Member Reviews

It's rare that a sequel instantly captures the magic of the original book. Klune has managed to do that within a page of this book. Captivating characters grab you once more as you're transported into their magical world. A book filled with intrigue which I haven't felt on this scale since the Green Creek series. A masterpiece of a book. I cannot wait until publication day to dig my teeth into this again!

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As a huge fan of The House In The Cerulean Sea, the sequel is, without a shadow of a doubt, my most anticipated release of the year. September could not come fast enough. So it was incredibly exciting (I squealed) to receive the first four chapters of the book ahead of its release date.

This time around, it seems we’re getting Arthur’s story which should be incredibly interesting.
TJ Klune wasted no time in bringing to the sequel what readers loved so much about The House In The Cerulean Sea. The first few pages are already full of the same wit, charm and cosy feelings that the first book provided in abundance.

I’m sure most people are going to love the sequel just as much as the first book. However, I have a very irritating tingly feeling that I’m going to be a little disappointed. A tiny and incredibly grating voice that sounds a lot like my great-aunt Jeanie (RIP 🫶🏻) is telling me that this sequel is going to feel like when you’re on a diet and you treat yourself to a cookie but the cookie isn’t even that good so then you’ve wasted those calories and life is meaningless. (Just me?)
Four chapters isn’t much and I feel that the author has already crammed in so many heart-warming, wholesome "awww" moments that it’s almost overkill. I love a rich chocolate pudding but if you eat too much, it becomes sickly. Some of the cutesie moments made me *dramatic pause* … cringe * DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN !!!*

That being said, I am still looking forward to reading the full edition when it comes out and am definitely planning on reading the first book for the third time before then.

Many thanks to NetGalley, Pan MacMillan and TJ Klune for sending me the advanced digital copy in exchange for an honest review !! I honestly couldn’t be happier !

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I read and loved the first book so was delighted to get. To read this sample for the forthcoming second book. These first few chapters are great and I’m really looking forward to reading the full book when it comes out.

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The House In The Cerulean Sea is hands down one of my all time favorite stories, so I was over the moon when I discovered there was going to be a sequel. I confess that I didn't realize that this was just a sampler featuring the prologue and first four chapters of Somewhere Beyond The Sea... I can't deny that I felt disappointed once I realized I wasn't going to be able to read the whole story just yet, but I guess that's my own fault for not seeing the 'sampler' reference in the description. That said, even after reading just these four chapters I already know that this is going to be another favorite for me. I loved meeting up with the different characters again, and I loved that we see the story through Arthur's eyes this time around. I definitely can't wait to get a copy of the full book after that cliffhanger!

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Thanks to Pan Macmillan, Tor and Netgalley for this glimpse into what TJ Klune has in store for us in the sequel to The House in The Cerulean Sea. I’ll be honest, I didn’t realise that this was just the first 4 chapters of Somewhere Beyond the Sea, and I was pretty disappointed – it’s my own fault for not spotting “Sampler Only” in the description!

What I will say is that this small glimpse into the first four chapters was like coming home! Opening with a glimpse into Arthur’s first days returning to the island and redeveloping the house to create a home for magical children and then I was enveloped in the warm hug that is the family that Arthur and Linus have created with their adorable children! I can’t describe the warm, fuzzy, hot chocolate feelings that these opening chapter brought.

The story soon takes a turn into more dark and challenging events with Arthur and Linus travelling to the mainland for Arthur to give testimony, which is where the sampler ends. Told from Arthur’s PoV, I can truly say that I’m even more excited and more eager to get my hands on my pre-ordered copy to discover what life brings next for Arthur, Linus and their magical, extraordinary family.

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The first book is one of my all time favourites, and this sampler did not let me down for the sequel. With the same beautiful writing and wry voice, Somewhere Beyond The Sea is going to be stunning and I cannot wait to read the full book.

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thank you netgalley and the publisher

as this has only 4 chapters i decided to write a review here after i read the book, however something i can say is that tj klunes writing will once again not disappoint

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I was so grateful to receive this sample, it has left me wanting more and I was already highly anticipating this book. I cannot wait to dive back in, in September.

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This may or may not have already made me tear up a couple of times. I'm so excited to read the rest of this book when it releases in September!

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I’m very grateful for receiving this sampler and am looking forward to reading the full book as soon as possible!

It’s hard to review a sampler only however it seems we are thrown straight back into the action with a new child coming to stay.

I would have found maybe a brief recap of where we left off useful as it’s been a number of years since I read the first book.

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I had not realized this eARC was just a preview so I was a bit disappointed, but that’s one me. This preview contains the prologue and the first 4 chapters of the book.

This glimpse (at least up to Chapter 3) was like a warm hug, returning to a family you haven’t seen in quite a while. Contrasting with The House in the Cerulean Sea, Somewhere Beyond the See is told from Arthur’s perspective. I appreciated the prologue of showing when he first returned to the island to make this place more than it was for him. The first 2 chapters were then just an adorable and charming fun update on what’s been going on with Arthur, Linus, and the rest of their found family. The 4th chapter adds an element that tells us this isn’t the cosy story the previous book was. I’m not sure how I feel about that yet, but I’ll hold my judgement for now.

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This was an awesome preview for the book and I cannot wait to get my hands on the full one soon! *PLEASE PUT PREVIEW WHERE IT IS EASILY SEEN*

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Having devoured the first four chapters of Somewhere Beyond the Sea, the second book in the Cerulean Chronicles, I am absolutely enchanted. TJ Klune masterfully weaves a narrative filled with warmth, humor, and the comforting familiarity of a found family. The vivid, childlike wonder infused in his writing provides a healing balm, reminiscent of his previous work, The House in the Cerulean Sea.
The characters are just as charming and endearing as ever, with moments that had me laughing out loud—especially the witty and whimsical dialogue from the children. Klune's world is one that pulls you in completely, offering solace and joy in equal measure.
If the first four chapters are any indication, this book is going to be another heartwarming gem. I can't wait for the full release in September. Highly recommended for fans of urban fantasy and stories that feel like a warm hug.

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I've been so excited for this book and this preview has made me even more excited to read the full book!

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This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

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Oh I just love being back with these characters. TJ Klunes writing is like a warm hug, like being in a cosy cafe surrounded by all the things you love! That’s the only way I can describe it. These characters are so diverse, unique, interesting and intriguing. I cannot wait to read the rest of the book just so I can with these characters and immersed in this world a bit longer.

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I am so happy to have been granted access to this title, and to be back in Klunes fantastic world in the cerulean sea. The sample ended on such a cliffhanger that I am desperate for the book to come out to see where it goes.

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i am so happy to be back in this world with some of my most beloved characters!

the first book is one of my favourites of all time because of how found family is portrayed and the loving and warm writing style, and from this sample i know this sequel is going to be just the same!

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Absolutely loved being back in this world. The chapters with the children were golden. They've all become a wonderful family. I'm keen to see how the story goes on; the sample ended with a cliffhanger.

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I so wish this had been the entire book because now I have to wait for it to be released and I've never been great at waiting for things!
However this sampler just reinforced what a wonderful writer TJ Klune is and what a brilliantly vivid world he can create ..

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