Member Reviews

This was a fun read and was definitely cost with no high stakes... Wish I had read it in a cosier environment.
3.5 Stars
Excited to read more by this author

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This is the first book I have read by this author, and she has now become one of my favourites! This book was incredible. Tessonja's writing is so fun, flirty, and easy to follow. The premise of the book sounded interesting, and as I became immersed in this new world, I immediately fell in love with Edwina. Edwina was independent, headstrong, and passionate. I wish I could read her books right now!

The banter and rivalery between Edwina and William were perfect, and I enjoyed watching their relationship change as they slowly admitted their feelings for each other. William fell first, but he didn't realise what was going on (but we did 😏).
We gradually learned more about Edwina and Walliam's personality, dreams, desires, and fears as we follow them along on their book tour in this wonderful Romantasy, and I can't wait to see what else Tessonja will give us!

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I had SO MUCH FUN!! As with many romances with clumsy quirky heroines, there were some predictable parts, some cringe parts, and some parts where she seemed to be ignoring obvious things for no reason other than plot conveniences and romantic angst, but all of that is part of the genre and completely expected.
I in particular loved the subplot of Monty and Daphne, and am excited for their book! Bringing in characters from some of Odette's previous works was a brilliant move, as it made me want to go back and read the others novels to know what they were referencing!
Okay, the spice. The spice was H O T. 4/5 peppers I'd say, a reasonable and expected amount appearing after the halfway point and leveling up at a steady speed. Odette was descriptive without being gauche, and I was BLUSHING!!
I wish that Edwina hadn't been so oblivious obtuse and making problems out of nothing (i.e. Cassie's work and Will's right to do whatever tf he wants) but once again I understand that an unreasonable heroine is par for the course in the genre, so I'm not too upset about it.

Thank you to Netgalley for this free copy in exchange for an honest review!

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A Rivalry of Hearts
by Tessonja Odette
5 ⭐️

fae bargain ✨
rivals to lovers
historical fantasy romance 🌸
cozy slow burn
dual POV📚

Emily Wilde’s Encyclopeadia of Faeries meets a slightly more modern Bridgerton! I picked this ARC because the premise sounded like something I would love. I was a bit hesitant because these types of books can either be great or fall very short but I’m happy to say this was amazing!! Edwina reminds me a more modern Emily Wilde especially in the narration/tone of the book. This the the perfect cozy, fantasy rom com. There is so much tension and quick witty banter!! I loved the slow development between Edwina and Will. The only things that made me consider lowering my rating slightly was that the dialogue did not actually give regency vibes and the ending felt a little rushed. I still loved it and now I’m considering buying the hardcover as my trophy because I’m a sucker for under the jacket designs and this was truly SO good!

I’m so excited for Daphne and Monty’s book! I was really hoping for a work place romance but I’m sure that whatever it ends up being will be amazing! I really loved them and I’m SO interested to see how their relationship happens! This was my first Tessonja book but definitely not my last! Currently trying to pick the next book of hers that I plan to read!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing Co-Op for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

*IG review will be posted on 5/30/24 on*

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I was drawn to this book after seeing the NerdFam marketing on Instagram and it sounded like such a fun and spicy fantasy.

This book was such an original story and also felt like a combination of so many of my favorite tropes. Cozy spicy fae 😍. The FMC and MMC banter was everything. The perfect enemies/rivals to lovers.

I really appreciated the effort put into the ARC digital file. It was beautiful and so easy to read! Very much looking forward to this coming to print, so I can add the gorgeous to my shelf.

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thanks to NetGalley for the eARC

⭐️=1.5 | 😘=5 | 🤬=4 | ⚔️=1.5 | 18+

summary: rival authors (one human, one fae) on a book tour are mean and bantery at each other (in a manner either genuinely hurtful or extremely cringey). and they like make a deal about who can seduce the most people but then the deal goes literally nowhere because the guy’s POV is 99% “omg how does she not notice that I want to seduce her” so what was even the point??

thoughts: oh dear. oh no. okay. well. here are the few things I did like:

- the fae love interest isn’t 500 billion years old! he’s actually a couple years younger than the heroine, which is so much better than him being an ancient old man like in 99% of other fae romances!!

- I loved that there was a map inside. I never once referenced it, and it was extremely frivolous and useless. iconic.

stuff I didn’t like

- prose style was cringe??

- their nicknames for each other 😭 he calls her “Weenie” (short for Edwina; I wish I was kidding). it is used excruciatingly often to devastating effect on my mental wellbeing. I can not emphasize enough the great extent to which this will haunt me for the rest of my living days. horrifying.

- the guy’s POVs were there solely so he could talk about how in love he is with the heroine, which I always find to be boring and unnecessary. male characters deserve diverse personalities and actually interesting wants that aren’t primarily centered around the love interest!! #givemenrights (I’m kidding) (but it is boring to have male POVs entirely centered around the FMC) (with hardly a care for any other character traits whatsoever) (looking at you, Divine Rivals )

- speaking of the MMC’s primary want (outside of banging Edwina)!! the resolution was super weird?? I’m struggling to explain why exactly I didn’t like it and I can’t so I guess I’ll leave it there
the scene where the sleazy fae guy almost assaults her is solely there so that the MMC can heroically and possessive rescue her and I don’t love that? like it serves no other narrative purpose??

- the world building is so strange in a way that made me giggle. like there is corsets and sexism and the heroine is, like, the property of her male relatives until she gets married, but simultaneously there are fae orgies and the phrase “R rated” (though bizarrely it refers to plays??) and other bizarrely modern turns of phrase?? like this is a cozy romantasy so chaotic, silly world building is par for the course, but this one didn’t work for me.

- those are just the ones off the top of my head lol

anyway. this wasn’t for me! cozy silly witty romantasy has been one of my favorite genres lately (see The Ornithologist's Field Guide to Love , Half a Soul , The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy , etc) and this one did not give what was meant to be gave. sorry. yikes.

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This book was so so fun! I loved the fae elements, and world-building was really well done and made me feel like I could actually picture these settings. I loved the FMC and the MMC, and loved the delicious tension between the two of them. I will definitely recommend this book to readers who like cozy romantasy, and I think that this title will reach a broad demographic of readers. Thank you to NetGalley, Tessonja Odette, and Crystal Moon Press for the chance to read and enjoy this advanced copy!

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A drunken bet turns into something more than what Edwina (a human author) and William (a fae poet) hoped for. The bet? Whoever can bed the most lovers during their month-long book tour wins the highly coveted contract with a publishing company. At first, they absolutely despise each other. Overtime, they begin to have feelings for each other (Will falls first), and, thanks to a “free pass,” Edwina can finally act out the *spicy* scenes she describes in her novels.

I love a good enemies-to-lovers trope, and this one does it so well. Edwina and Will are both flawed characters, each having their own secrets, habits, and other personality traits, and it makes for funny (yet somewhat adorable at times) interactions between the two (and the rest of the characters). Throughout the book, I noticed both of them had valid reasons why they needed the publishing contract, and I’m glad it ended the way it ended. The world-building is pretty good too - each tour stop had a different vibe and charms to it, and I could picture the settings well. Overall, its cute, but be warned: it gets a spicy at times ;)

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This is my first title from this author, and I will definitely be reading more of her work! This book was such a fun approach to the rivals to trope that magnificently combines top-notch banter, great spice, and swoon-worthy romance. This book is well-written, inventive, and should appeal to any romance reader, even those not keen on fantasy. Edwina and William were such great characters, well-developed and witty. I loved watching them both navigate their highly unexpected competition, all the while falling for each other. Anyone looking for a charming romantic comedy with a flare of historical romance and fantasy will adore this one.

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This book gets all the stars because this was SUCH an amazing surprise! The synopsis definitely sounded intriguing, but I didn't expect to be sucked in the story from the very beginning. I'm so glad I did! Edwina and William's story was amazing, and I could not get enough of their banter and sexual tension. This is definitely a must read!

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Oh my goodness! This book was so much fun! If you love "Enemies to Lovers", "He Fell First", fantasy & fae, and you love making fun of yourself as a smut/romance reader, then this book is for you! Our two main characters Edwina and William had be cackling with laughter. Their banter, and relationship development was simply the best. This was a fun read that had me grinning and blushing the whole time.

Thank you to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the ARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A huge thank you to Netgalley for this ARC! I absolutely ADORED this story from start to finish. I was literally giggling and kicking my feet all throughout - it was just so lovely. The romance, the spice, the banter - perfect. I will be purchasing a physical copy once it's released so I can read it again.

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Prepare to be swept away on a whimsical journey into the enchanting world of 'A Rivalry of Hearts,' where rival authors find themselves entangled in a seductive game of hearts and words. In this spicy standalone fantasy romance, Tessonja delivers a delightful blend of wit, charm, and steamy chemistry that will leave readers utterly captivated.

What sets 'A Rivalry of Hearts' apart is its irresistible blend of humor, romance, and fantasy. Edwina's quick wit and determination make her a heroine to root for, while Will’s charm and complexity add depth to their fiery dynamic. As they navigate the twists and turns of their unconventional “relationship,” they discover that sometimes the greatest rivalries can lead to the most unexpected love stories.

I adore this book so much! I love this world created by Tessonja and I love all the characters - especially the FMC, Edwina, and the MMC, Will. This book was utter perfection and had me swooning, giddy, and kicking my feet. The banter between the main characters was chef’s kiss And the mouth on Will 🥵🥵🥵.

I highly recommend this book if you adore spicy, fantasy romance stories with rivals to lovers!

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This was a delight. It was cozy, romantic, funny and silly in all the right places. I loved the main characters and their connection. IYKYK.
This is a perfect read for book lovers wanting something fresh to add to their tbr!

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I loved this book so much. "Smut and drivel," indeed! Edwina and William do such a great job at being enemies and being lovers. Their banter is hilarious, their drunken-bet and its results entertaining. and their back stories compelling. I loved the secondary characters (I cannot wait for Daphne's book!). "A Rivalry of Hearts" is simply a fun romance - with a healthy dose of spice mixed in. Perfect book to read pool side, or fire side. Highly recommend.

5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary ARC of this book. These opinions are my own.

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A Rivalry of Hearts brings together Edwina, a human author, and William, a fae poet, as they travel across the fae lands on a joint book tour. Their rivalry sparks a competition that will lead to only one of them securing a future contract with their publisher (which both desperately need).

My first big issue with the book was the confusing world building and magic system. The story seems to be set in a world that the author has developed in previous books. Maybe if I had read those I would have understood it more, but in my opinion the world building should be able to stand alone. There was a strange combination of historical elements (dress, society, transportation) and modern elements (interns, book tours, marketing dollars), but it wasn’t fleshed out enough to give me a true sense of place and time. The magic system was also poorly explained and it felt thrown in whenever it served to move the plot along. For example the rules around the bargain, how they are struck, can be changed, and can be ended, all seemed ad hoc.

The bargain which serves as the main conflict of the story was also not to my taste. <spoiler> A bargain about how many OTHER people you can seduce seemed a little weird for a romance. And it seemed out of character for the true William and especially for Edwina.</spoiler> It seems like this book couldn’t decide what it was: cute and cozy historical fantasy, or sexy fae erotic romance.

However, not all was bad, I did really like the two main characters. If you’re a fan of Emily Wilde and Wendell Bambleby (Heather Fawcett’s Emily Wilde series) you may really like Edwina and William. But they suffered from the plot really pulling me out of their love story. The side characters were fun and I was interested in their backstories.

Overall this was a good book, but not a great book. But I am intrigued enough to explore the author’s backlist.

Read and reviewed this Advanced Reader Copy from NetGalley.

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thank you to the author for allowing me to read this as an ARC!
I was super drawn to the preface of this book, fae x humans rivalry and enemies to lovers.
it was all fun and interesting until about 60% then it lost its splendor. somehow the story fell flat and I struggled to finish it but powered through.
The ending wasn't all that unpredictable but all in all it was a happy one.

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Who among us hasn't watched Bridgerton and thought... this would be better with Faeries?

I absolutely adored this book! I haven't read anything else by Odette, but I have since added all of her books to my tbr! I love a world where humans and fae coexist, I love bookish books, I love enemies to lovers... this was made for me! I fell in love with these characters and smiled the whole time I was reading. I can't wait for the next book!

It felt like all the fun parts of Regency England, but with some fun, progressive fae culture mixed in (hello, non-binary representation!). I would highly recommend this for fans of the Emily Wilde series, or anyone who is looking for some Bridgerton-esque romantasy.

(and honestly - what better series title than "Fae Flings and Corset Strings" - come on!!!)

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review!

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✨ Review ✨
Genre: Cozy Romantasy
Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I loved this cozy fae romcom! In this story, two authors rival for a contract with an esteemed publisher. One is a goofy, human romance writer, the other a pretentious, fae poet. I adored the banter between Edwina and Will. I laughed out loud multiple times while reading this book. And the tension! 🫠

Tessonja did an amazing job! Thank you for writing this fun, beautiful, and cozy romance.

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I think I have read almost every read written by Tessonja Odette that is set in the world created in The Fair Isle Trilogy and Entangled with Fae so this book has been on my must-read list ever since I heard that it was coming out.

I really enjoyed this book. It's a charming romcom with great banter, steamy scenes, and sweltering sexual tension that gives a regency feel with magic. Perfect for a Bridgerton Season 3: Part 1 after effects!

I can't wait for the next book in this series because Daphne is going to blow us away.

Thank you to NetGalley, Tessonja Odette, and the publisher for an ARC of this book!

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