Member Reviews

This is a such a fresh multilayered story and exactly what I would expect from Tessonja Odette, she is such a great storyteller, building intrigue from the get go and engaging her readers with her loveable characters. I so loved reading it.

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If you love cozy fantasy romance this book is for you!

The author Edwina Danforth gets invited to the Isle of Faerwyvae for a booktour. Here she meets the arrogant fae poet William Haywood. They are sharing this booktour, but there’s a rivalry between them from the start. A boozed night ends in a drunken bet; whoever seduces the most lovers by the end of the booktour will win the publisher’s contract.

This book is a bit spicier than I normally read, but it surprised me in the best way! The vibe is really enchanting and the characters absolutely delightful so I totally got sucked in right from the start. The blend between humour, fantasy and romance makes it the perfect romcom romantasy! I loved the witty banter and the chemistry between Willy and Weenie and the side characters are really loveable and interesting too. 🥰 I’m excited for the next book in this series!


Thank you so much @netgalley and @victoryeditingngc for the given chance to read this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. 🫶🏼

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A Rivalry of Hearts proved to be the perfect cosy fantasy for any Bridgeton-loving, Fae-obsessed reader in need of an easy way to spend their day. This was my first book from Tessonja Odette, and I’m so glad I picked it up because it definitely won’t be my last!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - exactly the kind of “smut and drivel” I was hoping for!

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for my e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you SO MUCH to Netgalley, Crystal Moon Press, and Tessonja Odette for the eARC! I am honored to read and review this book.
I loved loved this book!! This was a fun rivals to lovers book, and reminded me of Divine Rivals but in a publishing setting! In this "he falls first" story, I was enthralled with the character development, especially with William, who does not have the greatest first impression. As the story progresses, we are thrown into his back story more and more and has pieces start to get put together, him and our loving FMC Edwina come together to make quite the pair.

I loved the competition between the two characters, the quips, the snarls, THE ANGST, and it was an interesting read given that William is a fae. With two individuals who are both so different (and yet similar) the respect that grows before the love is very sweet and captivating. This book fits very well into the Bridgerton hype that is going around right now, and one can never have enough swoon-worthy romance, right?

This story was witty, creative, spicy and sweet, light, fluffy, and a great adventure into a new magical world. I cannot wait to read more of Tessonja Odette's books!

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A Rivalry of Hearts, the first of the Fae Flings and Corset Strings series, by Tessonja Odette is a light and funny enemies- to- lovers, cozy fantasy. The witty banter between the two main characters - along with the nicknames - will keep you grinning.
Edwina and William start as rival authors on a book tour, competing for a publishing deal. But as the tour progresses, so do their feelings for each other. Soon, they must prioritize each other or the book deal. With so much on the line, it's quite the impossible choice.... but won't you won't regret reading about.
Thank you, NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, for an advanced readers' copy of A Rivalry of Hearts in exchange for an honest review.

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looking for a new cozy fae world to enter that gives a hint of bridgerton vibes? look no further than a rivalry of hearts. we have edwina who is a 29 year old human author from bretton who writes romance novels so much like the ones we enjoy reading. she is not wildly popular in the human lands of bretton, but in faewyvae? she has the interest of someone high ranking. she’s invited to visit on a book signing tour by the publishing company but her trip there is anything but smooth and makes her two weeks late causing the publisher to add another author to this signing, who happens to be a purebred fae man who writes poetry. in this academic rivals to lovers book we see the relationship between edwina and william shape and form into something more that neither of them saw coming. the constant tension and banter between them had me hooked throughout the book. we see a competition between them, as there was one condition they were unaware of: only one author on the tour can get the signing deal & it’s dependent upon their book sales… which are not evenly matched… until they are. the growth that these characters have is honestly so well written too. this book gave my all the cutesy feels that i needed!!! i need the next book ASAP

she’s considered a spinster but she’s choosing herself over finding a husband who will then make her give up her dream of writing books.

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A world full of Fae, Magic, romance and books? Yes please

I was so lucky to receive an ARC of this book and it literally was a joy from page one to the very last line. A book of total escapism, the loved the Banter between Edwina and William, I loved the magical setting and the kooky characters. But the slow burn…it was burning…

Tessonja Odette creates the most magical world that I want to move to immediately! All her books give me the same happy flutter and I can’t wait to read the rest of her books!

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This was a fun read and I loved the world building! I also found the plot clever and original. While some of the dialogue fell a little flat for me, and some of the side characters got a little lost in the story, I really enjoyed reading Will and Edwina's story! I definitely think I would revisit this world in the other books in this series.

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So, funny story, I actually bought a book by Tessonja on TikTok shop because she likened it to a Beauty and the Beast retelling, which is my absolute kryptonite, before realizing I had this book approved through NetGalley. Once I the math started mathing - I knew I needed to read this book...and I'm so glad I did.

A lot of the story - including the opening line - made me think of Pride and Prejudice. From the absolute beginning, I adored William. He was swoon-worthy, respectful, but also slightly cocky...just...amazing. Edwina took a little bit of time to grow on me, but by the middle of the book, I was rooting for their relationship, without a doubt. I'm also a complete SUCKER for when the love interests give each other nicknames, and the fact that William called her "Weenie" was too funny.

I am so happy I was approved to read this book, and now I'm just mad I have to wait for the next in the series. Bummer!

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and Tessonja Odette for giving me the chance to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/ 4.75

"Use me like you did in the north wing. You want a fling with a fae lover and a point in our bet? I’ll give you both. A free pass. Just say those two words, Weenie. Free pass."

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

Wow this book was great! The cute cover definitely does not match some of the content in the book 👀. Like in a good way ofcourse 🩷.
This cozy fantasy romcom about Edwina and William was very unique and fun. So if you are looking for a book with fae, academia vibes, humor, romance and smut.. don't look any further. This is the one for you!

I also have a feeling I highlighted more quotes and dialogues than normal because I liked so many of them. 😇

- Rivals to lovers
- Smut author vs arrogant poem
- Steamy
- Dual POV
- Romcom
- Fantasy
- Academia vibes
- Fae
- Forced proximity
- Bargain / competition

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I can't remember the last time I felt so heavily like the target audience for a book.

As a Pride and Prejudice girly and an ACOTAR girly, this scratched a crossover itch I didn't even know I had.

A lot of the Romantasy books I've read are a lot more fantasy-forward than romance-forward, and while I love them, the worldbuilding at the beginning can be hard on my brain. Faerwyvae never feels overwhelming, but I can picture the world so clearly, it really feels like the reader is experiencing the same wonder and awe that Edwina is, and it's such a nice change that it feels *safe* - in spite of Edwina's visitor's handbook advising her of all the dangers humans can encounter, it's great not to have to worry that our heroine is in any mortal peril. This was a lovely low-stakes read in the sense that our main characters aren't forced together out of shared trauma, but instead we get to experience them slowly transition from rivals to reluctant colleagues to respectfully-wanting-to-tear-the-other's-clothes-off. William stole my heart alongside Edwina's - no man in real life could get away with calling my romance books "smut and drivel" or using "Weenie" as a term of endearment, but I have to admit I was putty in this fae's hands. Edwina is simply iconic - running from intimacy to write a story, seeing the North Wing as purely academic research - I adored her. The tension between the two was delicious and I would have happily lapped up an even slower burn just to enjoy them for longer. I also adored the side characters, I loved Daphne and Monty and am extremely intrigued to see more of their dynamic. I want Zane to be my bestie.

A Rivalry of Hearts was my first book by Tessonja but most definitely will not be my last! Her writing style is extremely compelling, the dialogue was top-tier and there were so many occasions where I found myself actively smiling while reading. The tropes in this book didn't overwhelm the story itself and you can tell that the author put so much love and care into what she was writing. AND THE SPICY SCENES 🥵

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an eARC, I will be preordering a physical copy immediately and vibrating with anticipation for the next installment, and working my way through the author's other books to busy myself in the meantime <3

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A rivalry between authors takes a spicy twist when they fall for each other during their book tour!

She writes human/fae spicy romance. He writes heartbroken poetry. They couldn’t be more different from each other. But when Edwina and William make a bet to see who will win the coveted publisher contract at the end of their tour, their heated rivalry turns to steamy romance and perhaps something even deeper.

This was my first Tessonja Odette novel, and I can see why she is so popular among the booktok community. This was the perfect introduction to her Fae series as it is a stand alone novel rather than being connected to the plots of the other novels. It also includes Edwina’s first visit to Faereyvae so we (the readers) get to experience everything first hand with her. It was a lovely introduction to the world Odette has built.

The romance was a bit of a slow burn (even if the attraction was instantaneous), but I wasn’t disappointed as the banter between Edwina and Will had me laughing out loud so many times. Edwina is spunky and enthusiastic, proud but compassionate. She was the perfect protagonist. I especially love how she got lost imagining scenes at the strangest possible moments—anyone who writes knows that inspiration waits for no one and if you don’t write it down right then you will forget it later! Will was a little harder for me as much of his persona is an act to promote and sell his books. After we learned the truth about his past and he opened himself up to Edwina I liked him a lot more.

The side characters were incredible as well. Jolene is the fangirl we have all been before and Queen Gemma’s bookclub just sounds amazing! I loved Monty and his mysterious quirks (from the author’s note at the end I discovered he is a character in one of the other novels so now I need to go read that!). But the one that really stole the book for me was Daphne. I am so excited that they will be the next couple featured.

Anyone looking for a fun romcom ala Divine Rivals with banter-filled dialogue and some spicy authorial Fae research will love this book!

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Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read and review this advanced copy for my honest opinion!

It pains me to only give 3 stars to this book because it really did start off full of potential. I loved the idea of Faerwyvae and the Fae/human lore. Also loved that the FMC and MMC were both in the literary/arts world.

Usually I read more fantasy forward romance, but this book seemed to lean more romance forward than fantasy. But, I still appreciated getting to learn about the unique lore of this world of fae. The witty banter between the characters had me giggling so hard at times!

However, I did feel like something was missing. I felt that every character had some element that left me wanting, and some plot points that left me wondering “how did we get here?”

Because of that, I could not buy into the romance and the camaraderie between the characters. I also found that not much was done with the Seelie vs unseelie fae forms and it really felt rather unnecessary - like it drew away from the focus of the book: romance and also friendship. Which brings me to the friendship, I couldn’t buy into the friendships either - it was one of those plots that went from A to Z too quickly. How in the world did Jolene and Edwina end up being friends? It didn’t seem likely…

This book was still enjoyable enough that I would love to check out the sequel and encourage everyone to read and form their own opinions!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Crystal Moon Press for the arc in exchange for my honest review!

I really enjoyed this! It was a delightful blend of fantasy and romance, the perfect cozy romance. It reminded me a lot of half a soul and divine rivals. The characters were so lovable and I really enjoyed their banter and chemistry. I appreciated how we got multiple scenes of them because of their “bet”. I was hooked up until the halfway point after which the story started to drag a little and get repetitive. I also feel like the way the main conflict between them was handled was a bit rushed, especially due to the all the build up throughout the beginning of the book. I’m excited for the next book in the series because the side characters were also so fun. Overall I really enjoyed this and looking forward to the authors next book!!

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What a fun read! This book had the best banter, romance, and I loved the world of Faerwyvae! Odette has yet another winner with A Rivalry of Hearts.

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I have gone back and forth on my feelings towards this book for awhile, it started out slow but the whole second half I was eating it up. I have never read a fantasy romcom mashup but it’s such a cool concept and so fun! That being said, it definitely reads more like a romcom than a fantasy, I did have a hard time feeling fully immersed in the world like I would in a typical fantasy novel I think because of the lack of in depth magic system and lore.

Edwina is a great strong willed, independent, lovable fmc who is perfect for William’s levelheaded charm. The playful dynamic of their relationship had me laughing out loud which helped me get through the extreme slow burn. This wasn’t a book I felt that I could really get into just reading a chapter or two at a time but once I let myself sit down and just binge I couldn’t put it down. This was a cute read with a fun twist on a romcom however not sure if I will read the next one just because I’m really not that interested in Monty and Daphne’s story but I was very pleasantly surprised by this one.

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I went into this book having never read any of Tessonja’s stories before, and it has easily become one of my favourite books of this year! It is a fantasy rom-com set in a regency period that has such a wide range of tropes, with academic rivals to lovers, dual POV’s, forced proximity and a beautifully done slow burn romance.
The writing was incredibly compelling, making me feel as though I was truly in Faerwyvae, experiencing everything Edwina was feeling for myself, and no part felt rushed, the storyline having a great pace to it that felt authentic and real.
The chemistry between Edwina and William was so natural, their witty banter and snarky comments having laugh-out-loud moments that kept me hooked on each and every page.
I honestly can’t wait to see where this series goes next, and will definitely be reading the rest of Tessonja’s books in the future!

Rating: 5/5
A Rivalry of Hearts publishes on 12th June!

A huge thank you to Netgalley and Tessonja Odette for this ARC copy in exchange for my honest review, which can be found on Goodreads 💕

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💕My heart is so happy after having the honor of reading this book. Big thanks to @netgalley and @tessonjaodette for the privilege of this ARC of A Rivalry of Hearts (Fae Flings and Corset Strings #1)

I am a sucker for anything that has a quirky human FMC and a tall, brooding, fae MMC 🥵. On top of those already two selling points for me it is rivals to lovers with duel POV, and a fun little bet built into the storyline. (And 🌶️)

Edwina was such a lovable FMC, her banter with Will was some of my favorite. I also loved the supporting characters, I was able to connect to Monty and Daffy enough to want to read about them in the 2nd book.

I rated this a 4⭐️. If a book can make me giggle, and have the warm fuzzies it’s a winner for me. From the beginning I was hooked and engaged with the plot and quickly fell in love with the characters. I soooo look forward to reading book 2 in the future!

🌸SAVE THE DATE! A Rival of Hearts publishes on June 12!🌸

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I really wanted to love this...

But unfortunately, it wasn't for me. The scatterbrained author and the brooding fae poet, is there anything that sounds more perfect for a romantic pairing?

Set in roughly what I think is the Victorian era, I couldn't get on well with the anachronistic tone of the characters voices, the nicknames (sorry, but they're CRINGE in this one), and the predictability of the story arc.

The premise of this novel is so lovely and has so much potential, it's a real shame that it fell short of the mark.

Overall, this book is an author and a poet, rivals to lovers, grumpy and sunshine, fae, historical romance, and a happy ending all in one book. With a handful more tropes, some taken seriously and some used as satire.

I wanted to fall in love with this love story, but I couldn't.

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📖📖 Book Review 📖📖 A Rivalry of Hearts is a delightful change of scenery; a whimsical escape to Faerwyvae, an island inhabited by humans and fae together. Edwina Danforth is welcomed to the island for her imaginative writing and her identity is quickly labeled as the“author of smut and drivel” by her new rival, William Haywood. Not the impression she hoped to make…until she learns that she is beloved by the Queen herself and actually famous around the isle! As she settles into this brand new world, an imbibed bet for a publishing contract turns things interesting very fast! A Rivarly of Hearts takes the enemies to lovers trope to a whole new level and I am here for it!!!

Review is posted on Goodreads and the final review will be posted on Instagram ahead of the publication date!

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