Member Reviews

Heir is the dramatic, action-packed high fantasy start to a duology sent in the same world as the very popular Ember in the Ashes series. Whilst you can read this without knowledge of An Ember in the Ashes, I think readers will appreciate and understand the world building and political nuances a lot better if they have. Without the prior knowledge, there were details I think I would've missed. Plus, it'll be all the more enjoyable to read scenes with well known characters like Laia, Elias and Helene. It is set many years on, following the next generation.

Heir starts off quite overwhelming as we get one chapter each from three very different POVs with all new characters. It is worth pushing through the initial overload, though. I soon found myself sinking into the worlds as the story builds and details are revealed. With just a few chapters from each POV I was hooked and wanting to know what happened next in all three of their journeys. Of course it gets even better once you start to see the links between the different POVs and they cross paths.

Recommended for fans of the Ember in the Ashes series. This was a satisfying read and I'm looking forward to what happens next.

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Rating - 4.75⭐️

In this new spin-off duology, we get to see life after 20 years since the end of the Ember Quartet series. So just be aware there’ll be spoilers for how the Quartet ended in this book.

Even though Heir follows a new cast of main characters, it felt good seeing old characters from the Ember Quartet. I liked how the old characters were woven into this plot so they didn’t feel like just ‘easter eggs’ for established fans of the Quartet. A lot of scenes involving old characters made me go “awww🥹”. Amidst Sabaa Tahir’s usual infliction of pain and torture to her characters, I’m glad she wrote many wholesome scenes😭✋🏻.

For the first time in forever, I enjoyed all character POVs which is quite rare for me. Usually one annoys or bores me but every character POV kept me on my toes. Each chapter placement felt deliberate and very strategic. The structuring of this novel was amazing!!!

Firstly, I LOVE SIRSHA!!! I was always excited to read her chapters because her humour is right up my alley🤌🏻. She’s just so funny to me😭!!! Secondly, Quil is so precious🥹🫶🏻 He’s honestly such a lover boy and I admire his loyalty to his friends and family. Lastly, Aiz… she was a VERY intriguing character. I actually really enjoyed seeing the gradual and complex change in her. I admire Sabaa Tahir for the way she wrote Aiz’s POV chapters.

I LOVED the plot twist!!! I thought it was unique and clever. I audibly gasped when I got to that part and then everything clicked into place.

Since this is a duology, I’m glad that Sabaa left some opportunity for the characters to grow more in the sequel and continue tackling their past traumas.

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2.5 ⭐

If you haven't read Tahir's An Ember in the Ashes series, go and read that first, before you even think about picking up this book.

I wish NetGalley or any descriptions of this book made it obvious that this is set in the same world and is a continuation of that story, set in the future. I have no idea if knowing this and having read that series would have had any impact on my enjoyment of Heir, because I found this book just okay.

The writing was beautiful, I enjoyed the pacing, I liked the characters and the majority of the plot. The tiny snippets of romance were also good enough.

The biggest issue I had, was that the way things were described made me think like I was being left out of something, and I should already know this information, almost like brief reminders were given. It's not unusual to be a little lost during the start of a new fantasy book, but not like this.

I can't help but feel we found out who the killer was much too early. We should have found out at the same time Quil did, it didn't make sense for the reader to know before he did.

Once this reveal came, I honestly lost interest a little bit. I also wasn't a fan of the ending, I suppose it simply made little sense for me, and it wasn't where I expected the story to go. Sadly, I will not be reading the next book.

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I've finally had my first five-star fiction read of the month, and it's Heir by Sabaa Tahir. I really loved the Ember in the Ashes series and was delighted to discover that this book is set in the same universe, one generation later.

We follow three characters with very different backgrounds as they find themselves drawn into the same web. Impoverished orphan Aiz fights for a better life for herself and her people, Sirsha is on the run from her family and trying to make a living as a tracker, and Quil is the Crown Prince of the Empire struggling with the expectations placed on him. As the story unfolds, their lives interweave as they face the devastating consequences of unchecked greed.

I can't wait for the second part of this duology!

Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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this book finished me
I am still processing
first of all, An ember in the ashes is my fav series ever, so I had very high hopes, that unfortunately this book did not met. however, I still hope second book will be better.
This book was good, it was solid, intriguing, kept me on my toes, but I did guess all plot twists and turns.
I absolutely loved the cameos of Helene, Elias, Laia and Musa, but why did they have to suffer so much still, jail for Sabaa Tahir, cus that was extremely rude, they deserve all the peace and quiet.
As for the new characters, they were nice, but i didn't feel really connected to them. (except for one bitch that really wanted to be connected with my fist)
I both wanted and dreaded to keep reading and the story felt too long and too short at the same time, so you see, I have many mixed feelings about this book
3,5⭐️, I think

Thank you Netgalley for providing digital advanced copy in exchange for honest review.

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Set twenty years after the events of An Ember in the Ashes, Heir follows three main characters, Aiz (an orphan), Sirsha (an outcast) and Quil (a prince) as they navigate their own troubles, only to realise they’re tired by a common enemy. We see their lives intersect in ways I wasn’t expecting, and that plot twist! It snuck up on me before I realised I was in it, and I am still reeling.

Sabaa Tahir is back with a bang. I think I loved this book more than the Ember quartet. It’s faster-paced and absolutely gripping, and all the cliffhanger chapter endings will keep you on the edge of your seat. It was great exploring what happened to the older characters, who still had roles to play despite not being the main characters anymore.

If you loved the ember quartet, you will absolutely love this book. It’s a story of sacrifice and betrayal, and it’s a story of how far someone will go to protect the people they love. Much like An Ember in the Ashes, it’s a story that will take you on an emotional rollercoaster of a journey and will leave you wanting more. Do not sleep on this book.

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“Tell the stories, my love … We all need to hear them. Tell them with wrath. Tell them with hate. But do not give up. Despair is death.”

Thank you to NetGalley and Little Brown Book Group for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

An orphan. An outcast. A prince. And a killer who will bring an empire to its knees. Growing up in the Kegari slums, AIZ has seen her share of suffering. An old tragedy fuels her need for vengeance, but it is love of her people that propels her. Until one hot-headed mistake lands her in an inescapable prison, where the embers of her wrath ignite. Banished from her tribe for an unforgiveable crime, SIRSHA is a down-on-her-luck tracker who speaks to the earth, air, and water to trace her marks. Destitute, she agrees to hunt down a killer who has murdered children across the Empire. All she has to do is carry out the job and get paid. But then, she falls for a charismatic and inconvenient fugitive who keeps getting in her way. QUIL is the crown prince of the Empire, nephew of a famed and venerated empress, but he’s loathe to pick up the mantle when his aunt steps down. As the son of the most hated emperor in the history of his people, he, better than anyone, understands that power corrupts. When a vicious new enemy threatens the survival of the Empire, Quil must ask himself if he can rise above his tragic lineage and be the heir his people need.

Aiz is someone who is utterly devoted to a better life, seemingly no matter the cost. She spends a lot of this book trying to find her place under the guidance of the one she admires most before she seems to really step into her own - though not really for the better. There is an underlying brutality in Aiz that is very interesting to read because she manages to hide it so well - even from the reader a lot of the time. She is a very complex character who is occasionally hard to get a read on but I think I rather liked that about her!
Sirsha is a girl after my own heart. Full of sarcasm and wit, she does her best in life and that’s all she can expect herself to do! She’s brutal when she needs to be and can totally kick ass. She does pretty well in this book … until she doesn’t. I will admit that I am rather nervous for her character in the next book but I know, somehow, she’ll be okay. I tell you now, if Sirsha was around me, I’d be exceptionally proud to call her a friend!
Quil is a deadly cinnamon roll. I think that is the best way to describe him. Being surrounded by the likes of Helene and Elias, he is sure to have a menacing streak but with Laia in his life and others with a slightly softer temperament, he is a perfect balance of harsh and sweet. He really was a great character to read from because he is incredibly analytical and really takes everything in - affording the reader a more in depth understanding of events occurring. His relationships with other characters was also amazing - but one in particular really melted my heart!

Being a big fan of Tahir’s works, I knew I needed to jump in with both feet into Heir - especially as it is set in the future of the An Ember in the Ashes series which I thoroughly enjoyed! The plot was pretty good! It was very well paced and had plenty going on - interspersing the big moments with enough little and calmer ones that you never felt like it was all go go go. With Tahir’s mastery at world-building, I knew I was in a treat. But it did feel a little much. We knew a fair amount about the kingdom and its goings on from AEITA, but we have travelled a lot further afield here. I’ll admit it was slow going for me reading this story. There is so much information that I had to digest that I knew I would end up missing something if I dared hasten my speed. There is also a big twist that hit me all of a sudden about 40% of the way through and it changed my whole view of the story and what was going on! This also contributed to my going slow so I could actually compartmentalise what I was reading. The characters are all very well fleshed out and engaging to read. I really enjoyed seeing the next generation’s perspective on things and seeing familiar characters in a different light! Tahir certainly has a gift for creating characters and holding the reader’s attention. Romance is not a focus in this story but of course it is included. I think it was really sweet despite its tremulous nature. Part of me wants to know it works out but this author does like to toy with emotions… The ending has me totally and utterly SHOOK! How on earth am I meant to survive a cliffhanger like that?! I knew Tahir could be cruel in that way but this just feels like a whole new level! I think it’s even worse that I don’t know when the sequel will be out… Hopefully it is soon!

Overall, Heir is another stunning book from Sabaa Tahir that EVERYONE needs to read!


Thank you again to NetGalley and Little Brown Book Group for an advanced copy of this book. Review will be live on my blog on release day and is now live on Goodreads.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.


Okay, now that's over and done with - I loved this book. The characters, the setting, the world building, the magic system, the plot. Honestly it was so fantastic. Three POVs (which eventually converge) give insight into the overarching story, letting you understand the characters' motives and decisions. There's a complex - and terrifying - villain, extremely high stakes, brilliant and believable banter, and strong found family vibes throughout.

My only complaint is that I was led to believe I could read this without reading the original quartet set 20 years before - and while I did enjoy it and managed to follow the story well, I would have benefited from some background context and knowing some of the characters who feature from the original series. I have immediately ordered An Ember in the Ashes!

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If Sabaa Tahir has no fans, I am dead. Seriously, her talent knows no bounds and I will forever be one thousand percent obsessed with whatever she writes!

Admittedly, I was a little hesitant to revisit the beloved world of Elias, Laia, and Helene in the Ember in the Ashes quarter because… how do you top that? But I should’ve trusted because WOW, Heir was everything I could’ve hoped for and more.

Following “the second generation” of sorts, including Helene’s nephew and Laia and Elias’ son, this is a twisty and gripping, dual timeline story of fighting for your people and your family, no matter the cost. Sabaa Tahir truly knows how to play with your emotions and she holds nothing back when it comes to keeping you in the edge of your seat. As a perfect mix between character and plot driven, Heir is slow to start and fast to end, with a power hungry diety, a misguided outcast, and the found family of my dreams. I loved seeing the world established in AEITA expanded and the lore of the various cultures and beliefs woven into more intricate tapestries. Quil may just rival Elias as the ultimate book bf (…maybe….) and I absolutely adored Sirsha. It was so wonderful to be back with beloved characters too!

Needless to say, I need the next book immediately. Like I’m not even joking, I need it right now. The emotional upheaval I went through in those last 50 pages— Sabaa, my therapist will be billing you. ALL of the starts!

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OMG do you know how happy I am to be back in this world and to have some of our long loved characters noted in the pages.

This was a brilliant new story that opens up with 3 POVs that take us on a journey. We get betrayal, romance, found family, war and discovery. This author truly knows how to do multi POV and make the paths each character follows clear and detailed, it allows us to really feel how big the world is and the magnitude of what is happening within the story. My only gripe is that I wish timeline dates were included as it took me 200 pages to realise the POVs aren’t completely linear.

I cannot wait for the next book as I know it will be brilliant.

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Set 20 years after the ember in the ashes series. This was so fun and I loved the 3 main characters. It had a lot of easy to understand politics and world building. It is not a romantasy but does have little hints of romance which I ate up!! Really great spin off to her previous series and can’t wait to read more, the writing was great too.

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✨5 stars✨

Wow! This book was amazing!

This book is set 20 years after the events in the ‘An Ember in the Ashes’ quartet (so read them first) so I really enjoyed seeing many of the old characters from that series in this book alongside many new interesting characters. It was so good to see cameos of old favourites sprinkled alongside the new ones!

The plot was interesting, engaging and had me hooked from the first page. Sabaa Tahir has quickly become one of my favourite authors this year and I loved the way she crafted this book and expanded on the magic and the world. The only downside is that I have to wait a year for the next book😭.

Highly recommend this book to all!

I received an ARC from the publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

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Heir is full of the most interesting characters. I absolutely love an underdog hell bent on vengeance. Then we also are given reluctant royal and a banished hunter/tracker. I loved the plot and how it interwove the characters lives. We get three POVs but this was never overwhelming. There is also some added romance that’s always a plus for me. Some old characters also feature, which is nice but you don’t have to have read her other series. This book contains rage, longing, power plays and high stakes action. A great start to a series. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC. This is a voluntary review of my own thoughts.

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I'm probably the only person reading this who hasn't yet read Ember in the Ashes, despite it being on my tbr for a while now. I see a lot of reviews comparing this book to that series, as this is a spin off apparently.

Sabaa Tahir's writing is fantastic! I don't usually keep focused on high fantasy, as I tend to find all the characters hard to keep up with, but I felt immersed into this world immediately. I could picture everything that happened and really feel like I was there.

I would recommend this to lovers of fantasy. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC

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I really enjoyed this new fantasy set in the world of Ember in the Ashes. Sabaa Tahir does a great job of expanding her world to include new cultures and it’s also nice to meet some of the characters from the previous series again.
I loved the way that Sabaa Tahir used the different POV of the three main characters and the gradual realisation of what was going to happen in one of them really gripped me. All three of the protagonists had very distinct personalities and aims for themselves. I especially loved Sirsha and the way she was trying to make her own way in the world after being expelled from her people.
Some of my favourite characters were the supporting roles. Sufiyan was lovely but my favourite had to be Ruh who was brilliantly written and brightened up every page that he appeared on. I also liked the character of Cleo and especially the loyalty and steadfast friendship shown by him to Aiz.
There is romance in this book but there is a lot more politics which I loved. I would have liked to see more of Empress Helene and to understand why her relationship with Quil was so strained as that wasn’t really explained.
The three POV gradually intersect and the plot builds up to a dramatic conclusion. I can’t wait to see how it all works out in the next volume.
Thank you to Net Galley and the publishers, Little Brown Group UK for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Quil and Sirsha are my favourite characters. I love them both together! 😍

Suf and Rila were great friends to read about. The world building was gripping and the magic and powers displayed were brilliant, I cannot wait to find out more 🥰

I want more of Quil and Sirsha in the next book please! I cannot wait to read more! I'm happy this is a duology as I know I won't have to wait long for them to be reunited ❤️

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an eARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I read this as someone that has never read the Amber in the Ashes series (I will fix that!) So I didn't have a lot of the context and definitely missed some Easter eggs but overall I found this book enjoyable. The overall "quest" of the story is fun and I enjoyed the ending of the book too. It did feel like some characters were not at all fleshed out such as Aurelia compared to even Sufiyan as another side character but it is entirely possible that it happens in the other books but it meant I wasn't invested in her as a character. The magic in this realm was really unique though and I enjoyed the rest of the cast. The story is compelling and there were some definite plot twists I didn't catch
Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC!

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I would like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read and honestly review an advanced reader’s copy of this book.

This one hit just right. It took a little while for me to get into it, maybe 30%, but once the story truly starting taking shape, I was so hooked.

I’m not going to lie, I haven’t read the authors other series, and didn’t find out that this was a sequel series until writing this review. It stands very well on its own, which is remarkable. It’s fast paced, packed with action and well-built twists.

The characters carry this; they’re such strong unique characters; I loved Quill the most; honestly; a breath of fresh air of a male character. Sirsha is phenomenal, she’s strong-willed, brave, funny and a perfect character to root for.
And Aiz… well, I won’t spoil anything; but what Aiz does for this story strengthens it so, so very much.

Overall… I think I may have to try to read An Ember in the Ashes; if it’s half as good as Heir was.

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Firstly I would like to thank netgalley and little Brown Book and the Brilliant author Sabaa Tahir for an early copy of her book to read.

I Really enjoyed reading the embers of ashes series,glad to see its back...i am not really into fantasy books, I won her book on a giveaway and enjoyed this series..Sirsha is a tracker hunting a killer of children....Quil a prince who doesnt want to rule.....Aiz ends up in a prison....fantastic characters...Another fantastic read very addictive...looking forward to reading the next instalment...

This book will be reviewed on goodreads and Amazon..

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This was a great fantasy book; the plot, characters and action were great and so well paced. I flew through it and can’t wait to buy a physical copy! Thank you

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