Member Reviews

This book had a lot of promise and overall it was enjoyable to an extent. It took me a while to get into and the FMC bothered me more than I’d care to admit. I did like William. Overall, I feel like there was too much emphasis on s*x and not enough emphasis on the relationship between the two characters nor the tribulations regarding why they both needed the contract.

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Two rival book authors must share a book tour and compete for a life changing publishing contract. One night and a few too many glasses of fae wine lead the rivals to make a bet on a seduction competition between the two of them, winner takes all.

Edwina is romance author from the human world who has moderate success in her home country, enough to pay her bills but not much more, but is actually a household name in the fae world. When Edwina is given the opportunity to go on a book tour in the fae lands she happily excepts. What she didn't know was that she was going to have another author, Willian, join her and that they would be competing head to head for a life changing publishing contract. After one night at the pub, and way too many glasses of Cloud Dive (fae alcohol), the two get into a verbal sparring match that ends in a bargain, "The author who can seduce the most people on tour gets the publishing contract." Easier said than done when the only seducing Edwina does is in her books. Over the course of the tour Willian and Edwina blur the lines between what's part of the bet and what is real.

With part 1 season 3 of Bridgerton dropping this couldn't be a more perfect read to bridge the gap between part 1 and part 2. A Rivalry of Hearts has that perfect mix of regency aesthetic and themes with enough of a modern/fantasy twist that nothing feels too dated or too outlandish. The relationship between Will and Edwina was very sweet and landed in a very realistic and character honoring way that I don't feel like I see a lot in genre fiction like this. My one critique was that during the third act Edwina's character devolved from how her character was built until that point. Selfishly I do wish Edwina had more of a sow your oats moment during moments of the bet but that is just a personal preference.

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If I can describe Rivalry of Hearts in one word, it would be delightful. This read was such a beautiful delight.

It’s a cozy, sweet read, that feels like a warm hug, a tickled laugh, and a total swoon!

Edwina and Will were terrific leads, I am very pro dual-pov in romances so I was very excited for both of their chapters. Tessonja Odette does an exemplary job at ensuring each lead’s voice is their own: they stand apart as characters wonderfully.

I admired each, related to facets of both personalities, and rooted for them equally that by journey’s end. I could not possibly root for one over the other in terms of the bet. I only wished the best for them, individually and together. I came to care so very much for them, through their strife, heartaches, and triumphs. Loving them individually only heightened the love I had for their fabulous slow burn triumph.

This book also highlights a trope I typically run from: miscommunication. If, like me, it’s not one of your favorites, please don’t let that deter you from this one! This trope is used so incredibly effectively in this book, and it’s not just effective, it’s necessary. The miscommunication at the start of the story is what jumpstarts what’s teased in the synopsis. One lead is trying to convey a certain, ahem, flirtatious sentiment, and the other misreads it so hilariously badly. Rather than clear it up, a game is afoot! And I giggled the whole way through, hehe!

Miscommunication gives way to delicious moments of mutual jealousy, mutual longings, and fabulous romancing.

While much of this book is warm and light-hearted, it’s also deeply moving, and allows each character, primary and secondary, development and wonderful moments of personal growths. I do think I would have enjoyed it a bit more had it been a bit shorter, but at the same time, I came to adore this cast of characters, especially our leads, that I’m glad for all the time spent with each.

This is a delightful, heartfelt book that strikes all the right emotional chords.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the gifted ARC. I leave this honest review voluntarily.

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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This book gives all the tension you can hope for, I found myself wanting to scream KISS ALREADY! I loved all the characters and found myself so invested in them all, the banter between them all really did make me laugh. The bet between William and Edwina was interesting to see what they would do next and the romance was cute and swoony I loved every minute!

Thank you Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for
the eARC of A Rivalry Of Hearts via Netgalley

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So exited I got to read A Rivalry of Hearts early, I had it on my TBR as soon as I read the premise. Loved this take on work place rivalry. Great banter and slightly absurd scenarios but in a good way once Edwina and William strike their bargain and they try to one-up each other to save their careers. The mix of regency setting with more modern once we enter the fae worlds, add to that a bit of fantasy and spice it makes for a great combination.

I like to read anything that also has to do with books and reading so I thoroughly enjoyed that Edwina was a writer of smut basically. She is a quirky character, that was bit judgmental in the beginning but that at the end she came around to wanting to learn more about the fae and letting herself go. William is your typically cocky, charming and awfully handsome fae character, but once he fell for her he was down bad. They were witty and funny and the line about the one bed had me really laughing. Also even though Monty and Daphne were side characters I was still invested on what was happening with them, can't wait to read more about them. This book definitely make me look up more of Tessonja Odette's works and see what else is there.

Thank You to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op to the opportunity to read this ARC and share my honest review.

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I LOVED this book! It was just delightful. I was so excited to receive an ARC of this and cannot wait to purchase a copy for my library. The whimsical storytelling and location is reminiscent of the Emily Wilde series and a main leading lady as charming and entertaining as Anne of Green Gables. I adored the two MCs as individuals and in their relationship journey. The side characters were so charismatic, as well, I'm so happy to see they'll be getting a book in this series. The overall writing was funny, easy to read through, and enjoyable. I could not put this down. It was definitely a cozy read, but I didn't feel like the plot dragged on. The emersion into the fae setting here was well done. This is the first of Tessonja's books I've read and I will absolutely be diving into more.

Thank you, Netgalley, for the digital ARC of this book.

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I did not finish this book.

The representation of the MMC as being demisexual and further describing this as his "embarrassment" that he couldn't kiss a co star as an actor without vomiting on them was not great.

The writing was a little weak and despite not being repetitive, it felt repetitive due to the redundancy of many lines.

The worldbuilding was quite empty.

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This book is pure crack! I could not put it down! I was giggling the whole way through! And THE BANTER!?! I can't. This has been one of the best books I've read all year! And by far my favorite title I've read from Tessonja!

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Funny, light-hearted romcom set in a fantasy world we know and love.

Tessonja manages once again to write down wonderful characters in this amusing enemies-to-lovers story. In contrast to her other Faerwyvae stories, this one is a full on romance story, with no prominent fantasy storyline except for the characters being fae. So no big villain to slay or mystery to uncover in this one. Nevertheless it has her characteristic writing style that easily sweeps you up. It also has a really beautiful cover and marvellous illustrations. I'm always having a lovely time when I get to return to Faerwyvae, but you can definitely read this book without having read Tessonja's other books. It's just the world you'd already be familiar with if you've read the Fairisle trilogy, and you'll see two characters from the Entangled books again. But you're not going to miss crucial story elements or such.
It's being told in dual POV, so you get to know both Edwina and William better. I love the depth the author has created in Will's character. The only downside of this book is that I couldn't connect with Edwina properly. Several of her thoughts, actions and motives are not completely believable to me as a reader, thus preventing her from winning me over.

So whether or not you've already read the other books set in Faerwyvae, if you're looking for a light-hearted romcom with literary rivalries turning into something more and a scandalous bet, I'd recommend this book to you.

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Having immersed myself in the world of Faewyver, I can confidently say this might be my favorite.

Edwina is wonderfully relatable and endearing. Her journey with self-confidence and navigating societal pressures while trying to maintain her independence is something many readers can identify with.

William's character is a beautifully crafted mystery. His struggles with failure and overcoming mental blocks are portrayed with great depth and authenticity.

This story is a true romance in every sense, with Edwina and William's relationship unfolding naturally and tenderly. Their mutual support and understanding are heartwarming and inspirational.

I love a mature FMC (female main character), and that's exactly what we got. I can never get enough of the "he fell first and harder" trope. I love me some pathetically in love men—hot! 🤣😈
I was literally kicking my feet reading this 🥰

Overall, this book is a gem for fans of romance and fantasy alike. If you're looking for a heartfelt, engaging read, this one is definitely for you.

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5 ⭐️'s This was such a great mix of cozy and spicy! A Rivalry of Hearts is a bit of a departure from Odette's previous work, but not a complete 180. The setting is the same. The magic is the same. We're just getting stories now, it seems from a more common folk perspective. As her last series of books were more fairytale-based and fantastical, AROH carries more Bridgerton vibes. Upper-class fae/humans that aren't tied to any of the royalty.
I loved this book so much, and I cannot wait to finally read Monty's story!

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A funny take on a rivals (to friends) to lovers that's also a story about making dreams come true.

The reason why I picked "A Rivalry of Hearts", to begin with, was the prospect of reading a fairy book that didn't involve the cliche tropes we see with a lot of frequency – realms, war and etc etc (though I do love them, I've got trauma).

Truth is, I don't regret my decision. AROH is, to me, a perfect blend of Divine Rivals (with the rivality and witty FMC) with some of the best rom-coms of our time (and I'll mention Ali Hazelwood here) + fairies.

I won't lie: I spent the biggest part of the book thinking Edwina has the biggest pain in the ass, selfish as hell, and rooting against her on this rivalry (who wouldn't, considering that Will was her rival??). But everything was forgiven as the book followed, and I got the chance to fall in love with her and their relationship.

And what to say about Will? Mister, "I hate smut and drivel" stole my heart from his first line (even though he was speaking ill about my taste in books) and from then on there was no coming back – and I didn't want to. He was such a deep and loving character, and I think that was what captivated me the most – we're so used to harsh MMC's nowadays, and to have one that is vulnerable and sweet is just different.

Tessonja also created amazing (yet maddening) secondary characters, and I must confess I was a bit sad having to say goodbye to some of them (like Jolene) and can't wait to read the stories of others (such as Daffy Dear and Monty.

I haven't read anything Tessonja before, but I can't wait to read everything else she writes!

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I adored this! Honestly a perfect mix of romcom, rivals to lovers, workplace romance, and fae magic!
This was my first Tessonja Odette book and I’m so excited to read more! I loved the tension and banter between Edwina and Will and was rooting for them the whole time. The lighthearted silliness of a bet made while drunk kept the plot moving without being too intense. I loved reading about the different courts of Faerwyvae so I’m exciting to get more of that in other books!

Daphne was my favorite so I was so excited to see she will be starring in the next book!

This was the best parts of Emily Wilde, Bridgerton, and Divine Rivals all in one with spice 🌶️

Thank you NetGalley for the arc!!

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I absolutely enjoyed this cozy romantic fantasy. This is a new genre I am hoping to read more books in! I loved Edwina and Will’’s rivalry and playful banter.

This novel had everything I love about romantic comedies mixed with the best elements of a cozy fantasy - with an utterly perfect dash of spice. I cannot wait to pick up more novels in this series.

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This story follows Edwina and William, two authors forced on a book tour together - and they don’t get along! What more could you want? Oh, and it gets better: It’s a fae & human romance with slight fantasy elements.

I enjoyed this book, it’s not entirely what I got for, but it was really fun and cosy and whimsical. It was also just an easy read!

At the start, I wasn’t sure the book even needed William’s POV. Edwina is a very strong and well-rounded character, and I initially found William to be a bit of a weaker character. However with the minor plot twist, it does put all of that stuff in a better context.

I thought at times the dialogue was overly chunky and would have preferred more expansion of background information/lore out of conversation. However, overall this book was just a ray of sunshine. And I will admit I found Monty and Daphne to be a bit more intriguing, so I probably will go back and read their story!

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4,25⭐️ Thank you Netgalley for the gifted ARC! This was so funny and lovely! Perfect Bridgerton meets cozy fantasy vibes <3 a bit like Divine Rivals with the authors competing over a deal but also smutty and cozy with fae!! Great world-building and lovely diverse characters! The characters also evolved and there was good teasing for the next book *(cough monty cough)* <3

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This book was so cute, charming and aesthetically pleasing to read!

I genuinely loved the overall concept: fae brooding poet and a human romance author duel it out for a publishing contract while on a book tour together. Both with something major and necessary to gain.

Between the banter and the heated tension between our leads, I was really eating these two up. They had great chemistry and I really started to look forward to whenever these two got anywhere near each other.

Edwina was a cute and quirky character. She's in love with writing beautiful love stories and is fully committed to getting her ideas and characters just right. She embarks on a book signing tour only to realize she has to share the spotlight with William, said brooding poet.

William was fun. He was full of sarcastic and witty remarks. Personally, I loved him being a little mean to Edwina because it wasn't really mean as it was him being all "flirty and charming". Him constantly winking and making snide remarks towards Edwina had me really eating his character up.

Together, they form a bet. Where, I wasn't truly thinking the bet was necessary, I still had fun with it nonetheless. It definitely added drama and gave these two something more to get heated over.

It was nice to see them go from strangers to rivals to friends to lovers. I loved the jealousy, I loved the tension, and I loved how soft William easily turns for her.

This world was really interesting to read about. I loved the different courts and each aesthetic of them. I loved how the concept of fae here are different than in other books I’ve read. I love that this had a Regency/Victorian time period feel.

There were times where I felt things tended to have a little extra fluff BUT again, I really did enjoy this. It was light, cute, funny, sweet, heated, and just really fun.

We get great side characters, Daphne and Monty, and I cannot wait for their book.

Between the banter, the plot, and the romance, I really enjoyed this book. Also, can we talk about the stunning and adorable cover and character art? Obsessed.

Thank you so much to The Nerd Fam for an ARC copy!

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this book is an absolute rivals to lovers perfection!!! I’ve loved every single minute of this story and now i’m grieving the loss of these characters (i think i’m going to devour every other book from this author to compensate).

The story is about these two authors who have to share a book tour at the end of which, the one with the highest sales, will be offered a three-book contract from their publisher. Cool right? Except they both want it.
The two started on the wrong foot, with William describing Edwina’s books as “smut and drivel”. Yes, she’s a smutty romance author and he writes poetry.
So, how to solve their conundrum? They make a bet of course. The one of them who will share the most acts of intimacy in their bedroom will get the contract. They both agree. This way they have a sure way to control the situation and orchestrate their win. Right?
While they’re rivals, and trust me they’re 100% rivalling for most of the book, they cannot deny the spark between them. And this of course complicates matters.

What i’ve absolutely loved about this book is the attention to detail the author displays in describing these characters and the inkling flame of their desire. It made them stand out and come alive, to the point I could feel their chemistry.
Their banter is *chef’s kiss*. I’ve loved every single minute of it.
Every character was so well written and complex that the more you read the more you got to know them and unravel layer after layer. Even the side characters were amazing ( i already have a soft spot for Monty and Daphne).

Honestly, this is definitely one of my favourite reads of the year and I’ll be thinking about this book for weeks to come.

The scene at the uni party???? it made me scream in my pillow.

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A Rivalry of Hearts by Tessonja Odette

What I loved:
✒️The world. I really enjoyed learning about Faerwyvae.
🌼Rivals to lovers. This trope was written beautifully.
✒️The bickering between the MCs. I couldn't get enough and was highly entertained.

This was such a delightful read. The world, the characters, and the romance were all incredible and well done. I was surprised at how great, yet easy to follow, the world building was.

Edwina and William had great tension and banter. I loved their scenes together. I loved their separate issues and how they both had reasons to fight for the publishing deal. They were both well-rounded and dynamic characters. I loved them both! I couldn't get enough of them together. I did think their romance proceeded a little fast as the plot takes place only over a few weeks.

The side characters in this novel also made it for me. I loved Monty and how aloof and mysterious he was. I wanted inside his head and can't wait to read his and Daphne's story! I also loved Daphne. She was so sweet and so cutely naive about things. I did want more from her, or maybe just more time to get to know her.

I also loved how this book touched on some heavier topics like grief, loss, and fear of failure. Both William and Edwina had many personal issues they needed to work through. I loved that even while they were bickering and disagreeing, they were still kind to each other.

This is my first Odette novel, but I could tell there were references and easter eggs to her prior books. This can absolutely be read as a stanalone, but if you've read her other books, I think you'll really enjoy this one and see some familiar characters pop up.

While this novel was incredibly cute and a fun, light story to read. I can't lie and say I didn't want and expect more. I think there were quite a few missed opportunities to have this book delve deeper into the characters. I really wanted Edwina and Daphne to have bonding moments because they were both dealing with different things but had their low self-esteem in common. I was let down that they didn't have these moments that could have deepend the friendship.

I was also thrown off at some of the found family at the end. Jolene comes across more as a pawn to make Edwina jealous and didn't feel like a true friend to Edwina, yet shows up at the end for her? The MCs were well-developed, but many of the side characters needed more work, in my opinion.

Overall, this is an enjoyable high fantasy with low stakes. The story is easy to follow with simple yet intriguing world building. If you love cozy romances but want something more unique, this is your book! This is my first read from Odette, and I'm really impressed. While I was left wanting more from the characters, I did have a great time. I'm excited to read more from this author!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the author for allowing me to read this arc.

This was such a cute/fluffy/spicy read. It was exactly what I was looking for and what I was needing to read. I absolutely devoured this in one night. It was addicting and such a fast read.

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