portrays and see the beauty around him. Loved this story and all the richness is portrayed.

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Hester becomes governess to a movie star after the death of his wife. I enjoyed the story very much.

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Tropes: governess falls for her employer; scarred MFC; MMC with a troubled past
Steam level: low (one kiss)

This is an engaging book by a promising new author. There aren't a lot of HR's set in the days of classic Hollywood, and this features excellent world building, with vivid descriptions of MFC Hester's home in England contrasted against sunny 1930's California. The dialog seems true to the period and generally the plot kept my attention, although it doesn't end up having as many mystery elements I was expecting. It focuses more on the slow-burn romance between Hester and movie idol Aidan, and the changes in the relationship they have with his daughter, Erin. My favorite moments are the quiet ones when Hester and Aidan discuss the sadness lurking in their pasts.

What kept this from 5 stars for me:
--This is written almost entirely from Hester's perspective (1st person), with occasional insights into the life of a secondary character that are told from 3rd person. I really would have liked for parts of the book to have been told from Aidan's perspective, to help flesh him out more as a character. There are times that Hester's anxiety and obsession with her scars become repetitive. I wanted to know more about Aidan's drive as a gifted musician and performer, and his on-set experiences.
--Despite solid research on the time period, there are a couple instances of anachronisms.
--I love reading about the skeletons in the closets of Old Hollywood, and would have loved if there could have been a few juicy scenes. Each chapter begins with a blurb regarding the studio system, but honestly sometimes the blurbs just seem to be taking up space. Despite the number of mentions of the Hollywood code this book is quite tame.

Overall, though, The Hollywood Governess is a nice change of pace from the typical HR.

I read an advance reader copy of this book and this is my voluntary review. Thanks to the author, publisher, and Net Galley. This book is set to be published June 26.

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This was a fun, heartwarming read.

Hester, a governess from the UK, moves to Hollywood to care for the daughter of Aidan, an actor whose wife Dinah has died under mysterious circumstances. We see Hester grow and fall in love, even though we're not sure about Aidan's feelings until the very end.

I loved how accepting everyone was over Dinah's story. Even Aidan accepted the truth better than most would have. The subject was treated with respect and really added to the story.

One issue I had was the fact that "911" was brought up several times. A little research would have come up with the fact that this emergency number wasn't in effect until decades after the book takes place.

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Fabulous book!! It had some serious Evelyn Hugo vibes. The setting is sublime and I'm a sucker for a "widower/governess" trope. (I blame The Sound of Music.) Hester is an utterly charming and empathetic character. I loved her relationship with Erin. The house sounds just perfect and I want to live there. Aiden is just the right amount of attractive and brooding/grumpy and the slow-burn was delicious. I especially liked the storyline with Marie, but won't elaborate. (No spoilers!) I will be recommending this book to everyone.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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I loved this book such a sweet and beautiful story! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! Definitely 5 stars!

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A fun sweet read! Highly recommend.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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The Hollywood Governess
The BRAND NEW gorgeous, romantic story of forbidden love in Golden Age Hollywood from Alexandra Weston for 2024
by Alexandra Weston

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Romance, General fiction (Adult)

I enjoyed this, not gripped to the page, must keep reading enjoyment, more a sense of exploration, where would the story take me next.
It has some intriguing twists and I liked the way the story slowly unfurled, plenty of clues once you know the twist but until then its easy to keep guessing. Interesting characters too, with their own issues and fears, a reminder that what seems like a perfect life from the outside can be anything but!

Stars: Four, good story with some multi layers which I always enjoy.

ARC supplied by netgalley and publishers

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The Hollywood Governess, one of the most charming books i've read in a long time....

We journey from cold, dark England, through New York, on to 1930's glamourous Hollywood, with Governess Hester., who has a roof to pay for, a poorly dad and some trauma involving New York. Movie star Aidan has a luxury lifestyle, a young daughter and a struggle with grief after the death of his movie star wife.

This was a fantastically written historical drama, with all the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. There was more to the death of Aidan's wife, so we get the unravelling of a mystery, some wonderful side characters and lovely tidbits at the start of each chapter from the rules of being a Governess and a guide to Hollywood. I thought the characters were great, with a lot of depth to them. The writing style flowed well, and had funny wee moments throughout. The growth of Hester was such fun, to see her start to let her hair down and recover from her past. I loved the prim and proper way she spoke and went about her day, contrasted with the cheekiness of Aidan's daughter and her "Improper" use of the English language. There seemed to have been a great deal of research put into making this historically accurate, which I really appreciate in a book.

This really was such a delightful read, I can't believe this is the author's debut novel - I cannot wait to see more from her. An incredibly easy 5 stars.

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1930’s with ✨forbidden romance ✨ and Hollywood setting ??? Hell yeah
I had a great time reading this, it really got me thinking about it when i was not reading.
Alexandra Weston created a beautiful and rich world showing how the movie industry was at its peak.
I enjoyed Hester and her character, and how she changed Adam’s behaviour/ restrictions around Erin

Thank you Netgalley and Boldwood Books for the arc 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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The Hollywood Governess - easily five stars! I enjoyed this slightly mysterious, sweet, and beautiful story! If I could choose a time to travel back to, it would be the glitz and glam of Golden Age Hollywood!
Alexandra Weston created such a rich world of characters and a very engaging plot. Thank you so much NetGalley and Boldwood Books for an ARC!

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A fabulous book. I loved this one. Set in the 1930's in L.A and Yorkshire it describes how this young woman goes to California to be a governess to a little girl who's father is an actor. I really got into this book and throughly enjoyed it. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review

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Thank you to @netgalley and @BoldwoodBooks for this ARC. Hester stopped all her plans to take care of her ailing father. When the roof needs to be replaced, she finds a position as a governess. She is referred to an actor in Hollywood who is in need of one after his wife suddenly passes. When she arrives, she realizes there is a mystery surrounding the death of his wife. Really good read! #TheHollywoodGoverness #AlexandraWeston #BoldwoodBooks #June2024

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In the 1930's Hester is a governess to rich families. Her last position came to an end when she was involved in a bus crash in New York City. Hester is left with scars resulting in a broken engagement to a man who couldn't cope with her disfigurement.
Hester returns to her family in a small village in England but quickly realises she will have to work again when they need a new roof. Unfortunately the new job is in Califonia to a famous movie star but Hester will have to go through New York to get there and she is terrified.
I really enjoyed this story although Hester did annoy me at times with her crying and changing her mind every two minutes but I suppose in the 30's women were different.
The details of Hollywood and what went on there were fascinating and made me look for more books about that time in Hollywood.
I think you could tell from the beginning what the ending would be but getting there was compulsive reading and I found I didn't care that I knew.
This seems to be a debut novel by the author and I will be looking out for her next one.

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Loved this historical romance. A British woman in need of fast funds to help her family goes to work as a Governess for a 1930s Hollywood movie star who recently lost his wife in a tragic accident. She is there to teach his daughter, but along the way finds out the accident may not have been an accident after all. So we're following that mystery/unknown aspect of the plot, but also watch as Hester falls in love with California, and the family she works for. The old Hollywood vibes are immaculate and the characters are sweet and have growth and work through some hard emotions. The romance is a slow burn, passionate. The "twist" felt believable and the ending was good. Overall a great, immersive book. I read it in about 24 hours. It got me out a long reading slump, so thanks haha.! Can't wait to read more from this author.

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5 stars

Great story. Whilst Mrs Walsh was taking Hester round the house I thought there was a bit of a Rebecca Vibe. Aidan is a bit of a grumpy controlling hero but then he is a hard working actor in the 1930s factory hollywood system and a widower to boot. Hester has to work as a governess to help finance the family home. She's scared from a bus accident and has come out of a disappointing relationship with an ex uni fiancee. Erin is Aidan's delighful young daugher and there is another plot line involving a screen writer who has had her life turned upside by the head of the movie studios. Its a clean read for those that seek out such books.

A new author to me and I will look out for more from her.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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was provided this e-advanced reader copy in return for an honest review.

It's 1937, Hester is a top governess at her agency, but after getting into an accident that scarred her permanently, and her fiance dumping her because of it. She vows to never go to America again. But when am offer comes in at the same time that she discovers that her roof needs immediate replacing, she decides to fight her fears and go. She ends up the governess for a Hollywood star and his daughter and as she falls in love with both of them, the mystery of his wife's death is a story begging to be told.

I absolutely loved this story. I loved Hester letting down her guard and being a full person and a champion for those who deserve it. I love Erin and all of her 1930's slang, I love Aiden who is filled with so much guilt but so much love for Erin. The romance is a slow burn that is of course very prim and appropriate but very rewarding. The mystery was mild but kept the flow of the story going and the reveal is so well done. So much heartbreak!

I definitely recommend picking this one up when it's released on June 26th.

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