Member Reviews

This is a book like no other I've read. It's folk horror, yes, but also poetic - with all of the heartfelt emotion that entails.

From the first, I found it both engaging and challenging. It's clear things are going to go badly for our narrator from the start, but that doesn't lessen the impact of death, banishment, loss and love. The constant sense of 'otherworldliness' made it uncertain what would happen from one moment to the next, and it's difficult to build your hopes up only to have them quickly dashed against the rocks of a very dramatic story!

I went in pretty much blind and think that's the best way. Let the world of the book, its spirit and magic breath into you as it carries you along.

A unique and beautiful read.

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Special thanks to NetGalley and Brigids Gate Press for the ARC copy they provided.

Unfortunately, I did not finish this book in time to leave a review before the publication date, and though a review after publication is no less welcome or useful, I feel I do not have the time or space to give this book the attention it deserves.

From the moment I first saw it, I loved Dissonance of Bird Song’s cover. The artwork is glorious, and seems to exactly match the writing style and tone of the work. Though I was only able to read a small portion of this book before the publication date, I instantly enjoyed it, and knew this book would be a story I would fall into.

Though I did not manage to finish Dissonance of Bird Song before its publication, I look forward to reading it at my leisure some time in the future.

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If like me you are a lover of folklore and like to think of yourself as a budding folklorist you need to read this book. I have always loved folklore, myths and legends and since moving to Devon and studying my BA in Cornwall I’ve been lucky to be close to a lot of nautical folk tales. I have to say that Beaumont captures the mysticism you can feel when walking the shorelines.

Beaumont not only captures this but weaves in myths and folklore to create a captivating and atmospheric read that you cannot help but be swept up in. At it’s heart the story deals with love in all it’s forms. The love of a sister, the love of the land (and sea) and so much more. This is mixed into a beautiful written fantasy that keeps you engaged throughout.

In Dissonance of Bird Song we see historical facts, folklore and legends all interwoven expertly to create a tale that is as believable and immersive as it is imaginative. I adored the characters, partially Eseld and Nessa. I will say that Eseld took a little while to warm to but she was incredibly human in the way she acted if not a little reckless at times. Nessa on the other hand seemed more open and likable right away. Now I actually liked this because we saw a realistic relationship between sisters and we got to see Eseld develop throughout the story.

Now I never spoil novels, but I will say that Beaumont leaves enough scope for perhaps (and hopefully in my opinion) another novel set in this world. I would love to learn more about what else lurks there. If you love atmospheric reads with folkloric flourishes and a wonderfully developed cast of characters this one is for you.

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This story has hung with me emotionally and physically with almost a nostalgic longing. I finished it almost a week ago and I find the story washing over me at random times. It’s like I’m laying on a beach with the warm salty waves softly flowing over me then slowly dragging the sand back out from beneath me. It’s comforting.
Dissonance is a folk tale with a harsh and beautiful atmosphere where people and the environment have a symbiotic relationship to keep each other alive. It is wild, elegant, weird, and mystical.
“we were a settlement hiding our desperate need to inhale and replenish the sacred Sea-Myst from the lungs of our birds behind a beautiful ceremony. The birds couldn’t come too soon.”
The writing is graceful and lonely. I could feel the quiet of the grass brushing my legs with nothing but the wind and the occasional cry of the birds. Wondrous characters bring forth a theme of who can you trust with the answer usually being, no one. Dissonance is an incredibly apt name for this book as the soulful writing balances out the severe life and atmosphere that Eseld, her twin sister Nessa, and their clan live in. However, this story spans so much more than their little island.

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This novel had a fascinating premise and rich world building details. However, I couldn't get into the prose, so this one wasn't for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc! Opinions are my own.

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This was a wonderfully atmospheric YA/New Adult novel that draws heavily from Cornish folklore, specifically about merfolk. 🧜🏼‍♀️

The story follows Eseld who finds herself set against the clock to discover the cure that plagues her village’s mystical birds, the Mystcran. I thought she was a bit reckless with her thought process and also a bit too trusting, but I loved her tenacious spirit and desire to right the wrongs done to her and her two sister. I am a bit curious though if her love and call to the sea was something that was passed down to her through a past Moroven/Moren in her ancestry as she seems to take to being a mermaid quickly. 🤔

As much as I had fun with reading this, I did finish the book with some lingering questions about the world. First, what exactly is myst and how does it give powers to those who use it? Is it like fairy food that once you have it, you get addicted to it? Also, how do the birds get picked for their humans? Do children get the birds young or as teenagers when they can form bonds with them? And lastly: how did the people on the island the birds roost on during the winter get there in the first place? ❓

But other than these questions, I thought this was a great read! I’d been dying to read a Cornish folklore inspired fantasy for a long time, and I feel happily accomplished. Now I just need to find a Manx/Isle of Man inspired fantasy. . . 🇮🇲

Big thank you goes out to Brigids Gate Press and NetGalley for accepting my request to read this in exchange for an honest review, and to the author, Beaumont, for crafting a wonderful Cornish mermaid story! 💙

Publication date: August 13!

Overall: 4/5 ⭐️

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Dissonance of Birdsong is a must-read for enthusiasts of folklore. The tone and style of writing are reminiscent of much older narratives and lend themselves to creating the perfect atmosphere for this story.

Eseld as a main character is understandable of not completely likable. She is firm in her convictions and always willing to act to make the world better for her sister. We follow her on her journey to save the hometown that cast her out all for the sake of her sister.

The sister Nessa is actually much more likable and open. I’m hoping for a follow-up about her someday.

The world and the magic system are completely unique. The myst, the birds, and the different magical talents are all whole fascinating. A little vague in places, but that doesn’t take away from the charm of the story.

The pacing is pretty slow, but I think that has to do with the mysterious tone the author chooses to go with.

Overall, an enjoyable read. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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"Dissonance of Bird Song" is a captivating narrative interweaving the delicate beauty of nature with the raw complexity of human emotion and the history of ancient Druid culture. Beaumont's lyrical prose brings to life a story that is as haunting as it is beautiful, making it a must-read for lovers of literary fiction, folklore and fantasy. The novel's pacing is balanced and engaging and I loved the multi-faceted characters, each with their own struggles and triumphs. The author has thoughtfully crafted a story that I feel will resonate deeply with a wide array of audiences. It's the perfect escape for anyone seeking a poignant and gorgeously written tale of love, loss, sacrifice and essentially the vitality of human soul.

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