Member Reviews

Full disclosure: I have not yet read the entire book, so I will refrain from leaving a review on GoodReads or StoryGraph until I can provide a comprehensive assessment. However, I did share my initial impressions in a TikTok video to express my enthusiasm based on the sample I received.

After reading the first four chapters, I am eagerly anticipating the full book. These chapters have already evoked the same warmth and affection I felt with the first book, which is remarkable given how little I have read so far.

I am particularly excited about the deeper exploration of Arthur and Linus' relationship, which has always been my favorite in any of TJ Klune's works.

A prequel focusing on Arthur's childhood in the orphanage would be a wonderful addition to this universe.

Thank you for providing this sample.

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I read a 4 chapter exert of Somewhere Beyond The Sea and it has me absolutely dying to get my hands on the full book.
I was instantly transported back into the chaos and love of Arthur, Linus and all the kids. 4 chapters in and I've laughed out loud multiple times.
From what I've read so far it is clear that this book is going to do something very special indeed and I can't wait to be there for the ride.
TJ Klune is a rare talent when it comes to putting a mirror up to the world and helping us to be better

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a free eARC exert of this book.

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It was lovely to be back with these characters again, and especially to learn more about Arthur. The imagination, sweetness and whimsy are all still there. Look forward to reading the whole thing.

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Wowsers was gutted it was only a sampler... and ended with a WTF moment.

Definitely cannot wait to read the full book I'm just praying they will all be ok.

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I'm looking forward to reading the full novel! The House in the Cerulean Sea is such a comfort read for me that it's lovely to be back in this world and with this family. However, the first chapter was ever so slightly saccharine, even by Klune's standards, and the characters feel far more one-dimensional than they did in the first book. Reading this sample felt a little bit like reading fanfiction. It's still ultimately gentle and warm, though, so I'm hopeful the rest of the book will be better and I'm very interested in reading more from Arthur's pov!

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I loved this snippet of the new book, got me excited for the full release! Beautifully written, so diverse and inclusive, a wonderful story.

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In my hurry to read this I wasn’t aware it was a sampler and now I have to wait ages. Hahaha but that’s on me.
What I read the though was great and I really really can’t wait to read the complete book!

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I received an excerpt of this upcoming book from Pan MacMillan and NetGalley, and I’m withholding an actual star rating until I’ve read the whole thing but the introductory chapters were just as sweet and lovely as the vibes in the first book. I’m expecting an emotional read touching on some hard topics, but the same sort of cozy, queer, found-family warmth that I loved about The House In the Cerulean Sea.

(4 stars predicted)

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Full disclosure: The House in the Cerulean Sea was a five star read for me, and I was absolutely devastated when I found out about the inspiration being the Sixties Scoop and T J Klune's awful reaction to being called out.
I do not plan to buy this book, I didnt initially plan to read it at all, in fact, because of the racist "inspiration" behind the first one. When I applied for this ARC, my motivation was absolutely "hey, maybe I can get it for free". My dilemma then became if loved it as much as the first one, should I withhold a review or not?
As it turns out, thats not a problem, because this book it AWFUL. The whimsy and heart of the first book is gone, and in its place is a frankly embarrassing caricature that feels like the first unedited fanfiction of an 11 year old. The characters act like one-note shadows of themselves, and most of their conversations physically made me cringe. The storyline itself feels almost spiteful in the way it attempts to hit back against the justifiable criticisms of the first book, and whats worse is the serious topics are STILL woefully fumbled. The world itself has changed into a watery reflection of the political climate of the 2020s that holds no gravitas, and indeed completely changed the established landscape in a jarring tonal shift. On a fundamental level, nothing in this story works.
Somewhere Beyond The Sea already felt like an unnecessary sequel going in, but upon reading this sampler its clear that it will be nothing more than a waste of paper, brittle and thin.

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This is not a full review (sampler only).

I cannot wait for this to be released, especially after reading the first four chapters. Somewhere Beyond the Sea contains all the tenderness, hilarity, and coziness I came to love in the first book, but it also holds a heartbreaking level of anxiety born out of love.

Primarily given from Arthur's point of view, the story follows their attempt to make ripples of change for magical children. It was interesting to see the couple depart the island for the testimony, and it really shows how grim a world without magic is - rainy, dark, and bereft of warmth.

I am so excited to see how everything progresses. Bring on release day!

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This title was included on National Book Tokens Discover in our article "24 more books we can't wait to read in 2024", which was promoted via our website, newsletter, and social media.

Somewhere Beyond the Sea by T.J. Klune
Stacey's pick

A story of resistance, lovingly told, about the daunting experience of fighting for the life you want to live and doing the work to keep it. The sequel to the cosy and enchanting The House in the Cerulean Sea, which Stacey adored when she read it earlier this year.

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This book was just, everything that I wanted it to be. Scratch that, it was even more than I wanted it to be. It was pure magic.

The House in the Cerulean Sea is my favourite book; so I was beside myself with joy when it was announced that we would be welcomed back to Marsyas and be reunited with our lovely family. And it was absolutely wonderful.

I laughed, fumed and cried. This book is simply magical. It conveyed every emotion imaginable; nothing was left unsaid. Nothing will match the unbridled joy that I felt reading the first page, all the way through to the last. I did not want it to end, and I say that with every fibre of my being. This is a book that will stay with me forever, and will always be at the back of my mind. It will become a book that I will constantly recommend to every person that I meet. I also think it was such a wonderful way to cap off such a lovely and beautiful book series. It absolutely did the first book justice.

The characters were all of their spectacular and wonderful selves. Their transformation from the first book was beautiful, particularly their relationships with Arthur and Linus as parental figures. Their family has grown and become a proud unit.

I LIVED for all of the romance and sweet moments shared between Arthur and Linus; they are my favourite fictional parents and one of my favourite couples. They're just the cutest and sweetest and loveliest couple. They are so perfect for each other; they just understand one another and bring out the absolute best in each other.

Now, I will admit that the angst got to me! I could feel my heart beating fast and my breath becoming laboured. I have only ever felt this way about one other character before, and that was Umbridge. I felt so intensely while reading this book; and they just shows have well written it was. This may sound silly, but I felt like I couldn't separate the fact that it was fiction! I was so invested in the story, that I felt irate on behalf of the characters.

This book will forever hold a very special place in my heart. I will continue to recommend this book (and series) to everyone. You will never forget a book like this.

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A brilliant sampler, I cannot wait to read the final book when it comes out, shaping up to be a fantastic sequel.

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Gutted it was only the first four chapters! But good nonetheless. I would love to give 5 stars, but because I just don’t know how the book will unfold, I can’t really do that, Even if I I need to read The rest of the book first but I can’t wait to continue with the characters, I just love them all so much!

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Thank you so so much Pan Macmillan and NetGalley, for providing me with this arc excerpt!!

The House in the Cerulean Sea is one of my favorite books ever, so getting approved for this excerpt meant the world!! It felt so good being back.. and it made the wait for the release of the whole book a lot less hard!

I have read this excerpt 4 times now :), I’ve posted about it on my Bookstagram and I will post my full review of the whole book after it releases, on my Bookstagram, Goodreads and on Amazon.

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This was only a sampler, so I cannot give a full review. However, I’m so so excited to continue and want to know more immidiately! Arthur was my favorite in the House on the Cerulean Sea, so getting his story is amazing.

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Ok... I guess now I'm going to preorder the whole book😌
This preview was amazing.
I felt at home, coming back to a literary place I have loved so much. Among characters I've loved so much.
The story is already interesting, there are new and higher stakes that make it breathtaking. What's going to happen? I don't know.
I recognised the writing style, which is similar as that of the first book, and different from other books by T. J. Klune, in a good way. It is heartwarming and calming and moving and engaging and interest-inducing as pages go on.
I was so sad when I understood I was reading the last page... I so look forward to reading the whole book!!!
Thank you for this preview! I loved every word.
I came back home for a short while. I look forward to going back there with the whole book in my hands❤️

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Thank you to Pan Macmillan and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinions!

I really enjoyed reading the first four chapters of Somewhere Beyond the Sea. It felt like coming back home, because right from the start you're welcomed by Arthur, the love interest of Linus from The House in the Cerulean Sea. We also encounter the old gang - magical children, who created their own community on a faraway island and want nothing more than to have a normal childhood without the fear that it will be taken away someday. I didn't expect this book to get a sequel, so I was excited that there is a continuation and can't wait to read the full book in September once it's released!

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I have read the first four chapters of Somewhere Beyond the Sea through NetGalley, thanks to Pan Macmillan !

These first chapters were very sweet, I love how they reintroduced all the characters for The House in the Cerulean Sea, I had missed them !

I cannot wait for the actual release in September !

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I am so excited to see that there is going to be a sequel to The House in the Cerulean Sea - such a wonderful, magical book.
Although this is only a sample, the 4 chapters were long and I loved how they reintroduced all the characters from the first book, in particular, the detailed descriptions of the children.
A tantalising tease of what’s to come!

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