Member Reviews

This is the 4th book and the conclusion of the series.
I did read the last book but not the first 2 and I still was able to enjoy the books. It has Camelot,Galahad, Lancelot and the wizard of oz all rolled into this fantasy romance book.
Mordred has ruled over Avalon for centuries and people fear hm. He is not the nicest being and some would like to take away his power, which has happened but now Gwen , who is in love with him wants to release him from captivity, But she s also afraid of what will become of Avalon when she does free him.
Gwen fight for those she cares about but she also does not want blood shed. Mordred doesn't like the Elementals and wants them all dead even if they are not the enemy. Gwen is also fighting against Galahad and his woman.
The ending was perfect for this series.
Thank you to NetGalley and Second Sky for the ARC to read.
#ToLoveaDarkLordTheIronCrystalQuartetBook4 #NetGalley.

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Another Arthurian-ish retelling series! This series started off so strong and captured my heart immediately. It takes place after the death of King Arthur. It is whimsical and light hearted with a laid back and comedic FMC (Gwen) which is counteracted with a dark, broody and seemingly evil MMC (Mordred).

The story starts when a young girl woman is transported against her will to another world of limitless magic in which a sentient land imbues power on beings.

When a war ensues between magical beings we follow the story of Gwen, Mordred, and the many Knights of the round table and all the other creatures of the land to stabilize the world by trapping them in a magical crystal. I laughed many times and I got teary eyed at least once in this whole thing. But I stayed for the character development, plot, and the epic spice!

Only reason the last book is 3 ⭐️ was because things slowed down a bit and the ending was meh, which I feel is typical for 3+ book series 😅. I’d rec this book for any romantasy lover who is looking for a more lighthearted vibe. Thank you Netgalley and the author for letting me read all of these wonderful books 🥰

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Hmm! This was not the ending I was expecting. I love how each one of these have been very different from what I was expecting…keeps me on my toes. I like that there’s not spice in this one(never thought I’d say that!) because it would’ve taken away from the story’s conclusion.

I know this isn’t an ALC but I did listen/read it bc I had already preordered the audio. The narrator is stellar. She is the reason I keep buying the audiobooks.

These books deserve the hype other books are getting on BookTok!

I have loved these characters dearly for the last year. Sad that it is all over, but happy I can have a complete set.

Love that I found Kathryn Ann Kingsley/Second Sky through NetGalley. Now I have a new favorite author/publisher!

Thank you so much to the author, the publisher, & to NetGalley for the Arc in exchange for my review!

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“…and decided this world was yours to burn.”

I do love a villain arc! Seeing Gwen develop throughout this series was a joy and loved seeing her adapt to the ever changing dynamics. The relationships she was able to create and watching her navigate the challenges that came with her magic was enjoyable. She is an incredibly likeable character!

I do feel like this was the weakest of the four books and could have happily sat as a trilogy. However, I still had a good time and I like Kathryn’s writing style!

Overall, this is a quick and fun series that will be great for fans of spicy romantasy!

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Considering there was absolutely no spicy times in this book, this was actually working out to be a 4 star read for me. But then we got the ending. And that absolutely ruined the whole thing. I hated how this ended. Truly.

It was great to see Gwen deciding what she wanted and going for it despite what her choice would mean. Does she still hope to avoid needless deaths? Of course. But she also realizes that by freeing Mordred, elementals will die. Best she can hope for is to try and save the few who don't want to go around mindlessly killing all the mortals. Her plan from the end of the last book is still the best she's got going here, which isn't promising at all. But she's getting used to her witchy powers and getting better at using them. She even manages to dream share with Mordred again. Which is probably a good thing.

Mordred's stay in the crystal seems to be way worse on his psyche than it was on any of the other elementals. When they were released, they all seemed to still have their minds intact. Well, more or less. But merely weeks of it has Mordred quickly unraveling and changing for the worst. Gwen's visits help to tether him because she quiets the voices, and together they figure out a way to figure out where the crystal was hidden.

I was really frustrated with Galahad here and Zoe really became a bad guy. Which was something I didn't expect of her. While I loved the almost fatherly relationship between Galahad and Gwen that prevented either one from being able to hurt the other, Galahad's relationship with Zoe seemed less about love and more about blind devotion this time around. He hated what she was doing, yet always chose to support her because he loved her.

Mordred was freed from the crystal much sooner than I expected, but I was glad for that. I always have loved his interactions with Gwen and these two really didn't let me down in that regards. Plus it was such a great trump card to be pulled at the final battle. And here's where things started getting more frustrating for me. Mordred does something to Gwen in order to protect her. Of course his way of protecting isn't the same as hers and she gets furious when she sees what he has done to her as a betrayal. So much so that she still hasn't forgiven him centuries later. But here's the thing. How many times did she betray him and he forgave her right away? I hate hypocrites.

The final battle was a good one. I was not unhappy with how everything went down. But it was Gwen's proclamation at the end that had me saying what the actual hell. Seriously? You did everything you could to save your love and then do that? And then the final end when we find out how little they still see each other? Very unhappy with that ending.

Despite me hating how this series ended, overall, I did love it. And that all comes down to Mordred and Gwen's relationship. I enjoyed their violent interactions and how they turned both of them on. I loved how they would tease each other and simply be playful. They just worked for me.

I would definitely read more from this author.

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I recently had the opportunity to join the tour organized by Second Sky Books, and I'm excited to share my thoughts on the 4th book in the Iron Crystal series.

This latest instalment brings us back into the world of Gwen and Mordred as we prepare to bid farewell to these beloved characters. The quick-paced, Arthurian legend-inspired fantasy novel culminates in an epic conclusion where the fate of Avalon's rulership hangs in the balance. The unexpected ending took me by surprise, but it was masterfully executed.

The book strikes a perfect balance between seduction and action, creating a thoroughly engaging experience. The complex dynamics of love and hate between Gwen and Mordred add depth to the narrative, especially as they find themselves working towards conflicting goals. Additionally, the infusion of spiciness adds an extra layer of intrigue.

Overall, this conclusion to the series was nothing short of epic, and I thoroughly enjoyed the journey.

4/ 5 Stars

#IronCrystalSeries #ArthurianFantasy #EpicConclusion #UnexpectedTwists #DynamicRelationships #IntriguingPlot #SpellbindingAdventure #EmotionalDepth #CaptivatingRead #BookReview

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions.

I will say this about these books…do not read any of them if you have plans for the day! Because you won’t do anything but read these from start to finish in one sitting!

I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to these characters! I absolutely loved the way this ended and it was so bittersweet.

This book is the conclusion for Mordred and Gwen. They face off against the elementals and Zoe and Galahad but who will win and become King or Queen of Avalon!

4/5 stars and I will be buying this whole series for my shelf! I feel like this just might be my new favorite comfort read!

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I thought that this was a really good book. There is a very seductive and tension filled balance between desire and doubt in this book that gives not only your heart but also your mind a workout as you read it. Once I got a taste of the steamy/sweetness that this couple generated I was addicted.

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Avalon is on the point of collapse with 3 beings vying for the crown. Gwen knows that she cannot allow any of them to win regardless of whether or not she is in love with one of them. How will she get her new home under control. And does she even want control? A wonderful conclusion to this romantasy series!

I am so sorry to see this story conclude, but I will say that it has concluded in a beautiful way! I was surprised by the ending, however, I cannot see it ending any other way. Gwen has gone from being an absolute obnoxious waif to a force to be reckoned with. If you don't have this series on your TBR, start now!

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What an ending to a great fantasy series! Be ready to let out a sob or two 'cos not all of your secondary character favourites are going to make it to the end!

Gwen and Mordred have kept us hopping over these 4 books. They are at odds as often as they are working together. They love and hate each other in just about equal measure. Mordred is just about ready to blow up his world - talk about morally dark! Gwen just wants everyone to get out alive - neither are going to get what they want.

Mordred really was put in an untenable position and tried to do what he thought Arthur would want and then when that reveal comes alone - blam his whole reason for being in the state he is, well it's kind of whipped from under him!

There is more than enough action and I loved that the human inhabitants of Avalon and Camelot are finally getting involved - as outmatched as they are they are saying ENOUGH! There is spice and smexy thoughts and some hates&x at times.

At times I wanted to cry and hold Mordred's hand and others times I wanted to smack him on the head. Gwen was still quite naïve in her dealings with there duplicitous Fae - I had hopes she would have grown a few more callouses on her soft heart but then she wouldn't be Gwen I suppose.

My favourite secondary characters remain Eod, Mae and Tim - I really loved the rickey buckets of bolts that made up Gwen's army!

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I'm satisfied with how this quartet ended. But I do think it could have been shorter, like a trilogy instead. I found myself rushing through this just to see how it ended because I wasn't carrying so much about the story in the moment or the characters.

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I struggled with this one, first because it was difficult to get into and then because the ending was predictable. It recycled the theme from the unseelie books she wrote so that was a bit disappointing.

One unsatisfying and lackluster smut scene that I feel was just in there “because”.

Overall this series was her best, the FMC was reasonable and not an idiot, the MMC was not completely unhinged, just fell victim to “ends justify the means”. I did have an issue that we spent 3 books hearing about how Mordred never wanted to be king and how he wished it had been Arthur for him to do a 180 and become hellbent on it. I also feel Gwen is pretty hypocritical a few items that I can’t mention without spoilers, but she ended up being a let down.

My biggest disappointment is that the FMC is never the villain, never gets turned to the dark side and is always the harbinger of light and fairness. I was really hoping Gwen would go on a rampage for Mordred and it just never happened.

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"When you reached your breaking point and decided this world was yours to burn." He crooked a finger under her chin and tilted her head up toward him. "And by the Ancients, you are beautiful."

"I know who you are. I know what you are. I just know that isn't the whole story. There's so much more to you than what they see. You may be a monster, but for fuck's sake, you're my monster,”

This book … broke my heart. In the best and yet worst possible ways. Can I go into details? I cannot, unfortunately. You will have to read it to understand. When I first dived into Gwen and Mordred’s story I was not sure there were any redeemable qualities about him, for which I could understand her falling in love with him in the first place. But then slowly through the books, I fell for him myself. And there was no stopping it. After the massive cliffhanger that was the end of book three, the surprise I felt at desperately needing the next instalment wasn’t easy to explain. And when I got to this one … I was overwhelmed. I wanted it all. I wanted it asap. But I also didn’t want it to be over. The characters brought me back once again in a complicated version of Camelot and its magic. Gwen brought me back into her complicated relationship with her dark Prince. And I couldn’t stop reading. Action packed, spicy and sweet but also very painful. I was crying at the end, not gonna lie. Was I expecting the way the author decided to end things? Not really. Would have I hoped for something different? Maybe. Am I complaining about what happened? Not at all. I feel like at the end of it all, each character got its own happy ending. Unconventional or otherwise. Mordred always being Mordred and Gwen always been the light to his darkness. They both have my heart and they forever will!!! I’m sad the journey is over but I’m so so happy I went along for the ride!!

“It earned him her most vicious glare. "Are you here to fight or to fuck?"
"Oh, my dear, sweet firefly. You know the answer to that already." He chuckled darkly before his next word sent shivers up her spine again for a very different reason than before.

“His life was hers—and in service to hers— even if she did not wish to see it that way. The King in Iron would reign to keep his Queen of Flames alight. And if she deemed him worthy of death, he would accept his fate.
Life without her would be far worse.”

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Oh, I had a really fantastic time reading this book! I've really enjoyed this series from the beginning, so it's a bit sad to say goodbye to these characters, but boy did they have a heck of a run in these 4 books! This was such a great wrap up to the series!

The ending of the last book, with Mordred in the Iron Crystal, having killed Grinn, yeah, I had to know what was going to happen next. We all had faith in Gwen that she would find the right path forward, but it didn't come easily!

This is the book where she really came into her own. She had her own power given to her by the creators of Avalon, and the training wheels were off. Though there was maybe a little help from Merlin (and I loved how that went!)

All in all, I really enjoyed how this series ended. That one antagonist came almost out of left field, but I loved what it added to the story. The solution that Gwen came up with, it was satisfying for all parties, even if it caused some turmoil. Plus, that time jump at the end, yeah, it was really great to see what had been built!

I loved reading this book and I need to read more by Kathryn Ann Kingsley!

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This was a pretty great series! I was a little disappointed with the ending... like it wasn't a big HEA but it was still there. I did like that the conflict had a resolution.

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thank you to NetGalley and Second Sky for the arc in exchange of an honest review

This book had it all. Fantasy, romance, steamy scenes and a fulfilled enemies-to-lovers romance. It was so engrossing and I devoured it easily in a day.

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The previous book left me excited to find out how everything would wrap up with Gwen and Mordred's enemies-to-lovers romance story and I can honestly say that when it comes to this series, it's unlike any paranormal story I have ever read. There were some things that happened in the beginning of Gwen's journey that had me thinking wth*ll, or what in the world did I just read. There were a lot of surprising and unexpected parts that I never saw coming with this story. However, I think that this series can and will be enjoyed by paranormal lovers that go into this story with an open mind. because yes, some parts of this series were completely ridiculous to me but overall, it was a good series. This book is the final book in a series was just as intriguing as the previous books, and full of mystery and suspense. Just like the previous books there were parts that I thought were a bit slow but then there was part of the story that I devoured. Gwen and Mordred's story was filled with just as much danger, threats, undeniable chemistry, steamy sex scenes, doubt, romance and more. Their ending left me satisfied and looking forward to reading more books from this author.

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The culmination of the Iron Crystal series.

Sort of enemies to lovers but still enemies at the same time. Plenty of conflict both physical and emotional.

Not my favourite book in the series but a decent end to it all. They do need to be read in sequence to know what’s going on and make the most of the series.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4

Thanks to publisher and NetGalley for an ARC copy to review.

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Title: To Love a Dark Lord (The Iron Crystal Quartet Book 4) by Kathryn Ann Kingsley

Release Date: June, 14th, 2024


Gwen is determined to free Mordred, the Prince in Iron, from his magical prison before his mind is destroyed. Despite centuries of imprisonment, their love remains strong, driving Gwen to take extreme measures to save him. Meanwhile, Mordred struggles to maintain his sanity as he awaits liberation. As Gwen faces battles and betrayal to fulfil her quest, she must confront the possibility that freeing Mordred may unleash a power more terrifying than Avalon has ever known.

"To Love a Dark Lord" by Kathryn Ann Kingsley delivers a captivating and addicting conclusion to the Iron Crystal Quartet. The tale of Gwen and Mordred's tumultuous romance, set against the backdrop of a magical and dangerous world, kept me glued to the pages from start to finish.

Kingsley weaves together elements of romance, fantasy, and suspense, creating a story that is both thrilling and deeply emotional. I found myself rooting for Gwen as she fights to free Mordred from his prison, even as she grapples with the consequences of her actions.

The chemistry between the characters is electric, and the tension between love and darkness is palpable throughout.

This is a must-read for fans of romances where enemies become lovers, baddies who are seductive, and magical worlds filled with danger. I devoured this book in one sitting and found it to be a satisfying conclusion to an unforgettable series.

Thank you to The Publisher Second Sky ,The Author Kathryn Ann Kingsley & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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