Member Reviews

This was so fun and so sweet, like a cozy fae regency romance. And SO sexy. With casual queer, non-binary, and disability rep! I also feel like there were Pride and Prejudice influences on the story which I LOVED. I need more already, I can’t wait to get into more of the Faerwyvae world!

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I apologize that my review comes a few days late!

I actually had a LOT of fun with this book!
I can’t think of the last time I read a book with the “he falls first” trope but you can count me the hell in because this book had me feeling like a schoolgirl with a crush! But not in a weird way, just more so giddy and kicking my feet and LOTS of blushing ☺️
The romance is so well written and the pining is just... well, P.E.R.F.E.C.T.
This was such a fun read and I can’t wait to read more from this series!
This was also my first book by Tessonia Odette and if the rest are anything like this I think I’ll have another SJM level threat on my hands 💗

I will be recommending this to anyone who loves a good rivalry romance, Bridgerton, or a good ol’ Romantasy! Or even just any random book love I come across. I’ll never be silent!

Reviewed on Goodreads as well.

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This book was a hoot! I loved the writing, and banter, the tension! Honestly, this is more of the kind of book I thought divine rivals would be, so easy to say I loved this even more so! I love how both Edwina and Williams characters were stubborn in their connection with each other as it lead to some deliciously tense situations that made me kick my legs in giddiness! I loved this story, I loved the writing, and now want to read more from this author!

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I loved this book so much, the rivals to lovers was everything. This is a cute cozy romantasy! If you liked Divine Rivals you will love this. I had such a fun time reading this and it really felt like I was in the world. I loved William so much and the whole fantasy world was very intriguing. I will definitely be reading the next book in this series.

Thank you to netgalley for an ARC of this book.

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Spicy mf fantasy rom com slow burn rivals to lovers.
A fun read - I recommend it. The banter was great. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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A Rivalry of Hearts is a delightful and cozy, low-stakes gaslamp fantasy by Tessonja Odette. I absolutely adored this book so much, I had to get a copy and the art prints. How cute are they?! Tessonja created a whimsy and immersive world with endearing complex characters that are flawed but relatable (socially awkward? Me too, Edwina). This is the perfect palette cleanser—it’s easy to read, so cute, fun AND spicy. I was laughing, swooning, and the tension between the leads was chef’s kiss. I’m starving for more of the next couple. 🤭

Read if you like…
🌸 rivals with benefits
🖋️ witty banter
🌸 cozy gaslamp/regency fantasy
🖋️ he falls first
🌸 romcom
🖋️ dual POV

Thank you NetGalley and the author for the eARC.

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📚A Rivalry of Hearts by Tessonja Odette📚

5⭐️ out of 5
2.5🌶️ out of 5

🎉Publication Date🎉
June 12, 2024

🫖 Rivals to lovers
🫖 Dual POV
🫖 Seduction bet
🫖 He falls first
🫖 Competition

📜Page Count: 400 Pages📜


Aspiring author, Edwina Danforth, has landed on the island of the Fae, Feaerwyvae, for her book tour…late. A disheveled Edwina arrives to the news that her publisher has lined up another author to potentially replace her. Now that she has joined the tour, she must endure the new author, William Haywood, and his outlandishly flirtatious personality with his readers...and everyone else.

To make matters worse, Edwina finds out had she arrived to her tour on time, she would have been offered a once in a lifetime publishing contract. Now she must compete with William Haywood for it. And to top it all off, after a night of drinking, Edwina and William find themselves in a magically binding bet. This misguided wager stipulates that Edwina and William must attempt to seduce other people. Who ever seduces the most people, wins the contract, by way of the other person forfeiting the contract. Where Edwina lacks in experience, she more than makes up for in enthusiasm to do “research” for her romance novels. And, as it turns out, where William exceeds in experience, he lacks in enthusiasm to “bed” other people due to a fellow author quickly finding her way into his affections.

Will Edwina win out over her handsome, charismatic rival for most seductions? Will the prized publishing contract be taken by the more sexual experienced William Haywood? Or will Edwina and William learn that there’s more on the line than just seducing random strangers and a publishing contract…such as their own hearts?

📚A Deeper Read📚

It’s interesting how there’s a juxtaposition between Edwina and William’s experience with sex, yet neither have found love before.
William intentionally sought out partners to help his acting career, yet it only led to deeper loneliness due to having superficial connections. For example, at one point he admits that once the sexual nature of his relationship with Zane fizzled out, they were able to find a deeper connection through friendship. William’s issues seem rooted in the fact that he was unable to sync attraction and personal connection together. He was always playing a role, whether he meant to or not. His connection with Edwina broke down those barriers and forged a bond, while he simultaneously became attracted to her. Thus, William was able to finally find love for the first time despite how many sexual partners and encounters he had over the years.
With Edwina, it is the direct opposite. She is very limited in her sexual, and even plutonic, relationship experiences. She spends too much time working and in her own head writing scenes for next novel to forge any real life relationships. The one time she believed she was in love, it was all through letters with someone she had never met. When they did finally meet, the physical attraction wasn’t present. Edwina was able to make a meaningful emotional connection, but struggled with the physical aspect. This was a huge blow to her self esteem and adds to her loneliness. Through William’s consistent reassurance, Edwina gains new confidence and self assurance, which helps her to accept William’s advances.


The miscommunication trope is used a little bit here. I’m not a fan of this trope at all. However, it is used deliberately. The context and setting give way to a better understanding of why the miscommunication trope is used. A historical (for example Victorian) setting with societal rules where women are not permitted to openly express feelings and flirtations is an appropriate place to have this trope and not be too annoyed by it.

✨Elements I Loved✨

I LOVED the main character, Edwina. She was endearing, witty, funny, strong, and mature. Sure, she has her vulnerable moments (who doesn’t), but she handled them at the end with a level of maturity and grace that’s refreshing.

I loved that William (who is Fae) is 26 years old. This makes him 3 years younger than our FMC! Everyone rejoice! Finally we have a (slightly and age-appropriate) younger man for our FMC.

Monty and Daphne’s side flirtation and romance was so fun to read. I was so excited to see there was a bonus epilogue setting up a future book for their story. I really liked Monty and Daphne and I could tell that both of them are deeply multifaceted characters.

🪄Standout magic features🪄

This story picks out the well known element of “fae can’t lie” and really expounds upon it. Fae cannot lie- so what does that mean for stage actors? Only the best actors can lie because it’s within their role. But what about intimacy? We find out William’s struggles with this issue. It’s such a refreshingly different outlook on the same old adage.

I loved the Unseelie verses Seelie Fae. A fae usually has a Seelie (human form) and Unseelie (animal form) and most can switch back and forth between them. One of the characters, Daphne, keeps to her Unseelie form (a pine marten) but has the ability to go into her Seelie form (a woman). It’s such a fun and different twist on the concepts from what I’ve come across.

👩🏻My Recommendation👩🏻

I would recommend this book for anyone looking to fill a space that Bridgerton left. But not only that, this really is such a fun and unique book. It’s fae meets Divine Rivals meets Pride and Prejudice, and make it spicy. For me, it doesn’t get much more perfect than that.

✨Where it’s Available✨
Barnes and Nobles, Amazon, and wherever else books are sold.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for providing the ARC.

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This didn't do it for me. There was no plot, it was just the immature romance, and I can handle that but I need an engaging plot/storyline along side it. It didn't pick up until almost 80% in when Cassie comes and we realize William's secret. Which was a fun little twist but nothing extraordinary. Overall I was bored and it felt really immature. Major bummer!

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A Rivalry of Hearts

Fae Romcom
Enemies with benefits
Academic Rivals to lovers
I have fallen first

“You are beautiful. Your words are beautiful. There is no this is more beautiful than that when it comes to you.”

“I will come back. I will always come back. “It’s safe to let me go a little, and it’s safe to follow dreams as well.”

Edwina Danforth is a yet romance author who is more popular in the fairy world than in the human world where she is from. Edwina is two weeks late for a book tour of hers and when she arrives the plans change and now she has to share a tour with the poet William Haywood, both authors have to compete for a publishing contract. In the development Edwina and William create a game that many are afraid to play but they still do it and discover feelings and secrets.

The development of the story was perfect and ended as I expected it should. I was very surprised by the secrets that William had and the fear he had when falling in love. William was my favorite character, I felt very sorry and I laughed a lot with him. With Edwina it took me longer to like him, I loved his way of being, how tender he was and I love that he writes smut and is not embarrassed to say it or read it in front of a book club.

I've been liking it since the cover, it has a good start to hooking me but it started to bore me when there were more descriptions than scripts. I didn't like Cassie very much at first but then she let herself be known and I kept quiet. The character of Monty didn't catch my attention much until I got to the Epilogue. I want to read the story of Monty and Daphne now. Edwina and William had a deserving and perfect ending. I loved.

It is a good book and it is easy to read. If you are new to reading in English, I think that it does not have easy English, it is more complicated to understand.

Thanks to NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to honestly review this book.

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I thought this was so cute. It felt a little long at times but overall I really enjoyed it. Edwina and William both want the contract but can’t help getting tangled up making it a true rivals to lovers. And can I just say I loved Daphne so much.

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Did I have high expectations? Yes. Were these expectations met? A hundred times yes.

Main conclusion: this book was amazing. Let me start by giving a very short synopsis. Romance author goes on book tour with broody poet and the author with the most sales at the end of the tour gets the publishing contract they both desperately need. And you guessed it, they fall in love. Let me tell you, this story is one of the best rivals to lovers I have ever read.

"That was neither teasing nor protection. That was jealousy and desire."

The writing was really good, but at the same time very easy to read which made me fly through the book. The world building is also very well done and I wish I could wake up in Faerwyvae. The banter between Edwina and William was chef's kiss and the writing contained humor that genuinely made me laugh. I also feel like the build-up towards Edwina and Will's relationship was well-paced, and their hesitations were very valid. Overall, in my opinion, the background story was laid out well and did not leave any gaps or made any weird jumps.

"The smell of books is universally loved and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise."

Books and writing are one of the main themes in the book, which is something that I personally really love when executed well. William and Edwina bond over books, even when they claim to dislike each other's in the beginning. Other themes this story touches are standing up for yourself and others by not letting yourself get forced into a box created by social standards, grieve and family. While this is a fun and cozy read, it deals with heavy themes in a light manner and shows that your past is part of who you are now, but that it does not have to define you.

"I like smut and drivel."

This book is spicy, but in this case I feel like the spice adds to the story, but you'll have to read it to find out what I mean by that *wink*. Overall, I would really recommend this book to anyone who loves anything fae, cozy and romantic. It's medium paced and has a dual POV (yes, you get to hear his thoughts about her). It had me giggling and kicking my feet. It just made me really happy. I genuinely loved it and from now on I wll read every book Tessonja Odette publishes.

A major thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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4.25⭐! This book was so good! It has such a classic novel feel with a magical twist, and the cozy fantasy world was just enchanting. The plot is super creative, and the rivals-to-lovers storyline is wonderfully done! The tension and banter between the main characters were so captivating that I found it hard to stop reading!

I absolutely loved Edwina as a character! She was incredibly brave and unafraid to be herself. William was also quite charming. He was initially a bit annoying, which made sense given the rivalry, but Tessonja Odette did a great job of showing his charm through his dialogue and interactions with the other characters.

Throughout the story, I enjoyed witnessing the character development of Edwina and William, along with the themes of friendship and family. I fell in love with all of the characters!

What's lacking for me is that, as a romantasy book, I feel it would be better if there were more elements of magic in the plot!

Overall, it was an enjoyable read and an absolute delight! I highly recommend it if you're into romantasy with a captivating romance plot and quirky banter. Even if you're not big on fantasy, you'll still adore this book! Can't wait to get the physical copy on Jun 12 2024, because aside from the story, the cover is GORGEOUS!

Thank you to NetGalley & Tessonja Odette for the opportunity to read The Rivalry of Hearts early!

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This cozy fantasy is so dang cute!!!!!!!

A smutty romance author and a poet are competing to win a bet, while they take part in a book tour.
I loved the dynamic of Edwina and William from the beginning and their banter was perfection. I fell in love with William from his first POV chapter. Loved it so much, I went back and reread the chapter again!
I was smiling and giggling to myself throughout most of the book and the spice did not disappoint. I also enjoyed how invested I was in the side characters and cannot wait to see how their stories may develop in the future.

This is my first book from this author, but for sure wouldn't be the last. Will have to read the other books from the same world, so I get a further understanding. However this can definitely be read as a standalone.

Thank you so much for the arc and I cannot wait to see how this world develops in the future.

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I was so happy to get this book as an ARC and I can safely say that it did not disappoint at all!

We get to see a very passionate and unabashed fmc named Edwina transition from a world of propriety and social status, to a world of freedom and debauchery. When she travels to the fae lands, everything is different from the people to the social norms. It is wonderful to read about a main character that isn't scandalized by this new world, but rather takes it by storm.

We are also introduced to a wonderful mmc and oh are they rivals indeed! I enjoyed how the reason for their rivalry never felt silly. The plot was so thought out and interesting that I couldn't get enough of it. Our mmc, William, is a vain poet that does not welcome our Edwina with a warm welcome. Instead of the proper greeting for such a lady, she is met with names such as Ed and even Weenie! From there, their relationship rides a wave of hatred, intrigue, kindness, humour and lots of spice!

It was wonderful to see both sides of their stories since this book is a dual pov! I could do nothing but sympathize with both parties and fall in love with these characters. This was a hilarious read that I had no issue assigning 5 stars. I cannot wait to continue with this series and read about the rest of the crew!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Tessonja Odette and Victory Editing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book was hard for me to put down and I read it one sitting. I love a well written and easily digestible rom-com. It was so cozy, fun and I fell in love with all of the characters fairly quickly.

I usually don’t bother with all the details about settings in books and they become an afterthought, however in this one I enjoyed being a tourist with Edwina. The romance was top tier as well.

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2 🌶️

First I want to thank @t and @nerd as well as NetGalley for this eARC opportunity. I wasn’t taking any chances when it came to getting my hands on this 😂. But as always this review is completely honest and voluntary 🤍

🌷I think I really needed this cozy fantasy romcom. I had so much fun reading this. I’m honestly slacking and have only read one of Tessonja’s other books but they’ve all always been on my radar. And this one is only pushing those ones further up the list 😂

🌸 I absolutely adored Edwina. I connected with her on so many things. Her age, her writing, the insecurity she has and has come to accept. She was also just hilariously odd and it was funny to see how her banter with Will evolved. While she tended to stay stubborn and prideful, seeing her acknowledge it and learn for it was kind of heartwarming.

🌼Will, oh gosh, my heart breaks for him. He’s used to putting on performances and Edwina makes him break character more than he cares to admit. He’s doing everything he can to take car of his sister and his past has him so broken he thinks he doesn’t deserve to be happy. And while he was sweet and charming don’t let that full youuu. He’ll have you fanning yourself with the things he says 🫠🫠 omg.

🌷The relationship and understanding between Will and Edwina was wholesome and mature even though their conversations and banter sometimes wasn’t. But… balance 😂🙌🏼

🌸I adored Monty, Daphne, and Zane. Monty and Zane’s plotting and scheming had me rolling 😂

🌼I can’t wait to delve deeper in Faerwyvae with Entangled with the Fae, the rest of the Fair Isle Trilogy. And I can’t WAIT for the next couple in Fae Flings and Corset Strings! 😍😍

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A Rivalry of Hearts (Fae Flings and Corset strings #1) is everything you need from a cozy fantasy romance wrapped up in an adorable little floral package. Needless to say my love for a slow burn rivals to lovers made this book an incredibly easy read (I read this book in two sittings, and if I did not have to work it probably would have been done in one.)

Two authors find themselves on a book tour together, both vying for a coveted three book deal from their publishing company. A quirky bespectacled romance author and a gorgeous and slightly full of himself fae poet makes up our main couple of this book, and I adore William and Edwina with all of my heart. The witty banter between the two of them is swoon worthy and I love how William falls for Edwina with all of her quirks. Also, an incredible balance between smutty drivel and tender moments that made me giggle and kick my feet as I read.

I have no words for how much I enjoyed reading this book, whenever I was not reading it I thought of it and the unique cast of characters, the fae world that Tessonja Odette has constructed is the perfect mix of modern and historical with a heavy handed dose of fantasy. It has such a cozy feeling to it as you read; the way fae are described in this book as tricky and some having more animal like features was a breath of fresh air to someone who is used to fae just having pointed ears.

Needless to say I am honoured to have been able to read this book before it's release, but catch me on June 12th running to my local bookstore to grab a copy of one of my new "go-to" feel good fantasy romance novel!

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Thank you to the publisher for this eArc.

This book originally came up on my Instagram feed and I knew I had to read it, and I’m so glad I was given the chance to!

It took me a bit to get into (I’m blaming a reading slump) but the writing was charming and the romance ended up being really cute. I loved the dynamic between Edwina and Will and thought that their relationship progression was done quite well. It was also really nice to see such sex-positivity and inclusion written into the book and it only made me like it more.

One thing that did hamper my experience a bit was how often the conflict of the publishing contract and bet came up. This may be just me personally but at times it felt like I was reading the “third act breakup” multiple times throughout the book and it took away from the cozier vibe of the book overall.

Overall, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to try out cozy fantasy but still wants some spice and angst thrown in.

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Not always the case, but I liked the characters in this book from the very beginning and I ended up reading it every available moment I had.

The rivalry between Edwina and Will is silly and immature, but in a way that is good natured and had me entertained, rather than rolling my eyes.

I ended up laughing out loud quite a few times and became really invested in the bet, but also the romance between them.

Will and his sister don't always have the easiest time in the book, but it's still pretty light-hearted and funny and one that had me smiling through til the end.

This was the first book I'd read by the author but it definitely won't be my last!

4.5⭐ rounded to 5.

Thank you to Victory Editing Netgalley Co-op and the author for the review copy, provided in exchange for an honest opinion.

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This is really really cute and I really enjoyed this! I enjoyed the two main characters and the MMC having constant wars in his head and justifying everything he does for the MFC.

I loved edwina! I felt so bad for her a lot of the time!

This was an unusually plot line where they had to bed the most people… also the “twist” of him not neing the actual author was very predictable. I was heavily hinted all the way though.

I did still like this and it was cozy vipers with a bit of spice!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to read this arc in exchange of my honest review

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