Member Reviews

A beautiful tale of loneliness, set against an Asian background.

Good pacing, plot, and relatable characters. This was a really good read that will touch anyone who has ever just wanted a friend and wanted somewhere to fit in.

There's plenty of false friendships and betrayal, as well. There's also themes of found family and loving people despite the betrayals and heartbreak they bring.

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I really enjoyed this story line. It took a moment for me to understand the main character Yuki was the divine spirit in the beginning, but I think that was me more than the story. I enjoyed this main character who is caught between her divine life and mortal life, and finding out about love and loss. Of course there is a love triangle, found family and the question of fate and destiny as well as choosing your own path. This was an enjoyable book with a satisfying ending.

I want to thank NetGalley for the arc ereader and cannot wait for the book to be released! The cover is beautiful!

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woven song has a very interesting premise, and i was really excited to pick it up. it was an entertaining read, and i enjoyed it as a light-hearted foray into japanese and chinese mythology. however, the writing felt a little bit juvenile; the characters felt flat, and i was unconvinced by their arcs and development because the author relies heavily on telling instead of showing. the message of the story was also not particularly unique, and i think that worked against the novel as a whole.

on a slightly more nitpicky level, i had some issues with the use of honorifics. there was a quick description of them at the beginning of the novel, which was immediately followed by the introduction of a character called “mr. usagi-san” (usually you would only use “mr.” or “san,” not both). the usage of the honorifics throughout the novel also felt inconsistent, and the way the characters speak with each other is largely informal, despite using honorifics like “sama.” although it seemed like the author had done her research on many aspects of japanese culture, it also felt like she had no formal experience with the language, which made some of the writing and interactions between characters seem very clumsy.

overall, it was a quick read that was decently enjoyable, and i could definitely see this being a popular middle-grade/young adult novel.

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I was super excited by the premise of Woven Song when I requested it because I love discovering new novels centered around Asian mythology and folklore.

I thought the opening of the story was super compelling and at that point, I thought the whole book would be like the first chapter, quite mysterious and gripping. Unfortunately I couldn’t find myself as invested in the rest of the story.

Contrary to the start of the novel, the setting and characters felt quite flat, almost juvenile. And while I did enjoy the blending of the aspects of folklore, I would have to say that that was the brightest aspect of Woven Song for me.

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DNF'd at chapter 23 (49%).

If you enjoy Japanese light novels and YA, this book may be up your alley more than mine. Woven Song is an Asian-inspired, and in particular Japanese shounen anime-inspired, story of an angry teenage girl with a sword, who was ostracized and exiled, returns to uncover the dark secret behind her banishment, finds out things that she didn't really want to know about the people around her, and in the process also uncovers her hidden identity as a kami.

I tend to be a very critical reader: my favorite books are the ones that force me to read between the lines and critique the messages the author is trying to send. Pacing and character development matter to me greatly.

I requested this ARC because I was hot off Babel and Iron Widow and was excited by the cover art and promise of another Asian-inspired fantasy. I was unfortunately left rather disappointed -- where Babel and Iron Widow had clear visions for themselves (the former a critique of colonization, the latter a feminist power fantasy), Woven Song meanders a bit between good themes, but never satisfyingly settles on one.

In my opinion, there are two ways the author could have approached this story: 1. a rich mythological fantasy that draws deeply on research into the subject culture and history (like Babel), or 2. a more loosely Asian-inspired fast-paced action-packed, plot-driven story (like Iron Widow). I believe the author intended to go with the latter. A few of the plot points, such as the fact that the protagonist is a teenage girl with a sword and white hair, <spoiler>the highly perceptive cat, and her meeting with the sealed Ryu</spoiler> gave me the sense that the author is a fan of Japanese anime and enjoys leaning into the shounen tropes. Occasionally the sentence structures also seem reminiscent of translated light novels -- technically correct, but odd when read aloud.

The story starts off too fast, then excruciatingly slow. We get four scenes back-to-back within the span of the prologue and first chapter: Kaguya-hime on the moon, Kaguya falling to the mortal realm and being adopted by a woman who happens to name her the same thing as her real name, her in a pile of bodies with the woman who adopted her in the last scene nowhere to be found, and Yuki coming home after being exiled. Presumably all four scenes are of the same protagonist, from different points of her life, but we have no idea how they connect or why they are important to the story that is to come. There is no hint of further development on any of these story points until a good 15 chapters later, 25% of the way through the book. Some of these scenes don't get any development until at least 75% through the book.

Even if the author only intended this story to be loosely based on Asian mythology, this story could have benefitted from more world-building with the myths, gods, and religious practices. Most gods are given one-paragraph introductions to describe their powers and their place in religion, then disappear for the next 20 chapters <spoiler>until they show up as a character in the plot</spoiler>.

If you enjoy YA novels, shounen anime, and don't mind a slow start to a book, maybe give this one a try.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author, Rachael Krotec, for the ARC copy.

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I enjoyed this book overall, although it maybe got a little slow around 70% of the way in but I kept with it and ended up finishing.

The most consistent relationship seemed to be Yuki and Daisuke, while other characters seemed to only be there or gone when convenient for the story. I was pretty confused about the romance because it seemed like it was going to go one way, although I guess she doesn't mention it outright, but then another character was introduced and Yuki seems to do a 180 without a backwards glance (or mention).

I would have preferred for a little more background on Yuki. Why was she so unhappy in the prologue? The story just tells you she's lonely and this seems to be enough of a reason to leave her responsibilities behind.
But then, I was also confused if she was the same little girl as we meet in the first chapter because I don't think it mentions until later in the book what happens to her first mortal family. They just seemed to be glossed over and in fact she never even mentions them when talking about people she loved... Did they not treat her well? Were they not important?

I wish there had been a different ending, I'm not sure exactly how I would have liked it to go but I just wonder what happened to Daisuke and the dojo, after going through some troubling years. It sort of felt like he was an afterthought.


Thank you to Nib and Feather, LLC and the author for the review copy, provided in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read the ARC of Woven Song by Rachael Krotec! I have been itching to dive into Asian mythology and I genuinely feel like this was a great novel for me to use to dip my toes in the water a little bit. I rated this book 4 out of 5 stars! I was impressed.

I found so much relatability with Yuki’s character. However, I wish we would have a deeper view of Yuki’s character at the beginning of the novel. I saw character developement, but I kept wanting more from Yuki for some reason! There were plot twists at the right times, allowing me to remain sucked into the material of the novel. Krotec’s writing is easy to read and flows perfectly so I was not counting the pages until I completed it. I got to the end and was sad to see the story go!

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I was really excited for this, the cover of it is also gorgeous, but unfortunately the story and I ended up not clicking that much. I don't know what it is, but around 50% in I found myself just not caring enough to continue and finish it, unfortunately. The main reason I struggled with this is because, on paper, there are a lot of things the story wants to do. It wants to speak of legends, use Japanese mythology (and possibly Chinese mythology, as well, but you may correct me if I am wrong) but it does it in a way that is inconsistent. The language use, the honorific use does not actually work all that well because it is done inconsistently. I had some other issues with this too, where the a character would be in a bar, and then on the next page, they would be in a garden, the character that had accompanied them nowhere to be found anymore, and sort of forgotten like they were an afterthought. It just was inconsistent, and that kind of pulled me out of the story. I also had some other issues with the story telling where one moment, a character would go through something devastating, and the next paragraph, they would be fine, almost like a split personality. It made me feel like the actions of the story had little impact on the characters overall, and it felt very "tell" not show. I understand this is my opinion, but I tried to push through up to page 161, but then I gave up at 51%.

Overall, I think this would really work for certain people, just not me.

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“The beauty of youth is being able to change or accept yourself for how you are. If there are things you don’t like about yourself, then change.”
—Rachael Krotec, Woven Song


First of all, I want to say thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and Rachael Krotec, the author, for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

OK, I did not expect that I would be this invested in the story and the characters! Had zero expectation because this is my first fantasy book with a story that revolved around an Asian mythology, especially Japanese mythology. From the characters' traits, the world-building, the culture, and of course, the mythical creatures in it! As the story progressed, I felt like I learned something new about kami, yokai, mononoke, and many more. Also, is it weird that I imagined the story like I watched an anime? 😆
Also, I need to talk about the cover too! It’s so beautiful. I wish I could put it on my book shelf. Kudos to the cover illustrator!

Kaguya-hime, yearning for family and friends, descends to the mortal realm, unknowingly sealing her divine identity, and goes by the name Yuki. Banished from the imperial city after a wrongful murder accusation, she returns to restore her family dojo. Tragedy strikes, revealing the true reason behind her banishment. Entwined with the dragon god Ryu, Yuki becomes central in a battle against Izanami, the ruler of the dead. Torn between her mortal life and divine heritage, Yuki must forge her own destiny.

💬Final thoughts:
First impression, I think this book is gonna be perfect for teenagers or young adults who love japanese culture and just started reading fantasy books with the same vibes. It’s quite an easy read for a fantasy book, definitely did not overwhelmed me with info dumping at the beginning of the story, but instead revealing the fun bits and twists as the story progresses which I really like. The pacing is perfect, and the character development is something to be expected! It is also a great book if you love tropes such as found family, young adult, hidden identity, actions, and mythical creatures in it 🐉👹

Publication date: June 7th, 2024


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DNF at 30 % - besides the deaths, not much is happening and nothing is being explained. I had hoped it’d get better but it didn’t and I’m not willing to read any further

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Kaguya-hime is the moon kami who falls into the mortal realm while unknowingly sealing away her divine identity. Taken in by a mortal family and renamed Yuki, she becomes a trained swordswoman in a well-respected dojo in her village. However, after her best friend goes missing, she is accused of the crime and banished. Now, four years later, she has been summoned back to her village to start the family dojo back up and take in an apprentice. However, strange occurrences begin upon her arrival and she must work with new friends and old to solve these mysteries.

I thought that the blend of Japanese and Chinese mythology was really interesting. It isn't something I see a lot of so it was refreshing to read this unique story. I found all the characters lovable and I could relate to each one of their personal drives/ambitions throughout the story. Krotec shines when writing her characters and developing the relationships they all form.

You can really tell that Krotec did a lot of research while writing this book. However, there are a few things that was off-putting to me as a reader, personally. The random modern slang like creep and punk really took me out of the story when those terms were used alongside traditional fantasy/Japanese terminology. I also felt like the characters would be one place and then all of a sudden be somewhere else, finding it difficult to follow the story in a couple places. I also felt like the story lacked drive in the middle, with things just kind of happening in the story but feeling like they don't really contribute to the overall plot. That being said, these instances didn't make me not to stop reading.

Overall, I had a decent time reading this book but it isn't something I would likely pick up again for a re-read. I feel like a younger audience will definitely enjoy this though!

As always, thank you to NetGalley, Nib and Feather, LLC, and Rachel Krotec for providing me with this eARC!

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Title: Woven Song by Rachael Krotec

Release Date: June, 7th, 2024


Embark on a breathtaking journey through the realms of mythology and mortality in Woven Song by Rachael Krotec, where divine identity and mortal struggles collide in an epic tale of love and betrayal.

Kaguya-hime, yearning for connection, descends from the moon to the mortal realm, unknowingly sealing away her divine identity in the process. Meanwhile, Yuki, banished from the imperial city of Gobe under false accusations, returns at the emperor's request to restore her family dojo. But tragedy strikes, shattering her dreams and forcing her to confront the truth behind her banishment.

As Yuki's life hangs in the balance, she becomes entwined with Ryu, the dragon god, and discovers herself at the heart of a battle to save the mortal realm from Izanami, ruler of Yomi—the land of the dead. With her mortal and divine identities at odds, Yuki must navigate a world where secrets hold power, allies may be enemies, and love is both a balm and a battleground.

Why I enjoyed It:

🌌 Rich Mythology: Rachael Krotec seamlessly weaves Asian mythology into a captivating narrative, immersing readers in a world brimming with gods, spirits, and ancient mysteries.
💔 Emotional Depth: From love and loss to betrayal and redemption, Woven Song delves into the complexities of human emotion, offering a poignant exploration of the human experience.
🐉 Dynamic Characters: Yuki's journey from outcast to heroine is compelling, while Ryu's enigmatic presence adds depth and intrigue to the narrative.
📖 Epic Adventure: Filled with twists, turns, and heart-stopping moments, this epic tale keeps readers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.

Rachael Krotec's Woven Song is a spellbinding fusion of mythology and storytelling, offering a fresh take on familiar legends while crafting a wholly original narrative. The blend of action, romance, and intrigue creates a captivating reading experience that will leave you eagerly turning pages until the very end.

The world-building is masterfully done, transporting readers to a realm where gods walk among mortals and every corner holds secrets waiting to be uncovered.

Yuki's journey of self-discovery is both relatable and inspiring, serving as a powerful reminder of the strength that lies within us all.

Woven Song is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy and mythology alike. Rachael Krotec's lyrical prose and intricate storytelling make this a book you won't want to put down—a tale that resonates long after the final page is turned.

Thank you to The Publisher Nib and Feather, LLC ,The Author Rachael Krotec & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the ARC. As a huge fan of Asian mythology inspired books, I thought I would really like this book. Add in that beautiful cover and I was convinced this would be a favorite. Unfortunately, it just was not for me. I could not connect to the main character, and the pacing did not work for me.

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I was really hoping to like this book, but unfortunately, I DNF'd at Chapter 10. I thought the premise of the book sounded super interesting and exciting but some of the finer points left me a bit confused and thus took me out of the story. For example, MC Yuki is going to restore her families dojo, but I have yet to understand what they even do at the dojo. A high point of the book was the minor (as far as I got into the book) sort of mystery element to what led the MC Yuki to being banished from Gobe.

All in all, this book has a lot of potential and I think readers who are more in the teen age group may enjoy the book than I did.

Thank you NetGalley, Nib and Feather, LLC, and Rachael Krotec for providing the ARC ebook :)

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i will be 100% honest and say that the cover is what drew me into this book - it is just so gorgeous.

i loved the world-building and found myself wanting to slow down towards the end so that i could spend longer in the world. i am usually really bad and able to predict twists, but this book had me on my toes and kept me guessing throughout. the writing was also beautiful and i found is so easy to get lost in.

thank you so much to netgalley, the publisher and the author for the arc 🫶🏻

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I was not a fan. I felt the writing needed lots of work and there were many moments when details were left out or not explained well enough. I often found myself asking questions such as: how did they get there? where are they? who is that? was this already explained? wait who's talking now? The story itself had so much potential to be great but it moved so quickly I felt like I started in the middle of the book, already missing relevant information.

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this was such a sick book! it was so magical and fantastical and i loved the mythology incorporations! it was such a beautiful book and the cover is gorgeous

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I really enjoyed the first half of the book, mystery, world building, found family, and redemption. However, it got twisty just like a smack over the head and I found it hard to keep up. I liked the ending, but the second half I think just went too fast for me.

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The writing is extremely beautiful in this reimaginative tale of ancient legends. I got so lost in this world and I didn't want to leave. I loved every single bit of this and want more!

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Woven song is a fantasy novel, inspired by Japanese and Chinese mythology, about a moon princess-turned-mortal-swordswoman, her student, and a mischievous kami (spirit), who must stop the kami of the dead from destroying the mortal realm.
The plot and the worldbuilding was interesting, like, this shit had my eyes peeled open the entire time. Also, kudos for the incredibly charming prologue. Somehow you had me rereading the prologue. Damn.
My only complaint is the main character. I liked her as a swordswoman, and her trying to reopen the dojo, but her character sometimes feels very flippity floppity. Aside from that, the book was really fun to read.

Overall, 4 stars. If you want a book that feels like an anime, then you'll love this one.

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