Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and Entangled Teen for the advance copy of this ebook in exchange of an honest review.

Me gustó bastante esta historia, aunque al comienzo me costó conectar con los personajes y la trama. Pronto se vuelve ligera y cómica en algunas partes.

Los guiños a orgullo y prejuicio me gustaron bastante y esta mezcla entre un mundo que mezcla la época de la regencia con lo moderno, las hadas y los humanos, fue genial.

Sin embargo, la premisa de la historia, la dichosa apuesta que causa que todo comience a moverse... la verdad no me convenció tanto. La dejé pasar (aunque parecía forzosa) porque la protagonista estaba ebria con licor de las hadas, que se supone es mucho más fuerte que el de los humanos, pero cuando varias veces los protagonistas vuelven a sacar a colación el tema de la apuesta y ella no quiere por ningún motivo disolverla no me gustó nada.

El protagonista masculino, por otro lado, me pareció mucho más racional y realista en algunos aspectos. Torpe, pero con buenas intenciones.

Al terminar la lectura vi que saldrán más libros con personajes secundarios de esta historia como protagonistas de sus propios romances. La verdad creo que sí me gustaría continuar conociendo este mundo de hadas y humanos ligados a la industrias de la literatura.

Lo recomiendo.

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Ahhh! Oh my gosh I absolutely devoured this book and enjoyed every moment of it! This was a fun fantasy with serious bridgerton vibes! I love that it was standalone

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I've been meaning to pick up Tessonja Odette's books for a while so I was pretty excited when I got accepted for this ARC. I confess to also being a little bit nervous as I knew going into this that it would have a decent amount of spice levels and I usually prefer to read books with little to no spice. So keeping that in mind, I approached this book expecting something somewhat similar to <b>Emily Wilde</b> with a dash of spice - and the book delivered just what I expected it to in the best ways possible.

The characters, world, and plot were all around fun and entertaining with plenty of banter to go around. It certainly wasn't limited to the two leading characters Edwina and William, there were plenty of likeable supporting characters who made this a fun gas lamp fantasy romp. There were a few modern slangs peppered throughout which I don't usually like, however, given the nature of Edwina writing smut books and her fans and book clubs feeling much closer to home, it felt more like a comedic take on it which prevented the modern slang from feeling too out of place.

Once again, I went into this knowing there'd be more spice than I'd normally choose to read. For the first half of the book, I thought it was really well incorporated, in parts hilarious and just simply well done. I was not surprised that the content became more explicit in the second half and I still think it was well written, it suited the characters and fitted in well with the plot. It was more than I'm personally comfortable with, but that's nothing I can fault the book with.

At the end of the day, I think this was a very fun and well crafted story and definitely worth picking up for people who enjoy a gas lamp fantasy romp with lots of good banter, rivals to lovers and a good dose of spice. I personally won't continue the series but I will be looking at Tessonja Odette's older works as I definitely enjoyed the work as a whole.

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This book really just wasn’t for me. I didn’t find the main characters interesting even though I really tried. I think couldn’t get past the fantasy aspect of the book.

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OMG!!! This was such a great read! 4.25 stars!!! Thank you so much to netgalley and the author for providing me this arc <3.

What first sold me to ask for this arc was that reference to Anne of Green Gables (on point btw!) and the idea of a fantasy world (with faes) in a regency-esque era.

If you are looking for a fun, lovely romantasy book, look this one up! It got me hooked from the beginning and falling in love with the mmc, William, and don't get me started on their banter!! It was chef's kiss.

Edwina and William start as rivals, they are "enemy authors", competing for a publishing deal (does that ring an Anne Shirley bell? It sure does!). But as the story progresses, their feelings change… they will have to choose to prioritize each other or their own ambitions.

This was an amazing read, with the exact amount of spice! I fell in love with their banter, their witty comebacks and the world that Tessonja has created, and can't wait to keep on reading everything she writes in the future.

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This was a cozy low stakes romantasy about two authors on their book tour, I loved the vibes and thought it was really well written! Such a fun read and I thoroughly enjoyed a fantasy about authors and writing.

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💕rivals to lovers
💕 historical fantasy but with fae
💕 slow burn
💕open door
💕 He says “use me”
💕touch her and die

Oh I do love when theres a theme of books and/or writing within a book.
The chemistry in this was 🔥 and the banter very cute.
The worldbuilding was really cosy and dreamy.
The motives keeping these work rivals apart were strong and the tension for this was perfect.

Two rival lovers
One prestigious publishing contract
A bargain of hearts and desire

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This book is so good!! The characters are so lovable and the premise of the story is great. Rivals to lovers and a bet to win a life changing contract.
It was a fun read!

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Paranormal romance is one of my favorite genres so it seems like romantasy would be an easy sell for me. However, I struggle with figuring out which books I'll like because I prefer low fantasy and need an HEA. Epic war between good an evil? Don't care that much. However, two rival writers on a book tour in a fae kingdom? Absolutely love it! I loved the magic as part of the world with the romance still being the main plot.

On top of this being the exact kind of romantasy I like, it was so incredibly well written, funny, swoony, and set in a really interesting world. I had so much fun with Edwina and Will's bet. Him being jealous was very amusing and I loved Edwina looking at everything as a learning opportunity. Men being broody about being attracted to someone is one of my favorite things to read about.

I also thought William using his skills as an actor was a really interesting part of the story. I think it is very relatable to have a job where you feel like you have to have a certain persona. I liked how that played in the story with the fae rules making it more black and white.

I cannot wait for the next book! I need it immediately but will try to wait til December. I am planning to go back and read some of the other stories set in this world in the meantime. This book is a new favorite and I'm so glad I grabbed it. If you like a romance with a little magic this is a must read!

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Absolutely stunning cosy fantasy with a great rivals to lovers story. The tension between William and Edwina was great and their banter was hilarious. Really looking forward to following books about Monty and Daphne.

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Arc review
Historical romance
Enemies to lovers
He falls first
Slow burn
The tension!!!!!!
One bed
Fae x human

This book is for people who love characters with a tragic backstory
I think I would swoon at first sight over William too. He just so kind but without even realising it.
It’s a book full of messy feelings and swoon worthy characters!!
He’s a flower fae so produces flowers which I find so cute

Overall I just loved both Edwina and William so much.

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I love Tessonja’s writing. Overall, I thought this book was enjoyable. The plot and characters were great. The only thing that I didn’t love was the spicy scenes. Usually I love her spicy scenes, but these ones were a bit cringey and much for me. Can’t wait for Daphne’s story!

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This incredibly witty and romantic rivals to lovers novel will have you squealing and kicking your feet! A Rivalry of Hearts was just so stinkin’ cute!!! I had a blast reading this fae romance and I’m looking forward to the next book already. I also immediately purchased every Tessonja Odette book because this was such a great read!!

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DNF AT 50%

This book has a lot of nice things, it is fun, it has a great setting and it is pretty nice. And William is a good character. I really enjoyed him! (And Monty, and Daphne... they are great secondary characters, and I enjoyed spending time with them!).
And the world-building is so nice! I enjoyed exploring it with Edwina. In this world fae and humans coexist, but they live, for the most part, separated. They interact, but mostly the fae live in their part of the world, and the humans in their own. Edwina has the opportunity to visit the part in which the fae live because of her book tour. It is all new to her, and it is all new to us. And it was so much fun discovering this world with her. It is a beautiful place and I enjoyed it!
It all sounds great, and it is but... But I didn't like Edwina. She was so annoyingly stupid, and she made me roll my eyes so much!
Mind me, she has some good traits, and there were some chapters that I loved, and in which I loved her too but... but for the most part I found her annoying, especially for everything related to the bet the two MCs made. And every time I put the book down I had zero motivation to pick it up again, because really, I couldn't connect with Edwina at all.
I tried because, honestly, the book is not bad, and it is funny but... but I wasn't really interested, so I just let this one go.

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This book was so unique and such a perfect read. It was absolutely my favorite read this year. It was full of humor and romantic moments that kept me hooked all the way through!

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A RIVALRY OF HEARTS is a light, romantic-comedy with fairy tale tropes ideal for summer reading. Edwina and William are both charmingly endearing and their on page chemistry will keep a reader hooked. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an e-ARC.

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The cover alone hooked me, and the fact that it’s a fantasy romance romantic comedy! It was so cozy, charming, whimsical, romantic, and honestly just so hilarious. There were so many moments I laughed out loud because the character’s interactions were so funny. This book delivered in every single way imaginable! I loved everything about it. The characters were amazing, the romance was so angsty and full of tension while still delivering that cozy feeling, and the world was so rich and charming, and I just couldn’t get enough of it. This is probably going to be one of my favorite reads of the year!

Edwina and William have such amazing chemistry right off the bat. Edwina is such an awesome FMC, and I loved her so much. She is so snarky and I loved how determined she was to make it as an author, and to not conform to what society thought she should do. William comes off as very arrogant at first, but as the story goes on and the relationship between he and Edwina develops, you start to see why he acts the way he does. We get to see the vulnerable side of him as his feelings for Edwina develop. These two complement each other so well, and I just loved everything about their romance. And it was so angsty and full of tension!

Overall, this was an amazing read and one that will leave you feeling all the butterflies! It’s going to be one I always recommend now. Definitely a trophy shelf read!

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If you want a regency romance with fae, all the spice and steam and writers that love steamy books, this one is for you! Edwina and William were such a fun couple, fae bargains, light, easy and smutty. Definitely check this one out if you loved Tessonja's other works as well.
Thanks to netgalley, the publisher and the author for the E-ARC.

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This was such a delight! I had a lot of fun reading this, it was nice and light and like a breath of fresh air after the more intense reads I've been going for. I felt for both of the characters and agreed with each of their motivations. I didn't think one deserved to win over the other in terms of their little competition, but obviously it turned out well. I loved seeing the world and the atmosphere and the settings, and it brought in some cameos of her other works. I've got such a backlist to get to of Tessonja's, and I am exciiiited. Can't wait for the second one of this series too, I love a good bit of banter.

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A Rivalry of Hearts is a spicy standalone adult fantasy romcom in the Fae Flings and Corset Strings series, penned by Tessonja Odette. It's the first book in the series and can be read on its own. I fell in love with it at first glance—the academic rivals, the alluring ambiance of magic and romance, and the quirky characters who march to the beat of their own drum.
The main characters are simply adorable. Edwina Danforth, a chaotic and witty human author of spicy romance novels, and William Haywood, a criminally handsome fae poet and actor, find themselves brought together by fate for a joint book tour on the Isle of Faerwyvae. Their interactions revolve around a publishing contract rivalry and a misread flirtatious sentiment, leading to hilarious events after a magic-fueled bargain. The stakes are high for both main and side characters, leaving no room for complacency. As they navigate multiple unfortunate circumstances, they explore uncharted territory, grapple with their emotions, and trigger a series of domino conflicts that keep readers giggling or laughing out loud throughout the story.
In ‘A Rivalry of Hearts', the prose is refreshingly enchanting. The world’s features and intricate details are woven seamlessly into the story, creating a sense of home. As the plot unfolds, hidden layers of lore emerge, immersing readers even further in the magical realm. Each character possesses a mesmerizing charm, and every dialogue and scene sparkles with captivating energy. The roller-coaster of emotions and unexpected twists keeps readers blissfully engaged. Trust me when I say that praising this whimsical and compelling tale without spoilers is a delightful challenge.
In summary, the moral of the story is that humans can thrive in the Fae Realm if they avoid fea wine and magical bargains, embracing their ‘happily ever after’ while immersed in Tessonja Odette’s books. I wholeheartedly recommend this unputdownable novel—I relished every second spent on the Isle of Faerwyvae—and eagerly await the sequel.
My heartfelt thanks to NetGalley, the publishers and the author for the eARC of this enchanting book. Dear Tessonja Odette, your words breathed life into the Fae Lands, and I’ve become an ardent advocate of your art.

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