Member Reviews

This is one incredible book! It has taken me on such a wild ride and I'm obsessed with it. The three different narratives, the conflict and deception, the heartbreak, power struggles... everything. There are surprises woven into the story and plenty of 'oh no' moments, and I loved how Sabaa Tahir has woven together three distinct stories into one plot and interwoven the characters so beautifully. There are breadcrumbs throughout the book leading you to answers and as I understood more and more I didn't know how to react - I think I was screaming on the inside! The writing is fantastic, and the complexity of this story such a credit to Sabaa Tahir's writing. I could have kept reading and reading but all good things must come to an end and it's certainly left me wanting more. I can't wait to pick up with Aiz, Sirsha, and Quil when the next book comes out. These are three incredibly interesting characters with intricate backstories which brought plenty of intrigue and a rollercoaster of emotions. This book takes you on a physical and an emotional journey and I'm totally here for it - thank you Sabaa Tahir for crafting this gem of a book!

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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what a phenomenal book. Sabaa Tahir has such a way with words. She strings them together like magic and we, the readers, are left enchanted. I have been in a reading slump for a whole year and this book really did the final tug to pull me out of it. I fell in love with the characters just as much as I loved Laia and Elias!
Quil and Sirsha now have my heart <3 everything was just perfect and I need book 2 now!!!

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“Tell me a dream, little love.”

When I requested this book, I actually didn’t realise it was set in the An Ember in the Ashes universe. But the rich worldbuilding felt like coming homing home, with even more geographical intricacies and political intrigue than I remembered. Set twenty years after the events of its predecessor series, Heir follows the journey to stop a dangerous killer slaughtering young people across the land. When the unrest causes war to break out, future Emperor Quil must team up with Sirsha, the tracker hired to hunt the killer down, to bring peace to his land. However, as we see flashbacks of Aiz, Quil’s past love, and her quest to bring freedom to her own people, we discover that not all is as it seems…

At times, I did find the main characters somewhat difficult to connect with, which made it difficult for me to wholly root for the main relationship. The fake marriage trope is always a great one, but after the initial delicious tension, some of the spark fizzled out for me. The only character I was completely, utterly invested in was one I probably shouldn’t have been. But what do you expect when you write an unwitting villain so heartbreakingly well?

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“Sometimes the power of a story is greater than anything else”

This book is truly phenomenal, Sabaa has outdone herself & this book has become my favourite read this year.

This is set 20 years after the events of the Ember series but with a new cast of MCs. We get 3 PoVs, Quil, Aiz & Sirsha.

How do I describe the sheer number of emotions I felt reading Heir. From the excitement of reading a new book by Sabaa to the trepidation & stress of knowing this book with destroy me. (It did)

I loved meeting the new characters, Quil & Sirsha quickly became my favourites but Aiz’s story was so mysterious & complex.
They all had such interesting character arcs especially when their paths collided. They were all such compelling characters that i was eager to know more about all of them.
I loved that each had their own story which compelled them to act but they also had an interwoven story that made them part of the overarching plot.

The story itself was so well written & I was hooked. I loved how Sabaa expanded on the world we know from the Ember books but also showed us the results of all that was sacrificed & fought for in the Ember books.
We get a pretty significant plot twist half way through & I audibly gasped as the pieces started coming together & I had to actually close the book & sit with it for a moment.
And the way Sabaa built the tension to that explosive ending was just pure perfection!

There was also some amazing side characters including one from the Ember books that I loved seeing, who also had their own arcs & character development.
If anything happens to Sufiyan I will be ready to fight.

I also absolutely adored, kicking my feet, giggling, whenever we get any mentions of Laia, Elias & Helene but also dread because I was scared Sabaa would hurt them some more & they’ve been through enough!

The love I have for this book, I need you all to go read it. You will not be disappointed!

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Heir by Sabaa Tahir is an absolute ride from start to finish. Rating it a 4.5/5 feels right because it's nearly perfect, just missing that final push into absolute perfection. The world-building is so immersive, especially since it's set in the same universe as *An Ember in the Ashes*. Even though it’s a new story with new characters, there are familiar elements that tie it all together. You don’t need to have read the original series to enjoy this one, but it definitely adds an extra layer of depth if you have.

The multiple povs are all handled so well. Each character brings something different to the table, and their arcs intertwine in a way that keeps you hooked. Aiz’s raw need for vengeance, Sirsha’s conflicted mission, and Quil’s reluctance to step into power all play off one another beautifully.

There are some twists you might see coming, but the journey there is still exciting. Plus, the emotional stakes are high, and the ending left me eager for the next book. It’s one of those reads where you're so invested in what happens next that putting it down feels impossible.

Sabaa Tahir has this talent for blending action, magic, and personal struggle, and Heir is no exception. The pacing is solid, the stakes are high, and the nods to the original series feel like a treat for longtime fans without alienating new readers. The ending definitely sets up the next installment with a cliffhanger that has me waiting on edge.

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Returning to the world of the sensational An Ember in the Ashes series, Sabaa Tahir is back with a new adventure full of action, mystery and tension. I'm so intrigued to see where this new story will take this world.

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I loved returning to the world of An Ember in the Ashes. This had plenty of nods to beloved characters as well as a new cast that worked wonderfully. I think you can read Heir without having read the original series, although of course having read it is a plus and will give you extra context and a better understanding of the universe and the magic system. I don't typically love multiple POVs but here it was done masterfully and helped me keep the same interest in all the characters while also enjoying how their stories intertwined. Some developments I had seen coming, but I'm still very excited to read the next book.

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Sabaa Tahir delivers again with this intriguing and masterfully-told fantasy tale.

Her three key protagonists are well-drawn and surprisingly relatable in terms of the feelings they experience with regard to the challenges that they each face.

This one will be a big hit with her fans, and is likely to help expand her fan base. A must-read for fantasy book readers.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book!

An orphan.
An outcast.
A prince.
And a killer who will bring an empire to its knees.

Heir is set in the same world as An Ember in the Ashes - this story takes place 20 years after AEITA and while it's not required to read AEITA, it will only help understand the world better and there's some spoilers in this one for AEITA if you haven't finished that one yet.

We follow “the second generation” of sorts, including Helene’s nephew and Laia and Elias’ son, this is a twisty and gripping, dual timeline story of fighting for your people and your family, no matter the cost.

Sabaa Tahir truly knows how to play with your emotions and she holds nothing back when it comes to keeping you in the edge of your seat. Heir is a perfect mix between character and plot driven, the story is a little slow at the start but picks up pace fairly quickly , with a power-hungry deity, a misguided outcast, and the best of the best found families.

I loved seeing the world established in AEITA expanded and the lore of the various cultures and beliefs woven into more intricate tapestries. It was like sliding right back into comfort being in this world, of course that is until all hell breaks loose lol. Quil is such a great MMC and honestly rivaling Elias as ultimate book boyfriend in this series - maybe. I mean. And Sirsha is such an amazing bad ass FMC.

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Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC.

Welk Sabaa Tahir did it once again, she created a masterpiece! Heir takes us back to the world of An Ember in the Ashes, and we do meet some characters from the previous series, but we are also introduced to a delightful group of new protagonists. I especially liked Aiz and her journey - even though I guessed how it would turn, I still was entraped. Definite recommendation!

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Oops, I've done it again! Fresh from reading Sarah Pinborough's Tales from the Kingdoms, or at least what I've read of it, out of sequence I've done similar with Sabaa Tahir. Oh, I have actually read most of the Ember Quartet, and in order, but hadn't read the final volume before starting Heir. Did I regret it? I initially thought I'd missed something, but it turns out I hadn't.

Twenty years after the Ember Quartet and the Martial Empire is faced with new threats both within and without. Heir largely focuses on a new group of characters including heir apparent of the Martial Empire Quil, outcast Jaduna tracker Sirsha and Kegari guttersnipe Aiz whose stories intertwine in a tale that expands the world and the magic system we were introduced to in An Ember in the Ashes and it's sequels.

Not read the previous books? Don't worry, Sabaa Tahir gives you just enough information about the events and characters, some of whom pop up in Heir, that you don't struggle to follow the narrative.

Thanks to NetGalley, Atom and the author for an advance copy.

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This was a very interesting read. To be able to follow new characters within the same world of An Ember in the Ashes. Being able to follow family relatives in this book from the previous series was amazing. And with the fact that it was also multiple PoV which made the story very interesting and gripping. Each of the PoVs were very interesting characters from the very start. Especially with Quil’s pov, I was very interested and invested into his side of the story as he had to go through a lot within the book, externally and internally. Alongside Aiz and Sirsha who was also very intriguing and the challenges in which they had to face was gripping. And with how the story developed with the plot of the book was amazing. There were many twists and turns which occurred that I didn’t expect. As it came to the ending of the story I definitely did t expect it. And especially with how it has ended, I am looking forward to another book following these characters.

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A fantastical new read that follows several different characters as they navigate famine, revolution, war, death, love, revenge, evil, and a host of different issue's they are each facing in their ever changing world. A reluctant prince, a poor girl with aspirations of leading her people, the banished tracker who has no idea what she is really tracking, and a few small cameos by others tell the story from different times and perspectives. It's woven together perfectly and leaves me very much wanting to read more from this new world, it's characters and the evil that may just devour them all before it's over.

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I am someone who is intensely sceptical of continuations of previously finished series - more often than not the author has put out a different book that hasn't done so well and all of a sudden they decide that they 'aren't done telling the story in this world' and they feel like 'xyz character isn't finished yet'. I hate it. So when Heir was announced I was tempering my expectations. I love the original series so much that I desperately hoped this wasn't a cash grab and I'm so relieved to say that Heir was exceptional.

The new characters (many of whom are the children of our beloved main characters form the original series) stand on their own, with fantastic character development. The dialogue was engaging and the relationships - both platonic and romantic - were rich and heartwarming. With continuations, I often find myself longing to be back in the heads of the main characters from the previous series but all these new characters are just as loveable as Laia and Elias and Helene.

Another female villain! Our antagonist, who I shan't name to avoid spoilers, was appropriately flawed but began in a really grounded and reasonable place in terms of motivations. I thought that certain reveals in terms of timelines were fantastically done. This book is all about the danger of religious fervour, the way that people's faith can be manipulated. Everything in regards to this subject matter, I loved.

I can't wait for everyone to read this spectacular book. 5 stars.

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I didn't realise that this was a sequel to Sabaa Tahir's previous series (which I shall now read!) but it made absolutely no difference to my enjoyment of this assured fantasy. The story is fresh and original and can absolutely be read as a standalone.
The book is narrated by three characters. Quil, reluctant prince and heir to an Empire, Sirsha, exile and tracker and Aiz, orphan who will do whatever she has to to make her peoples' lives better. But dark forces are stirring, a series of gruesome murders causing terror across the empire and soon all three characters' lives be upended forever,
Dark, twisty, inventive and immensly readable. Highly recommended.

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I was so excited to return to the world of my favourite fantasy series, and HEIR did not disappoint. Perfectly paced with characters you immediately relate to and root for, I was hooked from the very start and couldn't put it down. I love Tahir's world building and the way she's expanded upon her pre-existing world and magic system is just brilliant. Cannot wait for the sequel!

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I’ve learned to be sceptical of follow-ups to beloved series. They always seem to disappoint. So I have to admit, I was a little surprised to find out that Heir actually is an original, refreshing story that expands on the world of an Ember in the Ashes in all kinds of exciting ways. The story follows Quil, Helene’s nephew and the heir to the empire, Sufiyan, Elias and Laia’s son, Arelia and Sirsha, a powerful tracker they meet on the way, as they try to save their empire from yet another threat: the Kegari. We get chapters mostly from the perspectives of Quil, Sirsha and Aiz, a girl from the mysterious Kegar. I enjoyed reading all of them. They were all interesting characters with unique motivations that didn’t necessarily have anything to do with the original series. I liked that the author isn’t relying too much on the reader’s love for the older characters and instead focuses on the new ones fully. The pacing of the story was done incredibly well, with some twists that I didn’t see coming, causing me to want to keep reading at all times. It kept me hooked until the end and it delivered. I can’t wait to read what’s next. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an e-arc!

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Thank you NetGalley, Little, Brown Book Group UK and Atom for the ARC.

This is my first time reading a book by Sabaa Tahir, and it was everything that I expected it to be. But I do kind of wish I had read the previous series because it is set in the same universe.

Regardless, the book was paced really well. It flowed really well. The story was filled with action sequences and likeable characters. It was incredible from start to finish.

Also, I don't think you need to read the previous series even though it is an extension of the world in the previous series. It kind of works really well as a separate series.

Tahir deserves all the praise for this book! It is incredible. I can't wait to read the next book!

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This review is for Heir by Sabaa Tahir which will be released in the UK on the 1st October! Thanks so much to Netgalley and Atom Books for giving me an eArc copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This is a new duology set in the same universe as Sabaa’s previous series An Ember in the Ashes, but set many years after the last book. Of course as soon as I heard about it, I needed to read it!! But thankfully I did a reread of the previous series first, so I already felt I was in their world. We see some of the old characters which we fell in love with(Laia and Elias, as well as Helene) as well as a whole cast of new characters, as we follow Quil, Sircha and Aiz in this story. (And omg look at the cover, it’s stunningggg)

In this series, we get to see a whole new side of the world and can see more of a focus on the ‘Southern Continent’ and the cities there, as well as the new characters (which some also happen to be kids of the characters in the first series). I think Sabaa did an incredible job of blending the new and the old, and I honestly could not put this book down.

The storyline was quick and easy to read, as well as being so well paced, it just flowed so effortlessly. You don’t necessarily need to read the previous series to love this one, but would suggest doing so to help understand a little of the backstory as well as the characters. I also loved the references to other cultures thought the book, and did see a lot of themes that resonate with the events in our world today. She does an incredible job of looking into the costs and falls of people’s suffering and how we can see this in our own society. This is made all the more devastating to read knowing what is currently being done to the people of Palestine and Sudan and all those under occupation.

Overall, this was an excellent first book in this duology and I will be waiting with bated breath for the next one. Heir was everything I had expected and more, and can’t wait to see what they do with the story next.

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Heir is Sabaa Tahir’s latest book and the start of a promising new duology. Set in the same world as The Ember in the Ashes, this takes place 20 years after A Sky Beyond the Storm and follows new characters and new challenges. But don’t worry, beloved characters like Elias, Laia and Helene are still included in this new story.
First of all, I’d like to say how delighted I was that Sabaa Tahir chose to continue writing about this world. Whilst it is brutal and mystical and, at times, tragic, there is something special about the setting she has created. She doesn’t shy away from the darker parts of this world, whether that’s the horrors of maintaining a peaceful afterlife or the brutality of raising children to become an army, which makes it all the more real. In this book, we meet some of the people who have suffered in this world. Despite the changes made by characters in the previous series, there are still dangers and trails for many. Aiz is a fugitive, Sirsha is a hunter tracking a killer and Quil is the son of the infamous former emperor. They have all seen how cruel the world can be.
These characters ground the story and allow us to sympathise with people and their struggles rather than getting swept away in a plot which concerns magic, politics and a power-hungry deity. Much like in the original series, the characters are often separated and fighting against unimaginable forces, but they have to work together despite their differences. Once again, Tahir has written about a complicated but strangely comforting found family.
Whilst I am not the biggest fan of changes in POV, I appreciate that they really elevate the story in this case. Not only do we get to see more of the world, which Tahir builds on again in this duology, but also the many plot lines that will come together in the story. Rather than being random, these different perspectives allow the reader to see the many evil forces at large. These POV’s also make the plot seem more fast-paced and snappy. The actual pace of the story is fairly slow at the beginning, but each chapter you learn something new and vital.
I would recommend this book to fans of the original series and books like The City of Brass and The Poppy War. Whilst you should really read the original series first, you could start with this book if you want to get a taste for her writing. But beware, you may end up taking out your highlighter and annotating quite a bit.

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