Member Reviews

So far, so good! I love The House in the Cerulean Sea, and this is a great start for book 2. I missed all the characters, and it was lovely to spend some time with them.
It is disappointing that this is just the beginning of the book (it is fine, but I was expecting to be warned).

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Great start to the book. Jumped straight in from the first and the characters are just as great. Seems like there’s a lot going on behind the scenes and that this book is going to be big. Would definitely love to read.

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I didn't realise it was only a sample until I got half way through and noticed the % on my Kindle... and I wish I could continue reading because the writing is once again so beautiful, and the character so heartwarming! It was delightful to return to the cozy setting of The House in the Cerulean Sea.

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Non ho capito perché ma il libro che ho ricevuto scaricando questo file non è completo, sono le prime 70 pagine circa... non so che tipo di problema ci sia stato ma non posso scrivere una recensione basata su nemmeno metà libro, è un problema da risolvere assolutamente.

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first of all thank you to the publishers and TJ Klune for letting me have a sneak peek into this book .

when i found out i could review part of the book i was screaming with such excitement jumping up and down like a crazy person ha .

i will not give anything away apart from being so happy to be back in this world It's like a feeling of a comfy blanket i can tell tell already i am going to love this book just as much as the first book, it sets of to a great start i am already needing to know what happens to the characters .

i know this book is going to be one of the best books ill read this year .

do you need to ask if it's getting five feel good magical stars it sure is .

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This is just a sample of TJ Klune's follow up to The House in the Cerulean Sea, and based on this short sample it is going to be just as good.

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This review is based on an excerpt I received. I don’t want to rate a book by only reading the first 4 chapters, but I will say this instantly captured my attention more than the first book. These few pages instantly dove into the plot, and hopefully, I’ll enjoy it when it’s released!

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Hard to rate a book by it's first four chapters and I might not be doing it justice, but loving what I read so far. Can't wait for release day as I have great hopes for the rest of the story pushing it into 5 star territory, like its predecessor in this series.

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I got my hands on a copy of this beautiful book. Thank you so much Pan Macmillan and Netgalley.

I’ve been waiting for this book since December!
I wish this was the extended book tho, but no worries. I can tell it is gonna be just as beautiful, delightful and lovely as The house in the cerulean sea. I am so happy I get to read Arthur, Linus, and all the kids again, it almost feels like I missed them.

Every time I read a sequel of a book I have to reread the first one just so I can remember every detail or character that I could have forgotten about, but with this book in particular, it didn’t feel necessary, I remembered every character. That’s just how much I love The house in the cerulean sea. I can’t wait to read what happens next.

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This review is based on a brief excerpt of the book provided by Netgalley and the publisher, which I'm grateful for. My guess it's about 15% of the book, so please forgive me for the brevity of this review. The book starts off a few years after the last one ended, and begins unravelling the history of Arthur Parnassus, while delving into the broader political situation of magical beings in the world that our protagonists inhabit.

The writing and soul match the previous book, and the roundedness of the characters continues to be a major element in the story's success. My concern lies with the clear tilt towards politics (and away from a character driven story), as well as the lower levels of levity and banter. This book comes across as more serious while also elevating the story away from the individual. I hope it works out - though, having read a few other books by the author - I'm not fully confident he will pull this one off.

I look forward to reading the full book once it's out.

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I cannot wait to get my hands on the full book from this glorious world.

In just these few chapters, we're plunged back into the loving arms of this somewhat unconvential family, seeing their growth and adoration for each other. (Seriously, can all parents please learn from Arthur and Linus!)

However, everywhere isn't as kind or accepting as the island and Arthur and Linus have made their way back to the monochrome city. On the precipice of giving testimony on behalf of magical beings everywhere - I think we'll see our real world reflected through the hatred and bigotry of others but also, hopefully, through the joy and love as well.

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I thought this was the whole book but it's actually the first 4 chapters only. I loved it we're off to a great start i cannot wait to read the rest. Arthur and Linus are still adorable and the children are still hillarious.

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I absolutely loved The House In The Cerulean Sea when I read it last year for a bookclub (and indirectly, that king of ended up with me creating my Bookstagram, so this book holds a special place in my heart) so of course, the sequel is one of my most anticipated releases of the year. We’re finally closing on release date, but I was still so incredibly excited to to receive the first four chapters of the book ahead of its release date.

This book starts with Arthur’s POV and story, which was absolutely amazing to read. He is such an interesting character all around and I’m glad we get to see more of his thoughts this time around. And then, of course, we have all the elements that made The House In The Cerulean Sea so beloved: We have the humour, wit, charm and cozy feelings. We have Linus and the kids who are so endearing and awesome in their differences.

But we couldn’t have just a book full of that (We kind of already have previous one), so I was honestly on the edge of my seat with curiosity to see how TJ Klune would play this out. And the drama and intrigue thickens. I was left wanting more at the end of the four chapters and I’m very excited to read the rest of the book once it comes out. It has potential and I, for one, can’t wait to see where the author is going with this.

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Thank you so much for the ARC sample of this book!

It was so lovely being in back in these characters' world, I've missed them all!

The level of intrigue from this sample is high, it's giving me the same warm fuzzy feelings as The House in the Cerulean Sea and I can't wait to read the rest of the book when it comes out soon!

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Let me just say that I'm really happy that I already preordered a copy of this book. I cannot wait to read the full book!

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This sampler has gotten me so excited for the full book to be published! It was so lovely to be back in this magical world again, within just a few chapters it felt like I had been welcomed home.

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Everything I’d hoped it would be; full of warmth, hope, humour and purpose. About found family and fighting for everything that you believe in, standing up for people when the government bodies that are supposed to protect them won’t.

If you loved the first book then you will definitely love this one. If you haven’t read the first book then you really should.

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Every single star on the planet! If I’m being honest I was a little apprehensive that I wouldn’t end up loving it as much as Cerulean Sea but OMG I did! I don’t know what TJ Klune puts in his books but yet again I’m sat here covered in goosebumps and crying my eyes out. I’m literally sat here staring at the walls wishing that I could be adopted by Arthur & Linus 😭.

The humour, the wit, the community and the magic in this book are EXACTLY like Cerulean Sea. In fact, I’d say this book actually has more magic in it (towards the end). If you loved Cerulean Sea then I promise you will absolutely love this just as much.

Also, when’s book 3 coming out?

Side note: I was lucky enough to be sent a physical copy of this book, I’m aware that the netgalley version is only the first few chapters

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I’m gutted this is just a sampler but it made me even more excited for the full book to be released. I loved the first story. I feel a lot of books this days are quite repetitive but this is such a unique story line and has a really homey feel to it

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Loved the sample!
It's just as cozy and heartwarming as the first book and I am definitely looking forward to pick this up when it releases.

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