Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book once it picked up. However the beginning was very slow and I was tempted to not continue. I’m glad I pushed through because I really love Edwina and William. I loved getting character art to start out so I knew what to picture as well. The different courts and how the fae live was a bit confusing I think having a little more description in the beginning would be great. Otherwise I Ike’s this a lot!

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In the Fae Flings and Corset Strings series, A Rivalry of Hearts is a fiery stand-alone adult fantasy romantic comedy. This captivating story will appeal to fans of quirky heroines, romantic rivals, and rivals in academia.

Trope: forced proximity, rivals to lovers

Edwina is experiencing the life of her dreams: she's heading out on her first book tour after her book became an overnight sensation in the realm of the faes. But she's compelled to share with William her tour when she is delayed because of travel issues. Who, incidentally, is the worst and considers her writings to be "drivel." They are in competition for a publishing deal on this tour, which has the potential to transform their lives and provide solutions to their issues. They will do this by making a bet: During their month-long rival book tour, the one who can bed the most lovers will earn the highly sought-after publishing deal. However, what if their luck went beyond securing a contract?


This was great fun for me! It was the ideal cosy romance, a beautiful fusion of imagination and romance. I genuinely loved the banter and chemistry between the characters because they were so endearing. I liked that their "bet" gave us many scenes with them. I enjoyed the banter between Edwina and William, we could feel the chemistry between them from the beginning.

Up until the midway mark, I was completely engrossed in the plot; after that, it became somewhat monotonous and dragged. Additionally, I thought the resolution of their primary dispute was a little too hasty, especially in light of the extensive build-up that occurred at the novel's start. More, I felt like the primary dispute was just there because it is the structure of a typical romance novel.

Overall, it was a great time, and I'm interested in continuing the series and seeing where the next installment takes us.

Thank you Netgalley and Tessonja Odette for the opportunity to read and review this book ahead of its publication.

- Honest review and all mine -

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I love Tessonja's stories. They are always packed with fantasy, romance, fun, and so much tenderness; this book was no exception.

Romance author Edwina Danforth finds herself trapped in a magical bet with her rival, William Haywood, during a visit to the faelands. Both authors compete in a month-long book tour to seduce the most lovers, with the prize being a prestigious publishing contract. Despite her reputation for writing passionate romances, Edwina's real-life experience is lacking, while William is infuriatingly attractive and a formidable competitor. As their rivalry intensifies, they unexpectedly become each other's primary object of desire. This standalone adult fantasy romcom features academic rivals, an enemies-to-lovers trope, and ends with a happily ever after.

I love enemies turned friends turned lovers and watching it unfold in the slowest of burns that ends up in the biggest fire there can be. If you add to the fact that he falls first, you have a recipe for my favorite romantic read.

I found this book to be quite enjoyable and endearing. However, I must admit that I preferred Tessonja's other stories, and I couldn't fully connect with this one to make it a favorite. Nevertheless, it's an easy read, and I had fun reading it.

Thank you, Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and Tessonja, for sending me this book in exchange for my honest opinion. I can't wait for Monty and Daph's story.

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I love this cozy fantasy adjacent book, is no plot just vibes and seduction. I’m so glad I read this and now I wanna read everything this author has done.

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I enjoyed the premise of this story a lot. It was fun to see a fae story combined with a loose interpretation of regency era romance. I do think the story was repetitive, especially in the middle, rehashing the same back and forth. It could have been a bit shorter and still got the point across. I also thought the dialogue felt a bit forced at times, and I think the character voices lacked distinction. Overall if you’re a fan of hallmark movies, steamy regency stories, or books about fae, this story might be for you. 2.5/5 Stars

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I loved this novel!!! It was so cute and such a cozy little mystery. The writing was great and the plot moved along well. I was hooked from the first chapter. I cannot wait for the sequel!!

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May 21, 2024
- Thank you Netgalley, the publisher and the author for providing this arc! Please be aware this is an honest review -

5 ⭐️

How I hadn't read any book by this author is beyond me!
I didn't know what I was getting into, and it was such a journey. From the beginning of the story, I was hooked. The writing, the characters, the dynamics between all the characters, literally everything!

This will be even more special if you have read the other series by the same author, 'cause some of those characters appear in this novel. I can't wait to read them soon.

It was so fun being in this world for the first time. The imagery of it was perfection!
Now let's talk about the plot. I would classify this as a cozy romantacy (emphasis on romance). It was very low stakes, and the drama had nothing to do with the fantasy aspect of the world.

The characters were amazing, so fleshed out. Since the beginning, I was in love with the dynamic between our main couple. Edwina is adorable, and very me at some points. She is extremely funny and just a sweetheart. (I'm not saying that I'm that, I'm just saying she was me at some point)
Will became one of my book boyfriends. Please make him a real guy. He was sweet and gentle, and overall he was such a golden retriever

Now the romance. What can I say? I love rivals to lovers... This book had some of the most romantic moments ever. The book?! I died, dead! The growth of the relationship, the dynamic, the tension, even the final conflict, it was on point!

I was expecting the ending of this book to ruin it for me, but it was amazing. It felt very real.

I'm so excited for the next novel. I can't wait!!! The author knew so well how to tease the next couple. I just need it, RIGHT NOW!!!!

- Rivals to lovers
- Bet
- Forced proximity
- He falls first

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Having thoroughly enjoyed Tessonja Odette's "The Fair Isle Trilogy," I was thrilled to be transported back to the enchanting world of Faerwyvae in "A Rivalry of Hearts." Odette's writing is as enchanting as ever in this book, painting vivid pictures of the faelands and its inhabitants. The fae elements add an extra layer of intrigue and enchantment, making Faerwyvae feel like a character in its own right. The author's ability to blend fantasy with romance is evident throughout, creating a world that is both whimsical and deeply rooted in emotional authenticity. Can you tell I love Faerwyvae?

As for the plot, the story follows Edwina Danforth, a romance author who finds herself ensnared in a precarious fae bargain with her rival- the infuriatingly handsome poet, William Haywood. The stakes are high: a prestigious publishing contract awaits the victor of their month-long seduction contest, which quickly turns into a battle of wits, charm, and unexpected emotions.
While the premise of a seduction contest might initially seem frivolous, Odette skillfully explores themes of self-discovery, vulnerability, and the true nature of love. Both Edwina and William undergo significant personal growth, learning to confront their fears and embrace their desires. This character development is handled with care, ensuring that the story remains heartfelt and relatable.

One of the highlights of this novel is the multiple POV. I loved shifting between Edwina and William's perspectives, allowing me as a reader to fully understand their motivations, insecurities, and growing attraction. Also, the banter between Edwina and William is another standout aspect of the book. Their witty exchanges are sharp, clever, and often laugh-out-loud funny, perfectly capturing the essence of their rivalry and mutual disdain-turned-attraction. This dynamic interplay keeps the story lively and ensures that the romantic buildup feels both natural and satisfying!

Overall, "A Rivalry of Hearts" is a charming and spicy romp through the faelands that fans of Odette's previous work will adore (much like I did!). It combines the best elements of a romantic comedy with the magic and mystery of fantasy, resulting in a book that is both entertaining and emotionally resonant. Whether you're returning to Faerwyvae or visiting for the first time, this novel is sure to capture your heart.

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Two rival authors. One publishing contract.
Edwina is a human romance writer who is travelling to a Fae world for a book tour. When she is late to her tour, they bring on a poet- William Hayward, to fill her spot, and they must compete the rest of the book tour together.
Whoever sells the most books will win a 3 book contract.
This was your typical enemies to lovers trope. Throw in some fae magic- and this is my type of book. The banter was great.
I was actually fairly surprised with the level of spice ( I think mainly based off the cover- I have to stop doing that)
I loved both William and Edwina as main characters. Add in Daphne the pine marten intern and the cast is A+.
It gave me Divine Rivals/ Cruel Prince/ Rom Commer's vibes.
If you like a little magic mixed in with romance ( as opposed to romance mixed with magic) then this is for you.
4 stars from me!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for the arc in exchange for my honest opinion. This title publishes June 12th!

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Miss Tessonja! I am new to you, unfortunately for me. But, FORTUNATELY for me, I am now a huge fan! This was ADORABLE. When I say the banter in the book makes you FEEL like you are THERE-I cant imagine anything making it better! I was unsure if I would like it because I truly detest rom-coms in all forms lol but I thoroughly enjoyed this book!!!

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One of my favorite reads from Tessonja Odette!

Something I loved when I started reading this book is it brought such a sense of nostalgia. We return to the isle of Faerwyvae where the Fair Isle Trilogy and Entangled with Fae series' take place. It felt like coming home after a long time of being away. I instantly dove into the world of Edwina Danforth and William Haywood.

I didn't realize I would enjoy the Rivals to Lovers trope as much as I did. Odette does this SO WELL. Both MC's are in a competition against the other and have something to lose that's very important to them. But, they also have something to gain -- love. As a reader, you feel torn between wanting love to work out but also understanding the depth and reality of what may happen should either lose the competition. Even amidst the rom-com, laughable nature of the book, you feel that emotional tug.

The banter, the tension, the spice -- it was like a cherry on the top (again, SO WELL done!) It felt real, not just thrown together. I was swooning a good 80-90% of the book.

It is the first book in a new series! It is interconnected to Odette's other series in Faerwyvae as I mentioned but it can be read alone. It has closer ties with the Entangled with Fae series than the Fair Isle Triology (specifically the first book in series, Curse of the Wolf King) so, if you do want to read somewhat in order, you can start with COTWK then go into this one. Just a suggestion!

Love the book. Love the author. Can't wait for book 2 already :)

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This is a digestible romantasy featuring rivals to lovers, forced proximity, and a bit of spice. Tessonja Odette's writing and worlds are so enjoyable, and this books tours the courts of Faerwyvae, including cozy bookshops! The highlight of this book to me was the declaration of love scene. If you read this book for nothing else, read it for that.

My only real critique of this book is the characters. Overall, I didn't really connect deeply with any of the characters, and actually deeply disliked Monty. I wanted a little more from the love interest, William, specifically about his demisexuality. While it is clear that he has trouble being physically attracted to others, it is not totally clear if it's part of his sexuality or part of his "acting" persona.

Nevertheless, if you want a fluffy, fun romance with descriptive settings and an easy magic system, this is worth your time!

baby's first ARC! thank you NetGalley and Tessonja Odette!

(review from Goodreads)

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This one is for those who disliked the slow burn of Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries.

There is less worldbuilding and less innovation in the presentation of faeries, what it lacks in those departments it makes up for in characters. Everyone is entertaining to read about, it constantly had me excited to read.

It felt nice to be so invested in a genre that I normally don't engage with.

The sex positivity of this novel is quite admirable. Even as asexual as I am I still found myself deeply relating to the protagonist Edwina and her personality.

The tension in this is absolutely delectable. I cannot overstate how much Odette delivers on the premise.

Rivalry indeed. This is how you write rivals to lovers. It's just the perfect blend of character decisions spurred by this wholly ridiculous but also wholly entertaining setup.

This review will be going on Goodreads eventually.

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This book was a cute and simply delightful fantasy romance book! It had been a while since I read a fantasy story, and the author did not disappoint with this fae setting!

This is the most perfect rivals to lovers story, with our main characters two authors - each of their own genre - that want to get a publishing contract by the end of their joint book tour.

I loved William and Eduardina’s character, their growth and how we see the romance between them flourishing.

For me, the part that I struggled with was the bet. The plot of rivals to lovers would flourish as well without the need for that foolish bet.

Thank you to Netgalley and Victory Ending for this ARC in exchange for an honest review

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“Shut up, things are about to get smutty”

Edwina is a romance author. William is a poet. Edwina is human. William is fae. Two people who couldn’t be more different are forced to work alongside AND against each other. Will they ever be able to see eye to eye?

I cannot say enough wonderful things about this book! I knew within the first couple chapters that these characters would have me giggling and kicking my feet and I was SO right! There’s something about the way this story is written and the effortless dialogue between the two main characters that made me feel comfort and joy from the start. Edwina is immediately likeable and relatable as an awkward yet self-assured woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to work for it. William is suave and charming and annoyingly beautiful and that translates perfectly to the reader.
I LOVED the banter between these two. The teasing between them and the palpable sexual tension that shows up early on in their relationship is just incredible. I was hooked the whole way through. And when I got to the parts with all the “smut and drivel” I couldn’t put it down!!!
I just loved everything about this book and how it made me feel! Vibes were great. 10/10 will recommend to everyone!

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Tessonja does not disappoint with her books, I love how she writes, her books are beautiful, she has very light writing and characters along with stories that captivate you, that you don't want to stop reading.💗

Ok to start, I LOVE dual POV, did I already say I LOVE dual POV? It's perfect, this way I know both characters more🤍, Edwina and Will are so beautiful, from their first interaction haha, their “enmity”, their rivalry and banter, EVERYTHING was very fun, I love their personalities, individually they are amazing and as a couple even better, they complement each other and understand each other very well.💗
I have already read other books by Tessonja, but this one is 🔥 OMG, the Will and Ed scenes, 1000/10, excellent service.💗🫦💗
I was afraid there would be a miscommunication or something, but no, the whole drama and situation was perfect, just the way I like it.🙈

I love this group (Will, Ed, Monty, Daph and Cassie), they are so fun, I loved their friendships, I miss them already, I can't wait for the next story (M&D) I NEED IT URGENTLY!!!!😩💗

If you are looking for a rivals to lovers, fae romcom, smut author vs arrogant fae poet, enemies with benefits, standalone book, cozy urban fantasy, dual pov, a light and very fun story, steamy, he falls first, MMC Bi, banter and more…., YOU HAVE TO READ THIS!!!🙈💗

Release: June/12🤍

Thanks netgalley and Tessonja for the arc

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This was such a cute and entertaining read! It was super original too.

This book started with two "enemies," Edwina and William, on the same book tour, both competing for a contract. They each had their reasons for wanting to win, and they did NOT want to back down.

They ended up playing a little game to see who would win—and their terms ended up making them both jealous! It was such a fun journey!

This book was really easy to follow for a fantasy book and is the perfect "palate cleanser" type of book that leaves you feeling good and entertained!

The chemistry between Edwina and William was so fun to watch, but I enjoyed that even though they liked each other, the book still kept a "slow burn" (my fav!!!).

Thank you, NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This book was delightfully charming and swoon-worthy!

I had wanted to read this author for a while. I had heard great things about her writing so I was very excited about this ARC! The description sounded right up my alley! Also, the cover is super cute! I’ll definitely be reading more of this author’s books. I loved her writing style!

The world-building was fairly simple and easy to follow, but at the same time seems pretty well-developed (not super complex in this book, but I know this is set in the same world as some of her other series so I’m sure this world is more we-developed than it may seem in just this standalone. It was thorough enough for the purpose of this story though. Faerwyvae was such a cozy and charming world! The way the author described everything made it feel very immersive. I enjoyed learning about the different types of fae and their series vs unseelie forms, the various courts in this world, the dynamics between humans and fae, etc. I definitely want to check out her other books set in this world now!

The pacing of the story was well-done. It had such a good flow to it! I had a hard time putting this one down! It pulled me out of the reading slump I’ve been in lately.

This book is lighthearted & cozy but featured the perfect amount of spice for me. The spice was well-balanced and well-placed within the story. It was also well-written! The spice had me blushing and the romance had me swooning. The tension was soooo good! The banter was great too!

The MCs did lust after eachother pretty early on so I was a little worried that the romance would be overly lust-driven for my preferences; however, the way the romance was written was really well-done. The slow-burn allowed for them to gradually learn about eachother and come to love eachother in convincing way.

The book features flawed characters that you can’t help but root for. Edwina was a bit quirky, stubborn, and a bit of a hot mess at times which made her feel relatable. I liked that she was someone who was able to own up to her mistakes, stand up for herself, and chase her dreams. I also appreciated that she was 29! William was such an easy MMC to fall for. He comes off as this arrogant and snarky playboy, but he is actually such a devoted sweetheart at his core. I loved how he was so protective over Edwina and enamored with her.

I really enjoyed the dual POV! It was the perfect storytelling choice for this story. William’s chapters, in particular, were absolute gold. I love a He Falls First trope and his chapters really highlighted that! I also appreciated that the author made their personalities distinctive in their respective chapters (as some authors do this better than others when writing dual POV).

The side characters were interesting and quite likeable. I’m definitely looking forward to reading Monty and Daphne’s book when it comes out!

My only complaint really was that the bet between them wasn’t super believable to me since most people who are truly passionate about and proud of their work, I imagine, would not stake their career on such a ridiculous bet of seduction rather than letting their work speak for itself (to be fair, it was due to drunken shenanigans at first haha). It almost made me respect Edwina a bit less for sticking to it as long as she did; though, I do understand her reasoning. That said, I recognize that the bet kind of drove the plot and relationship forward and created some tension for the MCs so it’s not a major complaint. Plus, it’s a rom-com, so we have to expect that the plot/situations won’t be entirely realistic anyway haha.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book!

Thank you to Tessonja Odette, NetGalley, and Victory Editing for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Huge thanks to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and Netgalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review!

I initially requested this book thanks to its stunning cover, but I was immediately captivated by the story and - most importantly - the electrifying chemistry between our two main characters!! Tessonja Odette has clearly mastered the art of banter.

THIS is how you write rivals to lovers! Their (Edwina & William's) dynamic is sizzling right from the get-go, and I was absolutely GIDDY whenever the two were on the page together.
Sure, the bet idea is a bit "silly" but given the circumstances and the characters, I loved it! It gave us such good tension and jealousy, knowing they really wanted each other.

Edwina is a brilliant goofball, I loved her personality. She's strong-willed and incredibly stubborn, as we see early on; it went perfectly with William's personality, his own stubbornness made for such good wordplay. Their relationship is both passionate and believable!

I wanna touch on William for a moment—my demisexual KING. He's witty, sexy, and with a heart of gold. His dedication to his sister and the way he ends up supporting Edwina through it all adds such depth to his character, you can't help but love him.

As someone that easily cringes at intimate scenes, I am happy to report that I was not only pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed these moments, but that I wanted even MORE!!

We even have lively, fun supporting characters that I didn't dread to see on the page... I really didn't want this book it end! This isn't just another fae romance; it's a very unique premise that pulled me in completely.

I haven't read anything else by Tessonja Odette, but I'm already itching to start more of her work! Highly recommend!

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Big thanks to the author/Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for providing this eARC via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own and freely given.

Two rival writers, Edwina Danforth and William Haywood, face off in a steamy contest for a prestigious publishing contract. Edwina, a romance author, finds herself trapped in a magic-fueled bet with William, a man she’d rather forget. The challenge? Whoever can bed the most lovers during their month-long book tour wins the contract. Edwina, known for her scintillating romance tales, faces a tough battle since her imagination far exceeds her bedroom experience. But losing isn’t an option, as her career is on the line. William, with his perfect looks and impressive track record, is determined to win for his own reasons. Their rivalry heats up, but as sparks fly, they might just find themselves falling for each other.

This was my first Tessonja Odette book and I’m hooked—I’ll be diving into their backlist ASAP. The story is a cozy yet spicy mix, with light world-building that hints at a larger universe. The setting feels like Victorian England meets the courts in ACOTAR, and it's enchanting.

Edwina is quirky and gets lost in her writing, often losing track of time even when they make her late to things. She wasn't a "woah is me" FMC who felt like she needed to sacrifice herself for the greater good. She knew what she wanted and knew how to get it. The sex positivity in this story was also quite refreshing. William was definitely the more mysterious of the two, and I liked that he was younger (by 3 years) than Edwina and not a centuries old fae. The side characters, like Monty and Daphne, were delightful, and I’m eager for their stories.

Overall, this book is fun, sweet, funny, and cozy. with a lot of tension! I laughed out loud many times. While not overly explicit, the steam and slow burn were perfect.

Read this if you like:
-Dual POV
-Academic rivals to lovers
-Forced proximity
-Slow burn
-Victorian England x ACOTAR courts

Overall Rating: 4.75 stars, 2 chili peppers

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