Member Reviews

I read the ebook version of a Rivalry of Hearts and immediately after finishing it pre-ordered the hardcover version. This was my first book by this author and I absolutely loved it.

A Rivalry of Hearts is about Edwina and William, two authors on a book tour together who compete for a publishing contract. Fae, enemies-to-lovers, and witty banter, what more can you really ask for in a book! The main characters had such great chemistry and I loved them together. The settings and side characters were amazing also well. This was one of my favourite recent reads!

I can’t wait to read Monty and Daph’s book!

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I have been a fairly recent Tessonja Odetta fan after only discovering her last year. Yes I know I’m behind. But hey better late than never. And let me tell you Teasonja Odetta has done it again folks! If you are looking for a cozy fantasy read file with witty characters, A Rivalry of Hearts is for you!

A Rivalry of Hearts, the first of her new The Fae Flings and Corset Strings series. Tropes for this book had all of my favorites, enemies- to- lovers, he falls first, character nicknames and don’t forget about the witty banter. Edwina and Will kept me grinning through the entire book. My favorite scene though the flower scene, if you know you know ;)

Thank you, NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, for an arc' copy of A Rivalry of Hearts in exchange for an honest review. I can’t recommend this book enough! Please check it out on June 12, 2004.

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The blurb of A Rivalry of Hearts promises everything I was looking for:
"Two rival writers.
One prestigious publishing contract.
A bargain of hearts and seduction."
Who can say no to that?! And I was not disappointed.

William Hayward, who is a fae, slowly but surely made its way into my list of book boyfriends because he's so charmingly mysterious. Meanwhile, Edwina Danforth is a whirlwind of chaos and you have to love her for it. Both of them have their flaws, but they fit each other so well.

Sometimes Edwina frustrated me more so than William did, but that also left room for development. Edwina struggles with her pride, and it often gets in the way of her true feelings, but the way in which these basic human emotions were dealt with was a nice contrast to the fantasy setting of the book.

If you like enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers, or some good old sexual tension with a touch of slow burn, then this definitely will be the romantasy read for you! truly a novel of "smut and drivel" 🩵

thank you netgalley and the publisher for the arc!

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This book is a low stakes fantasy regency novel which sweeps you away. If you’re looking for a book similar to Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater this is definitely it!
It’s about a romance author and a poet/actor, making a bet and having to dissolve it because they’re feelings override their want to win
The chemistry of the main characters is over the roof and their bets are so much fun to read. If you’re looking for a fast paced lighthearted read you will definitely adore this book.

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Rating: 5/5
Spiciness: 3/5

Playful, sexy, fun! So so so good! This book had me giggling and screaming! I read it in one sitting. Literally so incredible! From the moment the main characters met, it was all banter, fun, spicy. If you like enemies (more like rivals) to lovers, this book is for you!

Edwina is a human. William is a fae. They're both authors on a book tour together. At the end of the book tour, only one walks away with a book contract for 3 more books. Each has their reasons to need that contract. The contract is supposed to go to whoever has the most sales by the end of the tour, but after seeing William's popularity after the first event and a little too much fae alcohol, Edwina propose a new bet. Whoever can seduce/bed more people by the end of the tour wins the contract? The only problem Edwina is not much of a seductress, but she's now more motive than ever.

There's so many lovely parts of this book! I love how Edwina and William swap secrets yet never shame the other about what they learned. I like how consent is clear and always asked. I like how Edwina rises to every dare and is so open about everything she learns in the fae world.

This book got me out of a reading slump. Every book I have read recently was just good, but nothing really excited me. This book did that! So if you like strong, independent, kinda clumsy, socially awkward female leads and aggrogant, charming, respectful male leads and a bantering rivalry, read this book! It won't disappoint!

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me this arc. All thoughts in this review are my own.

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This was such a cute book! I adores A Rivalry of Hearts from the first page. Edwina is so adorably awkward and unlucky at the start of her journey. Her rival, Will, is insufferable and haughty, standing in her way of her dreams and livelihood. Of course romance blossoms.

I thought the ending was perfect for the story and I love how the epilogue set up the next book.

The setting was gorgeous and I loved all the side characters. Although this is my first Tessonja Odette novel, it will not be my last!

Thanks to NetGalley and Crystal Moon Press for the eARC.

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In this sweet but spicy fantasy romance, we follow Edwina and Will, two rivals on their book tour.
Originally Edwina’s solo book tour, she finds herself delayed leading to Will picking up the first two dates for himself. Pitted against each other by their publisher for sales and an exclusive three-book publishing deal, they form their own bet – whoever can seduce the most people on the duration of the book tour gets the publishing deal.
At first it seems as though Will could win on sales alone, but Edwina is a romance author, seduction is what she does. Will The Poet is popular, but Edwina has the added bonus of being the queen’s favourite author.
It is a close game of romance and soon the two find themselves making a new bargain, seducing the other to lower their chances with anyone else.
The book was just the right amount of romance and emotion, mixed with the magical world and character. Edwina was wonderful and devoted to her work, not knowing her own value due to her past. Will has never shown his true self to anyone, always playing the part for the readers, and together they form the most heart wrenching, romantic duo.
A Rivalry of Hearts is built on a love for words and readers, and finding someone who understands you beyond all of that. The read was enjoyable and easy, a comfort read and an escape.

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Workplace Romance, along with both the characters from book background, well this was enough to convince me pick up this book and i am glad that I did.
It was a well paced book with well penned down characters. The characters were amazing and each was given sufficient scope to contribute to the book that really made my reading experience more wonderful. I was hooked till the end.

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Thank you Netgalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for providing this ARC!

I quite like it it's a very nice read. The FMC is a romance author who is inexprience it's quite funny and relatable

The MMC is a poet, i like how he was so denial for his feelings at the beginning but it's very obvious

The confession scene was so cute

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5 stars
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital copy to review. All thoughts are my own.

What a delightfully charming and steamy romp this was. A Rivalry of Hearts was my first book by this author, and I'm eager to pick up other books soon after enjoying this one a great deal. I'm a huge fan of whimsical and banter-filled romances, especially if set in a historical/gaslamp fae fantasy world, and I was rewarded greatly with this read. Both Edwina and Will are wonderful characters, each weighed down with the need to win a publishing contract to better their lives - Edwina so she can move to a place more supportive of her romance novels than back home in the human land of Bretton, and William so he can better support his younger sister Cassie get through studies at a performing arts college. Since there's only one contract up for grabs, naturally they are the greatest of rivals - cue my excitement over all the banter.

A Rivalry of Hearts kept me well fed on delightful bickering, humorous situations, heated moments, sexual tension and desire, wholesome feelings and confessions, and a beautiful cast of side characters that bolstered this read into something I wanted to consume. I was kicking at my bedding and shrieking at moments, and even though the storyline was highly predictable at points, I was 100% sold on the journey to get to the conclusion. Will, especially, is swoon-ably charming, with a tragic back story to add to his case and an affectionate habit of being protective and responsible, which I adored. Edwina is equally engaging, with her eagerness to research fae more properly for her upcoming romance stories. Her ability to be shy and forthcoming depending on the situation was believable, and I loved how outspoken she could get (even when she was sometimes in the wrong). She advocated for women to not have to follow duty and have a career of their own, and was rewarded by many during her time in the faelands. I loved watching her grow comfortable with herself physically and mentally away from the stricter societal expectations of Bretton, too.

The romance is central to the plot, and this was marketed as spicy - and don't get me wrong, there is a good deal of steamy tension, but I truly appreciated that it wasn't instantaneous. I loved the build-up of the sexual tension between Will and Edwina and how often we got a good taste of what could be and what would come. By the time the spice truly culminates, it was much further into the book, and I felt rewarded by the author's decision to not rush the full physical intimacy any earlier.

Whilst the ending was a little weaker than I anticipated, and the third act breakup was a little dramatic, I thoroughly enjoyed this read and will be highly anticipating book two - when I read that the side characters I had been hoping for something more would be the main stars of the sequel, I fully rejoiced. I'm now off to search my kindle for the books I've picked up by this author and yet to read!

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3.5/5 (rounded up to 4)

Thanks to NetGalley, Victory Editing, & Tessonja Odette for providing an eARC of A Rivalry of Hearts!

Are you a fan of rom coms, faeries, and perhaps a fine dusting of smut? Well then, step right up!!

A Rivalry of Hearts follows the slightly bumbling romance author Edwina on the book tour of her dreams! Well, it WAS the book tour of her dreams before her ship to Faerwyvae (the isle of the fae) was delayed... Now she is a couple stops late to her tour. And even worse? A fae poet, William, has been added as a second author on this tour. Oh, and they are both fighting for a chance at the same contract with the publisher.

With both Edwina and William desperate for the contract, they strike themselves a slightly alcohol-fueled deal: Whoever beds the most people by the end of the tour gets the contract. For a romantically inexperienced smut writer and a fae man who cannot be intimate without having feelings for the other person, this goes about as well as you may expect (cue montage of rivals becoming lovers).

This is definitely a fun romance placed in a fantasy world. There are many other books set in this world, and I may just have to check them out since I adored all our characters. It wasn't show stoppingly amazing or brought me to tears, but it was a fun and quick read for me!

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This read was a very rare occurrence for me - I went in blind! I liked the title, cover and blurb and jumped on in…and I'm so glad I did! This was just plain fun..low stakes, high drama, good old fashioned fantasy with a healthy serving of spice. It took me a bit to adjust to this particular world/lore, but it was actually refreshing to read some fairy smut that wasn’t laced with imminent death!

If you are an enemies to lover fan, you will be HOOKED on this couple. The teasing banter, the games, the moments of vulnerability slowly building into a deep connection and LORD the HEAT!

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I was really excited for this one but it just did not do it for me. I just couldn’t connect with the MC and felt the world building needed more work.

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I want to thank the author and netgalley for this ARC. This book caught my attention and was quite captivating.  The chemistry between the characters was great. I had a great time reading this story

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4⭐️ “A Rivalry of Hearts” by Tessonja Odette - available June 12th, 2024

If you need your next cozy romantasy with a Happy Ever After then look no further. “A Rivalry of Hearts” has the perfect balance of cozy fantasy world, artist rivalry, and spice all mixed together for a heartwarming read.

❤️‍🔥 Enemies-to-lovers
🎭 Creative minds
✍🏻 Quirky heroine
🌶️ Spice
🧳 Traveling
🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 Sex Bet
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Dual POV

This was such an easy book to fall into. The world is fantastical but easy to follow, the characters have depth and realistic quirks and struggles, and the descriptions are wonderful.

I was a little unsure of Will to start — I may or may not have made a note that said “If we are supposed to find him charming it is not working.” However, it was I just didn’t even know it. He becomes so beautifully obsessed with Edwina I loved every second of it. ❤️‍🔥

There were also great Regency undertones to this which I adored. As a big Jane Austen, Julia Quinn, and Evie Dunmore fan this felt like it captured that energy with a fantasy twist.

❗️Disclaimer: I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.❗️

Posted - Goodreads 5/24/24 and Instagram 5/25/24

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"A Rivalry of Hearts" takes readers on a whimsical journey, blending Regency romance with a touch of fantasy that's as unexpected as it is enchanting. While not my usual genre pick, I was pleasantly immersed in the author's imaginative world-building and clever nods to literary classics.

From the moment Edwina sets off on her much-anticipated book tour, accompanied by the oh-so-charming (read: insufferable) William, the stage is set for a rollercoaster of emotions. Their banter and the wager they strike up add a delightful spark to the narrative, keeping readers on their toes. I do love good banter.

However, as the story progresses, it loses some of its initial momentum. The resolution feels a bit too neatly tied up, and Edwina's character development falls short of expectations, leaving me wishing for a bit more depth.

Despite these minor gripes, "A Rivalry of Hearts" is a fun and whimsical read that offers a refreshing twist on traditional romance. It's perfect for those seeking a lighthearted escape with just the right fantasy flair.

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First of all I want to thank NetGalley, Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and of course Tessonja Odette for allowing me to read the ARC of "A Rivalry of Hearts" in exchange for an honest review.

I will not lie, I applied for this ARC first and foremost because of how beautiful this cover is and I am not ashamed to admit it.

The happier I am to tell everybody who wants to hear it that this book was an absolute stunner content wise as well!

I LOVED the world building, I loved the rivaliry between the main characters, I loved the side characters, I loved everything about it. I loved the funny banters, I loved the heartache, I just l o v e d.

Think ... Jane Austen ... but with spice and faes.

Enemies to lovers.
He falls first.
Slow burn.

It has just all the tropes I love, and I am absolutely certain you will too if you love faes, love and quirky heroins.

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𝑰’𝒎 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝑰’𝒗𝒆 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒆𝒕, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒆𝒅𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒔 𝒂 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒎 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕, 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒂𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆.

Are you kidddding meeee!!! This is probably going to be one of my fav reads of the year. 🤭

Edwina Danforth is a romance writer who needs this publishing contract from the fae lands but so does the annoyingly handsome and aggravating fae poet William Haywood who she of course finds herself stuck on tour with for a month. With a fae bet of seduction now mixed in, both Edwina and William realize it’s harder to follow through seducing anyone to get ahead when they find themselves drawn to each other instead- to their rival also desperate to win. Expect witty banter, delicious tension, adorable nicknames, and a delightful tour around Faerwyvae.

I was giggling, kicking, squealing and blushing throughout the whole book! Seriously still swooning from all the things William says/does😍 each time I thought it wouldn’t get better, it did.

Tessonja also tactfully brought in darker/harder themes in such a purposeful way that helped to develop the characters so perfectly and with intention. It was all well paced and exciting from start to finish!

This is such a cozy, fantastical read with diverse and lovable characters, beautiful imagery of the fae lands, and seriously all the charm! I had so much fun reading this book, I didn’t want it to end 🥲

Tropes & themes to expect:

🌸 Cozy Fantasy rom-com
🌸 He falls first
🌸 Rivals to lovers
🌸 Close proximity
🌸 Dual pov
🌸 Found family
🌸 Slow burn

This is the first book in the Fae Flings and Corset Strings standalone series, and I cannot wait to get my hands on the rest of books. Looking forward to reading more from Tessonja!

FYI- Although this is a cozy fantasy romance, please make sure to read trigger warnings !!

Thank you Netgalley for the eARC & the opportunity to read and review!

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A delightful novel of “smut and drivel” that left me completely charmed! A Rivalry of Hearts is a gaslamp romcom with some of my favorite tropes, including rivals to lovers, he falls first, and a bookish backdrop as both main characters are authors who meet on a book tour only to discover they are in competition for a lucrative publishing contract. The plot centers around their rivalry, which is soon complicated first by an ill-advised bet on which author can engage in more amorous exploits over the course of the tour, and finally by the pair’s irrefutable chemistry. I absolutely enjoyed every minute of this enchanting romp, from the funny banter, the romantic longing, the sprinkling of spice, and the development of flawed but likable characters. I will be looking forward to the next installment and delving into Odette’s other works as well!

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I loved this book with all my heart! The banter! The romance! The pining! This book is beautifully written and had me squealing with happiness the whole time!

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